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Page 3

by Lucy Lixx

  “I’ve seen you stare at this wall. I’ve seen you clutch that pillow to you as you cried, trying to figure out a way to get out of here.” I said, and I lowered my voice to say the next part. I knew she’d still hear me.

  “I’ve seen the moment that you gave up trying.” I add, and she glances up at me from those heavily lidded eyes, right through her lashes, and I want to bend her over right there, ramming into her until she screamed my name and admitted that there was a much larger part than she wanted admit of herself that wanted to be here. That the part of her that wants her to be here, doesn’t want her to ever leave. I want to hear her admit she’s turned on by it, but I knew that wouldn’t be today.

  “So?” She fires back, and I lean over the table a little, my hand darting out to lift her gaze to mine with two fingers firmly placed under her chin to tilt it up so she’s forced to do so.

  “So, admit that you want me, and let yourself enjoy the pleasure that a life like this has to offer. Why do you keep making it only about pain? If that’s what you get off on, I assure you, I can make it even better. If it’s not, then let me make you scream in the way you want to.” I said in a soft, crooning voice that took her breath away. I thought she wasn’t going to answer me. It seemed that Alice’s breath had caught in her throat.

  Lying with the Devil

  “Show it to me.” I told him. I surprised myself, but he was right.

  I hated that he was right. I hated him for it, but I didn’t have time to rethink what I had just said to this man. A man I still didn’t know the name of. I was pressed to the bed before I knew it with him on top of me. His hand splayed my legs open wide, but I gave in. I had wanted this for longer than I had admitted to, and a small part of me hoped that I could hate him for what he was about to do to me. Just like I hated him for taking me away from everything I knew.

  I was chained back to the headboard without even realizing his other hand had been working on it. His fingers had spread my pussy lips, and my heart had started to hammer as his fingertips brushed my aching clit. Nothing I had done in the shower had kept me from being wet. At first, only my fear kept my arousal at bay, but the longer I was afraid here, the more I realized that fear didn’t temper my lust any more. I looked at him, nearly panting before he pulled his hand away.

  “You will call me master.” He said.

  “No.” I say sternly. I’m not going to give that to him. I was certain of that, but he just tilted his head back to let out a clearly genuine laugh.

  “You will, and I won’t even have to force it.” He said softly.

  It was as if he was speaking of a fact not just a guess. I swallowed hard, but I didn’t think on it too much longer. The thought was gone as soon as the man had his fingers circling and rubbing my clit. I bucked against him, but I couldn’t do much. He had somehow wrapped it where my chain was shorter. I had nothing I could do but stay on my back as he forced my legs.

  I wanted this, and I hated wanting it. That’s why I had put some resistance into my body. I cried out as he plunged two fingers deep inside of me, filling me as he started to work them in and out. He started to finger fuck me, bringing me close to the edge of orgasm as he fucked me slow and hard with his fingers, curling them until I cried out in pleasure. I still refused to call him master.

  “Sir.” I said instead. It was almost pleading, and it seemed to be enough. His thumb went to my clit, and I came. My pussy clenched onto his fingers, not wanting to let go as I rode out that orgasm before he slowly pulled them from my body anyways.

  “See. Already a step closer.” He taunted, but I had nothing to say back. I was at his mercy if I liked it or not, and I was tired of not liking it.

  “Fuck me. Please.” I said, forcing out the last word with both lust and a bit of venom. He looked down at me. He was more controlled than I thought. I thought he’d gladly take the opportunity, but it didn’t seem like he’d just get between my legs just yet. Instead, he smirked down at me, playing with my nipples as I arched my back, forcing a little more pressure on the collar around my neck.

  “I like when you say please.” He teased me as he massaged one breast and then the next.

  His other hand went back to playing with my clit, making me squirm underneath him. He kneeled between my legs, and I closed my eyes before gasping. I bit my bottom lip as I shuddered. I could feel the head of his cock pressing at my entrance. I lifted my ass, pushing myself a little closer, but he pulled back. Before I could open my eyes to see what he would do next, his hand was around my throat.

  Just as he began to choke me, I could feel him plunge deep inside of me, filling me. There was no gentleness in it, but he started to fuck me with a light pressure to my throat. I could feel my head spinning. Somehow, it added to the eroticism of the situation, allowing for me to get lost in pure, physical sensation.

  Beauty in Pain

  I watched as her eyes widened, and she clenched around me. I barely kept from shuddering as I started to fuck into her. It wasn’t soft and sweet. I made sure that there was nothing gentle about my actions towards her. I fucked her harder, faster. I made her moan with pleasure and a mix of pain. I made those moans soften as I filled her completely and kept a light pressure at her throat. Just as she got used to it and started to gyrate her hips up and against me, making me push deeper as she met my thrusts, I placed a hand at her hip, forcing her to still under me.

  If I had wanted her to move, I wouldn’t have chained her down so tightly. I wanted her to feel this. I wanted her to sit back and be forced to enjoy it, and I could tell that Alice was doing that. It was in the way that her lips were parted breathlessly, mewling like a newborn kitten with each and every thrust, as if the world of pleasure I was bringing her was completely new and something beyond words for her.

