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Own Me (Romance on the Go)

Page 1

by Jenika Snow

  Evernight Publishing ®

  Copyright© 2016 Jenika Snow

  ISBN: 978-1-77233-834-8

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Romance on the Go TM

  Jenika Snow

  Copyright © 2016

  Chapter One

  I had the worst fucking hangover imaginable, but that had to mean my night had been pretty incredible, right? I opened my eyes, blinking several times to clear my vision. Everything was hazy, but I blamed that on the pain throbbing behind my eyes, and the fact I’d just woken up.

  I tried to remember what happened, but everything came back blank coupled with searing agony in my head. The taste of stale alcohol was still on my tongue, but it wasn’t a pleasant taste, but one mixed with a night of being passed out.

  Did I black out? God, I can’t even remember.

  But still, despite the pain, I tried in vain to recall what had happened. Aside from the wild party I attended with my friends and the many shots of whiskey I had consumed, everything else was this mishmash of colors and sounds of a night I couldn’t even fully remember.

  After several minutes my head started to clear and things slowly started coming back to me in pieces.

  The next thing I realized, with clarity, was that I was completely naked and strung up like some kind of piece of meat on display. My heart started beating faster, harder, and I felt like I was going to pass out.

  Can you pass out if you’re standing?

  I didn’t know but I sure as hell felt like I was going to give the ground a kiss.

  I blinked several times and glanced around. I was in someone’s bedroom. There was a monstrous king-sized bed and dark wood furniture that made up most of the room. I didn’t see any decoration, no pictures on the wall, nothing that told of memories from whoever inhabited this room. A fire was lit off to the side, the heat from the flames unable to penetrate the chill that surrounded me. A table was opposite the fireplace, a thick, velvety looking cloth covering it and concealing whatever was hidden beneath it. And it was obvious there were things under it if the bumps and elevated material were anything to go by.

  A sharp ache settled in my arms and shoulders, something I didn’t notice until just now. I tried to move, but I was immobile. I lifted my gaze above me and tried to move my hands, but realized some soft material was tied around them. A pulley type system was erected above me, and the rope attached to my wrists was secured into it.

  The chilled air brushed along my bare pussy lips, and I glanced down, just now realizing my legs were obscenely spread open, and the same soft material was tied around my ankles, keeping them spread wide. My heart pounded against my ribcage as I became acutely aware of the situation I was in. I closed my eyes and tried desperately to remember what happened.

  Loud music and laughter filtered through my mind as memories finally came into play. I could see images flash behind my closed lids, ones of people grinding to music and downing copious amounts of liquor. It was like a movie reel replaying in my mind’s eye, telling me that whatever I’d done last night had gotten me into this apparently fucked up situation. I snapped my eyes open, my breathing becoming ragged as I tried once again to break my bonds. Either my captor was a sailor with a crazy talent for tying knots, or whoever kidnapped me had done this before. I voted on the latter.

  And then I heard the sound of heavy footsteps on the other side of the bedroom door. My heart stopped, sweat started to bead between my breasts, and I sucked in a lungful of air as I tried in vain to listen harder. And that’s when I saw the doorknob turning a second before I heard it creak as it opened. I was starting to hyperventilate as I envisioned all kinds of horrific things that would soon be my fate. Despite the fire on and giving light, the room was still shrouded in shadows, making it hard to see much.

  Light from the hallway suddenly spilled in when the door was pushed fully open, and I blinked against the sudden onslaught of brightness. I saw a large profile fill the doorway, the lights coming from behind him and hiding his face from view. Whoever it was didn’t move for several seconds, but I knew the person was staring right at me, drilling these holes into my very body. It was like I could feel their gaze on my skin, touching me, making my flesh pucker from a sudden chill. My nipples hardened, and my pussy became wet on its own. I felt like my body betrayed me.

  I was suddenly conscious of my nudity and the way my nipples were pebbled hard. I wanted to snap my legs together because I knew my pussy lips were spread open and the pink flesh of my cunt was fully exposed. I swallowed roughly and watched as my captor walked inside. I could tell it was a man just from the sheer size of him, which I admit was quite intimidating.

  He left the door open as he stepped further into the room, and didn’t stop until he was inches from the fire. I still had yet see his face full on, but his profile showed a strong square jaw with a light covering of scruff on his flesh. An image from the previous night, or maybe it was the same evening, slammed into my brain. I would have stumbled back from the force of it, if not for the fact that I was strung up like some sacrificial offering.

  I know him. Or at least I know of him.

  I remembered him from the party, remembered how he wasn’t alone, but with three other men. Flashes of images kept going through my mind, and still he stood in front of that fire, staring at the flames, his big body seeming like it could break bones in half.

  No, they weren’t men. That was evident.

  The world I lived in wasn’t traditional, and I’d even go as far as saying it was out of a movie, or even a book.

  Vampires. They’d been fierce looking vampires.

