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Reckless Temptations (The Tempted Series Book 4)

Page 7

by Infante Bosco, Janine

  Oh, man.

  She tried to sit up, throwing her black hair over her shoulder as she peered up at me with the “come fuck me” eyes.

  Just the tip.

  “Well now you’ve got me here, what did you plan on doing with me?”

  Talk about a loaded question.

  She threaded her fingers through the belt loops of my jeans and pulled me toward her, falling back onto my bed and taking me with her. I braced my hands on either side of her head so I wouldn’t crush her and looked down at her. She pulled me closer, spreading her legs, so I fell in between them and pressed my erection against her.

  “You want me,” she declared with a smile.

  “Yeah, I do,” I said huskily. She had no fucking idea how much.

  Just the tip.

  I leaned down, pressing my lips to the tip of her nose, the right corner of her mouth then the left corner before slowly pulling my head back to gage her reaction.

  Still drunk, but there was no mistaking that gleam in her eyes.

  I dipped my head and covered her mouth with mine. Her lips were soft and wet as they parted for me, inviting me in to take what I wanted. I heard the groan rumble from low in my belly as I parted my lips and slid my tongue into her mouth. She tasted like cinnamon and mint, like Heaven and Hell, because there was no way I wasn’t going up in flames for this one. No fucking way.

  Her teeth grazed my lip as she tried to seize control. Feisty. I loved it. My lips latched onto hers and my tongue took its time stroking hers, feeding off her taste. I felt my dick strain against the denim and reached down to unbutton my jeans to give myself a little relief.

  I pulled away from her mouth, drawing down my zipper as I watched her sit up and take a deep breath.

  She reached for me as I went to pull my pants down and release my aching cock.

  “You want it bad, don’t you, Kitten?” I growled, kicking off my boots.

  “Riggs,” she whimpered.

  Just the tip, I reminded myself, dragging my jeans down my legs and kicking them off as my cock sprang free.

  Christ, she was hot.

  I wrapped my hand around my cock giving it a stroke. I went to remove my shirt and she lurched forward startling me.

  “I’m going to be…” She never finished her sentence as she threw up.

  All over me.

  All over my beautiful cock.

  So much for “just the tip.”

  Chapter Seven

  I think I’m dead or maybe I’m in a coma. I’m most definitely not a functioning human right now. I wish I would’ve stayed in nursing school, at least I’d be able to diagnose myself. It’s a scary thought, fighting with everything you have to open your eyes, not knowing why it’s a struggle in the first place.

  Then I remembered.

  Alcohol. Lots of it.

  Mia leaving me.

  Texting Riggs.

  Riggs showing up at the Salty Dog.

  Riggs taking me back to his clubhouse.

  Riggs kissing me.

  And that’s it, my last memory. It’s a good memory too. He’s a pretty awesome kisser.

  Focus, Lauren.

  I groaned as my eyes finally fluttered open. My head was killing me and I had a serious case of dry mouth. I tried to lift myself, to sit upright, but the room spun. Not really feeling like playing “Dorothy,” I left my ruby slippers at home, I dropped my head back onto the pillow.

  Something stirred beside me but before I could turn to see the critter moving, a hand wrapped around my midsection, pulling me across the bed. My eyes widened as I turned and saw Riggs beside me. He mumbled something into his pillow and I held my breath, waiting for him to open his eyes and release me but that never happened. Instead, he snored, and draped his thick leg over mine. His thick, naked leg, might I add. I pinched the edge of the sheet, about to lift it and peek under it to assess the damage when I felt something long and hard poke my thigh.

  Oh, hello, little Riggs.

  Although, little was the wrong word to describe the erection digging into me. I suppressed the urge to reach under the sheet and wrap my hand around him to size him up.

  I closed my eyes and prayed for the coma to take me again. Yeah, no such luck.

  Finally, finding the nerve I lifted the sheet and saw I was wearing a t-shirt that read “I’d Rather Be Naked.” How fitting.

  At least I had my underwear on.

