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Breeding Sex Stories

Page 5

by Lexi Lane

  She had never enjoyed performing that for her former owner but she wanted to taste Astrid, wanted to have him in her mouth. She opened her lips further while her fingers gripped his shaft tightly. She had never encountered such a large organ and for a moment she was afraid but she took him into her mouth, using her hand as a stop, and his moan told her she was pleasing him well.

  He was salty and hot; she let her tongue swirl up and down the length of his shaft while she drew her mouth tighter, increasing the pressure. She was rewarded by his fingers digging deeply into her hair, tiny scratches stinging her scalp, and his hips jerking forward.

  Astrid groaned, lost in the sensations being brought by her mouth and skilled hands. He had known she was a concubine and that she had been taught how to please but until that moment it had not occurred to him how much that would bring to him. She lowered her mouth to the heavy sac of his balls and took them in as well, suckling and rolling them around in her mouth, causing shock waves of pleasure to crest over him.

  He could feel his balls rising and tightening, when her finger caressed the sensitive skin between his asshole and testicles he nearly leaped out of his skin. No other woman had ever touched that flesh before and the sheer decadent pleasure of it nearly caused him to explode.

  He pulled himself away very reluctantly but firmly. He wanted to taste her, to feel her wrapped around his cock. He pulled her to her feet and kissed her, a rough and wild kiss that left them both panting and groaning. Their tongues meshed and their hands caressed each other’s bodies, neither of them able to stem the tides of their passion any longer.

  Tabitha shrieked with a combination of fear and excitement when he picked her up and threw her across the room. She tumbled into the bed, her arms and legs flying outward and he leaped onto the bed, the thin mattress sagging below his weight. He shoved his knee between her thighs and ripped the makeshift clothing from her body in swift and harsh movements that left her quaking with anticipation. She helped him out of his kilt and blouse and he kissed her mouth again, his large hands gripping her breasts almost too roughly, his fingers flickering across her nipples.

  He bent his head to her nipples and she stared down, entranced by the sight o0f his blonde head bent to her breast. Her aureole were small and he had taken it completely in, he moved his hands downward, stroking along her thighs. She trembled below his touch, unable to think past the heat and the feel of his hard muscled body below her fingers and tongue.

  His hand delved between her thighs and found her slick with wanting. Tabitha caught one long breath as he held her arms over her head with one hand and used his other hand to guide his throbbing prick into her slippery swollen channel.

  She stretched open her legs and arched her back. He was large and her pussy stretched to accommodate him but she was still aware of the slight burning sensation down there but it was overwritten by desire. Her moans were low and filled with need as he withdrew only to drive into her again and again.

  She fit him like a glove-tight, wet, and heated with oils- he gripped her narrow hips and plunged into her again and again, enjoying the way she felt. Tabitha wrapped her legs around his waist, her inner thighs shaking as the orgasm came closer. She had heard that women felt pleasure during sex but she had never experienced it before and she screamed as friction heat and lust all combined to create a desperate ache inside her that culminated in a gush of fluid from her slit. Her tunnel squeezed and opened onto him, causing more incredibly erotic sensation within her and aftershocks kept her crying out and thrusting her hips into his. Her nails left fiery trails in his back and he hissed in a low breath at the small pain, his own hips pistoning harder and faster as he came to his own pulsing orgasm.

  His hot white seed splattered inside her drenched walls and he buried his face in her shoulder, both of them breathing hard. Eventually they recovered and stirred. Astrid rolled off of her and cuddled her close; pleased by the way she fit so neatly into his the curve of his body. He had been sleeping above decks while she got her sea legs and this was the first chance he had had to appreciate her in that way.

  A shout from above made him grin. The men were celebrating his victory over her. Tabitha, all too aware of the fact that their lovemaking had been noisy and easily heard, blushed to the roots of her hair, an enchanting little thing that made him laugh and curl her closer to his chest.

