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Breeding Sex Stories

Page 17

by Lexi Lane

  Lucy frowned at him. “What nonsense. Why would I want to claim the plantation? My guardian, Lord Swanton, owns it and it will pass to me all in good time.”

  “Ah, but there’s where you’re mistaken.” Robert stood, shrugging out of his coat, draping it over a chair. He sat down, toeing off his boots. Lucy watched in fascinated horror as he undid the buttons on his shirt, pulling it over his head and tossing it to the floor.

  Despite her shock at his words, she was suddenly distracted by his physical presence. His chest was all smooth tan skin stretched over hard muscles. His arms rippled as he stretched lazily, regarding her from across the room. She looked down at the front of his breeches. There was an unmistakable bulge at the front of his pants and she could feel her eyes widen at the size. Other than Blackie’s brief assault, she’d never encountered a man’s cock and certainly never an aroused one. And obviously one that was aroused by her. She shook her head, trying to focus on his words.

  “There’s much you don’t know about your guardian. For one thing, he wasn’t planning to leave you anything ‘all in good time’. He has a will that only grants you deed to the plantation if you’re married. As an unwed ward, you’re not to inherit anything; you’d be tossed off the land. And he’s kept you very isolated here, with no prospects. You’d be an unmarriageable old maid before too long. Am I correct?”

  He continued without waiting for an answer. “The entire estate would pass to Swanton’s nephew Charles, who is still in England, and who is, I believe, only seven at the moment. He is the closest male heir to the Swanton land and money.”

  Lucy listened in disbelief. “You’re speaking utter nonsense. How do you know all this? And what interest is it of yours?”

  “I know this because I am the rightful heir to The Peaks, to the plantation Lord Swanton built. I am the heir because I am Swanton’s son.”

  Robert’s eyes were blazing. Lucy watched as he paced back and forth, the room suddenly too small to contain his anger.

  “Your Lord Swanton married my mother, sired me, and then promptly left with her money. She died, alone and penniless, leaving me with no choice but a life in the streets, fending for myself. My father never came to find me.” Robert took a deep breath. “The money he took he used to build The Peaks.”

  “You were foisted upon him by his family. You’d been passed around from relative to relative, the illegitimate child of some indiscretion with a prostitute by a prominent, respectable Swanton gentleman. Lord Swanton was leaving England; it was easy enough to send you along. Out of sight, out of mind. You’d languish, and probably die, on an island somewhere and no one would need to deal with you.”

  Robert stopped pacing, looking down at Lucy. “He was paid a great deal of money to take you away.” Lucy flinched at his words.

  “We’ve both been abandoned by the Swanton family. He’d rather see The Peaks go fallow, or will it to a child, than let you have it. And he’d never acknowledge me as his legitimate son. But he needed a will and it would have been suspicious if he named no heir to the plantation. He cannot name you, as an unmarried woman and a ward, regardless of what he’s told you. ‘How improper!’ ” Robert snorted. “ ‘Improper’ should be the man’s middle name.”

  Lucy was staring open mouthed. “I don’t believe you. You’re mad,” she whispered. “None of this will work, even if what you say is true.”

  “Oh, it’s true. But there’s no one left to speak for me. My mother is dead. The family bought Lord Swanton’s silence in your case.” He moved toward her, resting his hands on the bed, his eyes level with her.

  “And I scuttled my father’s ship today. Lord Swanton is dead. He can tell no tales from the briny deep.”

  Lucy cried out, as if Robert had slapped her rather than spoken. She lunged off the bed, swinging at Robert, but her feet tangled in the blanket and she fell forward. Robert caught her, the blanket falling to the floor. He held her naked body against him, his fingers wrapped around her upper arms.

  She glared up at him, breathing heavily. “Nothing you say is true! It’s all lies!” She struggled briefly, but his grip was like steel. She stopped fighting him, but he still held her.

  Lucy looked up, into those blazing blue eyes. His dark hair had come loose from its tie, strands falling around his shoulders. She hated herself for noticing this, hated the feeling his hands on body her were creating, for inhaling his masculine scent and finding it intoxicating. Hated herself for wanting to run her hands over his chest, down his stomach…to touch the bulge in his pants.