  “Go back to sleep,” he mumbled, startling me and I snapped my head in his direction.

  “You’re up?” I asked, my voice squeaking like a chipmunk.

  “No,” he replied with his eyes closed.

  “Riggs, you need to move. I have to get up. I have to get out of here.” I rambled nervously.

  “No, not moving,” he grunted stubbornly, as his hands traveled under the hem of the t-shirt.

  “Oh God,” I groaned.

  “You said that a lot last night,” he murmured, as fingers grazed my belly.

  My eyes widened and my cheeks felt like they were on fire.

  “We didn’t…I mean of course we didn’t, right?” I asked, swallowing hard and praying for the right answer. If we had sex, and I didn’t remember I’d hate myself.

  I probably should’ve been thinking something nobler, something purer, like please God forgive me for having sex before marriage or something just as ridiculous. But me? I was kicking myself in the ass because if we had sex, and I forgot what his cock felt like inside of me, I’d never forgive myself.

  His eyes opened halfway and locked with mine.

  “What’s the matter, Kitten? Can’t remember?” He said, huskily.

  I bit my lip, shaking my head silently.

  “Want me to show you?” He asked as his fingers slid under the elastic of my panties.

  Yes, please. Pay attention, Lauren. Don’t forget this time.

  “I remember kissing,” I croaked.

  His lips quirked and my heart stopped. Was it possible to come from a man smiling? I snapped my legs shut, trapping his hand between them, as his fingertips dragged along the seam of my pussy.

  “You’re soaking wet, Kitten,” he growled against my hair, slowly sliding one thick finger between my lips.

  “We kissed,” he affirmed, pressing his mouth against my neck. “You tasted like cinnamon.”

  “I drank Fireball,” I stammered, lifting my hips and moving against his hand.

  “Mmm,” he murmured against my neck, before his teeth grazed the spot just below my ear and he added another finger inside me. His fingers took slow, tantalizing strokes, sliding out and plunging back in as his thumb massaged my clit.

  “You’re very good at that,” I commented breathlessly. “So we kissed and then this happened?”

  “No,” he said, picking up the pace with his fingers.

  I was going to come in two seconds and I couldn’t hold out even if I wanted to. I needed this. I needed him.

  His thumb circled my clit over and over again, building up my release as his fingers curled inside of me. I arched my back about to fall over the edge when his thumb stilled and his fingers left me.

  “Then you threw up all over me,” he said, pulling his hand out of my panties.

  “I’m sorry…what?” Did he just stop? I breathlessly turned to him, his smug smile firmly in place as he stretched his long body and propped his hands behind his head.

  “It wasn’t pretty,” he added. “You made a mess of me and yourself. I threw your clothes in the wash but might want to consider throwing them out,” he continued.

  “So, we didn’t have sex?” I asked, somewhat disappointed and somewhat relieved.

  “No, Kitten but if you want to now, I’m game,” he offered, treating me to an eyebrow wiggle.

  I stared at him, mouth agape, as he stretched underneath the sheet, pitching a tent with his erection.

  “What do you say?”

  I snapped out of my trance, gl
ancing over at the clock and my eyes nearly fell out of their sockets.

  “Oh, my God, is that the right time?” I screeched, throwing back the sheet and jumping to my feet. Whoa, my equilibrium and my head apparently were not on the same page just yet. My head was spinning, causing me to sway on my feet.

  “Please don’t throw up again,” he pleaded. “I ran out of air freshener,” he said, sitting up.

  That explained the funny smell in his room.

  “Wait! Where did you say my clothes were?”

  “In the washing machine,” he replied, climbing out of bed, not one bit shy about his nudity. He turned around and looked up at me as I counted his abs.

  “You have an eight pack,” I stated, lifting my eyes to his.

  “Thanks babe, I think you’re pretty hot yourself,” he winked, grabbing his jeans off the floor. “You sure you don’t want to fool around?”

  “I have to go,” I repeated weakly, swallowing in an attempt to dampen my dry mouth.

