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The Dan Brown Enigma

Page 24

by Graham A Thomas


  187 Men to Avoid: A Guide for the Romantically Frustrated Woman (Berkley Publishing Group, 1995). This was a paperback written under the pseudonym ‘Danielle Brown.’ The book’s author profile reads, ‘Danielle Brown currently lives in New England: teaching school, writing books, and avoiding men.’ The copyright is attributed to Dan Brown.

  187 Men to Avoid: A Guide for the Romantically Frustrated Woman (Berkley, 2006): Paperback re-issue.

  The Bald Book by Blythe Brown (1998) (although Dan Brown apparently did much work on it).

  Digital Fortress (St Martin’s Press, 1998) (Press release version with press notes written by Brown’s wife Blythe): Hardback in dust jacket.

  Digital Fortress (St Martin’s Press, 1998): Hardback in dust jacket.

  Digital Fortress (Thomas Dunne Books, St Martin’s Griffin, 1998): Reissue hardback.

  Angels & Demons (Pocket Books, 2000): Hardback in dust jacket.

  Angels & Demons and The Da Vinci Code (Doubleday and Atria): X2 US hardback books in slipcase. First thus.

  Angels & Demons Illustrated Edition (Atria, 2003): First hardback reissue in different wrapper to first US Edition.

  Angels & Demons Illustrated Edition (Atria, 2005): Reissue hardback in yet a different dust jacket to anything previously issued.

  Deception Point (Pocket Books, 2001): First US edition in dust jacket.

  The Da Vinci Code (Doubleday, 2003): First US edition in dust jacket.

  The Lost Symbol (Random House, 2009): Signed book plate edition limited to 700 copies only.

  The Lost Symbol (Random House, 2009): US hardback variant limited to 1,000 copies in dust jacket and slip case.

  The Lost Symbol Illustrated edition (Random House, 2009).


  Digital Fortress (Bantam Press, 2005): First UK hardback in dust jacket.

  Deception Point (Corgi Books, 2002): First UK paperback, pre-dates UK hardback releases.

  Deception Point (Bantam Press, 2003): First UK hardback edition in dust jacket.

  Angels & Demons (Corgi, 2001): UK paperback proof copy.

  Angels & Demons (Corgi, 2001): UK paperback edition, pre-dates UK hardback releases.

  Angels & Demons Illustrated Edition (Bantam Press, 2005): UK hardback in dust jacket.

  Angels & Demons and the Da Vinci Code Omnibus Edition (Bantam Press, 2005): First UK Edition in dust jacket.

  The Da Vinci Code (Bantam Press, 2003): First UK edition in dust jacket.

  The Da Vinci Code Special Illustrated Collector’s Edition (Bantam Press, 2004): First UK hardback in dust jacket.

  The Lost Symbol (Transworld, 2009): Standard UK hardback in dust jacket.

  The Lost Symbol Limited signed edition (Transworld, 2009). The first 150 copies of the UK first edition had a colour pictorial key bookplate signed by Brown and were available from Waterstone’s, Piccadilly on the morning of release. These books were sold at face value and the most collectable today are those sold with ‘Signed by the Author at Waterstone’s’ sticker to front cover, till receipt, Waterstone’s carrier bag, Da Vinci Code Travel Journal and a free paperback in the Dan Brown style.

  The Lost Symbol Illustrated Edition (Transworld, 2010): First UK edition in dust jacket.

  The Lost Symbol (Transworld, 2010) first UK paperback edition: Unread copy with press release.