  My nails dug into her skin, and just as she got comfortable I squeezed, truly choking her as her eyes flew opened and widened. She arched her back, jerking under me as she came hard and fast. She came with quick shudders, her pussy clenching around me as I continued to thrust. Only after she had rode out her orgasm did I let go of the pressure on her neck, leaving only the collar to choke her as she stared at me in a mix of disgust and pleasure.

  “Damn you.” She managed to cry out as I started to thrust a little slower, teasing her.

  I wasn’t going to let her come again just yet. I wanted her to enjoy this, but only as much as I wanted her to. She needed to learn that even when she gave in to the pleasure of this life, it was pleasure that was only there because I granted it to be there. I knew she understood that, and that’s why she spit those words at me through her moaning. I leaned closer to whisper in her ear.

  “You’re damned to now.” I whisper, and those words threatened to send her over the edge again.

  I could tell by the way she arched a little more, offering herself to me. It was written all over the way she clenched around me, causing me to close my eyes out and let out an uncensored groan of lust. I knew I was about to come deep inside of her, but I didn’t want to stop. I moved back, letting myself slip out of her just enough to lift her legs, placing them over my shoulders as I forced her into a new position.

  A blush started to paint itself on her cheeks as she shivered, coming again and that pushed me over the edge. After a moment more, I pulled out, coming all over her stomach. She looked at me before closing her eyes and falling back on the bed, clearly exhausted. I think Alice half expected me to let her up to wash up before bed, but it was late and I was done. That was something she’d have to learn. The only way she would, would be if she learned it the hard way. I smiled at her before crossing the room and turning off the light.

  “Goodnight, Alice.” I said before shutting the door behind me, leaving her there still wet and exhausted with my come drying on her body, marking her as mine. There was no escaping that fact tonight. She’d remember that she gave into me too.

  Aching for Destruction

  I couldn’t believe he h
ad left me like that the night before, but I knew that I had no reason to think any differently. Why wouldn’t he leave me, after all? He had brought me here, captured me, telling me he would never let me go, and I had hated him for it. Now, I hated him for leaving the room. I hated being left tied up with his come drying on me. I tried not to think about it, but now that he had finally taken me to the shower, it seemed to be all I could think of.

  I cleaned him off of me, and the smell of sex washed from my skin. He had brought me lilac shampoo and conditioner. The scent washed over me, and he didn’t say anything about it being in here before I stepped in. I didn’t say thank you, but I knew he saw the small smile when I saw it. He saw everything I did in here, and that’s why I took my time soaping up my body. My fingers massaged my breasts tenderly, and I looked around to see if there was any camera I could see. Of course, he was better than that. I could tell nothing.

  My fingers trailed down my body smoothly after I played with my nipples, tweaking and tugging in just the right way. My mouth fell into a soft ‘oh’, making me moan. I let my head fall back, as my hand glided down between my pussy lips. My finger softly, slowly ran around my clit before I played with it, eyes wide and bucking my hips softly. I slid my fingers down lower between my slit, starting to push two fingers into myself, pretending it was him fucking me again.

  I slid to my knees to get better access, spreading my legs far apart so that I was exposed. My thumb found its way to my clit, and I began to rub a little more furiously now, fingers working in and out of myself. I knew that I must be teasing him, but I didn’t care. I wanted to tease him after last night, but I didn’t care. I wanted to tease him after what he did last night. I was concentrating on my own pleasure, nearing my own orgasm, and so I didn’t hear him watching me until the shower door was open. I shivered, looking up at him.

  “I don’t think I gave you permission for that.” He said in almost a growl, making me clench around my fingers as I came. I whimpered, looking up at him, seeing his had already stripped down stark naked. He grabbed my hair, pulling me up with a small yank as I whimpered. Just as I opened my mouth, he put the head of his cock to my mouth.

  “You know better than to bite, Alice.” He cooed in a soft, sweet voice, but I knew I was a threat if I did. I didn’t want to. I eagerly accepted his cock as he started to buck his hips, forcing more and more of its length into my mouth. My fingers started to inch their way to my clit again, but he caught my wrist.

  “Oh, no, no. you already came once without permission.” He said, forcing his cock the rest of the way as I gagged, trying to relax my throat as he slowly started to fuck my face. “Don’t do it again.” He warned me. I moaned, feeling my wetness start to drip down my inner thighs. I don’t know how long he held me there, gagging on his cock before he pulled out just enough for me to breath, doing it all over again. I saw stars when he finally pulled his cock from my mouth, untangling his fingers from my hair. I didn’t have time to recover before he was back inside of me, starting to pump in and out of me, making me moan.

  “You’re mine, you know that, right?” He said as he slammed into my pussy, filling me completely before pulling back out where just the tip was in. I nodded, but it was apparently not good enough.

