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Page 14

by Lucy Lixx

  I threw my head back over Daddy's shoulder. I couldn't believe we were doing this for him. It was absolutely exciting having my best girl friend eating me out while Daddy pounded me to pieces. As he pushed his cock deeper, Lillian licked faster and I came hard, my fluids soaking his cock and her face. Daddy stopped fucking me and pulled me off his cock, telling me to get on the floor next to my sister. I smiled at the command and sat next to Lillian who helped me pull off my night dress. She nuzzled my cheek with her nose before turning back to face the couch. Daddy scooted towards the edge and grabbed both of us by the hair.

  “Suck,” he commanded.

  He tasted just like me. Lillian and I took our time licking his cock up and down before taking turns swallowing him whole. We picked up a good rhythm and I wrapped my hand around the base as she sucked the head, pumping his cock in tandem with her lips. We did this as he moaned, knowing that we were both being very good little girls. As Daddy started to hump, we worked faster, Lillian's drool providing the perfect lubrication for me to rub faster. I could feel him tensing. I slipped my hand between Lillian's thighs and started rubbing her again, causing her to moan and lose concentration. Daddy pulled Lillian's head back and swatted my hand away. He ordered us to face each other and rub until we started to cum. Lillian and I locked eyes and smiled.

  Sweat glistened off her forehead as she reached down to touch my pussy again, her fingers cold against my warm skin. I rubbed her clit faster as she rubbed mine. Daddy stood next to us and brought our faces together, demanding that we kiss. Our lips met again and Daddy pumped his cock right next to our faces, likely intending to cum everywhere. I could feel Lillian twitching which caused me to tense, eliciting one loud moan after the other until I exploded into her hand. Daddy, more than pleased, busted his load on to our occupied mouths and forced his cock between our dueling tongues. Cum decorated our faces and breasts, shining in the dull light of the television that was still blaring the stupid movie I'd chosen twenty minutes ago.

  I licked Lillian's face as Daddy stroked our heads, whispering encouraging phrases as he recomposed himself. He sat back down and beckoned us to join him on either side. We cuddled into his arms, focusing on the television again as we all came down from our high.

  “What a lucky Daddy I am to have two little girls all to myself.” Daddy stuck his finger into my mouth. “What do we say, Victoria? Be a good model for your sister.”

  “Thank you, Daddy.” I sucked his finger and curled up deeper into his side.

  Lillian repeated the same phrase from the other side of the couch and moaned as she sucked Daddy's finger, showing him how obedient she could be. I was so happy that I forgot about everything. My university didn't exist. Work wasn't real. My essay was a distant memory. Those things were nothing compared to the love my Daddy showed me while he was deep inside my secret hole. Now I had a sister to share my love with him and we would be the sweetest daughters he'd ever known.

  Now he had two dirty little secrets.

  Chapter Four

  After class on Friday, I stopped at the drug store on the way home and picked up a treat for myself and Lillian. It was matching bracelets that said “sisters” in cute letters. I figured she would appreciate it now that we were sharing Daddy. Though I had initially been excited about the idea, I wasn't terribly sure whether I really wanted to share my very own fantasy. Our encounter the other day was everything I'd ever dreamed a threesome could be, but it was also a warning that Daddy looked at other girls. He found other girls attractive. I knew he still found me attractive, but what if he found someone else more attractive than me? What would I do then? I pushed those ideas out of my head as I walked into work, reminding myself that Lillian would never betray me like that.

  She's my sister, after all.

  I found Lillian in the break room making herself a cup of coffee. I carefully walked up behind her and pressed my lips to her shoulder. She hissed and turned to hug me, taking me into her arms as if she hadn't seen me in years.

  “I have a surprise for you.” I said, pecking her ear and hugging her tight.

  “Really? The other night was more than enough of a surprise. I knew you were hiding this naughty secret all along. Why did it take you so long to tell me?” She accepted my kiss and smiled.

  “I don't know, Lil. I was scared. I've never really dated anyone or had a physical relationship. You know that.”

  Lillian nodded, knowing very well how inexperienced I was in this situation. It was new for her, too, so she could empathize, but she also had years worth of sexual wisdom that I didn't. She eyed the bag that I was holding.

  “Is that for me?”

  I nodded. Her eyes lit up as she opened it, the smile still plastered across her face as she pulled out the bracelets and squealed.

  “Oh, Vic, these are just adorbs.”

  I smiled as she slipped one over her wrist and the other over mine. It made me so happy that we were so close. I felt like we could do anything now, maybe even take over the world. We could take down entire empires with the power I was feeling residing in my gut. I kissed her quickly before anyone could see, just one more before we had to act like normal people during our shift. She fingered my bracelet as I traced her neck.

  “We should clock in and get to work. Don't want to be late.” I said.

  “I don't want to work.” Lillian whined. “I just want to play.”

