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Breeding Sex Stories Page 15

by Lexi Lane

  Marius gathered her white dress, pushing it out of sight beneath the bench on which he sat. He took the pins from her hand, tucking them into his tunic.

  “We can’t afford to leave any trace of you for them to find. We’ll burn the dress tonight. They will know who took you and they will know before too long there was an escape. But we’re hoping to be well away from the city before they begin their search and that they’re pulled in two directions, searching for you and for us.” He waved at the other men. Aurelia noticed that Flavius was driving the wagon; his head covered by the hood of a dark cloak, hunched and bent on the seat, his normally upright posture gone. He looked like a withered old man, not the trainer of gladiators.

  Marius put his arm around Aurelia’s shoulder, pulling her against his body. She leaned her head against his shoulder, closing her eyes. She was exhausted from worry and from the headlong escape through the tunnels. The rocking of the wagon and the warmth of Marius, his arm around her, soothed her and despite the dangerous situation she was in, she fell asleep.

  The creaking of the wagon as it stopped woke her. It was dark, a full moon riding high in the sky. Marius was motioning for her to jump down from the wagon. The men were silently unloading several small bundles, but most of the men were still on the wagon.

  “You and I part ways with this group.” Marius whispered in her ear. “We’re on the edge of a small village several hours north of your city. You and I will stay here and then we walk. These men go south, to fight with the rest of the slaves.”

  Flavius walked over, embracing Marius in a quick hug. “You know what you need to do, Marius. We will cover for you the best we can, if we’re caught. But you have a long road ahead of you.” Flavius looked down at Aurelia.

  “Take care of this young man. He’s something special.” He touched her briefly on the shoulder and then climbed back up on the wagon, clucking softly to the horses. The wagon lumbered off, one of the gladiators raising a hand in silent salute. And then they were alone on the road.

  “We can walk until dawn, if you aren’t too tired.” Marius shouldered their bundles, looking down at her. She nodded, taking his hand.

  “I can walk.” She was suddenly at a loss for words. She had the man she wanted, almost, and was suddenly shy with him.

  He took her hand and they walked along the dusty road. They were quiet for a long time and then Marius spoke.

  “I have something to say and then we will never speak of this again.” Aurelia waited, her heart pounding.

  “I killed Balbus before I came for you. He had boasted to me that you had come, willingly, to his rooms and he had spent the night with you.” His voice dropped lower. “He said terrible things about what you…he had done to you.” She heard Marius take a deep breath.

  “I knew you had not gone there willingly, that you felt you needed to go to him to protect me.” He stopped walking, turning to face her. His voice was tinged with anger when he spoke.

  “Never again do I want you to put yourself in any position to have to protect me, no matter what. You should not have done that…should not have had to do that. I should have been protecting you.” There was a catch in his voice. He dropped her hand.

  “I let you down, let you fall into something terrible, let that man do horrible things to you.” She realized he was crying.

  “What choice did I have? You did nothing wrong here.”

  “I did nothing. That’s the point.” He was looking at her in the moonlight, those blue eyes reflecting silver, just as they had the night she conceived.

  “I can’t blame you. Circumstances were beyond your control…beyond our control.” She took a deep breath.

  “What happened is in the past. It cannot be changed. But it cannot be a shadow over our life together.” She pulled him to her, holding him against her body as he wept silently.

  “I love you, Wolf. That is all I care about. That, and our baby. And we have freedom now.” She took his hand, placing it on her stomach. “All we can do is the best we can. You have done that already. We need to live our lives now.”

  Marius nodded, pulling himself upright. He held his hand on her stomach a moment longer.

  “You called me Wolf.” He looked down at her.

  “That’s part of the freedom we have now. I can call you by your name, I can call you Wolf and no one call kill us for it.”

  “I love you too, Aurelia. And we will move past this. The man is dead; we are free of him.” He pulled her to him, kissing her tenderly. “We move on.”

