Taken: The Vampire's Concubine: Part Two

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Taken: The Vampire's Concubine: Part Two Page 4

by Desiree Broussard

  Laryn's lips tightened into a snarl, his eyes swinging to Keely's face. “There's still one left,” he rasped out, his fangs elongated. “Give her to me, and we will consider the matter settled.”

  Several guards quietly stepped forward. Some of them surrounded the podium, while others edged closer to the group of Seiyadians. Keely's stomach cramped from apprehension. Oh, God, no, she thought to herself. Don't let him give me to these animals.

  Laryn's eyes moved to her breasts. The tip of his tongue trailed along his upper lip as he eyed her curves with lust. To her dismay, his fangs grew longer. He stared at her breasts as if he wanted to devour them. She turned her face away from his, unable to watch him any longer. His leer had left her feeling violated and nauseous. The thought of having to leave with them made black beat at her consciousness. For a moment, Keely felt lightheaded. She prayed she wouldn't pass out.

  Kosmas moved his fingers to the back of her neck. He tugged on the strap enough to unbuckle it before pulling it free from her neck. Keely immediately tore free from him as she came to her feet, spinning around to face him as her chest heaved in fear and panic.

  He stood up as he dropped the collar on a pillow that a guard was holding up to him. His eyes were deadly, his aristocratic features so hard they could have been cut from diamonds. “According to the laws governing our market, every concubine has the right to choose,” Kosmas said silkily, his eyes finally lowering to Keely. “So we'll present your offer to this concubine, and her response will settle it, once and for all. There will be no more discussion on this,” he continued, his eyes sliding across Keely's body. “Once she had made her choice, you'll depart without any further delay, be it with or without her.”

  Laryn gave a sharp nod of agreement, not that Kosmas was asking for it. His men shuffled around behind him, their energy levels making it hard for them to be still. They wanted to fight, in fact, they were hoping to shed blood. It was clear to everyone at the amphitheater, be it human or vampire.

  “Concubine,” Kosmas formally addressed her, his deep, masculine voice loud enough for everyone to hear him clearly. “Tonight you've been presented with two offers and given the chance to embark on two very different fates... And now, you will choose. Will you accept Laryn's offer of mate, or will you remain here in Golden Harbor, as my concubine?”

  Keely's forced her eyes away from his magnetic gaze as she scanned the crowd for Zander. He was nowhere to be found. The male vampire had made it clear he wasn't interested, why couldn't she just leave it alone? Her shoulders slumped minutely, his rejection tearing her to shreds. Was this to be her fate, then?

  Lifting her head, she stared sightlessly into the crowd. There really was no decision to make, and she was sure that Kosmas realized it. The Seiyadians were repulsive with their violent attitudes and viscous appearances, Keely couldn't imagine any female choosing them over the life of ease they had at Golden Harbor. Her proclamation would be a double-edged sword, though, which was why Kosmas had cleverly organized it. She would not only be ending the dispute about the concubines, but she would also be choosing him in front of all, which was exactly what he wanted.

  In that moment, Keely hated Kosmas with a force she'd never experienced before. And in that hate she found her strength, the strength needed to hold her head up high in front of those that viewed her as some type of spectator sport. “I choose to remain here, rather than mate the vampire known as Laryn,” she replied, her voice surprisingly steady. “And I demand the right to select my own mate, when that time comes.” She purposely left out the part about remaining a concubine, the vampire's could draw their own conclusions.

  The crowd gasped, clearly not expecting a woman of her station to make a condition of her own. Kosmas managed to maintain his bland expression, but his eyes briefly flared with fire. Under the circumstances, though, there was little he could do, especially with the threat of violence from the Seiyadians hanging over them all.

  He turned his head away from her as he faced the others. “The concubine had made her choice,” he informed them, his voice calm and confident. “And with that, this market is concluded.”

  The newly mated males immediately ushered their concubines off of the stage. Kosmas grabbed her arm, keeping her close, as he walked her off the podium. He led her out of the amphitheater, with a contingent of guards following closely behind.

  Keely breathed hard as she struggled to keep up with his pace. Kosmas completely dwarfed her, in both height and build. He was walking, but she was running a race. “What's the hurry?” she demanded, pulling her arm free. “In case you've forgotten, I'm human. I can't keep up with you.”

  He grinned, his teeth startlingly white underneath the glow of the three moons. “Believe me, I haven't forgotten. In fact, I'd be willing to say it's part of your appeal. As for the rush? That should be clear. I'm taking you to your new room.”

  Keely shivered, despite the mild temperature. “I won't have sex with you,” she informed him, her tone tart. “I don't care what position you've placed me in, I refuse it.”

  Kosmas came to an immediate stop. Faster than her eyes could assimilate, he turned and faced her as he pulled her to his hard body. “I didn't ask you to,” he informed her, his face lowering down to hers. “When the time comes, I won't need to,” he added arrogantly, his mouth only an inch from hers. “All I'll have to do is crook a finger, and you'll be ready to pleasure me in any way I see fit.”

