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Breeding Sex Stories Page 14

by Lexi Lane

  It was clear she was being watched; she did not know if it was Balbus, who had told her father, or if Antonius had his own suspicions, or if Jaren suspected something. But it didn’t really matter. It meant she was never alone, never able to slip free to meet Marius.

  But she’d managed to plead a headache and retired to her room, with instructions not to be disturbed. When the house had grown quiet, she slipped down to the tunnels, hurrying through the damp darkness, finding the store room to wait for Marius.

  He was already there, in the shadows. She sensed his presence, inhaled his wonderful scent and was instantly in his arms. Before he could even kiss her, words began spilling out of her, as she told him first about the impending marriage and then about Balbus’s threat, but not about what Balbus had done to her. He held her for a long time, rubbing her back, letting her cry against his shoulder. And then, finally, she told him she was carrying his child.

  She felt his arms tighten around her, and she feared he was angry. But then he buried his face in her neck and she felt the dampness of his tears against her skin. She held him, her fingers winding through his long hair, until he lifted his head and began to speak, his voice low.

  “I have wanted a child…hopefully, a son…of my own for a long, long time. But I was captured, sent here and thought that dream had died when I lost my freedom. Then I dared hope that I could escape here, take you with me, and we could start a life in my country. And that a child became a distant, but real, dream again. But to have you here, telling me that you carry my child, makes my heart light.” He kissed her face, her eyelids, hugging her to him. She could almost feel the joy flooding through his veins.

  “The escape plan is coming into place. We are ready to break free and it will be soon.” His voice suddenly grew excited. “We can use the wedding ceremony and all the confusion to cover our escape.”

  Aurelia grew still in his arms. “How will you come get me if I’m surrounded by my family, by the man I am to marry?”

  “Do not doubt that I will find you. Never doubt that you are always first in my mind.” He held her, kissing her gently, murmuring softly into her ear.

  “Just be ready for the unexpected. And be ready to run.” His kisses grew more passionate and soon they were naked, bodies pressed together. Marius ran his hand over her stomach. In the dim light that penetrated from the tunnel, she could see the smile on his face as he traced the contours of her belly. He knelt, kissing her stomach as he ran his hands over her hips, resting his head against her body. Aurelia stroked his hair as he held her.

  At length he stood, pulling her to his chest. Her hands traced over his smooth skin, the hard muscles beneath. She marveled at a man so strong, who fought for his very life, could be brought to his knees by the tiny seedling growing inside her. It made her heart sing.

  She reached down to cup his erection, his cock hard and long in her hand. She felt him shiver at her touch and she wrapped her hand around his shaft, stroking him slowly, feeling him grow even harder, his breathing quickening and grow rough.

  Now it was Aurelia’s turn to kneel in front of Marius. She heard him gasp as she kissed the end of his cock, running her tongue over the head. Marius leaned back, hands gripping the edge of an old table, as Aurelia began kissing his cock, from the head down the shaft, licking and nibbling as she worked from one end and back to the other.

  She was a virgin before Marius and her only experiences had been with him. And this was something she had never done. But the desire she felt for this man, the pleasure she wanted to give him knew no bounds. And this was what she wanted to do, to use her mouth to give him pleasure.

  Aurelia took his hard cock into mouth, sucking on the very end. Marius flexed his hips, gently thrusting his cock into her mouth, holding her head with one hand. She moved her head in time with his thrusts, taking him further and further into her mouth each time.

  Soon he was thrusting hard into her mouth, moaning loudly. Aurelia was afraid someone would hear, but she was so entranced with the reaction she’d created in Marius. She sucked harder, hearing him groan, saying her name over and over.

  And then he was gasping, holding her head, his cock jerking and pulsing in her mouth. Suddenly he cried out and she her mouth was filled with his hot liquid. She swallowed instinctively. He tried to pull away, but she held him tightly in her mouth as he continued thrusting into her, as his cock continued pumping his seed into her mouth.