  They walked until the moon had almost set. Aurelia had never known such exhaustion. Every bone in her body ached, every muscle was sore. When Wolf finally pulled her off the road into a dense wood, she didn’t think she could walk any further. He quickly found a small clearing, bound on three sides by thick brush and trees.

  He spread a blanket on the ground, pulling her down onto it. She sank with relief, closing her eyes. She felt Wolf moving beside her, looking in the bundles, shifting on the blanket. She wanted to talk, but sleep took her and she drifted off.

  A long time later she felt something warm nuzzle her neck. She pushed at it, but it only came back, licking and kissing her. She opened her eyes, looking up at the trees overhead, momentarily disoriented. But then, in the dark, she breathed in Wolf’s scent, the warm masculine smell of him washing over her, bringing her back to the present.

  She turned on her side, looking at him in the fading moonlight, reaching out to touch his face, running her fingers down his cheek. Silently he held her face, kissing her lips, her eyelids, her nose. He claimed her mouth again, pulling her on top of him. She could feel the hardness of his body, the planes of his chest beneath her hands, his hard muscular thighs shifting beneath her legs.

  Wolf slid his hands down, cupping her ass, shifting his hips upward against her body. She could feel his cock, as hard as the rest of him, pushing against her stomach.

  “You’ve been awake for a long time then?” Aurelia looked down at him, smiling in the dark. “Or at least some part of you has been awake a long time?”

  “You were exhausted; I let you sleep as long as I could. But there are some things that just cannot wait.” He pulled at her dress, working it up her legs. She sat back, pulling the dress over her head. She looked down at Wolf, watching the shadows play over his face, his eyes reflecting silver in the moonlight.

  “What?” Wolf looked up at her, his hands roaming over her hips and waist.

  “Your eyes, in the moonlight, they look like the eyes of a wolf. A shine of silver instead of blue.” She leaned down, kissing his nose. “I like it.”

  Aurelia sat back, straddled his hips with her legs. She worked the edge of his tunic up, his cock springing free. He rested his hands on her hips as she rose up, reaching down to hold his cock in her hand, stroking him a moment, watching the reaction on his face, as his face relaxed with pleasure. She rubbed the head of his cock against her body, feeling the hardness, the heat against her skin.

  Lowering herself onto him, she felt him slide into her, his length and girth filling her. Wolf exhaled, his hips flexing slowly up as she settled down on him completely. She’d never been in control, never had the power to bring pleasure to a man.

  She tested this new position, this position of control. Wolf relaxed beneath her, letting her set the pace, occasionally shifting beneath her. She rode him for a long time, slamming down on him, feeling his thighs against her ass, bringing him to the edge of his orgasm time and time again, then slowing up, teasing him, holding the head of his cock inside her, flexing her hips just enough to keep him inside, just enough contact to drive him wild.

  Soon he was moving his legs, holding her hard, trying to thrust up into her. She looked down at him, lying beneath her, his face suffused with pleasure.

  “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” He grinned up at her, panting.

  “Yes, I am.” She smiled down. “I’m enjoying this very much.”

  She let him have hi
s way then, let him roll her over, pinning her to the blanket with his body. He thrust himself into her, hard, and within minutes he was crying out, as was she, both of them reaching their peak, her legs around his waist, as he drove himself into her. Aurelia looked up, watching Wolf’s face, watching the waves of pleasure transform his features.

  And then he was done, collapsed across her body, gasping against her neck. Their bodies gradually relaxed, the night air cooling them. Wolf pulled a blanket over them, wrapped his body around her and soon fell asleep.

  Aurelia looked at Wolf, watching him sleep, the breaking light of dawn tracing his features. For the first time she saw the man she loved asleep, relaxed, his face content. She ran her finger down his cheek, inhaled the scent of their lovemaking and then closed her eyes, allowing sleep to overtake her.

  The sun was shining when she woke. Wolf was gone, but the bundles were still there. She panicked for a moment, listening to the still forest around her, the birdsong the only noise she could hear. Then she heard footsteps and Marius stepped into the clearing, carrying a flask of water.