  In my world vampires are real, living, breathing entities that hold jobs, run businesses, even own property in the wealthiest neighborhoods. They walk alongside humans, but they are far from mortal and fragile. They are powerful, immortal, and the substance they need to survive pumps through my very veins.

  Vampires had only made themselves know over the last thirty years, but they’d been around far longer, hiding in the shadows, knowing they could take over the world if they wanted to.

  I wasn’t nearly old enough to remember a time when vampires were considered myth and fable, not at the age of twenty-five. Of course, I had read about the world before vampires came along, knew movies had portrayed them as seducers, but also killers. They’d been romanticized, their lethal fangs and the need for blood to survive, making them seem erotic in nature.

  I couldn’t deny that I could agree with all this.

  They were seducers, killers, hypnotizers, and deep down I knew they were just a hairsbreadth away from snapping. They had a dark part, one that called to them, and I never understood how they could keep it reined in.

  I shivered at the thought of this man, this powerful creature—who had yet to say one word to me—piercing my neck with his wicked fangs and lapping at my blood. Would it turn him on to take my life from me one drop at a time? The thing was, I had a secret, one I had never divulged to anyone before. I didn’t even like thinking about it myself, because I felt that wanting this, needing it even, was somehow wrong.

  But the very thought, the very images being conjured in my
mind of having one of these mythical creatures biting me while they were deep inside my pussy, fucking me like they owned me, was a dark fantasy of mine. I fantasized about what it would be like to submit fully to one of them, to give them what they wanted between my thighs and running through my veins.

  The thought alone made my cunt grow wet, had my nipples hardening painfully. I licked my suddenly dry lips, feeling my pulse beating at the base of my neck. Could he hear it? Did it make him thirstier knowing my blood rushed through my body harder than ever? I should be mortified right now, scared shitless that I was alone in a room with a vampire. I wasn’t stupid or naive. I knew what he wanted, why I was here. He wouldn’t have me tied up like this if he didn’t plan on doing wicked things to me.

  “I would like to welcome you to my home,” he said without looking at me. His hands were thrust in the front pockets of his pants, and his focus was still trained on the fire. His voice was deep and smooth, like the whiskey I’d consumed at the party.

  My traitorous body lit up like a firework. He turned to face me then, and I exhaled. I couldn’t help but feel an intense attraction for him. Vampires were not only dangerous, but they were also beautiful, and this man was no different. I tried to remind myself he had kidnapped me and probably planned on killing me, but still, I couldn’t help the ache that settled in my clit.

  Vampires might live amongst humans, but my weaker species wasn’t ignorant of the fact that there was still killing going on in the shadows by these creatures.

  He looked stoic, but then moved closer to me, a smile widening across his lips. I got the first real glimpse of his fangs. They were impressive, big and long and telling of what he used them for, why he needed them.

  “I have a lot planned for you,” he said in that scratchy voice, one that had my body getting even warmer.

  I was equal parts frightened and aroused.

  He inhaled deeply and let out this low, animalistic sound. “I am pleasantly surprised at your reaction. I didn’t think you’d be so aroused once you woke, but I see you are quite responsive to the situation.” He stepped closer, and I got a strong scent of him. He smelled so good. It was potent, like crisp, clean mountain air, but there was also a hint of something else, something darker, more primal.

  “What do you want?” I asked, trying to keep my voice steady. Calm, but I knew he could read my emotions as clear as if I shouted them in his face.

  “What do I want?” he repeated, grinning, his fangs flashing. “I just want you.”

  My heart was beating harder, faster.

  “You see, sweet Athena, I’ve been watching you for quite some time.”

  The fact that he knew my name was unnerving.

  I don’t remember seeing him before, and aside from that one brief time at the party, he was a stranger to me, a very dangerous stranger. Here he stood, smiling at me, his gaze skimming up and down my body, proclaiming he had been watching me, and having my flight or fight instinct rising. A chill raced up my spine, and I pulled at my bonds, my mind screaming I needed to get away if I wanted to survive. I made a small noise in the back of my throat, unable to stop myself.

  “What do you plan on doing to me?” I tested my bonds again and heard him cluck his tongue.

  “I told you.” He reached out and touched my lips. “I want you.” He continued to touch my flesh, and my skin puckered, my whole body igniting with sensations.

  “This is wrong. People will look for me. You can’t keep me here.”

  “Shhh,” he said and grinned wider, his focus on my mouth. “We won’t worry about anyone else. This is about us.” He dropped his hand and dipped his gaze to my breasts. My nipples hardened painfully, and I gasped at the sensations coursing through me.

  The next moment seemed to go in slow motion, and I watched helplessly. He skimmed his palm over my breast, the roughness and strength of it scraping, making my nipple drawing up painfully tight. An involuntary moan left me, and I felt my face heat from my traitorous body’s reaction.

