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The American Soldier Collection 15: Their Battle for Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 11

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Holy shit,” Star said and ran his hand along his mouth and held himself with one arm as he watched Malayna gasp for breath then cry out another release. Border felt Lucca come in her ass then he kissed her shoulders then down her back and gave her ass another smack. She gasped as he pulled out but then Krane was there.

  “I need you, too,” he said and she nodded.

  “Yes. Oh God, this is crazy. You’re all wild,” she said and then gasped again as Krane added more lube to her ass then pressed fingers into her. He stroked her ass again and again and Border anticipated that full feeling that would consume them. “Hurry up,” he ordered Krane.

  Krane slid his hand along her thighs and then replaced his fingers with his cock. Border felt her tighten and then moan. She gripped on to Border and Border felt her pussy spasm then cream again as Krane thrust into her ass.

  “Oh God. Holy shit, Malayna. I love you, baby. I love you so much,” he exclaimed and she cried out as she came. Krane thrust into her a few times then came next. He pulled out and Border lost control on waiting. He couldn’t believe he was still so fucking hard and hadn’t come yet. He rolled Malayna to her back the second Krane pulled out and she gasped.

  “I love you, too. You’re so fucking incredible. The most incredible lover a man, men could ever want or wish for. You’re mine, Malayna. Mine!” he exclaimed and thrust into her so hard and deep she gripped his shoulders, tilted her head back, and cried out his name. He thrust and thrust, trying to ease that itch and finally he came inside of her and held his cock in deep as he grunted and then roared. “Mine!” he said again then fell against her and quickly rolled to the side with her so he wouldn’t crush Malayna. He kissed her lips and caressed her skin as he eased his cock from her pussy. Her skin was glowing, her face enflamed with desire as she opened her eyes and looked at him and smiled.

  “I love you, too, all of you and you’re all mine always,” she said. The others climbed closer and kissed her skin then began to clean her up as she lay there and let them.

  “We’ll take care of you forever, baby. Forever,” Star said and kissed her forehead. Border held her close and told her to rest as they all settled down and enjoyed this time together without a care in the world but being here claiming Malayna.

  * * * *

  “What the hell happened, Star?” his father asked over the phone. Star walked out of the bedroom, leaving his brothers with Malayna as she slept. He had spent some time just watching her sleeping, lying there fully naked between Border and Lucca.

  “We were at The Crest watching over Malayna as she was having a business meeting.”

  “With those two gallery owners?” his father asked. He knew he saw them talking to her at Malayna’s birthday party. It was quite obvious to everyone that Ellington and Pierre found Malayna attractive. Who wouldn’t? His chest tightened. She belonged to him and his team now. They would make that clear very quickly and hopefully tonight’s actions spoke in volumes.

  “You and your brothers allowed that?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You want her. You’re in love with her and it’s pretty damn obvious. She’s lucky that you were with her exiting the club. This concerns me, though. As Nicolai’s daughter she is an instant target. With our business dealings and the work you and your brothers do, you’re targets as well. What has Nicolai said about this situation?”

  “He is furious that they went after Malayna, but it was apparent from their bad aim that it was supposed to be a message of intimidation. I don’t think they expected us to be the ones with Malayna when she left.”

  “Lucky you guys were with her or she could have been shot or killed.”

  “I know that, and the ones who did the drive-by are no longer a problem, which sends Pedro Cruz a clear message,” Star replied as he poured himself a large drink of water as he looked out at the city.

  “I told Nicolai he had my support, our support in this from the start. Apparently your actions have landed us smack in the middle of this situation, too. Especially since you decided to handle the shooters yourself.”

  “They had it coming. Malayna is my top priority.”

  “Is she now? Is there something you would like to share that may have changed since her birthday and this business date with Ellington and Pierre?” his father pushed.

  “She is here with us at the penthouse. I don’t plan on taking her back to Nicolai’s and I already spoke to him about it,” Star told his father.

  Daren cleared his throat. “Nicolai accepted this?”

  “He didn’t sound too pleased about it, but he didn’t demand we take her home or give me any indication that we wouldn’t get his approval or blessing.”

  “Well, you didn’t ask first. There are rules and procedures when staking a claim of guardianship, and I hope marriage, to a woman who is the daughter of a boss.”

  “Well, it’s done, and the moment we know she’s safe we can make everything official.”

  “Your mother will be quite pleased. She likes Malayna a lot.”

  “And how about you?” Star found himself asking, not even knowing why. He never made personal decisions based on his parents’ approval or thoughts.

  “Are you kidding me? Malayna is exceptional. She is not only beautiful on the outside but also on the inside and she is extremely talented. You are going to need an increase in security for her, too, considering her work is so exceptional that she may become quite famous for it.”

  “Believe me, I have thought about that. There are going to be a lot of changes, but as I said her safety is top priority for us.”

  “Good. So what do you need from me?”

  “A sit-down with Pedro Cruz.”


  “I can’t have this man thinking he can go after my woman. I’ll officially claim guardianship of her and spread the word, but to a different organized crime family this may mean shit.”