  Finally he relaxed, breathing hard, he hand still on her head. She opened her mouth, slowly pulling his cock from between her lips, licking the remaining drops from the end of his cock, each touch of her tongue making Marius jerk and shudder.

  “Stop, please,” Marius whispered, pulling her to her feet, holding her naked body against his.

  “You’re full of surprises, aren’t you, Aurelia.” He kissed her gently, his tongue exploring her mouth. His hands were running over her body, one sliding between her legs. She rubbed against his hand, spreading her legs slightly, as he eased one finger between legs. He rubbed against her clit, sending waves of pleasure through her body.

  Aurelia kissed him deeply, making small noises in her throat, encouraging him to fondle her. And Marius did, rubbing and pulling at her clit, his mouth hot on hers, his tongue playing with hers.

  Marius pulled away from her mouth, bending to lick and suck one hard nipple, pulling it into his mouth. Aurelia was moaning, the twin sensations of his fingers and his mouth spiraling up through her body.

  And then she was clutching at his hair, her body shaking under the strength of her orgasm, her stomach muscles contracting, her body almost bent double as Marius kept rubbing her, even as she felt hot liquid gush from her body, even as he moaned against her breast, he kept rubbing her, his fingers working inside her body.

  She finally pushed his hand away, gasping, leaning against his body as she regained her breath.

  Marius finally kissed her. “You’re a fiery woman, Aurelia. When we are away from here, when we have a home, there are so many things I am going to do to you, so much I am going to show you. And curse the dark; we will make love in the brightest noon day sun. I want to see you, watch you as I take you over the edge. And I want you to see me, watch what you do to me, how hard and hot you make my cock, how it looks as it slides into your soft body.” He held her close, her breathing slowly returning to normal.

  “I must go. Flavius will be waiting. He’s convinced we’ve been seen and if Balbus knows, then it won’t be long before he finds us together.” She heard him curse softly.

  “This will be over soon. Be ready, on your marriage day. I will come for you. Do not doubt.” And then he was gone.


  Balbus found her the next day as she walked through the courtyard. He made a great show of escorting her to the edge of the courtyard as if to leave, then pulled her into a darkened corner behind a broken and discarded door.

  “You think you can outsmart Balbus, don’t you? I didn’t catch you with your blonde stallion, but I could have.” Balbus reached out, touching her breast, pinching the nipple. Aurelia longed to slap his hand away, but she gritted her teeth and let him continue.

  “You were very noisy last night. Your stallion must have a big cock on him to make you scream like that.” He pressed himself against her; she could feel his erection rubbing against her hip.

  “But Balbus can make you scream too. Only not here. I want you in my rooms tonight, or I tell your father and your soon to be husband what I know.” He licked her neck, seemingly oblivious to her shudder of disgust.

  “Tonight. Remember. You know where my rooms are. And I want you there an hour after sunset.”

  “My family expects me to be with them. I cannot just leave.” But she knew her words were hollow.

  “You left to be with that barbarian animal; you can find a way to meet with Balbus.” He gave her nipple a cruel pinch. Aurelia bit her lip, stifling a cry of pain.

  “If you do not, you will not have to worry ab
out your family, or your future husband, or your blonde gladiator. You will only have me to worry about, as I tell your family what I know.”

  He stepped back. “Do not be late.” And then, in a parody of respect, he bowed deeply to Aurelia, before slipping out of the courtyard.


  It was near dawn when Aurelia finally returned to her own rooms, walking slowly and deliberately, as if she were carrying something very fragile. She had slipped away to Balbus’s rooms, to the filthy man waiting for her, already naked and hard as he opened his door, tearing her dress away from her body before she’d even closed it behind her.

  He’d taken her to his bed, pushing her down on the rumpled and dirty sheets, crawling between her legs. His fat stomach made it hard for him to enter her and he cursed in the dim light cast by the single lamp in the room. She refused to cooperate, other than to lie still. He spat on his hand, rubbing it on himself, trying to generate some lubrication. But in the end he needed to turn her on her stomach, pulling her to her knees, before he could thrust his cock into her body.

