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Wishes for the Wolf: Men of the Pack Book Two (Silver Moon Pack / Men of the Pack 2)

Page 14

by Parker Skye

  “That’s some damn fine motivation you have there, Izzy,” Ryan said through clenched teeth. “Holy mother, I’m not going to last. Too tight.”

  Izzy bent down and captured his mate’s mouth, their tongues tangled as he rode, breaths broken and hands clenching to whatever parts they could grab. Ryan sat up and pulled Izzy tighter into his lap and thrust hard, the change in position finding that hot spot inside his mate that made him go wild. Izzy’s legs were rubber and he was never more grateful for his mate’s unending strength as he continued to piston up into him.

  Izzy’s release caught him by surprise and the warm splatter across both their chests triggered Ryan to follow. Izzy felt the liquid heat spread through his center. Ryan’s fangs scraped across his neck, wanting to bite, but he held back. Izzy sighed in a mixture of relief and regret. He wanted so much to give in to that desire, to be one with his mate, heart and soul, but he knew it still could never be.

  Chapter 34


  The urge to complete their bond was almost more than Ryan could resist. He kept his lips closed over his teeth as he massaged his lips along Izzy’s collar bone. His teeth ached to bite harder, to feel the skin part and his mate’s blood rush, so he pulled back instead. He met Izzy’s blissed out gaze and couldn’t help but laugh.

  “What’s so funny?” Izzy practically slurred.

  “You look wrecked, baby,” Ryan replied, utterly pleased at the success of his sexual prowess.

  Izzy rolled his eyes in response. “I’m not surprised. I feel like I’ve been caught up in hurricane.”

  Concern washed over Ryan’s expression and he rolled Izzy gently to the side, feeling himself slip free from his mate’s body. Izzy’s broken sigh spoke of at least a modicum of discomfort. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Ryan asked, one hand soothing down Izzy’s sweaty flank.

  “Only in a good way,” Izzy replied, unable to keep his eyes open a second longer. Ryan smirked and quickly maneuvered free of their makeshift bed. He suspected at some point in the night he must have punctured the air mattress. There was definitely noticeable sag now that hadn’t been there before. He stalked to the kitchen and filled a water glass from the sink. He drank the first glass, and then refilled it for his mate. He cleaned up as best he could in the kitchen sink. Grabbing a dish towel, he soaked it in warm water, wringing it out until just damp. A good mate didn’t leave his sleeping partner sticky and dehydrated.

  Ryan set the water glass on the coffee table and tried to get back onto the bed without causing Izzy to roll out. He was definitely going to have to get them something sturdier to sleep on now. Air mattresses and vigorous sex, with or without claws, did not go together. Izzy didn’t as much as blink when Ryan smoothed the cloth over his stomach, clearing away the evidence of their pleasure. Ryan chuckled at his mate’s faint snores. Tossing the cloth in the direction of the kitchen, he pulled the sheet over Izzy’s naked form. He rested his head on Izzy’s shoulder and closed his eyes, his wolf finally content. His breathing slowed to match Izzy’s calm pace and he began to plan.

  Ryan woke up alone. The mattress had almost completely deflated and his back was stiff and sore. Izzy’s scent was thick in the pillow, thick in the sheets, but missing from the air. Ben sat at the kitchen table, sipping something from a mug, probably coffee as it steamed. He appeared to be waiting for Ryan to wake up, his focus centered on the living room. He didn’t look happy anymore. In fact, he looked like his puppy just died. The rest of the house was silent and Ryan suspected everyone else was hiding, fearing Ryan’s reaction to whatever was coming. He wouldn’t freak out again he told himself. He knew what Ben was about to tell him already and he would keep it together this time. He had to if he had any hope of getting his mate back.

  Before Ben could utter a word, Ryan asked softly, “He’s gone again, isn’t he?” Ben simply nodded in affirmation. He fiddled with the handle on his mug, unable to meet Ryan’s frantic gaze.

  “Do you know where he went?”

  “No. He didn’t say. Just said to tell you he loves you and not to look for him. He said something about his time being up, but I didn’t understand what he meant. You have to know, Ryan, Adam and I both tried to get him to stay, but it was no use.”

