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Mach One: An International Clandestine Enterprise Novel (ICE Book 3)

Page 21

by Amy Jarecki

  He took the food and the coffee and headed for his bathroom. Before he thought about shaving, he’d better take a cold shower.


  “Buenos días,” Mia greeted the last of three passengers to board the jet.

  He gave a nod, checking her out from head to toe through reflective sunglasses. Unsmiling, he had thin lips and an edge to his jaw. As he sauntered aft, he carried his shoulders back like a gangster. A chill spread down Mia’s spine while he took the last seat, then stared at her.

  Something about the guy made her uneasy. In fact, this was an odd group altogether. They spread out as if they didn’t like each other, seemingly content to watch out the windows.

  Shaking it off, she went through the safety spiel. As she demonstrated the oxygen mask, she studied each man. Nope, she didn’t recognize a face, though the creepy one in the back still wore his sunglasses.

  At least the flight was only a little over an hour. In fact, it was easy. She just served coffee and pastries and went about her duties. When she picked up Mr. Sunglasses’ coffee cup, she smiled. “Are you looking forward to your visit to Puerto Vallarta?”

  He shrugged. “No. I’ll be happier when we’re flying back to Acapulco.”

  “Ah, so you have unpleasant business to attend?”

  “I suppose you could say that.” Giving an indirect answer, he dabbed his lips with a napkin then handed it to her. “How about you? Will you be serving us on the return trip?”

  “I will. The charter will be waiting for you.”

  “Good—How about dinner after we return?”

  “Thank you, but I have dinner plans.”

  “And tomorrow?”

  “It will be my first day off in weeks and I have a mountain of laundry.”

  He frowned even deeper than before. Evidently, he didn’t like being snubbed for a day of laundry.

  Mia hurried to the galley and busied herself with cleaning up. It wasn’t the first time a passenger had asked her for a date. Though there wasn’t anyone she’d met who could hold a candle to Luke. She’d come up with a myriad of excuses to turn them down and this guy had to be the most repellant of the lot. He wasn’t unattractive. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but behind those sunglasses, he gave the appearance of a predator. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end, making her turn around. Just as she’d thought, he was still looking at her.

  Remembering her lie detector class, she moved toward him and rested her hand on the back of the aisle seat. “Do you have sensitive eyes?”

  “Ah…” Again hesitating, he passed his fingers over his lips, a gesture similar to the earlier move he’d made with his napkin. “Si. Sensitive eyes.”

  She chuckled. “You sure about that?”

  “We’ll be landing in Acapulco in about ten minutes,” Luke said over the intercom. “Fasten your seatbelts. Mia, please prepare the cabin for landing.”

  Before heading for her seat, she gave Mr. Sunglasses a nod, fairly certain he’d lied to her about the glasses and his unpleasant business, though she hadn’t a clue why.


  “We have six hours to kill, want to do some shopping at the open market?” Luke asked, casually leaning against the cockpit doorjamb.

  Mia had to do a double take. Aside from ordering things online from ICE, she hadn’t been shopping in months. And since they’d arrived in Mexico, the hunky pilot had hardly noticed she was alive. Maybe preparing breakfast and exercising on the balcony had done the trick—or at least helped. “I’d like that.”

  They took a taxi to the expansive “Flea Market” on the river and Luke pulled her inside the maze of shops, manned by people displaying their wares, all anxious to usher them inside their stores.

  “Hold on to your purse,” Luke whispered in her ear as he walked with his hand protectively around her waist.

  Warmed by his attention, Mia smiled. “You forget I have been in Mexico most of my life.”

  “You have.” He ushered her into a jewelry store sparkling with silver. “This place looks interesting.”

  “Jewelry?” she asked. “I’ve never seen you wear it.”

  “It’s not for me.”

  Luke pulled her along a glass display case while the shopkeeper followed. “I’ll give you a good price. You want something nice for the lady?”

  “Mm…” Luke hardly took notice of the man, until something caught his eye. “That.”