  Then he’d barely thrust into her when he came, his cries of pleasure turning into a cry of frustration. In anger, he had struck her on the ass, over and over, hitting her with his hand. Aurelia had refused to cry out at first, but the pain became unbearable and she began to whimper.

  At the sound of her cries, Balbus became excited again, turning her over on her back. He’d straddled her hips as he slapped her breasts, watching with wide-eyed lust as they turned first pink then bright red. She watched in horror and disgust as his cock grew hard again and he began to stroke himself. Finally, he crawled clumsily up the bed, his cock held before her lips. He rubbed himself over her face, poking his cock against her lips. She’d finally opened her mouth and he thrust himself into her, pumping his hips, almost smothering her with his fat stomach. She longed to bite down, sever his cock from his body and run. But she endured his cock in her mouth, until he finally came, forcing himself further into her. She gagged and choked on his foul discharge, and when he heard her, he laughed.

  Balbus used her for many more hours, until he finally couldn’t get his cock hard anymore. Aurelia was stiff and sore, the skin on her ass and breasts tender and painful. He finally let her go, with one final swat on the ass that made her cringe, letting her walk alone back to her rooms.

  Aurelia took off her soiled and torn gown, and crawled between the linen sheets. There was no way she could lay that didn’t put pressure on her bruised skin. He’d been careful, though, not to bruise any visible flesh. She knew unless she was naked, no one would see the marks. And for once, she didn’t curse the dark in which she met Marius. If he saw what Balbus had done, she was afraid he’d find the man and kill him on the spot.

  She slept fitfully, awakening only when a messenger arrived. Her heart soared, thinking the message was from Marius, but it was only Jaren was asking to see her, as soon as she could arrange to meet him. She sighed, sending the messenger back with a reply, telling Jaren she’d meet him in an hour in the courtyard.

  Aurelia rose, cleaned herself as best she could and dressed. She found Jaren in the courtyard, pacing anxiously. He saw her and waited for her to approach.

  “Aurelia. You look, ah…beautiful today.” He scowled down at her. “You don’t look well at all. Are you ill?”

  “No, Jaren, just tired. What did you want to see me about?”

  “Please, let’s sit in the shade.” He took her arm, leading her to a stone bench. She winced, settling gingerly onto the hard stone, her skin singing with pain, the only consolation the coolness of the stone seeping through her dress, briefly easing the heat of her skin.

  Jaren was watching her closely. “Are you sure you are not ill?”

  “No! I am not. And I wish everyone would stop asking me that!” Aurelia closed her eyes, running her hand across her forehead. “I’m sorry, Jaren. I’m a little, ah…nervous about the marriage.” She saw a look of relief, followed by concern cross Jaren’s face. She looked closely at him; he really was not a handsome man. Her stomach gave an unexpected lurch and she closed her eyes again.

  “I see. Your father said you were…well, perhaps that you were anxious about the marriage, about us, well…what happens after the marriage.” She opened her eyes, looking at the man sitting next to her. Jaren was fidgeting, clasping and unclasping his hands, actually blushing.

  “I wanted to tell you that it would be alright. I mean, there will be no need for you to be afraid.” He leaned toward her. She feared he was going to try to kiss her and she pulled away. But he only spoke, lowering his voice.

  “You are a virgin. I understand virgins can be fearful of the marriage bed.” He lowered his voice further, speaking just above a whisper. Aurelia had to bend forward to hear what he was saying.

  “I, too, am a virgin. I know it’s not a manly thing to admit. But I wanted you to know…” he met her eyes “…that I’m just as anxious as you are.”

  Aurelia struggled momentarily against the hysterical laughter that unexpectedly bubbled up inside of her. She closed her eyes again, trying to think of the worst thing in the world, to keep from laughing in Jaren’s face. Balbus’s face rose up, unbidden, and she managed to control herself. She opened her eyes.

  “I thank you for your honesty, Jaren.” She forced herself to touch his hand. “I appreciate it.” She rose, Jaren instantly rising, standing beside her. “I must return. There are many things I need to do before the…before our marriage.”