  “Why didn’t you wake me up?” Ryan asked softly.

  “We couldn’t. We tried, but it was like you were in a coma. Izzy said you would wake up in time, but he couldn’t stand to say goodbye. I can’t tell you how relieved I am you finally woke up. I was really starting to get worried,” Ben admitted.

  “Damn genies,” Ryan cursed, running both hands through his hair mussing it in frustration.

  “Damn what?” Ben asked eyes flying open wide at Ryan’s statement.

  Ryan’s mouth dropped open in shock. “Genie, genie, D’Jinn. Damn, I can finally say it out loud. Shit, he’s really gone,” Ryan said, his face crumpling in distress. “I promise, Ben, I wasn’t trying to hide what Izzy was before. I physically couldn’t tell you before now. It was part of the curse. Izzy’s a genie, well a D’Jinn he called it. He came out of a lamp I found in my bag at that diner we stopped at in Louisiana.”

  “Well, fuck. That explains how he just came out of nowhere and how freaked out you seemed around him. Boy, I thought the mate I was blessed with was unusual. I’m not even sure I know what a D’Jinn really is,” Ben said contemplatively. “So what are you going to do now? You’re not just going to give up, right?”

  “No. I can’t just give him up. I have no idea where he is, though. I didn’t get a chance to complete our bond. There’s a partial connection, but it’s not enough for me to feel where he is yet. I can feel his anxiety but I don’t know where to start looking.”

  Logan chose that moment to interrupt their conversation. “Sorry for eavesdropping, Ryan. I was just making sure you weren’t going to freak out and try to rip Ben’s throat out again. I think I know someone that can help find Izzy if you really want to, that is.”

  “Absolutely I want to find him. Why would I not? He’s my mate,” Ryan said, rising and quickly pulling on clean clothes. His momentary display of nakedness was nothing to a roomful of shifters; just another day at the office.

  “Well, he is a lot of trouble. You have to admit, this relationship isn’t likely to be easy for you. He’s not one of us and I doubt even if you tried, he would never be one of us. How long does a D’Jinn live normally? Can they even form the same types of bonds that we can? I mean, you have to have your doubts with as many times as he’s flaked out on you so far,” Logan said. Ryan appreciated Logan’s attempt at playing devil’s advocate, but he really couldn’t think of anything that would deny his mating bond right now. He was certain if he could find Izzy and help free him from his curse, they would figure it all out in time.

  “Logan, I appreciate your concern. Honestly I do, but Izzy is as much a victim of this as anyone could be. No matter what, I have to find him.”

  “Okay, if that’s the way you feel and you’re sure, let me make a call,” Logan agreed and stepped outside, cell phone in hand. Ryan wore a groove in the floor as he paced up and down the hall, waiting for Logan’s return. Finally the back door creaked open and a smiling Logan returned.

  “Kai is on board and says he can help. Let’s go,” Logan said, grabbing the keys to the SUV.

  “Who’s Kai?” Ryan asked, following Logan to the garage.

  “He’s a guy I met this morning. Lila’s roommate. He’s a warlock.”

  “Wait for me! I’m coming, too!” Adam yelled, running down the hall and trying to shove his feet into sneakers on the way. “This shit is getting too good to miss.” Ben grabbed Adam’s shoulder before he face-planted and held him steady until he was firmly in both shoes.

  “Come on, Graceful, before they leave us behind,” Ben said, dragging Adam by one hand to the garage. They barely had time to jump into the backseat before the truck was backing out.

  Chapter 35


  Izzy found himsel
f in the fairy circle again after walking away from Ryan for the last time. It had been the hardest thing he’d ever done, but his time was up. No matter how much he wanted to stay, it was out of his hands. He’d awoken to a smirking Evergreen looking down on both of them as they lay twisted together on the sagging air mattress. Izzy had tried to reason with the fae, but to no avail.

  “I told you the time limit, Ezhekiel, and your time is up. Now kiss your mate goodbye. It’s time to go,” Evergreen had said coldly, the word mate dripping with sarcasm.

  “Please, Evergreen. It will kill him if I leave. If not for me, please, let me stay for Ryan,” Izzy had begged, tears streaking down both cheeks.

