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Demon Hunting with a Dixie Deb

Page 14

by Lexi George


  Grim knew he sounded like a parrot, repeating every word she said. But the blood that was supposed to be in his head had long since traveled south, robbing him of the ability to think.

  “Yes. He’s a precious little man, although I don’t suppose he’s really a man at all. More like an imp.”

  “Imp.” Grim gave a knowing nod, though he had no notion what she was talking about.

  “Mose said I should go for a swim and catch a fish. So I did.” Sassy blushed. “That leaves one thing on the list.”


  Confound it, what ailed him? He could not seem to string two words together.

  “My bucket list.” She stamped her foot. “Grim, aren’t you listening?”

  “Of course. A Dalvahni warrior is keen of ear and eye.” Grim willed the blood to flow back to his brain. “You are on a quest of sorts.”

  There. That was more like it. He was back in control.

  Sassy’s eyes brightened. “A quest! Yes, that’s it exactly. I’m supposed to kiss a handsome prince.”

  Grim’s hard-won composure shattered like thin ice. He did not like the thought of Sassy kissing someone else. He did not like it at all.

  “Prince? What prince?”

  “Mose didn’t say.” She peeked at him through her lashes. “Do you know any?”

  “Princes? None here.”

  Thank the gods. Grim hated the thought of Sassy kissing anyone but him with a savagery that shocked him.

  “Then I suppose you’ll have to do.” Sassy’s glowing smile hit Grim between the eyes. “I think you’re a prince for saving Gilbert.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Sassy was having the time of her life. Her body zinged with vitality and untapped power. She was Super Sassy, unhindered by expectations and obligations, carefree and giddy on high-octane fairy feel-good.

  Anything could happen. Anything. The possibilities were endless.

  Sassy was eye level with Grim’s bare chest and the view was fine. She’d found her prince, and yum. His wet jeans clung to his muscular legs like a second skin. The guy had a set of pegs like a running back.

  Sassy’s eyes widened. Grim was aroused. The hard evidence threatened to burst the zipper on the denim.

  Grim wanted her. How lovely.

  She wouldn’t do anything about it, of course. She was engaged to Wesley. Still . . .

  Bubbling over with joy, Sassy threw her arms around Grim’s neck and smacked him on the lips. An innocent little kiss to show her appreciation—she could hardly send him a thank-you note.

  Dear Grim,

  Thank you for the splendid erection. You sure know how to make a girl feel special.



  This was one social situation Dixie Hobbs hadn’t covered in cotillion class.

  Grim stiffened in surprise. With a deep, throaty growl of need, he pulled Sassy against his hard, muscular body and kissed her back.

  And mother-of-pearl, what a kiss. Sassy had never been kissed with such ferocity, such aching and absolute need.

  Grim’s tongue and lips ravished her mouth, tasting her, stroking her, searing her to the core. The world tilted on its axis and Sassy held on to Grim for dear life. A flutter of butterflies danced in her tummy and shivers of delight coursed through her. She pressed closer to the hard bulge of his erection, her body flooded with sensation. The feel of his damp, warm skin against hers, the velvet rasp of his tongue as he caressed hers, the slide of his strong hands over her flesh; she wanted more, she wanted all of him.

  So this was desire. It was thrilling, exhilarating.

  And wrong.

  Trembling, Sassy tore her mouth free. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have . . . I can’t.”

  Grim released her at once. “I am not sorry.” His big chest rose up and down. “I am not sorry at all. I have wanted to do that forever.”

  “You can’t have wanted to do it forever. We met yesterday.”

  He gave Sassy a hot look that left her breathless. “As I said. Forever. Sassy, I—”

  “Hey, Butt Boy, check it out. This chick says she knows you.”

  Meredith; Sassy recognized the piercing voice. The ghost had a voice like a feminine buzz saw.

  Sassy scowled, a full-on, muscle-bunching, face-pinching scowl, her muscles struggling to form the unfamiliar expression. Sassy didn’t scowl. She sailed through life on a current of joy and optimism.

  Mama wouldn’t allow her to pout or sulk, even as a child. The Princess of Positivity did not pout.

  Mama said a girl should keep a pleasant expression on her face. Nobody likes a sourpuss, Mama said. Besides, frowning gives you wrinkles.