  “Yes, I see. Yes, it’s only a few days away.” He bowed. “I will leave you then. Until we meet again, as man and wife, on our wedding day.” He grabbed her hand and before she could pull it back, he kissed the back of it. And then, mercifully, he was gone.

  Aurelia went back to her rooms, asking for a cool bath to be drawn. She immersed herself, letting the cool water sooth her skin. Most of the marks were fading already, but some were still an angry red.

  She longed to hear from Marius. She knew she could not dare venture out to look for him before the wedding, nor did she think he would send a message for her. All she could do was hold on to the last words he’d said, that he’d come for her.


  Aurelia rose on the day of her marriage to Jaren with a sinking feeling of hopelessness. As many times as she had repeated Marius’s words over and over in her head, that he would come for her, she was still afraid he would not make it, the escape plan would stall, or worse, he’d be captured and killed. She was pale and drawn while she was helped into her wedding dress, sat motionless while her attendants arranged her hair.

  And then the matron who would accompany her to the room where there ceremony would take place came to get her. The final piece of her wedding dress, the brilliant red veil, the color of fire, was draped over her head. She was pronounced ready.

  She appeared ready on the outside, but inside, Aurelia was anything but prepared to become the wife of Jaren. Her heart was pounding, every noise made her jump, made her want to turn, looking for Marius. But she tried to remain composed on the outside, lest some gesture betray her innermost thoughts.

  She was lead to the chamber, ten witnesses assembled, the family in attendance. Jaren was waiting for her, smiling from ear to ear. Aurelia forced her feet to walk toward him. She took her place next to Jaren.

  After the sacrifices had been made, Aurelia knew there was very little time before she would be Jaren’s wife. The matron was moving toward them, asking for their right hands so she could place them together. This was the moment at which they would be considered married.

  Aurelia hesitated just briefly, turning to look with wide eyes up at Jaren. As she did, she saw movement behind him, the flash of a sword and then blood covered the front of her veil, the red barely visible on the flame colored garment.

  In an instant, she tore the veil from her face, found Marius standing over Jaren’s body, and then he grabbed her hand, pulling her toward the back of the room. There were shouts from her family,
but no one had brought weapons and they could do nothing but call for the guards.

  Then they were in the street, running toward the tunnels beneath the arena. Aurelia wanted to ask where they were going, but the headlong flight through the streets took all her concentration. They reached the arena, Marius pulling her behind him through the dark. They took twists and turns, going deeper into the tunnels than she’d ever been.

  Marius pushed aside a heavy door and they were in a small room. At the back, he pushed aside an overturned table. They entered a roughly hewn tunnel, damp and cold, fresh earth and stones littering the floor. He stopped briefly, pulling a torch from the wall, reaching back to pull the table over the tunnel opening. He looked down at her as she gasped, trying to catch her breath.

  “I said I would come for you. Are you alright? Can you run further? It’s only a short distance through this tunnel to the outside. And there’s a wagon waiting. We need to hurry; they will not wait.” He kissed her briefly, not really waiting for her reply.

  They were running again, Aurelia stumbling and tripping on the rocks, Marius dragging her as much as she was running. They burst through the end of the tunnel, onto a narrow dirt trail. A small wagon was waiting, several men motioning them to hurry.

  Hands were grabbing Aurelia, pulling her onto the wagon. Marius jumped up beside her, pulling a ragged bundle from beneath other boxes and parcels.

  “Here, you need to change into something less conspicuous.” From the bundle came a plain brown dress. The wagon was already lurching along, the horses straining to pull the cart up the rutted track. She looked at the men seated across from her, up at Marius and down at the dress. There was nowhere to go to change, no privacy in the open wagon.

  Sensing her discomfort, to a man, the gladiators all looked down, averting their eyes. Aurelia stripped her white dress over her head, pulling the coarse brown dress down, tucking it beneath her. She quickly pulled the decorative pins from her hair, letting the long braid swing free down her back.


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