  His voice was so confident that Keely almost believed him. Kosmas possessed some type of raw sex appeal that intimidated her. She wasn't sure if it was his muscular body, sensual dark eyes, or the total picture he presented, but she wasn't immune to his charms. Being in his presence, and finding herself the center of his sexual attentions, did something to her libido. She wondered how long she could resist him, and then she hated herself for being so weak.

  Kosmas took her silence as submission. He pressed his lips to hers, the tip of his tongue knocking for entry. Her resistance was weakening, Kosmas knew every button to push when it came to a female's body. Her lips parted just a tad bit until finally, he was in.

  Their mouths meshed together, heat filling her body. Her arms snaked around his wide shoulders, her hands pulling his head closer for more. Time and time again they came together, each tilting their heads in different directions as the small spark burst into flame.

  In her mind, Keely knew she should resist. Despite the intense yearning inside of her, she couldn't forget Zander. In Kosmas' experienced arms, though, she couldn't find the strength to pull away. He groaned when her breasts rubbed against him, fueling her own desire.

  One of the guards cleared their throat, the sound breaking the haze. Keely turned her face away from Kosmas, her passion turning to humiliation. Her arms dropped to her sides as she blushed. The guards stared at them, their expressions completely blank.

  “I'll kill him,” Kosmas muttered, his taut body pulling away from hers immediately. He turned to face his stalwart guard, his expression dark. His voice was like ice when he demanded, “Which one of you bastards had the nerve to interrupt? Haven't you been trained to protect but never interfere? I'll have your name, or you will all find yourselves reprimanded.”

  “It was me, Kosmas,” a large, muscled male admitted, stepping forward with a wry expression on his handsome face. “I apologize for my unwise interruption, but it was more of a reflex than anything. Your exchange was a little heated, and due to the overwhelming sensuality, I couldn't help my reaction.”

  Keely watched Kosmas carefully, prepared to interrupt, if needed, but to her surprise, the other man's words seemed to please him. “Understood, but don't let it happen again,” he scolded the guard, but Keely didn't miss the flash of masculine pride in his eyes as he turned to take her arm again. They set off once more, but at a much slower pace.

  “The fire that burns between us is rare,” he told her, in a lowered voice. Kosmas sounded puzzled, as if he hadn't been expecting it. “I'm going to enjoy qu
enching it.”

  “In your dreams,” Keely spit out, angered by everything that had occurred. “That kiss is all you'll ever get out of me, so give it up. Your repeated attempts at seduction are starting to bore me.”

  Kosmas threw his head back and laughed. “We'll see about that,” he told her, unaffected by her dismissal. “I'm only getting started... And so are you.”

  * * * * *

  Keely woke the next morning, completely disoriented. Sitting up in the king-sized bed, it all came back to her in a rush. The events of the night before had been harrowing. To her surprise, though, Kosmas hadn't pressured her for more. After his kiss, he'd been strangely silent. It had left her unsettled.

  He'd escorted her to a suite of rooms before leaving her at the door. To her great relief, her room was private. She wouldn't have to share it with the other concubines, after all.

  Closing the door behind her, Keely hadn't missed the guard that was stationed at the door. She was no longer collared and leashed, but she was still trapped. Kosmas was ensuring that his newest pet would stay put. With a glare, she'd added an extra push as it clicked into place. If she were really lucky, Kosmas had heard her displeasure, even from a distance.

  After that, she'd spent several minutes exploring her new bedchamber. With its large, canopied bed and elegant furniture, it was designed for a queen... Or in her case, a concubine. The room even had a fireplace with a large bearskin rug. She wondered if the other concubines had such seductive bedchambers. Had Kosmas left her just to join one of them, despite the intense attraction between them?

  Keely had walked across the room to kneel down next to the rug. It was more than large enough for two people. She slid her hand across it, marveling at how soft the fur was. In her mind she envisioned herself naked with Kosmas, her back against its surface as he made love to her. If he had his way, it would happen. Keely grimaced as her body reacted to the thought. If she were completely honest, the thought wasn't completely repulsive, although her mind told her it should be.

  After that, she'd taken a shower before dressing in an Asian-inspired silk robe that was hanging on a hook on the bathroom door. Walking back into her room, she'd discovered a tray of food with a cup of tea. Afterward, she'd went to sleep, completely worn out.

  But it was now a new day, despite the darkness outside of her windows. Climbing out of the bed, she was surprised by how groggy she was. Someone knocked on the door. Keely glared at it, hoping it wasn't Kosmas. At that moment, he was the last person she wanted to see.

  Walking carefully to it, she pulled it open. Immediately, the tension left her body. Instead of a tall, rugged form, a woman stared back at her, a shy smile on her face. “Good morning,” she greeted Keely, holding a tray up. “My name is Cara. I'm to be your personal attendant. May I come in?”

  Keely stepped back, sweeping her arm grandly to invite her in. Cara moved past her, turning back to her with an inquiring look. “Where would you like to dine at, ma'am?” she asked politely.

  Keely shut the door. “Over there is fine,” she replied, her voice a little cross. She motioned in the direction of the seating area, not too far away from the fireplace. An oval table with a marbled top sat in between two antique sofas. “Does everyone here on Legionnaire dine in their rooms?”