  “Ah, you have excellent taste, my friend.”

  Mia leaned forward to take a look. “Oh my.” She patted her chest, taking a deep breath. It wasn’t just a single piece, it was a beautiful necklace with inlaid turquoise and a purple stone and another that look like lapis. With matching earrings and a bracelet, the set was modern and thicker on one side growing thinner as the necklace made a circle. The earrings looked like two overlapping triangles with the hammered stone inlaid. The bracelet was a smaller clone of the necklace.

  Luke straightened with a grin. “Do you like the set?”

  “It’s stunning, but I’ll bet it’s expensive.”

  “We’ll take it,” Luke said without bartering or even asking the price.

  Practically drooling, the shopkeeper finalized the transaction and went to wrap the package but Luke held up his palm. “I’d like her to wear it.” He shot a sheepish smile at Mia. “Is that okay?”

  “Oh yes, I’d love to.” She twisted her hair and held it up while Luke fastened the necklace in place, his warm breath caressing her skin. She put on the earrings and then he took her hand and secured the bracelet around her wrist. He stood back and admired the jewelry, then bowed. “You look lovely, my lady.” He plied her hand with a gentle kiss, his lips soft as downy feathers and warm as a summer’s breeze.

  Again, butterflies flitted around in her stomach as if he were going to pull her into an embrace and give her a real kiss. When he didn’t, she almost threw her arms around him, but forced herself to resist the urge. No, he wouldn’t want that. Besides, he needed to be the one to restart romantic relations. She couldn’t endure his rejection and he was only beginning to act normal again. His gift of jewelry was quite a surprise. Perhaps it was his way of calling a truce. He most certainly didn’t need to apologize. Since they’d met, he’d done nothing but watch her back, he’d put her safety first. He was strong and steadfast and honorable, and that’s exactly why she wanted only him. If there was enough time, she would win him back. The breakfast this morning had paid in dividends and she wasn’t about to forget it.

  Luke brushed her cheek with his knuckle. “I say new jewelry needs an outfit to match.”

  Mia shook her head. “I don’t mind getting clothes, but I should buy them. For the first time in my life I’m actually earning money.”

  “But there’s so much for you to start thinking about. Retirement saving, investments…” He pulled her through the market until he found a dress shop toward the center. The clothes inside were high-end, a lot classier than the garments in the shops nearer the road. He strode straight to a mannequin. “This is perfect.”

  The strappy dress had all the colors of the jewelry as if it had been made by the same designer. She examined the silky material. “I can’t believe it.”

  “And the lapis matches your eyes.” Luke held the cloth up to Mia’s face. “You have to try this on.”

  The shopkeeper was there in seconds, brandishing the dress and shoving Mia toward the dressing room.

  The outfit was perfect but Luke didn’t let her pay for it either.

  Relaxed, she smiled as they walked along the corridor of endless shops. “Now I need to buy you something.”

  “I’m happy with a t-shirt and a pair of shorts.”

  “Is that what you’re going to wear to take me out to dinner?” She watched his reaction out of the corner of her eye.

  His eyebrows shot up. “Who said I was taking you out to dinner?”

  “You mean you’ll spring for a new dress and jewelry and expect me to hide them in a

  “All right then. We have a day off tomorrow, let’s go out for a nice dinner.”

  “And dancing?”

  “If it pleases the lady.”

  A child sitting along the wall held up a cup. “Money,” she said in English.

  Mia reached into her purse and pulled out a five hundred peso note and put it into the cup.

  Luke grabbed her arm and hastened her away. “Are you crazy? That’s like holding up a sign saying ‘foolish rich person here, come and rob me’.”

  “Stop.” Mia yanked her arm away. “If you recall, I used to be one of those urchins. That money will keep her from being beaten tonight. On top of that, she’ll eat well for a few days. Did you see her? She’s flesh and bones.”

  Luke raked his fingers through his hair. “Shit.” He looked back toward the kid. “I’m sorry. You seem so normal, it’s hard to believe you grew up like that.”