  She pouted and cupped her hands together over her skirt, her black hair hanging down in ringlets over her blouse that she pulled down further to show her cleavage. I swatted her arm.

  “Not now, Lillian.”

  My eyes glittered with excitement. Seeing her reminded me of our night with Daddy and how I'd felt like I had my very own family. Don't get me wrong – I love my mother and we get along very well. We always have throughout the years, even after my biological father split. But now I had my own triangle, dare I say a clan, who were dedicated to protecting our secret. It just felt like the ultimate bond. Nothing else could come close to that, not even a boyfriend. I'm sure Lillian felt the same way. Since we bonded, we haven't stopped talking. I told her to spend Saturday night with us so we could bond again, this time without having to take her home. It was painful watching her leave my car.

  “Meet me in one of the study rooms later.”

  She winked and then walked off to clock in, lifting her skirt as she left the room. I flushed with embarrassment and promptly looked around to see if anyone had been watching. The hallway was empty and so was the break room. I sighed with relief. Lillian was going to play this hard and dangerous, I just knew it. It's just the way she was. I love her and her vivacious spirit, but damn it if I was going to allow us to be discovered. I had to keep a close eye on her and so did Daddy. I'm sure he wouldn't mind doing that.

  After I clocked in, I zoned into my work and completed most of my chores prior to closing. I found a number of books out of order and started to organize them on the shelf. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled out my phone to find a text from Daddy. It read, “Come alone tonight. I want time with my princess.” A smile crossed my lips as I realized I didn't have anything to worry about. I mean, I didn't think I did with Lillian. She wasn't like me. That wasn't to say she was less or better. It was that she brought something different to the table that was unique. I think her bad ass attitude was what struck Daddy, and I can totally see that attraction.

  Still, it feels good to be validated and treasured. I felt more confident and responded that I couldn't wait to spend some time with him alone tonight. Daddy said the same. I went back to stocking books, but couldn't get my head out of the clouds. I just wanted to clock out and run home to see my Daddy. He'd be all mine for the whole night. I almost felt bad for Lillian who had to lie to her boyfriend just to have fun. I was lucky I didn't have that problem.

  Sometimes, I considered getting a boyfriend just to make my secret a little safer, but I quickly decided that was a horrible plan. A boyfrie
nd would only go snooping through my things and find all the pretty toys I had bought for my Daddy. A boyfriend would want to impede on that play time and would potentially want to take on that sort of role at some point. A boyfriend was a terrible idea.

  While still lost in my head, my phone buzzed on the inside of my pocket. It was Lillian texting me.

  Come upstairs, she wrote. I have a surprise for you.

  I finished shelving the books I had left and headed to the stairs, wondering what was waiting for me above. I hoped the surprise was sweet. The thought of Lillian giving me something out of gratitude was satisfying, almost empowering. As a matter of fact, I nearly expected her to give me something in return for introducing her to my merciful Daddy. Maybe she would do me a favor, take over some chores, or give me a personal gift she had made.

  I hoped the treat was her mouth.

  Ascending the stairs was a great feat as my thighs had become rather taut with anticipation. Every step was another reason to change my panties. Each second acted as foreplay. I tried to imagine how she might be waiting for me, if she had her skirt pulled up or if she was bent over a chair. I just couldn't wait.

  I jogged across the main area, looking around to make sure there was no one present to see me eagerly crossing the floor. In just another twenty feet, I'd be at the room Lillian told me to meet her in. I reached out for the knob, took a deep breath, and slowly opened the door to find Lillian pinned up against the wall. Her rump was sticking out and her skirt was pulled up, revealing a round bottom with no panty barrier to keep me from touching. Her palms were flat against the wall, reminding me of the first time Daddy had spanked me.

  My eyes were wide as I looked her over and she wiggled her rump as I closed the door. A groan escaped my lips. She was being so naughty right now that I could hardly contain the mess that was about to happen in my panties. I squeezed my thighs together and felt the wet fabric stick to my skin. Too late.

  If Daddy were here, he'd spank her silly and then force her to clean up the dirtiness she had made in my pants. I was tempted to do just that. It might make Daddy proud that I had taken control of my sister. He might reward me for it. Before she could stand up away from the wall, I pressed my hand to her shoulder to keep her in place.

  “I don't know that Daddy would appreciate this.” I gently swatted her bottom that continued to sway side to side, beckoning me to smack it or eat it. “He never said we could play with each other without him present.”

  “I don't see why we can't.”

  For a moment, I considered calling Daddy just to make sure it was okay. I wanted to impress him, but I also wanted his permission to do this. Disappointing him would surely be devastating. I didn't want to ruin our connection now that we had something mildly perfect.

  “Just give me a spanking.” She begged, keeping her palms flat against the wall. “These rooms are soundproof. No one will hear us playing. And we can record it, too.”