  “You need to speak to Nicolai. The dispute is with the two of them.”

  “It was, until he took potshots at my family. Set it up. I’ll work it out with Nicolai.”

  Star disconnected the call to find Lucca standing there.

  “When did you make this decision, and I’ll accompany you,” he said to Star.

  “Last night as we made love to Malayna. She is our woman, will be our wife, and it’s our responsibility to protect her at all costs.”

  “Yes, but the problems with Cruz were with Nicolai and him,” Lucca said to him.

  “Not when they took shots at Malayna and us. The moment those shooters saw us they should have squashed their plans to intimidate and scare Nicolai. Now they’ve pissed us off and we aren’t going to stand for it. The second we do and back down is when they don’t take us seriously and Cruz tries to take what he wants. Not happening.”

  “Understandable. Do you think Cruz will accept a meeting, and what about Nicolai?”

  “Nicolai accepted it because we’re claiming guardianship of Malayna.”

  “You spoke to him about that? When?”

  “Last night after we took care of the shooters. He knows she will be extra safe with us as her guardians.”

  “We want more than that with her. We want her to be our wife.”

  “I understand that. I know we’re going about this untraditionally, but Nicolai didn’t demand for me to bring her back to his estate when I said we were protecting her here.”

  “Fuck, so he knows she was with us last night? That she stayed the night?”

  “Yes, and I believe he’s not the only one who is thrilled about it.”

  “Who do you mean?”

  “That was Dad I was on the phone with.”

  “Oh, so he agrees about the meeting?”

  “Not entirely, but he knows it will immediately protect Malayna.”

  “Good. I’ll do anything to keep her safe and make it so that she’s never scared again. Last night scared the hell out of me,” Lucca admitted.

  “Me, too, and that�
��s why we need to make some changes and spread the word that she’s ours.”

  “We should talk to her about things first. Make sure she understands why and doesn’t think we’re just trying to keep her safe.”

  “You worry too much. She knows we love her. Last night proves it and every day for the rest of our lives we can show her,” Star said and placed his hand on Lucca’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze.

  Star heard some laughter and then Malayna screamed out Krane’s name. They both chuckled.

  “See what I mean?” Star said and they both headed back into the bedroom to be with their family.

  Chapter 7

  Malayna hugged her father tight and absorbed the feel of his arms wrapped around her. He was a big man. Tall, in excellent physical condition, and very attractive in his fifties. She had missed out on sharing so much with him and now here she was, only knowing him a short time yet accepting what being his daughter meant.

  “Thank God that you’re okay,” Nicolai said to her. He pulled back and held her gaze. She felt a little embarrassed with the fact that her father knew she spent the last three days with Star, Krane, Lucca, and Border. They had discussed so much with her, and explained where her father stood in his position in a head family and where they stood as leaders in their family. It was overwhelming, yet she felt little anxiety about it. Instead she felt proud. Perhaps it was because she never had a family. It had always been just her and her mother and they had no ties to anything and no one to protect them or help them that dreadful day more than three years ago.

  He stepped back and looked at her men. Star placed his hands on her shoulders and she instantly covered one of his hands with her own and smiled as she glanced up at him and then the others. When she turned back to look at Nicolai, he seemed different.

  “You have not followed the rules. You’ve placed Malayna into a category she doesn’t deserve,” Nicolai said to them.

  “What?” she asked, feeling shocked by his words. As she went to speak, Star gripped her shoulders and moved around her. Krane took his place and Lucca and Border stood by their side.

  “I understand we may not have done things in the traditional manner. However, we had Malayna’s well-being in mind. We are not only officially claiming guardianship of her to provide protection, Nicolai. We are here to ask for Malayna’s hand in marriage,” Star stated.

  Malayna gasped and then went to look at Krane, Border, and Lucca since Star was in front of her but they remained straight-faced like an arsenal and wall of defense.

  “And what about the three nights she hasn’t been here, and the possible gossip about her morals and values as my daughter? She’s only twenty-two years old.”

  “Old enough to know I love them,” she blurted out and Nicolai remained straight-faced but Krane and the others gave her expressions that told her to remain quiet. She sealed her lips and felt her body shaking.

  “We plan on rectifying that right now, Nicolai. In your presence if you give your blessing,” Star said to him.

  He didn’t say a word but then looked at Malayna then back at them.

  “You love her?”

  “With all our hearts.”

  “You speak for your brothers. They don’t have voices of their own?” he pushed.

  He stepped aside and motioned with his hand.

  “I love her very much and it will be an honor if she accepts us,” Krane said to her and kissed her cheek. She felt the tears fill her eyes.

  Lucca brought her hand to his lips and kissed the top of it. “I love you, Malayna, and will always be here for you to protect you and support you.”

  Border gave Star a tap and Border lowered onto one knee as Star and the others did the same in front of her. Malayna covered her mouth and watched as Star pulled a small red velvet pouch from his pocket.

  “I love you. You know I do,” Border said and winked.