    [1] Dan Brown did an interview with Steve Bertrand in the Barnes & Noble Studio in March 2003, which can be found on their web pages and from which this quote was taken

    [2] Life After The Da Vinci Code, by James Kaplan, published on on 09/13/2009

    [3] Life After The Da Vinci Code, by James Kaplan, published on on 09/13/2009

    [4] The Dan Brown Revelations, by David Shugarts, published in Secrets of the Code, edited by Dan Burstein, CDS Books, 2006 p.363

    [5] The Witness Statement, by Dan Brown, published in the High Court of Justice Chancery Division, Intellectual Property between authors Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh and Brown’s publisher Random House, 21/12/2005


    [6] The Man Behind The Da Vinci Code: An Unauthorized Biography, by Lisa Rogak, published by Robson Books, 2005 p. 18

    [7] This description of the people in his apartment building comes from The Witness Statement, by Dan Brown, published in the High Court of Justice Chancery Division, Intellectual Property, 21/12/2005

    [8] See Lisa Rogak’s book, The Man Behind The Da Vinci Code: An Unauthorized Biography, published by Robson Books in 2005 p. 20

    [9] IBID

   [10] See Lisa Rogak’s book for more details p. 23

   [11] Lisa Rogak states that the larger issue for the couple was probably the age gap rather than possible misuse of her position and there may have been some ‘raised eyebrows’ despite the laissez-faire attitude of the L.A. music business.

   [12] IBID

   [13] See Rogak’s book where she cites an interview Brown did in The Calendar published in 1992


   [14] See Dan Brown’s Witness Statement in the section entitled 187 Men to Avoid.

   [15] This information comes from p. 34 of Lisa Rogak’s book The Man Behind The Da Vinci Code: An Unauthorized Biography

   [16] See the interview in March 2003 with

   [17] Life After ‘The Da Vinci Code’, by James Kaplan, published on on 09/13/2009


   [18] The quotes from this paragraph and the preceding one are from British Thriller Writers Mount Challenge to US ‘Production Line’ which appeared in The Guardian Newspaper on 20 April 2009, © Guardian News and Media Limited 2010

   [19] See Brown’s Witness Statement, the Digital Fortress section

   [20] Information and quotes in this paragraph and the preceding one come from The Witness Statement Brown made in 2005

   [21] See Kaplan, Life After ‘The Da Vinci Code’, published on on 09/13/2009

   [22] This quote and the entire piece by Fleming was published on the blog on 17 June 2010

   [23] This quote, the quotes in the previous paragraphs and the paragraph below are from the Fleming piece

   [24] See the Barnes & Noble interview from March 2003

   [25] This information on Brown’s writing technique comes from his Witness Statement, paragraphs 6 & 7 dated 21 December 2005

   [26] See the Barnes & Noble interview conducted by Steve Bertrand with Brown

   [27] From the Wikipedia entry on Dan Brown, published on Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia internet site and updated 22 July 2010

   [28] This quote comes from the Barnes & Noble interview with Brown that took place in March 2003

   [29] The two quotes in this paragraph are from the Bookbrowse interview

   [30] This information comes from a radio interview Brown did on National Public Radio in 2009

   [31] The quote in this paragraph and in the preceding one are from the James Kaplan interview with Brown published as Life After ‘The Da Vinci Code’

   [32] An Evening With Dan Brown, a talk Brown gave in support of the New Hampshire Writer’s Project, The Capitol Center for the Performing Arts, Concord, New Hampshire, 18 May 2004

   [33] See the Barnes & Noble interview

   [34] From the talk Brown gave at the Capitol Centre for the Arts in support of the New Hampshire Writers’ Project

   [35] Brown said this to Steve Bertrand during the interview for Barnes & Noble back in March 2003


   [36] This quote comes from an article, How Dan Brown’s wife unlocked the code to bestseller success, by Joanna Walters and Alice O’Keeffe, published in the Observer, 12 March 2006

   [37] IBID

 [38] Walters cites a quote from David Shugarts, author of The Dan Brown Revelations published in The Secretes of the Code edited by Dan Burstein, a book aimed at explaining some of the mysteries in The Da Vinci Code. Walters quotes Shugarts as saying that ‘Blythe paints and sculpts and Dan always put out an image of her engrossed in marble dust and the smell of oils in their house, but I do not know a single soul who has seen her art,’ from an article, How Dan Brown’s wife unlocked the code to bestseller success, by Joanna Walters and Alice O’Keeffe, published in the Observer, 12 March 2006. Could this be Dan Brown stretching the facts to portray a more enhanced truth for the media?