  He was breathing just as hard as she was, his lips parted, eyes dark. Suddenly he pulled her against his naked chest, her breasts crushed against him as he bent his head, catching her lips in a fierce kiss.

  Lucy’s body betrayed her for a second time that day, and she kissed him back, opening her mouth as he thrust his tongue against her lips. She ran her hands up his chest, the smooth skin hot under her fingers. He let go of her arms, and she slid them up his neck, running her hands through his thick hair. She could hear herself moaning like a wanton whore, but she didn’t care.

  Robert slid his hands down her back, cupping her ass, his fingers squeezing her, pushing her naked stomach against his the hard bulge of his cock. She felt it move against her.

  Lucy broke their kiss, reaching down with shaking fingers, pulling at the buttons on Robert’s breeches. Robert looked down, watching, as she undid his flies, pulling his breeches down, his hard cock springing free.

  She stared for a moment, then looked up at him, lips parted, eyes wide. Robert smiled.

  “Never seen one so big or so beautiful, have you?” She blushed fiercely, turning away, looking anywhere but at his cock. He put his finger under her chin, tipping her face to his, looking at her closely. His voice was soft.

  “Or never seen one at all? Aside from Blackie’s poor example?”

  She shook her head, turning away again.

  “You’ve led a sheltered life, Lucy Swanton.” He moved away from her, stepping gracefully out of his breeches, kicking them aside. “Look at it now, Miss. It’s not going to bite you.”

  Lucy turned back, looking down at Robert’s cock. It seemed huge to her, rising from the mass of curly dark hair where his thighs met, curving up the hard flat contours of his stomach. Robert reached out, taking her hand, his eyes never leaving her face. He wrapped her fingers around the thick shaft of his cock.

  “Touch me, Miss. Run your hand up and down.” Robert guided her fingers for a moment, then took his hand away.

  She felt his cock grow even harder, twitching in her grasp, as Robert thrust his hips forward slowly. He tipped his head back, lips parted, eyes closed as Lucy slowly stroked his cock.

  Lucy looked down, mesmerized, watching her small hand sliding over the hot skin of his cock, amazed at how soft the skin was, but how hot and hard it was beneath. After a few moments, Robert reached down, stopping her movements. She was shocked and dismayed at herself; she’d enjoyed touching him, enjoyed the feeling of his cock in her hands, of the potential power she had, the ability to give him sexual pleasure. But this was wrong; he was the man, the common pirate, who had kidnapped her from her very home. She tried to pull away. Robert grabbed her hand.

  “Woman, as hot as I am for you now, as much as I want to thrust my cock into you and make you mine, I’m not interested in hurting you. I’d rather you came to this arrangement with some semblance of willingness.” He held her hand, looking down at her.

  “You don’t have to believe me now that I am the rightful heir to The Peaks. I have enough proof to make you believe. It won’t be enough to change the will though. But I don’t need to change the will; I only need you.” He smiled briefly.

  Lucy looked up at Robert. “So I’m safe from your advances, sir? If I agree, once I see your proof, we could just marry and be done with it?”

  Robert threw back his head, laughing. “Far from it. That part of my plan is still in play. I may not want hurt you, much, but I a
m going to take your maidenhead.” He lowered his voice, his eyes growing dark. He pulled her close, his hot cock pressing incessantly into her flesh.

  “This is the part of the plan I’ve done the most thinking about, Miss Swanton. I’ve seen you, know who you are, and I’ve wanted you for as long as I can remember.” He watched her closely. “Even without The Peaks at stake, I’d relish the chance to plunder this luscious body.” His eyes traveled down over her breasts, slowly moving back to her face.

  “To take you, make you mine.” His voice was just above a whisper, deadly serious. Lucy felt her heart skip a beat, her face flush.

  “And then I am going to show you things. I’m going to enjoy every minute of it, every minute of your attention to me. But I don’t trust anyone. And I don’t trust that you’ll keep your part of that bargain, without the guarantee that my taking you now provides.”

  Lucy gasped. “You’d still force yourself on me?”