  “I think you are going to love your new home,” he said into her ear.

  “I am sure I will,” she said, licking away a small bead of sweat from his neck.


  The sea was a vast expanse of blue-green. The waves spread out in a glittering sheet, the sun bounced small spangles of light back at Tabitha’s eyes and sea gulls rode the updrafts, their beady black eyes searching for food.

  “We are near a shore,” Astrid said. “See the birds? They would not be this far out of there was no land to go back to.”

  “A shore? Does that mean we are almost there?”

  Astrid smiled down at her, her skin had darkened slightly over the weeks that they had been at sea, she was a natural sailor and he had almost had a heart attack the day he had gone looking for her and found himself staring at her impressive backside clad in a pair of tight trousers skinning up the rigging to the crow’s nest.

  Her hair blew back from her forehead and her large eyes seemed to absorb the light and then give it back, looking at her gave him a tremendous hard on and he had to concentrate just to remember what it was she had asked him.

  “No, but it does mean we will be at a shore and soon which is good since we need fresh water and supplies.”

  Fresh water. Tabitha had never thought she would be so happy to hear those words. Bathing in tepid water, and a bare handful of it at that, had been a hardship for her, especially lately. For a short time there had been more water to a rainstorm that lasted several days and filled the barrels to nearly overflowing but as the levels in the barrels dropped so did the levels in her washbasin. She understood the necessity but she longed for a hot soak in a deep tub.

  “Will I get to go on the shore?”

  “Yes, you may if it is a shore we know and can trust.”

  She blinked, not understanding. Astrid didn’t want to worry her. The truth was the waters that they were sailing were mostly uncharted to them and the voyage had been long and arduous, they had arrived safely at the palace she had been taken from but the route back had proved no easier and the massive storm had blown them slightly off-course.

  While that would have been no great issue if they were sailing waters they knew out in the endless open where there were no known landmarks or even maps it presented a whole host of problems. They would have to go ashore, if only to get fresh water but the peoples who dwelled in those lands may not be exactly amendable to their arrival.

  Astrid loved battle; he had been raised in the Viking ways. He believed that to die in battle was the only way to truly guarantee a place in Valhalla and he was determined to reside there with the rest of his line and friends. He did not like the idea of losing a boat filled with gold a rare treasure like Tabitha to warriors in a foreign land.

  Tabitha could see he was worried about something, lines creased his forehead and his blue eyes scanned the horizon almost ceaselessly. He held himself tall and erect, more so than usual and she sensed that whatever was on his mind it was not something she could ease by mere speech.

  His long blonde hair flew in the wind, the sun had left brighter gold streaks in the waves and she reached out, tugging playfully at one lock. He let out a mock yelp and she grinned and tickled his rib cage with her fingers.

  Astrid seized her hands and held them over her head. He knew she was trying to lighten his mood and he appreciated it. It was working too; he was suddenly far more interested in her than in the nagging worries of what may lie on the shore.

  He grabbed her, swinging her over his shoulder. Her pert rump, still clad in the trousers she had talked the tiny cabin boy into giving her, stretched ta
ut over her flesh, showing the deep cleft between her cheeks in a startling and incredibly sexy way that had him stiff with desire.

  He strode across the deck. Some of the men laughed and others ignored him. They had all taken a lot of pleasure in the Emperor’s harem and now they were looking forward to going home and lying with their own fiercely loving women.

  Astrid carried her to the cabin and before the door could even swing shut properly he had stripped her breeches off to reveal her naked sex and the damp curls that covered it. His fingers probed into that slit, spreading the sticky fluids already forming onto her labia.

  He knelt and she groaned as his mouth found her, his tongue sliding along her soaked seam and tasting the slightly salty sweetness of her folds. His tongue rose higher, licking circles of fire around her clit, she shuddered as sensations took over thought and a haze of pleasurable abandonment filled her mind.