  I could hear the mischief mixed with desire in her voice. She really wanted this. By the way I was gushing, so did I. I wasn't sure my panties would last for the remainder of work at this rate, so I reared back my hand and let it fly into her supple skin. A satisfying smack echoed through the room and Lillian moaned, her nails digging into the brick underneath her hands. She was twitching beneath my touch and it was absolutely empowering. I wanted to tease her with my fingers, too, just for being good at taking my spanking.

  The thought evoked another gush of fluid and I slammed my hand down, gripping her shoulder tighter to keep her from wriggling away. Once I had a few firm spankings in, I slipped two fingers between her thighs and started rubbing her clit from behind. Her warm chasm opened up to me as I rubbed her lips, the slippery curtains parting in preparation for my entry as I stimulated her more and more. A gasp floated from her lips and I wrapped my hand around her mouth. Though the booth was soundproof, I wanted to be absolutely certain we weren't attracting unnecessary attention.

  As I rubbed her precious lips, I turned to find that I hadn't locked the door. Anyone could walk in. I turned to look back at her black hair flowing down her back, her lips pressed firmly into my hand as she moaned and caused my skin to vibrate. She looked so beautiful underneath my care. I was being so good to her that there was no way Daddy wouldn't be proud of me. My sister wanted my attention, practically begged for it, and I delivered her the sweetest pleasure out of kindness.

  Lillian pushed her bottom into my arm, the apex of her thighs soaked with her juices and teeming with ecstasy. As she tensed up, I spread her lips and brushed harder, eliciting all manner of squeaks from her covered mouth. Her climax arrived quickly and I kissed the back of her neck as fluid gushed out of her delicious peach, my eyelids fluttering as her hips rolled in place against my hand.

  “You're so beautiful, Lillian.” I whispered in her ear after licking her earlobe. “Now, clean it up.”

  I held up my soaked fingers and took my hand off her mouth as she turned to me with a drunken appearance, her face relaxed in a state of euphoria. At my command, she slurped the fluid off my fingers and lapped at my hand to get every single drop of her creamy juice. Watching her obey me was exhilarating. It must be what Daddy feels when he takes me over. After she was done cleaning up the mess she had made, I told her to wash up in the bathroom and to finish her chores before clocking out.

  “Yes, Big Sister.” She said while leaving the room.

  I gushed again at the sound of my own name. Big Sister. It made me feel respected and useful, like I had a proper role in our family instead of just being a vessel of pleasure. I could be her trainer when it came to pleasing Daddy and I could treat her just like he would so she could get used to it. In addition, I could please her if she was good and I deemed her reward great enough to receive without Daddy around. It sounded like a steamy system of perpetual gratification.

  But would Daddy like it?

  Chapter Five

  As agreed, I went straight home after work to stay for the weekend. I had already packed my car with everything I would need so I wouldn't have to return to the dorm. Even though I had washed my hands thoroughly after touching Lillian's silky lips, I could still smell her on my fingers if I pressed them up against my nose. Would Daddy notice? He was on the couch watching television when I let myself in. I walked to my room to dump my belongings and change. Afterwards, I pulled on a sheer skirt, the slippery material sliding all over my thighs as I pulled on a black bra to match.

  When I was ready, I sauntered into the living room and sat next to Daddy whose hand went straight for my leg. Feeling that my leg was mostly bare, he turned to find me with a naughty smile, my hands positioned above my head. I looked like an offering and I hoped he would accept me.

  “Oh, little girl,” he whispered. “You look absolutely delicious.”

  Daddy leaned forward and pressed his lips to my neck. My head felt heavy, so I let it fall back against the armrest as his tongue met every sensitive area of my chest. My soft moans filled the air and his hands slid up under the sheer skirt to pull at the fabric beneath. I wished then that I could have shown him how wet I was at work. It might have pleased him to see such a mess lurking beneath my little panties. I should probably tell him about what happened. Even if he was upset, it would be better to tell him now than later.

  “Daddy, I have to tell you something.” I said, nearly frightened of my own words.

  “What is it, my little sunshine?” He asked while wrapping his arms around my waist.

  “Well,” I licked my lips. “Lillian was bad at work.”

  “Was she?”

  “So, I spanked her.”


  “And I rewarded her when she stood still.”

  Daddy's smile was so wide that it was splitting his face in half. As relief washed over me, he rubbed the front of my panties.

  “My little girl isn't so little anymore. She needs more big girl things to do.” He paused to consider a thought
in his head. “You're like her big sister now, so you'll have to teach her how to please me.”

  Smitten, I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders and squeezed.

  “Oh, Daddy, really?! I'm so glad you're not mad. I was so afraid you would be disappointed in my decision because we were just having a little fun and I love having her around. She's my sister and I love her. I just wanted her to feel what I had felt before with you.”

  My lengthy explanation was met with the same smile and a playful chuckle. He twirled a lock of my hair between his fingers, tugging at it every so often as I calmed down from my sudden excitement.


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