  Robert took two quick steps forward, pushing Lucy back on the bed. “Yes, Miss Swanton. As you said, I’m nothing but a common pirate.” He crawled up on the bed, spreading her legs with his hands, kneeling between her thighs. Lucy tried to bring her legs together, but he easily overpowered her, holding her down now with the weight of his body.

  “Unless you’re willingly going to give me what I want.” He looked down at her, his face close to hers. “Will you let me have what I want, Miss Swanton? Or do I need to take it?”

  Lucy struggled beneath his body, twisting, trying to squirm away from his weight, from his masculine scent, from the huge cock she could feel pressed against her leg.

  “So it’s like that then, is it? Your choice, Miss Swanton. I’ll try to make it as painless as possible, but I can guarantee it will not be quick.”

  Lucy felt him reach between their bodies, felt his body shift and then she felt the hot head of his cock pressing against her, briefly brushing her clit. She shuddered involuntarily.

  “Wait!” Lucy stopped struggling. Robert looked up at her, stopped pressing his cock against her. He nodded for her to continue.

  “Why, if Lord Swanton is your father, is your last name Bellamy?”

  Robert sighed. “I took my mother’s name. No one would believe me, that I was a Swanton. It saved time in the end, not having to explain my heritage and then be mocked for it.” Robert bent his head, nuzzling her neck, one hand squeezing her breast.

  “Any more questions?” he murmured. He trailed a line of kisses down her neck, settling himself more firmly between her legs. She felt his cock pressing against her, this time with force. Its nearness, the feel of his lips on her skin, his kisses…they all set off a flurry of conflicting emotions and thoughts in Lucy. But an idea was starting to form, if she could find the courage to say the words.

  “Wait!” Lucy tried to sit up. Robert lifted his head, frowning at Lucy.

  “What now? You’re only serving to prolong the inevitable, and anger me in the process. But go ahead, if you must.” He propped his head on one hand, motioning with the other for her to continue.

  Lucy took a deep breath. “If I agree to your ‘terms’ and give you what you want, will you agree to my terms?” Lucy met his eyes. Her heart was pounding in her chest, from fear but now more from the excitement she felt at the nearness of this man.

  And then it was clear to her. She was where she wanted to be: in the arms of a man who could give her sexual pleasure and who was apparently willing to show her how to pleasure him, how to make her his whore, but also his wife.

  Lucy’s mind was reeling. In her entire life, she’d never behaved wantonly, was always the good girl. But now, she had one chance, one opportunity to break free of the stifling confines of her life, to experience something wild and, until now, totally forbidden.

  And she wanted it, wanted Robert Bellamy, regardless if his story were true or not. If he was going to carry out his wild scheme, then she would carry out her part.

  “Your terms? You can’t forestall the inevitable by talking and I’m in no mood to bargain. But, what are your ‘terms’, Miss Swanton?”

  Lucy closed her eyes. She took a deep breath, opened her eyes and looked directly at Robert.

  “You may do anything you want to me. I want you to make me yours, turn me into your wanton whore. Teach me everything. Teach me how to pleasure you. Show me everything, everything you know.” Her words came out in a breathless rush. “And I will agree to your terms. No more questions.”

  Robert was silent for a long time. Then he began to laugh, rolling on to his back.

  “Oh, girl, you’re quite the chameleon. Who knew under that prim exterior, legs held tightly together, lay a smoldering fire. I sense, under different circumstances, you’d have made an excellent mistress, or whore, if the circumstances were dire.” He turned back to her, meeting her eyes. Lucy held her breath.

  “You have a deal, Miss Swanton. You will be deflowered, you will be fucked, hard and long, and I will say now, much to your pleasure. And then…” Robert reached out, running his fingers through her hair “…you will be taught, and taught well.”

  Robert’s words sent a thrill through Lucy’s body. Robert kissed her deeply, searing her lips with his as she arched against him, pressing her body against his, hands skimming over the taut, smooth skin of his chest. After a long moment, he broke away, breathing heavily.

  “And I’ll have the devil’s own time to teach you.” Robert pulled Lucy hard against him, his hands caressing her back, sliding down to her ass, probing the soft skin. Lucy felt his hard cock pressing against her stomach.