  She blushed and then Star emptied the contents of the pouch into his hand. “Malayna, would you do us the honor of being our wife, of wearing this ring that has been in the Mulicheck family for several generations.” He smiled as he took her hand and showed her a gorgeous, very large diamond ring surrounded by smaller diamonds and her birthstone, emeralds.

  “Yes. Oh God, yes, I love all four of you so much. That ring is gorgeous. What an honor,” she said and then glanced at her father.

  “Well, kiss her,” Nicolai said and Star stood up, pulled her into his arms, and kissed her deeply. Then Border did and then Krane and Lucca. She looked at the ring that was absolutely stunning and she couldn’t believe it. She heard her father on the phone saying send them in and then the door opened and Nalia was there with her men along with Karlicov and one of the house helpers who brought in champagne and glasses. Nalia hugged Malayna tight and they went crazy over the ring as the men all congratulated them.

  “She didn’t have a clue, Nicolai,” Star stated and Nicolai gave him a hug and then more celebrating filled the room as Soyva and Daren Mulicheck entered the room and immediately hugged Malayna and then their sons. It was the happiest day of Malayna’s life. She was in love and nothing else seemed to matter but the love she had for her men.

  * * * *

  “Why are you so uptight? Ellington and Pierre know that Malayna is engaged to the four of you. Do you seriously think they would want to mess with made men?” Nalia asked Krane as he watched Ellington and Pierre standing close to Malayna and looking over the artwork on display at the third gallery they had been to. Some of Malayna’s photos and paintings were released and the enthusiasm about her talent and the fact that she was shopping for a gallery had her busier than ever. She was under a lot of stress. Star’s meeting with Cruz hadn’t gone so well and left them all feeling a bit on edge. Cruz claimed that some drug shipments were ripped off and that word was Nicolai had ordered them. Star knew that Nicolai did some business with drugs but nothing like stealing other people’s deliveries. Something didn’t add up.

  “I can’t help it. We’re protective of her and especially about what happened two weeks ago at The Crest,” Krane said to Nalia.

  “I understand there’s some fishy business going on. Viktor and the guys have been concerned, too.”

  Krane looked at Nalia. “You shouldn’t even be aware of what’s going on.”

  “Why? Because I’m a woman? Give me a break. I know business and I know I can be an asset to the family. Karlicov understands that, as do my men. I’ve been thinking a lot about those shipments Cruz said were intercepted, and the fact that his sources as to who took them were vague, just that they were men working for Nicolai. Cruz runs a bit of the action on the Northshore. Nicolai owns a majority of the waterway and of course most of the city. He allows organizations like Cruz’s to make a little money. What if someone is trying to make it look like Nicolai can’t be trusted and is basically screwing other street businesses over? You know, to try and lose some leverage and trust?”

  Krane looked at her and shook his head then smiled. “You should talk to Cosivan. He’s been throwing around a similar theory and has some inside people trying to find stuff out. The thing is, who would be stupid enough to try and frame Nicolai?”

  “Maybe not stupid, but crazy. Think about it. He found his daughter, Malayna, now she falls in love with you guys who are sons of the second largest Russian family. It’s a great time to cause a little fear to run through not only the other families with the potential of the combined power, but also scare the hell out of enemies and their belief that they could gain more control and power. You are basically coordinating a monopoly of this city and in Texas. That seems like enough to call out the crazy and the stupid.”

  Krane’s cell phone rang and Nalia walked over to join Malayna. Krane glanced at Dubkova and Murin, who were on standby watching out for all of them. Plus there were four other security guys by the entrance outside the gallery.

  “How is it going?” Border asked him over the cell phone.

  “Well, it isn’t fun,” Krane repli
ed into the phone, keeping an eye on Malayna.

  “You mean the art and stuff?”

  “I mean Ellington and Pierre standing close to our woman and her giggling and enjoying their silly jokes.”

  “Hmmm, she’ll have to be reprimanded for that tonight,” Border teased. Krane chuckled. Border and Lucca sure did like to spank Malayna’s ass for being naughty. He was starting to think she did things on purpose to get those two going.

  “Will Star and Lucca be at the penthouse when we get back?”

  “They may be a bit late. Also, I got everything set for the trip to Salvation this weekend. We leave tomorrow night and can head back Sunday night late,” Border told him.

  “Great, then one of you guys can go visit the galleries with her around Salvation,” Kane told him.

  “Hey, we’re going to meet the guys at Casper’s. Stone said there’s a party going on Saturday and we will probably know a few of the soldiers there who recently retired.”

  “Great. And how do you feel about that?” Krane asked him as he watched Malayna shake her head at something Ellington showed her and then she placed her hand on her hip and he could see the diamond and emerald engagement ring sparkling in the sunlight. She looked so classy and sexy. He couldn’t wait to peel that long flair skirt off of her and then sink his cock into her deeply and remind her that she belonged to them and no other men. God, he was feeling so possessive.

  “I don’t know. Maybe I’ll feel okay because Malayna and you guys are with me,” Border said to him.

  “I guess so. We’ll see if we’ll make it out of the house. I’m kind of looking forward to getting out of Chicago and being in the country with Malayna,” Krane added.


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