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Comet Coalition 4: Mystic

Page 6

by Aubrey Ross

  She wanted him, needed him. The darkness within her stirred, stretched, and expanded. Slip into his mind. With a flicker of compulsion, you can make him desperate for you. The temptation spread like cancer, dangerous, insidious.

  No! She would not use her abilities to bend another to her will. If he had no interest in a passionate tumble, she’d find someone who did.

  “Computer, play Next Time by Foreplay.” The band’s name made Drake look up, his gaze wide and curious. “Will the music bother you? I’m bored.”

  He just shook his head and returned his gaze to the vidscreen.

  She stood and moved to the center of the room as the song began. The mid-tempo ballad was perfect for what she had in mind. She positioned herself slightly back and to the side, a tantalizing shape in his peripheral vision.

  Swaying her hips, she ran her hands down her sides, skimming the outer fullness of her breasts. She turned, rotating her pelvis with teasing undulation. Heat sparked between her thighs, spreading up and outward, making her groan. She pressed her thighs together and caressed her torso, drawing ever nearer to her breasts.

  “Computer, pause.” He pushed his chair back so forcefully it toppled. “Did you intentionally leave the link active?”

  “I don’t think so.” She could remember withdrawing, but a wicked laugh echoed through the darkness deep inside her mind.

  “How bad will this get?”

  She stared into his eyes, revealing the urgency of her desire. “Bad.”

  “I’ll fire up the simulator.” He took a purposeful step in that direction.

  “It won’t help.”

  He paused and looked back at her. “Why not?”

  “I don’t need an orgasm; I need you to fuck me.”

  Chapter Five

  Her smoldering gaze returned to his mouth and lust stabbed through Drake’s body. Ritter had warned him. Still, he hadn’t expected her to come right out and say it. “You need energy.”

  “Yes, and sexual release provides the most concentrated source.”

  He glanced toward the door leading to the simulator. “As long as you don’t select anything that interacts with the other guests, we should be ‑‑”

  “I don’t need an orgasm,” she said more forcefully. She sauntered toward him, breasts heaving beneath the slinky material of her blouse. “I need to tap your energy while you have an orgasm, or several orgasms. How resilient are you?”

  His cock bucked against the front of his pants, more than ready to cooperate. He shoved his hands into his pockets, not trusting his self-control. “Sex tends to be a bit distracting. How can I ensure your safety while I… There has to be another way.”

  “Only Ritter and Jericho know I’m still alive.” Challenge arched her brow. “Ritter is rather busy at the moment, but Jericho seemed ‑‑”

  “No! We’ll figure out some sort of compromise.”

  A wicked smile parted her lips, and she reached for his belt buckle “I know just the thing.”

  He caught her wrist with one hand and tangled his fingers in the back of her hair. “I was thinking of something a bit less personal.”

  Her gaze narrowed. “You’re hard as a rock. Am I supposed to believe you don’t want me?”

  “What I want has nothing to do with it. You’re my responsibility, and I don’t mix business and pleasure.”

  “Than what did you have in mind?” She twisted out of his grasp. Her eyes dilated and her cheeks flushed. She obviously needed to come as badly as he did, but that didn’t change the facts. Her behavior was a symptom of her depleted energy, not some grand passion for him.

  “The simulator creates a second barrier against intruders. That will allow me to relax ‑‑ a bit.”

  “I’d rather you point your weapon at the door and let me suck you off right here.”

  Her inviting smile sent another wave of lust crashing down upon him. She didn’t mean it! She was begging for energy, not sex. “We either use the simulator or you go…meditate.”

  She crossed her arms under her breasts and closed her eyes. “Fine. I’ll take what I can get.”

  He hurried to the simulator and activated the control panel. There had to be a simulation that would allow them sexual release without compromising their safety. He scrolled through the menus until he found the perfect setup. After inputting his selections, he motioned her toward the controls.

  “I could guess at your preferences, but it will work better if you provide honest information.”