  Astrid thrust one finger into her, his tongue still pressing against the hardened bud of her clit. She gasped and raised herself up on her toes, then slid back down in time with that thrusting digit. Pleased by her response he added a second finger, stretching her open in preparation for his prick.

  Tabitha’s blouse was still on and Astrid didn’t bother to remove it, they were both far too hot for that. He simply picked her up and slid her down the throbbing length of his cock. Her hands tangled into his hair and her legs wrapped tightly around his lean waist. Her cries were muffled by the curve of his neck and shoulder but they were still audible.

  Tabitha reveled in the feel of him inside her. He filled her completely and she ached with need. Her ass quivered as she strained against him, her heels scraping the coarse fabric of his blouse. Her pussy dripped fluids down her inner thighs and she knew he was soaked as well.

  The extra lubrication allowed him to thrust harder without fear of hurting her and he did, his ass clenching tightly as he moved inside of her and relaxing as he withdrew. Her nails left tingling trails in his scalp and they both moaned out at the same time as they orgasmed together.

  “You’re a witch,” Astrid gasped into her breasts, “A beautiful wicked little witch and I aim to keep you forever.”

  “I’m your forever,” Tabitha replied and he raised his head, looking deeply into her eyes. He kissed her again instead of speaking; it wasn’t a Viking man’s way to be soft and the words he wanted to say sounded too womanly soft to speak. His tongue met hers and twisted around it and he felt her body loosen as she relaxed.

  His cock softened and he slowly withdrew from her. The tension that had been eating at him had vanished but not the concern. If anything he was more determined than ever to keep her safe from any and all harm.


  Land showed on the horizon the next day and the men began to ready the ship and themselves. Swords were sharpened, axes were honed. The blades gleamed and shot sparks as they were laid against the whetstone. The sun sent shining silvery light playing along the wickedly sharp edges and a tremble of fear began in Tabitha’s belly.

  She had seen much death as a harem girl. The men who displeased the Emperor were often put to death, or tortured until they escaped into it one. She had seen tigers slaughtered for sport and she knew that savagery existed in every part of the world. Before death had seemed like a mere specter stalking along outside of her own being but looking at Astrid’s face, his eyes lit up with an anticipation he couldn’t hide, she felt death right beside her.

  The men began singing. She had learned, out of necessity, to speak some of the language that Astrid used with them. He always spoke Latin with her but she knew that few people in his homelands spoke that language and if she were to live there she must learn so she had applied herself. She didn’t understand all of the words but understood instinctively that it was a battle hymn and prayer to the gods that was spinning across the decks and out into the open air.

  Shivers broke out across her body and she clutched her arms tightly over her chest as the ship tossed its anchor and the men began to ready the long boats that would ride the waves to the rock littered shore. Astrid had already said she could go but that if there was any sign of trouble she was to run for the small boats and the men who would be left behind to row them back to the safety of the ships.

  She clambered into the small boat, her shoulder rubbing against Astrid’s and he gave her a reassuring smile and draped an arm across her shoulders. His fingers rested below the curve of her breast and the sea rocked them along. A mild breeze helped the oarsmen to get them to the shore far more quickly than she would have liked though.

  The shore looked entirely inhospitable. The boulders were grayish-black and covered with sea slime in a putrid shade of green. A dead fish bobbed on the waves and she felt revulsion rising into her belly as its bloated carcass drifted past them.

  There were trees, stunted and dripping with a gloomy gray substance that looked like tangled hair and the grass that grew was stunted and brown. Despite the sun’s rays she felt cold and frightened. Astrid whispered to her, “It is still not yet summer here. The winter just loosened her stranglehold on the land so it looks far more ugly than it usually does.”

  “It looks dead.”

  Astrid felt a small misgiving at those words. He had never considered what she might think of his homelands. He remembered the heat and the sand of her own home and wondered if she would ever truly be able to love the place he was taking her to.