  Mia grabbed his wrist and pulled him through the crowd—maybe this was her chance to explain. “Well, believe it. Now maybe you’ll realize exactly how much I’ve had to learn since I first met you at the jail in Chihuahua. My life has never been my own. I know I’ve made mistakes—bad ones, but how am I to know how people are supposed to behave?”

  “You have a sense of right and wrong.”

  “I do, but it has been hard for me to trust.”

  “I’ll say.”

  “I think I know who I can trust and who I can’t now.”

  They stepped outside and a sea breeze whipped through Mia’s hair while the sunshine practically blinded her.

  “Tell me, who do you trust?” Luke asked.


  “No matter what?”

  “No matter what.”

  “Wrong answer.”

  Mia’s head swam. “What? Why?”

  “Because we’re on an op together.”

  “But you’ve saved my life. You’re here to bring down—”


  “You know.”

  He leaned forward and pressed his lips to her ear. “I am your partner on a highly dangerous mission, and that’s as far as your trust should go. What if I called Morales and told him how to find you?”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “What if I did?”

  Her breath caught while her throat closed. “I can’t imagine—”

  “Imagine it.”

  “I’d run. I-I’d call Garth.”

  “Good for starters.” He gave her a sharp stare. “Where would you go?”

  She stamped her foot. “If I told you then you’d know.” But her mind raced. Where would she go? She had cash—ICE ensured they paid for everything with cash. She could hide out of sight somewhere.

  Luke took her hand. “You should see your face. It looks like your world just crashed and burned around your feet.”

  “Didn’t it?”

  “No. I was just trying to make a point.” He started off again. “Come, let’s grab something to eat. There must be an open-air café somewhere along the beach.”

  Just as Mia’s spirits started to rise, she froze. Her skin grew clammy, her eyes wide. She couldn’t breathe. Clutching at her chest she backed away from the fountain—chipped paint, empty and behind them were the shops. God, how foolish could she be?

  “Mia?” Luke’s voice sounded like he was speaking in a tunnel.

  “Ah!” The exclamation slipped from her throat as she turned and ran. Sweat streamed from her brow, tears poured from her eyes as she fled. People stepped in her way. She darted aside and flew down stairs leading to the beach. Once her feet hit sand, her legs took over and pummeled as fast as she could.

  “Mia!” Luke yelled, gaining from behind.

  On and on she ran. Her lungs started to burn, her legs on fire. “No!” she screamed unable to take another step, dropping to her knees in the sand. Clenching her teeth, she buried her face in her hands while she sobbed and gasped with sharp pants, too shocked to calm her breathing. It all came back with a force so violent, it was as if she’d hurled back in time to the day she was kidnapped. The fountain, the beach, Mom disappearing into the shop—and those enormous hands gripping her arms, hurting her, then wrapping around her stomach while a filthy palm covered her mouth. She could still smell it—hot peppers mixed with dirt.

  Mia screamed as a pair of big hands grabbed her. “No!” She jerked and twisted, fighting with every ounce of strength in her body. “Don’t touch me!” She blindly threw an elbow to the attacker’s jaw.

  The world spun as those strong hands caught her elbow and flipped her onto her back, then the vile beast pounced on her chest. “Shhhh, sweetheart. It’s me. It’s Luke.”

  Warm sand surrounded her while she focused and stared up into blue eyes—beautiful, worried eyes filled with compassion. “Luke?” she choked, still panicky and jerking her arms beneath his hands.

  “What happened back there?”

  “I saw it—the place where I was taken.”

  “Oh, God.” He rolled off her and pulled her into his arms, cradling her on his lap. “Jesus, I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s like it all happened again.”

  “But it didn’t. I’m here. I’ll never let anyone touch you. Do you understand?”

  She nodded, leaning into his warmth, never wanting those strong arms to release her. The tears refused to stop while he rocked her back and forth, his soft lips caressing her temple. “That’s right, let it out. You’re so much stronger now.”