  Sassy was scowling now. She wanted to screech at the ghost like a savage of sale-crazed shoppers on Black Friday for interrupting them. She wanted to know what Grim had been about to say.

  Grim stepped in front of Sassy and faced the ghost at the other end of the pier.

  “Taryn.” Grim spoke to someone Sassy couldn’t see. “I did not expect you so soon.”

  Taryn? Who was Taryn, and why was Grim expecting her? Sassy rubbed her sternum. Her chest burned, for some reason. Heartburn? She needed a Tums.

  No, she needed to know more about this Taryn chick. Who was she? More importantly, what she was to Grim?

  She peeked around Grim. Hip cocked, Meredith stood on the sloped lawn near the dock, looking fresh as a daisy in an absolutely precious blue sleeveless Valentino with a round neckline and lattice overlay. A pair of killer Gucci ankle wrap sandals completed the ghost’s stylish ensemble. But the female standing next to Meredith knocked Sassy for a loop. Sassy had always considered being petite a positive plus. Her height had been an asset in dance, gymnastics, and cheerleading. She rocked the highest heels without towering over her date, and finding darling clothes was a breeze.

  Sure, she’d never be a runway model, but her diminutive stature had its advantages. She slipped through a crowd better than her tall friends, and she was never cramped in a car or on a plane.

  For the first time, though, Sassy had her doubts. The cool, collected stranger with Meredith was everything Sassy was not: tall and slim, with legs a mile long and the serene, remote beauty of the evening star. This gal would never be called “cute” or “adorable,” or “cuddly.” She was an elven warrior princess. A woodland goddess dressed in soft leather pants and a sleeveless vest. From the athletic way she carried herself, this chick would be handy in a fight.

  Her hair was the deep burnished red of maple leaves in the fall, and fell in a long braid past her hips. Extensions, Sassy decided with a mental sniff, and a good stylist. The woman’s plait was as thick as Grim’s wrist. No one was born with hair that color; definitely a dye job. She must spend oodles of time keeping it up. The fade factor for red was off the charts, even with color-safe shampoo.

  Meredith looked Grim up and down.

  Her gaze lingered on his crotch. “Goodness, someone’s having a hard day.” She tittered and shifted her attention to Sassy. “I see why. Girlfriend, your high beams are on. Careful. You’ll put someone’s eye out.”


  Sassy glanced down and broke out in a full body blush. Trey’s wet tee shirt was suckered to her body. It was nippily out and she was pointing. Holy moly, she’d been parading her naughty bits around for God and everybody to see. Was she high? Why hadn’t Mose told her?

  Why hadn’t she known? What was in that fairy elixir, essence of ho bag?

  She crossed her arms over her breasts and scooted behind Grim.

  “Is she disordered?”

  The elven supermodel’s voice matched her elegant beauty, as cool and fluid as a mountain stream. You could bet your Neiman Marcus card she’d never been caught in her skivvies.

  If Sassy weren’t the Ninja of Nice, she’d positively hate her.

  “Nah.” Meredith snickered. “I think my boo just realized she’s tits out.”

  Tits out. Oh, gosh.

nbsp; Sassy crouched behind Grim in a knot of misery and wished she could slide through a crack in the pier.

  Grim turned and lifted Sassy to her feet. His touch was warm and gentle, his hands strong and capable. A warrior’s hands; the skin of his palms was callused from wielding a sword.

  Sassy gazed up at him, her cheeks burning. What must he think of her, and why did she care?

  In the span of a few hours, Grim’s opinion had become very important to her. She wanted him to think well of her. Now and after she left.

  After she left; the thought made her belly sink to her toes.

  A blanket appeared in his hand out of nowhere.

  “You are a beautiful, free-spirited woman.” Grim tucked the covering around her. “You have nothing to be ashamed of.” His voice dropped to a deep, intimate rumble that made Sassy shiver. “Were you not promised to another, it would be my pleasure to convince you.”

  Sassy sighed. “If I weren’t engaged, I’d let you. But I am. Guess we’d better go meet your friend the giraffe.”

  “Her name is Taryn, and she is not my friend. She is Kirvahni.”

  Grim spat the word out like a wad of used chewing gum.

  “Kirvahni? Are you related?”