  “It will kill him now if you don’t stop arguing with me. Don’t make me hurt him just to prove I will. Now stop this ridiculousness and let’s go. You’ve never been capable of loving someone, so don’t try to pretend you feel anything for this creature now. I’m not falling for it again,” Evergreen practically growled, features even harsher in growing anger.

  “Okay, I’ll go with you, I promise. But just give me fifteen minutes to leave him a message. You have to give me that much at least. Otherwise, he will just try to follow me. I can’t have him getting even more hurt because of me.”

  “Fine,” Evergreen huffed out, snapping her fingers sharply. “But only fifteen minutes. Don’t make me return here. Werewolves stink and I’m tired of breathing their foul stench. I’ll be in the circle. Don’t keep me waiting, Ezhekiel.” With a flourish of one hand, Evergreen was gone, leaving behind the smell of basil and summer rain, unexpectedly pleasant for such a bitter creature.

  Izzy had risen and dressed quickly in a fresh t-shirt and jeans. He caressed the button up shirt he’d worn the night before, fingering the threads that had held the buttons Ryan had sliced free. He donned the ruined shirt over his t-shirt, smiling at the way it hung open untethered. He didn’t mind at all the disheveled look it gave him. If it was the last part of his mate he would have to remember, there was no way he was leaving it behind for fashion’s sake.

  He made his way to the master bedroom, knocking faintly on the closed door. He heard movement and Ben’s face peered through the opening, his look of happiness quickly fading to concern as he took in Izzy’s tear-stained face. Izzy had to force the foul words past his lips, almost choking as he continued to cry. As he’d expected, both Adam and Ben had argued and tried to convince him to stay, but it was a lost cause. Finally, out of time, he’d apologized one final time and run from the home, pushing past a startled Logan as he was just arriving back home.

  “What the,” Logan called out, stumbling backwards and almost falling into the scraggly bushes flanking the front door. Izzy hadn’t responded, just kept running. He didn’t have any more time to explain. Rounding the corner of the block, he hid behind a large truck and felt himself being pulled into the clearing. He felt the firm ground under his feet and turned toward the circle of stones, just in time to meet the punch Evergreen was waiting to land.

  “That’s for touching my face earlier,” Evergreen said, holding her hand as if she’d hurt it. “Damn, I forgot how much that stings.”

  Izzy sat on the ground where he’d fallen and massaged one hand over his sore jaw. “Are we even now?” he asked sarcastically.

  Evergreen shot a severe look his way and responded, “Ezhekiel, we will never be even. No matter if I hit you in the face every second of every day for the rest of my existence and yours.”

  “What did I do to you? Can you at least tell me that? How can this be just punishment if I can’t even remember what I’m being punished for?”

  “Argghh! You are so undeniably frustrating! I wish I had never created you!” Evergreen spat out, kicking Izzy in the thigh for good measure. The fae spun in a circle and pulled at her silver hair by the handfuls, obviously devolving into a fit of rage. She quickly turned back to Izzy, grabbing two handfuls of his platinum strands instead and pulled him up to his knees. She looked down into his face and Izzy had a hard time keeping his eyes on her feral expression. He instinctively wanted to look away, as if that would offer any protection from her wrath.

  “Since you are so full of questions tonight, fine, Ezekhiel’ I will tell you why I hate you so much. And then I’m going to kill you. I’m sick of looking at your stupid face.” Evergreen growled out, her eyes flashing with frank loathing.

  “At least I’ll understand before I die. I can live with that,” Izzy croaked out, voice breaking in pain from the force on his hair. He was sure he was going to have bald spots if he lived through this. Thankfully, Evergreen was tired of holding him almost off the ground and threw him bodily back down. Izzy landed on his outstretched hands, eating a mouthful of dirt, before rolling back over, hopefully out of range of Evergreen’s dangerous feet.

  The fae started to pace as the story unfolded. “It was the year 1256, when my twin and I came upon you bathing in a creek deep in the forest outside of some nothing town. Your pale skin and raven hair were such an interesting contrast we felt compelled to watch as you bathed. The moon sparkled off your skin and I could feel your innocence like a balm to my tired soul. I found myself entraced, completely taken with your beauty. But my brother, Willow, alas, wanted you, as well.