  “Why the hurry?” He questioned, pulling up his pants. No underwear. Hmm.

  “Do you know where my phone is?” I said, trying to distract myself from him.

  “On the nightstand,” he supplied, walking to his dresser and pulling out a fresh t-shirt.

  I had ten missed calls and five text messages from Mia. Three missed calls from my brother and one text from Adrianna. At least I know that if I ever should wind up abducted by crazy people, I had my own team of crazy looking for me.

  I scrolled through the texts and quickly replied to Mia first, labeling her the worst friend ever then telling her I’d meet her at my brother’s house in twenty minutes. We missed the early bus but if I hauled ass, we could still make the afternoon one.

  “Shit,” he said, staring at his own phone.

  “What is it?”

  “Your brother is looking for you, asked if I could meet him at the gym to give him a hand,” he explained. Then he laughed.

  I have no idea why he laughed.

  I didn’t really see anything chuckle worthy.

  “Should we put the poor bastard out of his misery and tell him you’re safe and sound?”

  “Are you crazy?” I asked him incredulously.

  “Relax, Kitten. I wasn’t going to tell him I had my fingers inside your pussy. I’ll leave that until Christmas,” he said, with a shake of his head, mocking me—like I was the crazy one. He threw me a pair of sweats. “Here, throw them on and I’ll give you a ride,” he offered.

  “I can’t believe this,” I said out loud. I went from being the good girl no one knew was in a room to a girl doing the walk of shame in hooker heels dressed in a biker’s clothes. “And I didn’t even get the happy ending.”

  Did I just say that out loud?

  “I offered!” He defended.

  I pulled his pants on and slid my feet into my ridiculous heels, vowing never to speak again. Once I was fully dressed we walked out of his room and down the stairs into the main room. Riggs disappeared into one of the rooms, promising to return with coffee and I started for the door, hoping to go unnoticed.

  A young guy, probably around Riggs’ age stared at me as I tried to make myself scarce.

  “What’s your rush, sweetheart?”


  “Sneaking out on Riggsy? I don’t blame you,” the cute biker said.

  “Piss off Bones,” Riggs called, walking into the room with a Styrofoam cup. Bless his heart.

  Bones stepped closer to me, smiling lazily as his gaze worked over me.

  “What’s a gorgeous girl like you, doing with a guy like Riggs?”

  “Bones,” Riggs clipped.

  “Why don’t you ditch the zero baby and take a chance on the hero?”

  Was there a handbook of cheesy pickup lines this MC abided by? That was just as bad as the library one Riggs delivered me last night. Oh, look, it’s all coming back to me. Progress!

  “She’s already got the hero, don’t you, Kitten?”

  “Kitten?” Bones asked amused.

  “That’s me!” I said, waving my hand before I pointed my thumb toward Riggs. “And that’s Tiger.”

  “Tiger? Oh, man, this is great.”

  “Lauren, walk!” Riggs ordered through clenched teeth, while pressing his palm against my lower back, forcing me out the door.

  “Calm down, Tiger,” Bones teased. “You never minded sharing before.”

  I stopped in my tracks and turned around.

  “You two share women?” I asked, disgusted.

  “Ignore him,” Riggs commanded. “He knows dick about what he’s talking about,” he added.

  “I’ll flip you for her,” Bones called out, as Riggs slammed the door behind him. He took my hand, mumbled some curse I couldn’t make out and pulled me toward his bike.

  “Contrary to what you may think, I’m not a slut,” I blurted, snatching my hand back. “I wouldn’t jump from you to him, willingly or otherwise,” I said defensively.

  I realize I was the epitome of an oxymoron, defending my lady-like capabilities while wearing five-inch heels and men’s clothing. This had to be the most horrendous walk of shame in history, but then again, I always was an overachiever. My mother would be so proud. Not.

  “Lauren, I’m only going to say this once, okay? So pay attention. You’re the girl you take home to mom, not the girl you pass off to your friends. You’re the type of girl that comes around and makes you grow a fucking conscience,” he said, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

  “You want me to meet your mother?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “Fuck no, and I don’t ever want to see yours again,” he replied, pressing his lips to my forehead. “Now get on the bike so I can take you home. The good guy act is threatening to expire,” he added.