  “We have the same Maker. There any claim to consanguinity ends. We do not like one another.”

  “You and Taryn?”

  “The Kir and the Dal.”


  “They are a haughty, exacting, disagreeable breed.”

  Grim didn’t like the willowy supermodel? The hard little knot in Sassy’s chest eased.

  “Yoo-hoo.” Meredith waved at them. “Shag your butts over here. Fire Crotch has her tits in a knot.”

  Fire Crotch? The shot of Vitamin Nice Sassy had given the ghost the night before must be wearing thin. Sassy didn’t know whether to be alarmed or relieved. Mean Meredith was no picnic.

  Nice Meredith, on the other hand, gave her the creeps.

  “Why is Fire Cro—I mean, Taryn here?”

  “I do not know.” Grim’s mouth thinned. “She insists upon speaking with Conall.”

  Ooh, a mystery; Sassy loved mysteries.

  She grabbed Grim by the arm and pulled him down the wharf. “Come on. I want to say hello.”

  She skipped up to Meredith. “Morning.” Sassy smiled at the ghost and stuck out her hand to the huntress. “Hi, I’m Sassy. You must be Taryn.”

  The redhead looked down her perfect nose.

  She ignored Sassy’s outstretched hand. “Must I, indeed? I do not recall giving you leave to address me by name.”

  “See?” Grim folded his muscular arms across his bare chest. “Haughty and disagreeable.”

  Definitely; Taryn had the warmth of an icicle. Sassy wasn’t discouraged. She had Personality Plus. In high school, she’d had been named Most Popular, Most Outgoing, Friendliest, Best Blonde, Best Smile, and Class Cockeyed Optimist three years in a row.

  In college, she’d been named sweetheart by every fraternity at Spring Hill. And she’d been voted Most Likely to Have a Disney Princess Named after Her.

  Sassy wasn’t one to back away from a challenge or waste her time on negativity. It was a lovely day. The grass was cool and damp beneath her toes. The morning air was fragrant with the earthy incense of forest and water. The sun scattered diamonds of light across the water and the dewy lawn.

  Most importantly, Sassy had been kissed by a handsome prince. She glanced at Grim. The prince in question was eyeing Taryn with the enthusiasm of a patient about to undergo major surgery. Without anesthesia. From the austere expression on Taryn’s face, the huntress returned the sentiment in spades.

  Up to Sassy to negotiate a truce.

  She flashed Taryn a friendly smile. “I’m so glad you’re here. I adore meeting new people. This morning, I made friends with a giant catfish.”

  Taryn arched a brow at Grim. “Consorting with a human, Dalvahni, and a simple one at that?”

  “Watch it, Burning Bush.” Meredith bristled. “Nobody calls my BFF a ’tard.”

  Meredith still thought they were besties. Sassy couldn’t decide whether to be relieved or alarmed.

  “Meredith,” Sassy said in a reproachful voice. “That’s not very nice.”

  “Neither is she.” The ghost glared at Taryn. “And for your information, Agent Orange, the giant catfish is real. The witch supersized him.”

  Grim uncrossed his arms. “How do you know this?”

  “Trey. That stupid dog has the homing instinct of a brussels sprout.” Meredith tossed her blond bob. “I went looking for him and saw the witch feeding the big guppy.”

  Sassy swung on Grim in triumph. “There, I told you it wasn’t Evan’s fault. She put something in his food. That’s why he monstered out.”

  “What kind of monster is this Evan?” Taryn’s expression suddenly got very intense. “Is he djegrali?”

  “Sorta.” Sassy made a face. “Kinda . . . not exactly.” She gave Grim a conspiratorial look. “You want to tell her about the you-know-whats, or shall I?”

  “Neither.” Grim’s expression was stubborn. “My boots are wet. I am disinclined to regurgitate the tale at the moment.”

  “You’re right, of course.” Sassy gave Taryn a coaxing smile. “Come up to the house. I’ll tell you about it.”

  “Sassy,” Grim cautioned in a low voice. “She is Kir. I do not think—”

  “Don’t be silly, Grim. We have plenty of room. Taryn’s welcome to stay.”

  “I thank you for the offer.” Taryn inclined her head a few degrees. “But I am accustomed to sleeping out of doors.”