  We struck a bargain. We would both court you and whomever you chose, would get to keep you. So, we both set out to win your heart, disguised as humans. We moved into the cottage near your own family’s farm and pretended to be a human brother and sister, orphaned after a carriage accident. You knew us as Sara and Ian then.”

  Izzy’s shocked gasp was barely audible, but Evergreen heard it obviously if the cruel twist of her lips was anything to go by. “Ah, remember that at least, do you?” Izzy frowned trying to shake the rest of the memory free, but only faint shadows remained. A teen boy and girl, both blonde, both laughing as they ran with Izzy through a field.

  “Who won?” Izzy asked, even though he was afraid to know the answer.

  “Neither of us, thanks to your fickle heart, Ezhekiel,” Evergreen said through clenched teeth, her fangs protruding slightly over her lower lip. “You played me for a fool, coming to our home time and time again on the pretense of courting me, when all along you were secretly meeting up with my brother. He was such a fool for you then. When I discovered both of you had been deceiving me, my need for revenge was almost uncontrollable. But, a bargain had been struck and I was the loser. So, I said goodbye to my brother and left, unable to watch the two of you playing the happy couple.”

  “I don’t understand. I thought you said Willow didn’t win, either?” Izzy asked, unable to stay silent in his utter confusion.

  “He didn’t in the end. You see, he loved you so much he couldn’t bear to let you out of his sight. He went with you everywhere, watched your every move, listened to your every conversation. But instead of being thankful at his attentiveness, you pulled away, complaining of being smothered. When I returned years later, you were gone. Willow was so devastated at your rejection; he was virtually a shell of himself when I found him.

  “If he was fae, why didn’t he just find me and bring me back if he loved me so much?” Izzy asked, the interruption causing Evergreen to flinch, having obviously been caught up in the memories.

  “I asked him the same and he confessed he’d already brought you back twice, but you kept running. He had to let you go. He loved you too much to force you to stay. I tried to get him to come with me, to leave that cursed cottage, but he refused. He said there was no life for him anymore without you.”

  A cold chill ran down Izzy’s spine, suddenly afraid of where this story was headed. If Evergreen had truly lost her brother because of him, there would be no reasoning with that level of pain. Izzy knew he was doomed.

  She turned dead eyes his direction and saw the understanding written across his face. “Ah, you see. Do you understand what you did now? You filthy, faithless creature. You took my brother from me. My twin. Do you understand now the depth of my pain? Do you kno
w I felt it when he died, like my own heart was ripped to shreds?” Izzy paled at her confession. He could taste his coming death, knowing there would be no going back from this.

  “My brother is dead now because of you. Because he killed himself and broke his own connection to our magic, I will never see him again, either in this realm or in the moonlands when I finally end my days. This is why I hate you. This is why I will never forgive you, why I could never forgive you. You took my brother from me! I’ve watched you for an eternity waiting for you to fall in love finally so I could take it all away from you. I want you to know the pain my brother felt every day of his life after he was cursed enough to make your acquaintance,” Evergreen was sobbing now as she continued to yell.

  “And now you will die. Does it feel better now that you know the truth? I hope you are cursed to relive my brother’s pain for eternity,” Evergreen said, eyes glittering with near-insanity.

  A loud boom cracked and Ryan ran into the middle of the clearing, screaming “No!” He placed himself bodily between Evergreen and his mate. “No, take me instead. I offer my life for his. Please, take me instead!”

  “Ryan, what are you doing here? My love, please. You can’t do this. It’s not your debt to pay,” Izzy pleaded, pulling on Ryan’s arm trying to force him behind his slighter form, offering his body for protection instead.

  “I can’t let you do this, Izzy. I love you. I can’t see you hurt,” Ryan said frantically, cupping Izzy’s cheek in one hand. He quickly turned back to the fae, reiterating his previous offer, “Please, kill me instead. If someone has to die to heal your pain, please let it be me.”

  “He deserves nothing but pain. Like the pain he caused my brother. Maybe I will kill you and let him watch before I kill him, too,” Evergreen said, lips curving into a sneer.


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