  “There’s a small stream not far down the hill. Drink. We have a long way to go.” She took a long drink of the cool water. She handed the flask back to Wolf and he tucked it in the bundles. And then they started walking north, walking home.


  Epilogue – five months later.

  “It’s a boy.” The woman held the child out to Wolf.

  He took the small infant, tenderly cradling him in his arms, looking down at the small body nestled in his large hands. The baby made a small hiccoughing sound, took a breath, and then began crying, a loud, lusty wail.

  Wolf threw back his head, laughing. “Well, he’s got a voice.”

  Aurelia looked up at him from the bed where she lay, where the woman was tending to her. She was drenched in sweat, exhausted and sore, and completely euphoric. The baby had come early and they had feared it may not live. They didn’t know if the long walk Aurelia and Wolf had made had caused the early labor. It had taken them months of walking, sometimes sleeping outside, sometimes finding shelter with villagers. Occasionally they rode on wagons moving between villages. She had lost a great deal of weight on the journey and had been sick when they’d finally arrived at Wolf’s village. She had spent the rest of the pregnancy in bed. Wolf had insisted, rarely allowing her to leave his home, only letting her walk outside with him on sunny days and only if he was with her.

  But though the baby was small, he was perfect. And now, cradled in his father’s arms, he cried out for the world to hear.

  The woman stood up from Aurelia’s bed, holding out her arms for the baby. Wolf reluctantly passed him over and the woman took the child to a corner of the room, where she fussed over him, washing him and tucking him into a clean blanket.

  Wolf sat gingerly on the bed, stroking Aurelia’s face, pushing the damp hair from her forehead.

  “Well, wife. How does it feel to be a mother?” He smiled down at her.

  “It is amazing, Wolf.” She lifted her hand and he clasped it, holding it to his lips. “It’s more than I could have dreamed of.”

  After a time the woman returned, placing the baby beside Aurelia, cradling him against her body. Wolf reached down, gently pulling aside her gown, exposing one breast. The baby nuzzled against Aurelia, finding the nipple and latching on.

  Soon he was sucking greedily, watched over by his parents, the full moon shining through the window.

  Pirate Invasion: Reluctant Virgin Sex Slaves © 2013, Lexi Lane

  Lucy Swanton watched Lord Swanton’s ship as it set sail for England. He rarely left their small island in the West Indies; the trip was long and he’d be away from the planation for the better part of a year. But he’d received word of a death in the family, something to do with a missing inheritance, and had chartered a ship quickly. She was certainly going to miss him. Even though Lord Swanton was her guardian, he’d been like a father to her all of her life.

  The plantation overseer, Mr. Suggs, had come to her later in the day, wanting to go over some problem with the accounts. She’d handled the affairs in Lord Swanton’s absence before and followed Suggs down to the planation office. The walk was pleasant, the ocean breeze cool and a light drift of clouds covered the brilliant sun. She’d taken only a light shawl to cover her shoulders, her summer dress billowing behind her in the breeze.

  Suggs ushered her into the small office, moving nervously behind her as she sat in a wooden chair.

  “What is it, Suggs? What did you need me to attend to?”

  Suggs mumbled something and then disappeared into the adjacent store-room. Tapping her foot impatiently, Lucy waited a moment, then rose, looking into the back. The room was empty, the door leading outside standing open.

  “Suggs! Where have you gone?” Lucy walked toward the open door, peering around the corner. “Oh, for the love of God!”

  Suddenly her arms were pinned from behind by a large man she recognized from the plantation, who dragged her back into the store-room. She kicked and screamed and immediately a hand was clamped over her mouth. She tried biting but the hand was so tough and leathery it mattered little.

  Lucy watched as a strange man stepped through the open door, a rag in his hands. He was small and dirty, greasy black hair carelessly tied back with a strip of cloth, a stubbly growth of beard on his rugged face.