  The shore was dark sand littered with shells and chunks of seaweed. The wind blew off the rocks with a mournful sound that put every man ill-at-ease. Astrid glanced up at the circling crows and then at the large buildings made of stone that sat in the distance.

  “You stay here.”

  Tabitha cast him a look that let him know in no uncertain terms what she thought of that plan. “I would rather be at your side.”

  He felt pride flare up. She had the same sense of tough pride as born Viking woman. He grunted and shrugged as if to say he didn’t care much either way but she saw the admiring grin tugging at the corner of his lips and the lips of a few of the men.

  They set off for the buildings, leaving their footprints behind in the swirling sand. The air had the heavy tang of salt and the sea gulls cried out, fighting with the crows for whatever food it was that they were all diving for. The sight of the black birds made Astrid and his men cautious. He scented the air, hoping to detect wood smoke or any other scent but there was nothing on the air that was obvious or that would signal life. There was no sound of horses or hammering, no animals. The place felt empty, abandoned.

  Leif sidled up, his eyes scanning the buildings though his face never changed expression and his head never moved. “We’re being watched from the trees Astrid.”

  “How many?”

  “Three I would say.” Leif’s eyes went to the ground and back up in a swift movement that was barely perceptible. “They are small and wear no oils, I almost missed the scent. They hide well; they are hard to see in the tree line.”

  Astrid’s eyes picked out proof of life in the carefully cloaked bounty of what looked, at first glance, like overgrown and bedraggled gardens. Under the dead straw lay ripening and budding greenery. Not weeds either but the shoots of onions and carrots. He shot a glance at an outer wall, there were small pens there that had once held smaller animals; he was willing to bet rabbits.

  “Do you think they’re wood folk?” One of the men asked, his nerves showing at the thought.

  Tabitha didn’t know what that meant but it was obvious that the thought upset the men, except for Astrid and Leif, both who seemed unperturbed by it. “No,” Astrid said. “They’re women.”

  A murmur went through the men, small but audible. The trees rustled and the waves slapped the shore angrily. The mournful wind rang out again and Tabitha saw a movement that made her almost stop and stare but Astrid’s hand clung to her arm and he hissed, “Do not look, pretend as if you don’t see them.”

  “More ahead,” Leif whispered from one cor
ner of his mouth.

  Terror settled into Tabitha though she kept her face arranged in a pleasantly calm mask. Having been at far too many executions where her presence was not only expected but required had forced her to learn how to appear serene even while her emotions were turmoil. Astrid was proud of her and he could tell she was making the other men proud as well. She would make a good queen. That is, if they survived whatever trickery this was and made it home again.

  A loud cry hurtled through the air along with a spear. Astrid turned, his body arching over hers as the tip of the long weapon sped past them and buried itself in the sand. It went deep, it quivered in the ground and Tabitha stared at its shaft with horror and anger rising up in her chest.

  Figures broke from the trees and she forgot everything, her mind stunned into incomprehension by the strangeness of the creatures running toward them. They were women, or at least appeared to be but they were naked, their bodies painted in various colors: beige and brown and the occasional dull green. One’s hair hung in dirty muddy waves to her slender shoulders and another’s blue eyes looked out at them through a mask of sand and red dirt.

  The men had to fight hard. It was obvious they didn’t want to kill the women, it was all they could do however to subdue them. There were eight of them in total and by the time they got them all to lay down their primitive weapons and to stop fighting the day had begun to wane and the sky to darken with the promise of night.

  They spoke no recognizable language either. One of them kept grabbing at the men’s groins, laughing when she encountered a particularly heavy or hardened cock. They chattered at the men, who stared at them uncomprehendingly. Finally one woman hobbled forward and Tabitha realized she must be the leader, she was very old and her hair hung almost to the ground behind her. She pointed her finger at Leif and then to a very young woman with a stunning figure under her crusted dirt and decorative coloring. The old woman said something and then she made a gesture that could not be misunderstood in the least.


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