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The American Soldier Collection 15: Their Battle for Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  The American Soldier Collection 15: Their Battle for Love

  Malayna was a prisoner for three long years. She finally meets her father, a Russian boss who hadn’t known she even existed until right before her abduction three years ago. He had men he trusted trying to find her and ultimately they were the ones to rescue her. She was abused, controlled, broken down to the point where she wanted to die. She wouldn’t succumb to the control and possession of the men who abused her and broke down her will to fight.

  When another woman, Nalia is brought into her world she thinks there is hope that at least she won’t die alone, and that maybe this woman could be a friend and they could work together to fight their attackers. Nalia turns out to be much more and they are rescued. Malayna is safe now, and she falls in love, but is the danger over, or is it just the calm before the storm?

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Romantic Suspense

  Length: 48,748 words



  Dixie Lynn Dwyer


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2016 by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-68295-192-7

  First E-book Publication: April 2016

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2016 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Dear Readers,

  Thank you for purchasing this legal copy of Battle For Love.

  No matter what obstacles life places in the way, we have two options. We can give up, give in, and let weakness destroy our hope, or we can fight with all our might, all our powers, and never give up.

  No one ever said it would be easy, and for Malayna it will take the desire to finally be free. To obtain a family, a life, and the love of four soldiers to finally let her have the life she deserves and almost gave up on at a time when obstacles were winning.

  May you enjoy her journey, her battle for love, for family, for life. For everything worthwhile is worth fighting for.

  Happy reading.



  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9


  About the Author




  Copyright © 2016


  Malayna Regard stood by the window overlooking the gardens. Her father’s estate was stunning and from where she stood she could see two guards talking and smoking cigarettes. There wasn’t the fear, the same level of anxiety she had when she was held prisoner in Mexico by Cornikup. That wasn’t to say she wasn’t scared, or anxious, just less so because these were all good people that surrounded her.

  She glanced at Nalia as she lay sleeping in the king-size bed. She was getting stronger and stronger every day, but the seriousness of her injuries kept her in pain. Malayna didn’t want to leave her side.

  She smiled at her. Nalia had saved her life. The moment Nalia had arrived at Cornikup’s home Malayna hoped she could have a friend, another woman to talk to and even help. God knew Malayna had learned the hard way about putting up a fight against men like Vlladim.

  She shivered just thinking about him, and when she closed her eyes she saw him. Vlladim haunted her dreams, invaded her mind even when she thought she was at peace. The fact that no one, not even Nicolai, tried to tell her that Vlladim would never get his hands on her again validated her fears. Unless the man was dead, there would always be that fear of him returning to find her. She knew him better than anyone else. He would not give up. He was obsessed, and he would not rest until he possessed her.


  She turned around quickly, hearing Nalia’s strained voice. As soon as she was by her bedside Nalia smiled.

  “You didn’t have to stay. You should be getting to know your new home and visiting with Nicolai,” she told her.

  Malayna smoothed out the covers and kept her eyes down. “I want to be here for you. Plus, most of the time it’s one of your men or your father who sits and watches over you.”

  Nalia smiled. “Karlicov has been here, too?”

  Malayna picked up on the faded smile and now sad expression.

  “Why are you sad about that? He loves you and wants to spend time with you,” Malayna said to her.

  “When I’m asleep?” Nalia a

  Malayna thought about it. “Perhaps he still feels responsible for your injuries and for the things you were forced to do in order to survive?”

  “Well, he needs to get over it. Karlicov should know that I have always been resistant to the rules, and never fit into a normal sort of lifestyle. He knew me when I was a teenager and got into trouble. Heck, he saved my life by intervening before I did an illegal theft job with some other teens. They hadn’t been so lucky.”

  Malayna smiled softly and held her gaze.

  “He was there for you then, but he may feel he failed you when you truly needed his guidance and protection.”

  Nalia took a deep breath and exhaled.

  “I need to get up out of this bed and start moving around. They’re babying me,” Nalia stated and threw back the covers.

  Malayna stood up. “Wait, I don’t know if that’s such a great idea, Nalia. The stitches are still in, and the bruising bad. You haven’t really walked on that foot with the broken ankle.”

  “It’s got a cast on it, and I have the crutches, and I have you. Help me, Malayna. I need to show my father and my men that I’m strong and resilient, and most importantly, I’m alive.”

  Malayna wrapped her arm around Nalia’s waist and helped her stand up. She got her the crutches and then guided her to the bathroom. It was very large and had gorgeous windows that brought rays of sunlight into the bathroom and shimmered against the bronze and cream-colored crystal accents.

  “I need to cover this cast so I can shower and then maybe you can help me to get downstairs.”

  “Downstairs? Usually one of your men carries you down the stairs.”

  Nalia squinted her eyes and gave Malayna a wink. “Not today, Malayna. Today begins the new way things are going to work. I’ll be joining whoever is around for lunch.”

  Malayna smiled. “I love your spunk. I wish I had more of that.”

  Nalia grabbed her shoulder and held her gaze. “You will have that, Malayna. You’re stronger than you want to accept right now. One day, very soon, the fears you have will suddenly not seem so intense. Your determination to have a new life, a full life free from fears and filled with empowerment, training, and capabilities will replace all the bad things. You’ll see. It will happen, and I’m going to be right by your side to help you. Now, let’s get a move on it. I don’t want anyone carrying me down the stairs to breakfast.”

  Malayna couldn’t help but feel Nalia’s determination. Maybe spending so much time with her might help Malayna absorb some of that determination and spunk as well?

  * * * *

  “What do you think you are doing?” Viktor asked as Nalia and Malayna entered the kitchen dining area. She was walking on crutches, looking like she was in pain but determined. Viktor knew that look. Malayna was right by her side and appeared frightened by his loud tone. One look around the room showed Viktor he wasn’t the only man affected by this situation.