  I wasn’t sure what he meant by that. Riggs wasn’t a bad guy, he was just crazy. Absolutely bizarre.

  Everyone needed a little crazy in their lives, right?

  She made me drop her off around the corner from her brother’s house in case Bianci showed up. Ridiculous.

  What was even more ridiculous was that I didn’t want her to leave.

  That was fucking ridiculous.

  I didn’t know when she’d be back for a visit, and with her car out of commission it probably wasn’t anytime soon. Bianci still hadn’t towed the damn thing to Xonerated. So, this was it, the end of Kitten and Tiger as we knew it.

  All I had to hang on to was the memory of my fingers inside her. I shouldn’t have been such a dick—at least then, I’d know what she looked like when she came.

  I killed the engine of the bike as she climbed off and removed the helmet.

  “Thanks for the ride,” she said, extending the helmet to me.

  “Anytime,” I said before clearing my throat.

  “I need to get going or I’ll miss the bus. I won’t tell anyone where I was,” she rambled.

  “I don’t care if you do,” I replied with a shrug.

  Nothing happened.

  “So, this is goodbye? I suck at goodbyes,” she admitted. “I mean, it’s pretty stupid isn’t it? It’s just a word. One word.” She exhaled quietly. “Should I say see you soon? When I know I won’t. There’s always Christmas?”

  “It’s been real, Kitten,” I said, with a smile. “Keep in touch?”

  “See, that’s so much better!” She replied. “Not final like goodbye. Keep in touch leaves a person with hope that there will be an opportunity for more,” she added.

  “More?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

  “Yes, more,” she said incredulously. “You owe me an orgasm,” she accused. “I plan on collecting.”

  She winked at me and I was fucked. Fucked, because I temporarily fell in love with her, with those words, and the way she said them.


  I didn’t do love.

  “I always pay my debts,” I replied huskily, crooking my finger
, beckoning her closer.

  She licked her lips, biting down on her lip before taking the steps to close the distance between us. I reached out and grabbed the hem of the t-shirt, my shirt, and pulled her against me, pressing my lips to the corner of her mouth.

  “Let me know when you’re ready to collect, Kitten,” I murmured against her mouth, letting go of her shirt and inching back. “Go on, before we do something stupid.”

  I didn’t tell her that by stupid, I meant asking her to stay, and her actually doing so.

  She nodded, turned on her heel and walked away from me.

  Smart move, Kitten.

  I watched her walk away and contemplated what had just happened for a moment. I revved my engine and made a U-Turn, driving as far away from Lauren Bianci as I could.

  But I wasn’t as smart as her because she never turned around and looked back. I know this because I kept looking in the side-view mirror until I couldn’t see her anymore.

  Instead of going to the clubhouse I took a detour, jumping on the Belt Parkway and getting off at Fort Hamilton. I had an apartment with a killer view of the Verrazano Bridge but that’s where it ended. An apartment with a nice view. No furniture, no television—hell, I didn’t even have a refrigerator.

  I should probably get one of those. I didn’t even know what I was doing there, but I didn’t want to go back to the clubhouse and hear Bones break my balls about Lauren. The truth was, I didn’t trust myself around him, and if he said anything stupid I might just lay him out.

  I moved to the window, crawling out of it and took a seat on the fire escape. I pulled half of a joint out of my pocket and lit it up, taking that first long pull as I stared out toward the bridge.

  My phone rang as I blew puffs of smoke out of my mouth. Goddamn it, can’t a man get high in peace? Jesus.

  I glanced down at the screen and saw it was the Bulldog.

  The bastard probably wanted to know why I wasn’t holding the gangsters hand as he bid his little sister farewell. I rolled my eyes and answered the call.

  “Talk to me,” I answered.

  “Yeah? That’s how you answer the phone these days?” Jack questioned.


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