   [39] From Lisa Rogak’s book

   [40] The Witness Statement, the Digital Fortress section

   [41] This quote comes from an article, How Dan Brown’s wife unlocked the code to bestseller success, by Joanna Walters and Alice O’Keeffe, published in the Observer, 12 March 2006

   [42] Lisa Rogak states in her book, The Man Behind The Da Vinci Code: An Unauthorized Biography

   [43] The quote is found in Brown’s Witness Statement paragraphs 66-68

   [44] According to Brown’s Witness Statement, he and Blythe spent a lot of time criss-crossing the country in their car trying to sell copies of Angels & Demons

   [45] Rogak quoting Brown from an interview he did with Craig MacDonald

   [46] See The Witness Statement by Dan Brown, this quote and the preceding few come from the section on researching The Da Vinci Code

   [47] This quote and the one before it come from The Witness Statement, paragraphs 108 and 111 respectively

   [48] See The Witness Statement, the section on Researching The Da Vinci Code

   [49] Paragraphs 113-114 of The Witness Statement

   [50] Life After ‘The Da Vinci Code’, by James Kaplan, published on on 09/13/2009

   [51] The Dan Brown Revelations, by David Shugarts, published in Secrets of the Code, edited by Dan Burstein, CDS Books, 2006 p. 363

   [52] The Witness Statement, paragraph 154 on how Brown and Blythe work well together

   [53] IBID


   [54] The opening quote and the subsequent quotes in this paragraph are from The Witness Statement Brown made for the plagiarism trial that took place in the Old Bailey

   [55] Interview with Dan Brown, by Claire E. White, posted on the Internet Writing Journal,, published by Writers Write Inc. 1997-2010

   [56] Digital Fortress Review, by Tony Bradley, posted on the web pages of About.Com/Internet Security on Sunday 15 August 2004

   [57] Digital Fortress Review, by Claire E. White, published in the May 1998 edition of The Internet Writing Journal

   [58] Reviewed by Rashmi Srinivas for Curled Up With A Good Book, published in 2004

   [59] See the interview of Dan Brown by Claire E. White

   [60] This review was posted on the Indiareads website on 22 June 2010 and can be found at

   [61] See the review in it’s entirety on the politics and current affairs forum at

   [62] These fi gures were posted on January 7 2005 on The Times Literary Supplement web pages, Timesonline by J.C.

   [63] This quote and the subsequent quote by Brown comes from the interview with Claire E. White published on the Internet Writing Journal

   [64] These quotes are from the book, Digital Fortress.

   [65] Brown said this in the interview with Claire E. White

   [66] The Man Behind The Da Vinci Code: An Unauthorized Biography, by Lisa Rogak published by Robson Books, 2005, pp45

   [67] This and the preceding quote come from Brown’s Witness Statement

   [68] A Collision of Indiana Jones and Joseph Campbell, by Craig McDonald, published in Secrets of the Code, edited by Dan Burstein, CDS Books, 2006 pp 334

   [69] See the Review of Digital Fortress by Rashmi Srinivas for Curled Up With a Good Book

   [70] This is part of a review by A. Edge, on the Amazon UK website published August 2007

   [71] Digital Fortress Review, by Magda Healey, published to the Bookbag web pages, July 2004

   [72] Brown said this in the Claire White interview on Internet Writing Journal

   [73] IBID

   [74] IBID

   [75] The Witness Statement, Digital Fortress section, paragraphs 20 to 30


   [76] The quotes on pages 69, 70 and this quote all come from the Angels & Demons section of Brown’s Witness Statement

   [77] Brown discussed this during his interview in late spring 2003 with Craig McDonald which appears in McDonald’s book Art in The Blood, published by J T Lindroos for Wildside Press, 2006 pp 129-138

   [78] IBID

   [79] The Witness Statement, Angels & Demons section, paragraph 63

   [80] IBID

   [81] From an interview conducted online at Bookbrowse, published in 2001, at

   [82] This information comes from the Bookbrowse 2001 interview about Angels& Demons with Brown