  Cara sat it down before turning back to face her. “Here in the palace, it's not uncommon. There is a dining hall, though. I haven't dined there before, but I know where it's at. The servants eat in the kitchen.”

  “I see,” Keely responded as she walked to the sofa. Sitting down, she lifted the silver lids. Surprisingly, the food smelled delicious. There was even scrambled eggs, cooked exactly as she liked them. She shook her head in bemusement. Vampires cooking eggs. Who would have thought it?

  “So what does an attendant do?” she asked Cara, adding food to the empty plate on the tray.

  “Whatever is needed,” the other woman replied. “I'll attend to your every need, from dressing you to bathing you, if you need me to do so.”

  “Dress me?” Keely snorted. “In what?” She motioned toward her robe. “This was the only thing I could find to wear.”

  “I apologize,” Cara replied in dismay, rushing over to a large door. Pulling it open, she quickly turned on a light. “All of this is yours, ma'am. I'm so sorry you weren't informed. I would have attended to you last night, but I was under orders to leave you be.”

  Keely looked past her, her eyes widening. In the large closet was everything any woman could dream of. Even from a distance, there was no mistaking the rich fabrics. It was literally a wardrobe fit for a queen. “Wow,” she muttered as she tore her eyes away. “That's amazing.”

  “And it's all for you, ma'am,” Cara added. “Kosmas ordered it during the market last night, and our seamstresses were immediately put to work. There are still several dresses that haven't been finished yet. Once they are done, I'll personally make sure they are added to your wardrobe.”

  “Please, call me Keely,” she asked Cara, holding up a hand to interrupt her. She was stunned by Cara's revelations. It would take her forever to wear the ones already there, it was mind-boggling to know that even more was on their way. To accomplish this much, Kosmas would have had to act quickly. The man didn't waste any time. She recalled how abruptly he'd left after speaking with her. He must have known then that he planned on having her. Her lips tightened in annoyance.

  “When you call me ma'am, it makes me feel old,” she went on to explain, not wanting to hurt the other woman's feelings. Cara exhaled in relief before nodding her understanding. Keely hated to see the other woman under so much pressure. “And please, don't feel like you have to stand on ceremony with me. I'm not used to having anyone to attend me. It's going to take me awhile to adjust to it.” Likely, the rest of her life.

  “Do all of the concubines have attendants?” she asked the other woman as she started to eat. Her stomach was growling. Maybe some food would help her to shake off her grogginess. Keeping vampire hours was hard on her body.

  “Yes,” Cara replied, walking into the closet. “It's expected. Concubines are known for their beauty. My job is to assist you in displaying yours.”

  She moved around within the depths of the closet before walking back out with a gown draped across her arms. It was large and voluminous, the material a rich shade of sapphire blue. “Would you like to wear this one today?” Cara asked her, presenting it for her inspection. “The color will set your hair and eyes off to perfection.”

  Keely nodded her agreement before finishing her meal. Really, what did it matter which dress she wore? She wanted to pump the other woman for information, but would it be reported back to Kosmas? She would have to watch her words, especially when it came to Zander. Instinctively, Keely knew that letting her interest show for the other man was a bad idea. Possibly, it could even be deadly.

  Lost in her thoughts, it took her a minute to realize that Cara was speaking to her. “I'm sorry,” Keely apologized, pushing her plate away. The food had been delicious, she had to give them credit. They sure knew how to feed their human captives. Already, she felt tremendously better. “Could you repeat that?”

  Cara smiled patiently as she walked over to place the dress on the bed. “Kosmas has requested your presence in the courtyard,” she repeated, her voice warm and friendly. “Now that you are finished dining, I'm to help you dress. You don't want to keep him waiting.”

  Maybe Cara wouldn't have wanted to keep him waiting, but there was nothing Keely wanted more than to completely avoid him. It would seem she was being left with little choice, though. From what she'd seen of Kosmas, it wouldn't stop him. He'd likely just come to her room and attempt to seduce her again.

  Sighing, Keely came to her feet. “I might as well get this over with,” she said reluctantly, walking over to the seat that Cara indicated she should sit in. “God forbid that we don't jump when he snaps his fingers,” she added, ignoring the look of dismay on the other woman's face.

Chapter 5

  Keely followed Cara out into the night, gasping at her first sight of the palace courtyard. It was immense, far beyond any courtyard she'd ever seen before. Artfully arranged trees and gardens broke up the space, and in the distance, Keely could hear the tinkling of water as it passed through a fountain. The glow of the moons cast a blue light all around her. It was peaceful and calming, a balm to her troubled soul.

  “I'll let them know you're here,” Cara promised before walking away. Keely moved deeper into the courtyard, inhaling deeply, as she surveyed her seating choices. Finally, she settled on a padded bench underneath a large, fragrant tree. It took her back to a simpler time and place, a time when her life didn't involve hardships, plagues, abductions, or vampires. Closing her eyes, she let the peacefulness of the moment wash over her.


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