  “Low maintenance, huh?” Sassy shook her head in wonder. “That’s so not me. What about breakfast? I assume the Kirvahni eat?”

  “Nettles and snake venom.” Grim raised a brow at the huntress. “Thus their pleasing disposition.”

  Taryn gave him a chilly stare. “We do not—”

  “Sometimes, Grim can be such a tease.” Sassy patted Taryn on the arm and encountered solid muscle. “My goodness, you’re in great shape. What’s your secret? Ballet? Yoga? Kickboxing?”

  Taryn looked taken aback. “I-I do not know—”

  “Like I said, we have plenty of room. The place has been empty since my brother died. There’s not much in the pantry, but I’m sure we can find something to eat.”

  “I cannot tarry. I have urgent business.”

  “Oh, for God’s sake, let her go,” Meredith said. “She’s a royal pain in the ass.”

  Grim made a strangled sound.

  Taryn gave the ghost a look that was positively lethal. File Taryn under not to be trifled with.

  Turning on her heel, Taryn strode across the lawn. She moved with the light, silent tread of a cat. Her soft leather boots left no imprint on the wet grass.

  Sassy hurried after her. “How do you do that?”

  “Do what?” Taryn said without breaking stride.

  “Move that way. You float.”

  No answer.

  The Princess of Perk was not easily deterred.

  Sassy skipped after the huntress. “I climbed my first tree this morning. It was wonderful.”


  “It wasn’t easy. I’m vertically challenged.”

  “I had not noticed.”

  Sheesh, Taryn was a tough nut to crack. Sassy opened her mouth to try again, but was interrupted by a startled shout.

  Shirtless and barefoot, Evan stood on the side lawn. His head was back and he was looking at something on the pitched roof.

  “What’s the big idea, Big ’Un?” Evan said. “When I said ‘boost a ride,’ I didn’t mean Chitty Chitty freaking Bang Bang.”

  Sassy screeched to a halt in the damp grass.

  Grim strode up. “Is something amiss?”

  Wordlessly, Sassy pointed. Daddy Joel’s metallic blue Maserati perched atop the double chimneys.

  Meredith fluttered across the grass like a crepe paper streamer. “What’s he doing he

  “Evan?” Sassy’s shocked gaze was glued to the car. “He’s staying here.”

  “Over my dead, decomposing body.”

  Sassy glanced at the ghost in surprise. “You know him?”

  “Oh, yeah.” Meredith made a rude noise. “Emo Boy and I go way back. He’s trouble walking. I worked on a case that involved him.”

  Worked a case? Sassy would be willing to bet the only thing Meredith had ever “worked on” was a tan.

  “I didn’t know you were a detective.”

  “Do I look like Nancy Frickin’ Drew?”

  Producing a card, Meredith handed it to Sassy. The card read Bitchin’ Banshee Services: We’re Scary Good in glowing letters.

  “My client hired me to approach his boss on his behalf.” Meredith fluffed her hair. “I persuaded Evan to let Mr. Henderson go.”

  Sassy stared at the ghost in confusion. “What’s Evan got to do with it?”

  Meredith rolled her eyes. “Everything, boo. Evan is the zombie master. He plays with dead things. It’s a hobby with the creep.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Later that morning, Sassy stepped out the front door showered and dressed. It was good to be wearing her bra and panties again, fresh from the laundry. There was something icky about wearing another woman’s lingerie—even brand new—especially knowing that woman had used the sexy underthings to entice her brother.

  After taming her fairy-fried curls into a loose knot at the nape of her neck, Sassy had solved the problem of what to wear. She’d turned one of Trey’s Charvet cotton shirts into a darling short dress. Turned-up sleeves, a contrasting silk tie belted at the waist and voila!—instant outfit.

  The pop of color in the tie matched her Sergio Rossi sandals. No more hiking boots or oversized robe. No more see-through tee shirts. She was back, in her high-heeled glory. Cinderella and her mice had nothing on Sassy Peterson.

  Grim, clad in a black tee shirt and jeans, stood in the driveway with Evan and Taryn. The simple shirt and denim molded to the big warrior’s hard body in a way that made Sassy sigh. Grim seemed much happier now his boots were dry. His shoulder-length hair gleamed red in the sun.

  He looked up as she came out of the house, his gaze traveling from her legs to her face and back again.


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