  “I can assure you that I am perfectly fine to join everyone for lunch down here. For the record, there need to be some changes.”

  “Changes?” Cosivan asked with his arms crossed in front of his chest. He stared at his woman with such a serious hard expression, Viktor hid his smirk as Nalia rolled her eyes and then painstakingly made her way to the table.

  “Yes, Cosivan, changes. With my father’s permission and blessing, of course, it’s time to speed up this healing process,” she said and then pulled a chair out and reached for a spoon to dish some eggs onto her plate. Boian made room for Malayna as Cosivan sat back in his chair, holding a firm expression, too. Viktor wondered what Nalia was up to.

  “You need to rest. Those stitches could pull, or your leg give out. The doctor said four to six weeks off of it and elevated. Then another two to three weeks in a boot and lightweight bearing on it. Right now you are disobeying doctor’s orders,” Viktor reprimanded.

  “Whatever,” Nalia said and sat down. Chatham pulled over another chair and then lifted her leg to elevate her ankle.

  She took a bite of eggs and then swallowed.

  “Another thing.”

  Dusty exhaled.

  “Nalia,” he said firmly.

  “Another thing,” she repeated firmly back and then shook her head as if annoyed with them.

  “I am not about to sit upstairs in a bedroom like some invalid or hermit. I spent most of my life praying, hoping that one day my father and I could be together, spending time together and getting to know one another and have a normal relationship. I also spent a lot of time alone and that is not how life should be led. We’re a family, all of us, and we need to start acting like one because damn it, we’ve got a lot to offer and help with, me included. By the way, Dad, we’ll need to talk. Alone. There are things to discuss,” she stated.

  “Really?” Karlicov asked.

  “Yes, sir. Now, can we all sit down and have breakfast together? I really don’t want to have it alone upstairs. I finally have a family, five men I love, a father, and a new best friend,” she said and winked at Malayna.

  Viktor looked at Cosivan, who didn’t seem too happy about how Nalia was running the show.

  “That sounds like a great idea, but, Nalia, right after breakfast you and I are going to have a little discussion about showing respect and not making demands on people. We’re all here to ensure your safety and your happiness, but it seems you’re still in need of some discipline,” he teased.

  “Sounds like a plan, Cosivan, and for the record, it’s about time,” she said and then leaned back and popped a piece of bacon into her mouth. The guys chuckled but Viktor couldn’t help but feel like Nalia’s show of independence and strength was for another reason entirely. One glance at his new cousin, Malayna, and her expression of shock but also shyness and fear, and he had a feeling Nalia was trying to help Malayna fit in and feel safe. That was simply amazing considering that Nalia hadn’t even spent any time living here, getting to know her father, or even starting to work on a new life with Karlicov included. Nalia had a huge heart, a great spirit, and one serious ass spanking coming her way from Cosivan.

  * * * *

  Malayna made her way down the long corridor, admiring the fine art her father displayed. He was an avid art collector, only the finest pieces, and she enjoyed taking the time to admire their beauty. She thought about Cornikup and how he would make her read and learn all about Russian art, Russian lifestyles, and about business. Yet her heart remained with thoughts of her Ukrainian life, and the old home in which she lived, grew up in, and remained alone with her mother, Mya.

  Her heart was hardened now. She had learned to submerge her emotions, had been trained to be obedient, passive, and controlled. Watching Nalia exert her assertiveness and to hear her determination to not allow the pain to rule her life made Malayna wish for so many things. At the moment those wishes were simple. Malayna wanted to feel safe. She wanted to learn more about who her father really was, rather than how Cornikup described him. It was obvious to her that Cornikup was jealous, and his hatred strong.

  She stepped closer to a large picture of a mother with her daughter standing by a small house with fields of flowers surrounding them. That could have very well been her and her mother, except for the abundant flowers. In their home, a small, quaint house where they worked hard to live a modest life, there was little money left for planting flowers or engaging in frivolous things like pretty flowers to gaze upon. Not when they were both working so hard to pay for food, maintain their home, and ultimately hide. Malayna should have known her gut was right when she started talking to her mother about colleges, and perhaps heading to the States for better opportunities. Her mother forbade that she even look at colleges and told her she needed to maintain her position as a maid and nurse for the elderly in the local hospital. It was there she met Olenna, an older woman who had been a teacher. It was with Olenna that she learned about art, about history, and about photography. Olenna introduced her to the basics of taking photos and then even gave her a
camera to use. She had been taking pictures that day. The day she got home late and stumbled upon her mother being murdered, and Vlladim being the one to kill her.


  She gasped and swung around to see Nicolai standing there. She hadn’t even heard him approach nor had she even realized that a tear rolled down her cheek until it was too late. She quickly used the back of her hand to wipe it away and then turned from him.

  “I’m sorry to have frightened you. Are you okay?” he asked her, in that deep tone of voice laced with a Russian accent. She knew that he was a man of honor and respect, one of the highest bosses of the Russian mob. Being her father came last.

  She looked at him. “I’m okay, and just enjoying the art you have on display. This piece right here reminds me of my home,” she said to him and looked at it.

  “Is that so?” he asked, joining her. She turned to look up at him. He was a very attractive man with bright blue eyes identical to hers. She had his thick, distinguished eyebrows and a little bit of his nose. Most of her features, though, seemed to be more like her mother’s. She was petite, five foot three, very thin, and her long chocolate locks were wavy and thick and hung past her lower back.

  “This painting was done by a Ukrainian artist, not far from Lozova.”

  “From Lozova?” she asked, stepping closer.

  Nicolai turned to look at her.


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