  “She’s a fiery little wench. Suggs said she’d put up a good fight. Try not to bruise her, Captain wants her undamaged.” The man stepped closer, his eyes traveling down the front of Lucy’s thin summer dress. She was breathing heavily, her chest heaving, and the bodice material of her gown barely covered the tops of her round breasts. She glared at the man, who seemed not to notice. In one practiced movement, he jammed the rag in her mouth, quickly knotting it behind her head.

  “I’d so like to have a taste of her before I take her back to the ship.” He jammed his hand roughly between her legs, twisting and turning his fingers, making Lucy flinch.

  “But I’ll have to settle for what I can get.”

  He wound his fingers into her hair, pulling her toward him, his nose pressed against her neck, sniffing her loudly. She felt his tongue flicking against her ear, sliding down her neck. She shivered at his touch, trying to pull away.

  “I’ve been a long time at sea, my dear.” His voice was a low whisper. “A long time with nothing but my calloused hand for company. You’re far too soft and tempting to leave untouched.”

  He ran a hand over her arm, trailing his fingers across the bodice of her dress. With one yank, he pulled the thin material away, exposing the tops of her breasts, pushed forward by her summer corset.

  Lucy kicked out at the man, but he easily sidestepped her legs, which then became hopelessly tangled in the material of her dress.

  “Hold her fast, there. I’ll just be a moment.” The man bent his head, pulling one breast free of her corset, squeezing and groping her, licking her nipple, his tongue sliding over the soft skin of her breast. He pulled the nipple roughly into his mouth, sucking loudly.

  Lucy struggled, but the large man behind her held her easily. The small dirty man pushed his body against hers, the hard bulge of his erection forced against her hip. He thrust against her, rocking his hips back and forth, rubbing himself against her, moaning loudly as he continued sucking her tit, one hand grabbing her other breast, squeezing and fondling her, pinching her nipple.

  She could feel the man behind her pushing his body against her back, the not so subtle bulge of his cock rubbing against her ass. She was disgusted, horrified, wanted to run but was pinned between the two men.

  Suddenly the man sucking at her nipple was fumbling with his breeches; he reached in, pulling out his hard cock. Lucy watched, horrified, as he began to stroke himself rapidly. She twisted in vain, trying to get away, as the man began grunting against her breast, his hand moving faster over his hard cock. But her struggles only seemed to excite the man behind her. He large m
an moved one hand down over her stomach, holding her body more firmly against his, his cock now sliding against the cleft of her ass.

  The man in front pulled away from her briefly, then buried his face between her breasts, his body shuddering, hips pressed forward, moaning loudly. She felt wetness against her leg as the man climaxed into the folds of her skirt. He held himself against her a moment longer, licking her breast, and then backed away, tucking his cock back into his breeches. He was panting.

  “Aye, she’s a sweet one. I’d hold her for you, so you could have a turn, but she’s a bit much for me.” The man holding her shifted, his hard cock still pressed against her.

  “We should take her off now, before someone comes looking for us.” The man bent down, picking up Lucy’s shawl. “Sorry about the dress, ma’am. But in your struggle to get away, well, accidents happen. You tore your pretty dress.” He looked down at the stain on her skirt. “And other accidents happen as well.” In one swift motion, he tore the side of her dress away, the stained section falling to the floor. The small man pulled a rope down from the stock room wall. Wrenching Lucy’s arms behind her, he quickly tied her hands together.

  “Let’s go then. I need her back at the ship before the Captain returns.” The big man from the plantation picked her up, carrying her as if she were no heavier than a child.

  They took her around the back of the office building, where Suggs was waiting with one of the plantation horses. There was a brief exchange of words, and a small bag of money was dropped in Suggs’s hands. She was tossed across the horse’s back, her dress hiked up and her legs exposed, the disgusting man climbing up behind her. The big man who’d held her disappeared back into the stock room.

  She looked back at Suggs, who had already turned away, counting the money in the small bag. She was angry and confused. How had this happened? Why were they all turning against her?


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