  “Hmm? I want you to say it.” He said, and his hand rubbed my ass cheek

  before raising up to smack my wet, cool flesh, making me jump. If it wasn’t for his other hand on my hip, I knew I would have pulled away, but all I could do was clench around his cock, making him groan.

  “I’m yours.” I said, trying to fuck back against him. It caused him to chuckle.

  “Then I think you need to start asking permission to play with yourself. I’m sorry I didn’t make that clear earlier, but it’s your life now.” He said, whispering the last part as his hand smacked my ass again. I whimpered as he slowly started to fuck me in deep, long thrusts. He pulled my ass cheeks apart, and I started to groan, trying to pull away. He didn’t allow it. Instead, I felt him pull me back, and I whimpered. His hands stayed firmly on my hips.

  “You can take the pleasure with the pain or just the pain.” He reminded me in an oddly gentle voice.

  I took a deep breath as he started to fuck me a little slower, making me feel good again as I relaxed. His thumb circled my asshole before pushing in a little at a time. He turned his thumb inside of me as I opened up for him. The feeling of fullness was new, but once again I was wet despite myself. I bucked back against him, feeling my orgasm edge closer.

  “You like that. Don’t you?” He teased, but it wasn’t really a question and we both knew it. I nodded anyway, coming as he started to fuck me harder. I could feel him hammering against my cervix as I came, but he didn’t stop.

  Taking a Fallen Angel

  I watched her as she moaned, feeling her tighten around me as she came. I knew then and there that I wanted to keep her. I wanted to hear her moan louder. I wanted to hear her moan my name. I rammed into her harder, slipping a second finger up to her puckered asshole, pushing and prodding until she opened up to allow me to slip it inside. Alice cried out in a mix of pain and pleasure, but I just curled my fingers inside of her as I picked up the pace.

  There was no way that I was going to let her go. Not now. She’d behave, and that’s all I needed. I couldn’t hold back much longer, and so I continued in short, hard thrusts until my cock started to throb inside of her. Alice tried to stay relaxed around my fingers, but both her pussy and asshole continued to clench around me, milking every last drop of come from me as I came deep inside of her.

  “Alice.” I groaned softly, hoping she wouldn’t hear as I came. I don’t think she did with the way she threw her head back in pleasure, bucking against me as she rode out yet another orgasm. I shivered, staying there inside of her as I softened before slowly starting to pull back out. I uncurled my fingers and slid them out as well, standing up. I walked around to where she was still on her hands and knees, looking up at me.

  “You’re mine.” I said, kneeling down in front of her, but Alice gave me a puzzled look. I knew she wasn’t quite processing everything just yet. It had happened to0 quickly. I smiled at her, patting her cheek before tilting her chin up. I didn’t kiss her on the lips. I knew better than that, but I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

  “I said you’re mine. Now and forever. You will have to get used to that. I will be the only one you’ll ever call master.” I told her, and I left her there in the shower, wide eyed, telling her to finish up soon before I come to collect her.

  I didn’t plan to give her too long, but I’d grant her these precious few extra minutes to readjust herself to the situation. I knew it’d be hard for her. With a small smile, I watched from the cameras as her legs shook just before I went to go shower off as well. Alice was in for a long ride with me, and I was going to make sure she was perfect in every way before I was through with her.

  She just didn’t know it yet. She would though, and I couldn’t wait to see what she’d become. She had the fire that I wanted, and yet she was tame-able. Tame-able, fuck-able, soft. I laughed at the thought, running my fingers through my own hair. I hated how much that woman got under my skin, but at least now she was mine. She was no longer a slave I would be delivering to someone else. She’d stay mine. Forever. The thought was more comforting than it should have been.

  The Exhibition (Vol. 2)

  Recap: Vol. 1

  Alice was the perfect girl up until the time that Damon took her. She went to college, she worked, and she got good grades. Her only crime was living a life of solitude. This left her alone and vulnerable, becoming the perfect target for Damon to do with as he pleased, and after a successful kidnapping the two of them started their life together. Too bad it wasn’t everything he hoped for. Damon had one goal and one goal alone. He needed the perfect specimen for the slave exhibition.

  In Damon’s line of work, slave training was an art form, and he considered himself to be one of the be
st. He just had to prove it to the world, which is exactly where Alice came in. The darling Western girl with the baby blue eyes and nearly platinum blonde hair. All natural, of course. She would be the perfect girl for the perfect Master, and it proved true until Alice shook his world, causing her devilish captor to fall for her. Now with it finally time for The Exhibition, they have no choice but to weather it. Damon only knows one thing, and that is no matter what, he plans to keep Alice. But, a trainer isn’t supposed to get attached to their slaves, and showing indifference while navigating the treacherous waters of the slave market was going to be difficult.

  Approaching Hell’s Gates

  I still didn’t know Master’s name. He didn’t want to tell me, and he glared at anyone who came too close. He couldn’t help it, I think. He was intensely possessive over what he saw as his. I thought that I was his from the moment he took me, but I was wrong. I was his from the moment that he decided to keep me. He looked at me now, leather cuffs around my wrists and ankles.


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