   [83] See the 2001 interview with Brown on Bookbrowse web pages

   [84] IBID

   [85] See the Angels & Demons section of Brown’s Witness Statement

   [86] This quote comes from Lisa Rogak’s unauthorised biography of Dan Brown

   [87] See the 2001 Bookbrowse interview with Brown

   [88] From the Bookbrowse interview on Angels & Demons

   [89] IBID

   [90] IBID

   [91] The quotes from the preceding two paragraphs and from this one are from the Angels & Demons section of Brown’s Witness Statement, paragraphs 55 -57

   [92] The plot summary list here is based on the synopsis for the Angels & Demons entry published on Wikipedia, 02 October 2010

   [93] Review of Angels & Demons, by Kelly Flynn, published on Amazon, under the Editorial Review section of this listing of Angels & Demons

   [94] Angels & Demons review by Douglas Richardson, published on Amazon, 23 July 2005

   [95] Amazing. Angels & Demons review, published on Amazon on 11 October 2010

   [96] Oh Dear Me… Angels & Demons review, by S. Glover, published on Amazon on 25 October 2005

   [97] Demonically awful…Angels & Demons review, by J. Macdonald, published on Amazon, 22 March 2010

   [98] Awesome Book, Angels & Demons, four-star review, by J. Djumpah, published on Amazon 12 August 2010

   [99] These inaccuracies are mentioned in the Wikipedia entry for Angels & Demons

  [100] The Witness Statement, Angels & Demons section

  [101] IBID


  [102] Ice Station Zebra, by Alistair MacLean, published by William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., 1963 quote from the opening paragraph of the book

  [103] The Witness Statement, Deception Point section, paragraph 71. Note that this section on his third novel is the shortest of all the sections.

  [104] This quote, the one from the preceding paragraph and the one in the following paragraph are from Brown’s Witness Statement, the Deception Point section describing how he came up with the ideas and wrote the book

  [105] Deception Point Review, by Joe Hartlaub, published on

  [106] Deception Point Review, published on the web pages, 2002

  [107] Deception Point Review, published on the Barnes & Noble web pages, 2006

  [108] Deception Point Review, by Joseph L. Carlson, Allan Hancock, published by the Library Journal and placed on the Barnes & Noble website 2006

  [109] Deceived? Yes Indeed.., Deception Point Review, by G. Battle published on Amazon, 11 April 2006

  [110] Deceptive To A Point, Deception Point Review, published on web pag
es, 30 March 2005 and while it appears to be a review from an amateur reviewer it is insightful and very comprehensive and worth taking into account here.

  [111] This quote and the following information are from the Deception Point section of Brown’s comprehensive Witness Statement

  [112] IBID


  [113] Interview with Dan Brown, published on 20 March 2007

  [114] See Lisa Rogak’s book, The Man Behind The Da Vinci Code: An Unauthorized Biography p. 83

  [115] The Witness Statement, The Da Vinci Code section

  [116] From Lisa Rogak’s book p. 78

  [117] The facts in this paragraph are detailed in Lisa Rogak’s book, p. 78

  [118] IBID pp80-81

  [119] An Evening With Dan Brown, New Hampshire Writers’ Project, The Capitol Center for the Performing Arts, Concord, New Hampshire, 18 May 2004

  [120] The quotes and information in this paragraph and the three paragraphs before it all come from the interview published on on 20 March 2003

  [121] Good Morning America, Brown did an interview with Matt Lauer for the NBC morning programme in March 2004

  [122] Brown said this during his talk to the New Hampshire Writers’ Project at Concord New Hampshire

  [123] The Witness Statement, paragraph 156

  [124] See the interview published in on 20 March 2003

  [125]  See James Kaplan’s Life After ‘The Da Vinci Code’ which can be found at

  [126] See Lisa Rogak’s The Man Behind The Da Vinci Code: An Unauthorized Biography, p. 87

  [127] This information about his research comes from another online interview he did that appeared on that can be found in the entertainment and movies section of their website at

  [128] See Lisa Rogak’s book, pp 90-91

  [129] See Brown’s detailed Witness Statement for the High Court, The Da Vinci Code section


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