  She answered the first few questions without comment. “Are you comfortable with coercion?” she read from the screen. “Which program did you select?”

  “Finish the questionnaire and you’ll see.”

  Her gaze flew to his from time to time, but she finished the questions without another outburst.

  The door hissed softly as it slid open. They entered the rectangular compartment and the lights dimmed. The darkness only lasted a moment, but Miranda reached for his arm.

  “You’re usual table, Mr. O’Bannon?” The female’s voice was a sultry purr. A rotating spotlight brought her tall, curvaceous body into focus for an instant before the darkness swallowed her again.

  “Yes. Make sure I have a clear view of every corner of the room.”

  “Of course. This way.” As if responding to her directive, red lights illuminated the scene. Metallic blue boots climbed high onto her thighs, and the stiletto heels were capped in gold. A strapless bustier and matching thong completed her provocative costume.

  Oblong tables were scattered around a small stage. Drake covered Miranda’s hand with his as they followed the hostess to a table in the far corner of the room.

  Music erupted, a heavy, driving beat pulsing through the haze. Muffled voices and the occasional peal of laughter intruded on the song, yet the other patrons remained in shadow.

  “A strip club?” Miranda pulled her hand out from under his. “This is the best you could do?”

  “This isn’t an ordinary strip club. The experience is interactive.” He drew her attention to the panel inset in the table. “This controls the entertainment. Each table votes on what takes place on stage.” He paged through the images, making his selections as he went.

  “Hold on! That was my image.”

  “Yes it was, and the other tables agreed that you should entertain us.”

  Miranda gasped at the implication. “I don’t think so! You had your opportunity to be entertained by me.”

  “It looks like my companion requires some assistance.”

  Lust sizzled across their mental link. He was seriously turned on by this scenario. Or was her burning desire amplifying his? The sensation was so demanding, she honestly couldn’t tell where it originated.

  Strong hands grasped her upper arms, hauling her off the chair. She struggled against her unseen captors, tugging and twisting to no avail. “Wait a goddamned minute! This was not part of our agreement!”

  Drake’s only response was a lazy smile.

  As they neared the stage, she finally got a good look at her “assistants.” They were both sleekly muscled and barely dressed. Bare chests gleamed in the crimson light, dark eyes flashing. One had short black hair, the other tawny locks that brushed his wide shoulders. Slow melting heat cascaded through her body. This was a game, an erotic temptation. What did she have to lose?

  Drake lounged in his chair, his gaze penetrating the gloom. Was it really less involving to watch than to accept the pleasure she’d offered before?

  “This won’t give me what I need,” she objected. “You have to come for it to do any good.”

  “I’ll come that much faster after I’ve watched them pleasure you.”

  Why didn’t he just pleasure her? She was more than ready to feel his touch and lose herself in his kiss. He can’t. He’s your protector. He must remain objective and alert.

  Black and Gold lifted her to the stage then joined her upon the small platform. Gold stood to her right and Black to her left. With
obvious purpose and coordinated speed, they stripped her. Whistles and catcalls erupted all around her. This is just a simulation. None of it is real. Except for Drake. He sat in the shadows, a silent witness to her seduction.

  The Perrlain taught that the human body was beautiful and that there was no shame in expressing one’s sexuality. If he wanted a show, she’d give him one! Raising her arms and moving her feet, she wiggled out of her garments.

  Gold knelt at her side as Black pressed in close behind her. Drawing her wrists to the small of her back, Black thrust out her breasts. Gold moved her legs farther apart and teased her inner thighs.

  “Does she please you, Sir?” Gold pivoted toward Drake as he spoke.

  “She’s lovely, but is she responsive? Kiss her. See if you can make her wet with nothing more than your kiss.”

  Drake fell quite naturally into his role. Was this a common fantasy for him or something more tangible?

  Pushing to his feet, Gold took her face between his hands. “Part your lips, sweet slave. We must prepare you for your Master.”