  “First, there’s one obstruction that needs to be removed.” Robert moved over Lucy, settling again between her legs. She spread them willingly this time, instinctively rolling her hips to meet him, arms winding around his neck, her fingers in his thick hair.

  “This will hurt a bit and then it’s done.” Lucy felt the head of Robert’s cock brushing against her inner thigh and then he was pressing the head of his cock against her cunt, rubbing it slowly back and forth.

  “Oh, you’re more ready that I’d thought. You’re hot and wet, Miss Swanton. Your body knows what it wants.” He met her eyes. “Take a deep breath and when I count to three, let it out. I’ll be as quick as I can.”

  Lucy inhaled, closing her eyes. On his count of three, she blew out her breath as Robert thrust quickly into her. She felt a sensation of tearing, a quick flash of pain, and a trickle of something warm running down the cleft of her ass.

  “Open your eyes, it’s done.” Lucy opened her eyes. Robert was looking down at her, a faint frown creasing his forehead.

  “And? Any pain? Are you alright?”

  “It hurt, but the pain is gone…or, rather it stings a bit.” She shifted her hips, testing the new sensations of having a cock—Robert’s cock—inside her. Robert responded by gently pushing further into her, then pulling back slowly. He thrust forward several times, further each time, Lucy rolling her hips up to meet him. As he pulled back, she relaxed. Soon she was meeting his thrusts, wrapping her legs around his waist, moaning softly.

  Robert looked down at Lucy, his eyes dark with passion. “Well, Miss Swanton, the deed is done. You’re mine now.”

  “Lucy…” she murmured. “I think you can call me Lucy now.” Robert grinned.

  “Aye, well, Lucy it is then.” He kissed her briefly. “And no more talking, unless it’s to tell me how big my cock is or how wonderful it feels as I fuck you. Those words are always welcome.”

  Lucy pulled Robert back to her, kissing him deeply, their tongues thrusting into each other’s mouths. He began thrusting into her, increasing his speed. Soon Lucy was gasping, her body moving in time with his thrusts, her heart racing. She felt a liquid heat begin low in her belly, something she’d never felt before, something that swelled and filled her, making her blood sing in her veins.

  Robert buried his head against her shoulder as he increased his speed, grunting with each stroke. She tilted her head back, mouth op
en. She was crying out now with each thrust he made, spreading her legs as far as she could, her body flooded with all new sensations of pleasure. Time seemed to stop for her, but her body was building toward something, rushing headlong toward release.

  Robert pushed himself up, looking down at her, breathing hard. “You seem to be enjoying this,” he panted. She met his eyes.

  “Oh, god, Robert. Faster. Fuck me faster.”

  “That’s a request I never deny a lady.” Robert shifted his body, bracing his knees against the bed, his hips rocking forward as he pounded into Lucy. She felt his balls slapping against her ass as he buried himself to the hilt with each thrust.

  They were both crying out, Lucy matching Robert stroke for stroke. She looked up at his face, as he held himself above her, watched as he closed his eyes, his lips parted, a look of ecstasy washing over his handsome features.

  And then her body was convulsing beneath Robert, her muscles contracting, heat flooding through her body. She felt wave after wave course through her, a strange wetness flowing from her body, pooling beneath her. But all thought left her as she gave in to the sensations. From a distance she heard herself scream, a sound of pure pleasure. And then she heard Robert’s cry of pleasure mixing with hers, felt his body shudder above hers.

  She opened her eyes, watching his face as his cock seemed to swell inside her, his hips flexing, driving his cock into her in short sharp thrusts. There was a flood of warmth, a sensation of liquid filling her. She could feel her body contracting around his cock, as if she were pulling him in further. Robert was moaning against her neck.

  Robert held himself inside her, his muscles tensed, his cock still pulsing. And then he relaxed with a deep sigh, resting his head beside hers on the bed, his breathing heavy, stirring the hair by her ear.

  They lay quiet for a time, their breathing returning to normal. Robert eventually pulled his cock from her, grabbing the blanket, covering them against the chill in the room. He rolled onto his back, pulling her close, resting her head on his shoulder.


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