  Hiccupping, Mia tried to catch her breath. “I-I am. B-because of y-you.”

  “You are because you have strength inside your heart. No one can ever take that away.”

  “I want to believe it.”

  “Then do.” With the crook of his finger, he turned her face upward, capturing her lips in a sweet, unhurried kiss. “I believe in you.”

  “Even after my mistakes?”

  He kissed her again, slower this time.

  She melted into his kiss—soft, gentle, perfect. “It was never my intention to hurt you.”

  “I know.”

  “I care about you—more than anyone. I want this op to last forever because I-I can’t imagine being without you.”

  He grinned with a low chuckle. “You worry too much, love. Let’s just take things one day at a time, okay?”

  Mia bit her bottom lip, her gaze drifting to his mouth while emotion surged through her entire body. She didn’t want to remember her abduction—the pain, the terror. Having Luke’s arms surrounding her, his lips kissing her, made the terror shed away like the trickle of water from a stream.

  “Know what?” he asked.

  She shook her head.

  “I think it’s a good thing we have the day off tomorrow. We both need it—and I mean getting away from everything. We should leave work behind and take a cruise of Acapulco Bay.”

  “Just a cruise? No other agenda?”

  “Yeah. A day off. No Garth. No ICE…with luck.”

  “After I do the laundry?”

  “Laundry?” he asked as if it were the toughest job in the world.

  “I’m out of undies.”

  “All right. I’ll make the booking while you wash your clothes.”

  “You’ll fix breakfast, too?”


  Chapter Thirty-One

  Amazed at Mia’s ability to rise above and conquer her fears, Luke followed her into the apartment. More than once, she’d proven the strength of her mind and ability to overcome adversity and stare it in the eye. The woman was not only beautiful on the outside, but her desire to be good and righteous made him want to be a better man. When he’d cradled her in his arms on the beach, he realized how badly he’d behaved. He’d allowed his anger to take over the feelings lurking in the recess of his heart. Yes, she’d made mistakes, but look at where she’d come from. Anyone else would have needed a year in psychiatric rehab. Mia had a few weeks at ICE and was now being used as bait in a highly dangerous espionage operatio
n. It was just a matter of time before Morales surfaced. Luke could bet a year’s pay on it, as long as Garth didn’t shut them down before the crook surfaced.

  “I hope we don’t have to shuttle that group again,” Mia said as she put the take-away box with the leftover enchiladas in the refrigerator.

  “They seemed none too friendly.”

  “I suppose you meet all sorts in the charter business.”

  “I reckon you do. It was that way when I was flying for NATO in Africa.”

  She let out a long sigh and rubbed the back of her neck.

  Luke sank his fingers into her shoulders and massaged. “You all right?”

  “Mm hmm. I guess.”

  “Know what I think?”


  “I think you need a whirlpool bath and a massage.”

  “Sounds perfect.” Rolling her head back, she moaned. “And wine.”

  He kissed her neck. “I’ll start the water and pour the wine.”

  “I can do it.”

  “Sure you can.” He headed for the bathroom. “But so can I.”

  It didn’t take long to fill the spa bath, light some candles and pour two glasses of wine. Luke was already in the tub when Mia entered wearing a robe.

  He grinned. “I was wondering when you’d get here. The water is warm and the jets soothing.”

  Her tongue slipped over her lip as she unfastened the belt and let the robe cascade to the floor.

  Leaning back, he drank her in, leisurely raking his gaze down her body, her sexual aura mesmerizing. An arrow of sizzling heat shot straight to his groin, making him moan while she stepped into the water. Mia’s body was to die for and he reached for the curve of her waist pulling her downward, grazing his jaw along her ear. Nuzzling into her neck, he inhaled her scent—heady, floral with overtones of hot sex.

  “Put your back to me,” he growled, forcing himself to behave. He gathered her hair and twisted the silky strands and slid them over her shoulder, then he worked his fingers into the tight muscles at her nape, fanning out to the trapezoids.


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