  Master? Before she could react to the absurdity, Gold’s warm lips covered hers. She tried to twist away, but Black tightened his hold on her arms.

  “Easy, love,” Gold whispered against her lips. “No one is going to hurt you.”

  Her answers to the setup questions went tumbling through her mind. She wasn’t opposed to coercion, restricted movement heightened her desire, and ‑‑ though, she found the idea tantalizing ‑‑ she had never been aroused through pain.

  Gold’s mouth slid against hers, patiently waiting for her to accept his kiss.

  “Relax, Miranda,” Drake coaxed. “I gave you full access to my mind. It’s your turn to surrender.”

  With a shiver, she parted her lips and accepted Gold’s tongue into her mouth. His breath was warm and tasted faintly of spiced wine. She released the tension in her shoulders and offered a tentative response.

  “That’s right,” Black whispered. “Let go. We’ll take care of you.”

  On and on, Gold kissed her, sliding and probing, nipping and licking at her parted lips.

  “Is she wet?” Drake’s voice intruded on the sensual spell Gold had been weaving. A hand pushed between her thighs, and Gold groaned. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  Gold’s fingers glided over her damp flesh, parting her folds and circling her clit. She jerked and trembled, unable to do more than accept what he gave.

  “Make her come now,” Drake directed, his tone suddenly harsh. “Both of you use your fingers.”

  Each command Drake uttered built the tension within her. How many times had he watched his “slave” be prepared for his pleasure? Had he fucked them on stage as others looked on? How far would he take this simulation?

  Gold moved back to her side, allowing Drake to see exactly what he was doing. Black shifted her wrists into one hand so he could caress her breasts with the other. He sucked on the side of her neck, launching hot tingles deep into her abdomen.

  Music swirled around her and her body took on the throbbing rhythm of the song. She rocked her hips, boldly thrusting herself onto Gold’s fingers. Her inner muscles tightened, and she tossed her head, feeling wild and reckless.

  She searched for Drake, needing to see his reaction to her display. Did her abandon please him? Would he fuck her now?

  The rotating light passed over his body and she whimpered. He’d shoved aside the table and the hostess now knelt between his legs. The steady bobbing of her head left no doubt what she was doing.

  Why had he accepted her mouth when he’d rejected the same pleasure from Miranda? She tugged against the hands restraining her, anger driving back her impending climax.

  “Oh no you don’t.” Black turned her head to the side and found her mouth. His kiss was more aggressive, more possessive, more in keeping with the shift in her mood.

  Gold lifted one of her feet and rested it against his thigh. His hand moved faster and stabbed deeper into her cream-slicked core. She squeezed his fingers and closed her eyes, shutting out the image of Drake and the hostess.

  Desire rippled across their link, combining with her arousal and speeding her toward completion. Fingers thrust into her again and again. She pictured Drake on the floor before her, possessive fire burning in his eyes.

  Pleasure burst within her, instantaneously echoed by Drake’s climax. Her scream was muffled by Black’s mouth, but Drake’s sharp cry sliced through the music. She held perfectly still as sensations coursed through her and passed to him.

  Nearly forgetting the reason for the exhibition, she shook away the muddle and reached for his mind. Energy seethed and boiled like a cauldron of lava. She accessed the stream, bathing herself in the sparkling ripples, savoring each tingling pulse.

  * * * * *

  Kwinton knelt beside Aysha’s naked body, his fingers pressed against her slender throat. “She’s dead.”

  “I told her not to resist.” Lopeka flicked a tiny piece of lint off her sleeve before returning her gaze to Kwinton. “I have yet to encounter a mind I couldn’t penetrate, but there are complications when I must be aggressive.”

  “This is one hell of a complication. She’s no use to us now.”

  “She outlived her usefulness when she went running to Miranda!”

  Pushing to his feet with as much dignity as his sore muscles allowed, Kwinton squared his shoulders and glared into her eyes. “Are you jealous, my love? You have a tendency to overreact whenever Miranda is involved.”