  “Ah, I see you aren’t quite the prisoner after all, are you?” He leaned in close, so his face was only inches from mine. He took my nipple and rolled it between his thumb and forefinger, his eyes locked right on mine. My whole body relaxed, and I realized I was arching into his touch, thrusting my breasts into his waiting fingers like some kind of fiend.

  He pulled and tweaked until I was moaning loudly and panting with need, unable to stop the reaction inside of me. My cunt throbbed, became so wet, and my clit was so engorged I swear my heart was beating in it.

  “Please, I want to leave,” I said, but even I could hear it was empty. The statement sounded pathetic to my own ears. The way I felt, so hot and needy, I knew I had no desire to leave, even if rationalization and common sense told me I was a fool to want this. After several seconds of erotically torturing me, he stepped away from me. I took a deep breath, willing my body to come down from the high he’d caused.

  His face became a stoic mask, and I knew whatever was about to happen was either going to be very, very good, or horribly bad.

  And then the door opened again, and that’s when I saw what was really going to be going down. Three more men entered the room and made their way over to me. My memory conjured them up as men—vampires—I’d seen at the party, as well.

  “We have so many wicked things planned for you, Athena,” the man that had touched me said. But as if on cue, or maybe they’d been waiting for this moment, the rest of the vampires smiled. Four sets of fangs flashed bright white and promised a night filled with either pleasure … or pain.

  Chapter Two

  “Oh, God,” I whispered, staring at each of them with a look I didn’t doubt was of horror. What was strange was the fact I wasn’t terrified of these men, not really. I was frightened of the idea of what they’d do to me, what they had planned, but it was also laced with excitement. Arousal was a hot poker inside my stomach, coiling tight and just waiting for the right stimulation to come to the surface and burn me alive.

  I anticipated it on a deep, almost primal level.

  “No, sweetness, God has nothing to do with what we have planned for you.” The one who spoke stepped forward. He was beefier than the rest. He was still impressive in height at over six feet, but the others had several inches on him. I looked at each of them, their clothing doing nothing to hide the raw power they exuded. “Focus on me, princess.” The one who spoke stepped closer. His muscles strained against the fabric of his shirt, and I hated my traitorous body for coming alive at the sight.

  “You hate this, don’t you?” he asked, his body so close to me I could feel the icy tendrils of his arousal wrap around my body.

  “Hate that I was taken against my will?”

  He chuckled, but it wasn’t one of humor. “You came willingly.”

  I doubted that, but I had no memory to back that up.

  “You’re not a prisoner. On the contrary, you are our guest, our very special guest.” He ran his finger down the side of my neck, leaned in closer, and inhaled deeply. “We’ve been watching you, Athena, for a very long time. We’ve been waiting for the right moment to bring you here and give you what you’ve been dreaming of.”

  How could they possibly know this was what I had fantasized about? I should have denied it even if that would have been a lie. The truth was I did want this, but I’d always been too ashamed to admit it to anyone. Admitting I wanted to be dominated, controlled … fed from by these supernatural creatures would have my kind seeing me as a blood whore. No, I’d always hidden what I wanted, because to me that was the safest route.

  But looking at these men, these vampires, I wondered. Was I that transparent? Had even humans been able to see my desire for this powerful kind?

  I took a moment to really look at the four men. They were all gorgeous, each one having an otherworldly appearance, a dangerously powerful aura about them. Two of them had black hair, and the other two had lighter hair. But what they all had was physiques that told they cou
ld crush a man with their bare hands if they saw fit.

  I don’t know why, but that turned me on even more.

  The one closest to me pulled back, his eyes focused on me, the color this startling, unearthly blue. We held each other’s stare for a moment, me not able to pull my attention away, and then he stepped back in line with the others. The one that had entered the room first took a step forward, the scent of him filling my head, making me feel drunk.

  “Before we begin, I think it only proper to introduce ourselves.”

  Before we begin?

  That had my heart beating double-time now.

  He shifted to the side and gestured to the only other man that had spoken to me, the one with the crazy blue eyes. “That is Eeron and his brother, Aram.” Both men kept their focus on me, their expressions emotionless.

  “The dark-haired fellow is Ibrahim.” The one speaking turned back to me and grinned. “And I’m Boden.”

  I knew I probably looked frenzied, crazed. This all felt like I’d been dropped into some kind of crazy Twilight episode, my fate unknown. They all stared at me like they expected me to respond kindly to their pleasantries, like they didn’t still have me strung up nude and exposed.

  “Let me go.” I tried to make my voice harder, more demanding. I wanted to seem strong even if I felt anything but. None of them moved, nor showed emotion after I spoke. “This is wrong,” I whispered.

  Boden took a step forward. “It would be wrong for mortals if you were unwilling.” He reached out and cupped one of my breasts, and I bit my lip, holding in the gasp that would have spilled forth. “We are immortals, predators. We don’t care for your mortal laws, and are not bound by them.” He slid his hand down my belly and cupped me between my thighs. “But you’re not unwilling, are you?”


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