  Lopeka stood as well, arms akimbo. “You think I overreacted? Aren’t you even curious to know what I learned?”

  “Aysha was the only person on Halley Prime who didn’t know Nicay was about to leave her. I doubt you learned anything I didn’t already know.”

  “This is far more important than where you put your dick! Did you give Nicay access to the serum?”

  All of Kwinton’s bluster evaporated in an instant. He took a step closer and lowered his voice. “What are you talking about?”

  “Aysha saw Nicay injecting something into his arm. He refused to tell her what it was, and he destroyed the syringe before she could have it analyzed.”

  “What makes you think it was the serum? It could have been any number of recreational compounds.”

  “He inadvertently knocked Aysha backward during their argument.” She paused for effect. “She was still halfway across the room, well out of arm’s reach.”

  “That doesn’t… Some abilities are amplified by strong emotions.”

  A caustic laugh burst from her throat. “You’ll never accomplish anything if you keep lying to yourself. He was juiced, plain and simple. There is no mistaking the symptoms.”

  “The serum is meticulously inventoried. There is no way he could have gotten his hands on the serum without my knowing about it.”

  “I suggest you double-check your meticulous inventory, while I search for our little lost lamb.”

  Chapter Six

  Drake waited until Miranda eased out of his mind before he ended the simulation. “Did you get what you needed?”

  She quickly donned her clothes, her gaze averted. “For now.”

  Watching Miranda abandon herself to pleasure had been far more stimulating than the simulated mouth sucking at his cock. He’d tried to remain detached and objective, but Miranda was incredible. He wanted to lick every millimeter of her luscious body, then capture her gasp with his mouth as he drove his full length into her creamy passage.

  He swallowed past the lump in his throat and adjusted his pants. He couldn’t fuck her, but wanting her this badly was almost as distracting.

  “Did you get what you needed?” She looked pointedly at the bulge in the front of his pants.

  “I got what I’m allowed as long as I’m responsible for your safety.”

  She made a derisive sound and headed for the door. “So, tell me about this club. Are you a regular?”

  “This is a composite of several popular clubs.�
� He followed her out into the living room. “I’m not a regular anywhere.”

  “But this is more than a fantasy? You seemed quite comfortable in the role of Master.”

  “Did you enjoy being my slave?”

  Before she could reply, the communications computer interrupted their conversation. “You have an urgent message. Shall I put it through?”

  “Is she talking to you or me?” Miranda asked.

  He walked to the companel. “It’s for me. Computer, activate the message.”

  “Where the hell have you been?” Ritter asked.

  Drake hadn’t expected a live message. Finger combing his hair off his forehead, he stepped closer to the console and blocked his partner’s view of Miranda. “We were reviewing the images. What’s going on?”

  “Aysha is missing. She went in for her weekly massage and no one has seen her since.”

  Drake grimaced as Miranda’s warning echoed through his mind. “Is this just FYI or is there something you want us to do?”

  “If Miranda senses anything, let me know.”

  “Of course.”

  “Sector security just responded to Miranda’s crime scene. News of her death will be released within the hour. Are you making any progress with the images?”

  “Maybe.” If each psychic exchange would be followed by a sexual encounter, this might be the most complicated assignment of his life. He wanted nothing more than to fuck Miranda, but the rational part of his nature couldn’t ignore the risks. Aysha’s disappearance was further proof. These were very dangerous men. “We’re pretty sure the last victim was Wirtanen.”

  “Really? Why would Rizaria bother with a laborer?”

  “That’s what I intend to find out.”

  “Do you have a contact on Wirtanen?”

  “No. But I know someone who does.” That seemed to be his answer to everything today.

  “Gotcha. Keep me informed.”

  The comscreen went blank and Drake turned around. Miranda stood a step away, arms folded under her breasts. Her face had gone from ivory to pale, and she pressed her lips into a grim line.


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