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Being with the Brothers Next Door

Page 7

by Being

  “Matt, can you excuse us, please?”

  “Sure thing, Boss.” The older man nodded at her in acknowledgement and slipped passed her and out the trailer.

  Once the door was shut neither of them said anything. He averted his gaze and went back to looking at the blueprints. She sighed and walked the few feet it took to get to him. The interior of the trailer was what she expected: messy, papers scattered everywhere, and dirty.

  “I know you’ve been ignoring my calls, Rian.” He didn’t respond, but his jaw clenched at her words. “I want to talk about what happened yesterday.”

  He lifted his head and speared her with an icy glare. “I don’t want to talk about this, Sasha.” He turned and stared out the window that faced the construction site.

  “I understand why you feel like you’ve been betrayed, but none of this was intentional, Rian. No one did anything behind your back with the intent to upset you. You’re my big brother and I love you, but I’m also in love with Tanner and Jonas, have been for years, Rian.”

  He lowered his head and exhaled. When he turned he didn’t seem so distant. Maybe he did understand where she was coming from?

  “You have to understand it from my standpoint, Sasha. They are my best friends, and you are my baby sister.” He sat down and leaned his head back against the chair. “My little sister is sleeping with not one, but both of my best friends.” He speared his hands in his hair and closed his eyes. “It sounds so screwed up, Sasha.”

  Sasha thought he might say something else, but when he just stared at the ceiling she moved closer to him. “I’m in love with them, Rian.” Maybe if he heard it enough times he would understand? “Look at me.” She kept her voice pitched low. He lifted his head and looked at her. “I love them, and they love me.”

  He didn’t blink, and she didn’t think he breathed either. “How long has this been going on?”

  She sat in the seat in front of him and stared at the table. The blueprints in front of her were like reading German. The white lines swirled and arched, making the design of the building, but it looked so foreign to her.

  “I knew I loved them since I was twelve.” She looked at him and was thankful he was still calm, because what she was about to tell him would surely piss him off. “I lost my virginity to Tanner at my graduation party.” She held her breath and waited for the inevitable explosion of anger from him. He stared at her then looked back at the ceiling as if deep in thought.

  “It was when I found you two outside by the side of the house.” She didn’t interrupt, because she could tell he was talking to himself since he didn’t phrase it as a question. When he looked at her again she was shocked that there was no disappointment or anger in his expression. “I talked to Tanner and Jonas last night.”

  That had her eyes widening. “What? Really?”

  “Yeah. They came over wanting to talk. Next thing I know it’s two in the morning and my kitchen table is covered in beer bottles.” The sounds of construction right outside the trailer filled the void of silence.. “They told me how much they care for you, how they would do anything for you.” He shook his head and looked down at the table. “I came so close to kicking their asses again, but the way they spoke about you, and the things they said…”

  She hadn’t talked to them yet today, so all of this came as a surprise.

  “They love you like nothing else I have ever seen. I was shocked, hurt, and upset because all I could see was my best friend fucking with my little sister. I just felt betrayed in a way because I thought it had been going on far longer, and felt as though the three people I care about the most couldn’t even tell me about it.”He scrubbed a hand over his face and sighed. “As much as I am pissed that you never told me how you felt and what happened, I can understand why you didn’t. You avoiding home makes sense now.” To her surprise he reached across the table and took her hand in his. “I want you to be happy. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, and I don’t want to be the reason you don’t find that happiness you deserve.”

  Tears threatened to make an appearance at her brother’s words. She had thought she would have had to fight him tooth and nail about being with Tanner and Jonas. In the end it would have been her choice, but she couldn’t stand any kind of turmoil with her brother.

  “I know you don’t need my permission on who you are with, but I want you to know that I won’t stand in your way, even if the thought of you with both of them still seems so crazy. You’re my sister, I love you, and you live your life however makes you happy.” He gave her hand a squeeze, and she let her tears fall. It seemed since coming back to Hayven Hill that was all she had been doing. Rian was out of his chair and around the table in seconds. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. “I’m sorry I went all Rambo yesterday. Taking my anger out on Tanner and Jonas, and having you there to watch is something I’ll always regret.” He leaned back and tilted her head up with his hands on her cheeks. “Can you forgive me for being such an asshole?”

  She smiled and nodded. He leaned down and kissed her forehead.

  This certainly wasn’t how she saw this meeting going, but she couldn’t have asked for a better outcome.

  Chapter Five

  Two weeks later

  “Dinner was delicious. Thank you, guys.” Sasha wiped her mouth on the linen napkin and looked between the two men she was desperately in love with. Tanner took her plate to the sink while Jonas grabbed a bowl of strawberries and whipped cream and came back to the table. Over the last two weeks they were getting to know each other again. Four years changed three people a hell of a lot. The years apart had shaped them into the adults they were now, and Sasha was thankful that she was getting the chance to learn more about the men they had become.

  She sat at the dining room table and watched Tanner clean the counter Jonas had fucked her on, and heat rushed through her. She’d ended up buying the house where all the drama unfolded, and knew it was the right decision. Not only did her men live only a mile down the road, the home was everything she had ever dreamed of. The past two weeks had been about them getting to know each other. They recounted on their pasts, and all the memories they had shared together. Sasha missed those days, but she wasn’t living in the past anymore. When she decided to go through with being with Tanner and Jonas she made the promise to herself, and them, that she was going to only focus on the here and now. With Rian slowly becoming accustomed to their relationship, and her parents coming around to the idea that their “baby girl” was in a serious relationship with two men, she was starting to see that silver lining.

  “Thank you again for dinner,” she said.

  Tanner came back to the table and sat beside his brother. She stared at both of them, falling in love with them even more with each passing day. It was going on eight at night, but she was far from ready to end the evening. She may have had sex with both of them on separate occasions, kissed them, and let them touch her at the same time, but she had yet to be with them intimately simultaneously. She wanted that … desperately.

  “Anytime, baby.” Tanner reached across the table and took her hand. He brought it to his mouth and kissed each of her fingers.

  “You want to watch a movie?” Jonas leaned back in his chair and took a sip from his wine glass. And that was another reason why she loved them so much. They never expected anything more than what she was willing to give.

  “No. What I want to do requires less clothing.” They looked at each other, as if taken back by her response. In truth she was feeling mighty courageous right now. That might have something to do with the two glasses of wine she had with dinner, though.

  Tanner took up the same position as his brother: relaxed, but fully invested in the conversation. “Is that right?’ He brought his beer bottle to his lips and took a long pull as he watched her. He set the bottle down, and the look he gave her could have left scorch marks on the floor. “Go on, baby. Tell us exactly what you have in mind.”

  When she didn
’t respond right away Jonas decided to jump in the conversation. “Go on, sweets.” He leaned forward and rested his forearms on the table. Her pulse quickened, and she contemplated that perhaps she should have just kept her mouth shut and let things play out on their own. What if they weren’t into what she had in mind? Maybe being with her sexually was a private thing for them, and the thought of sharing her at the same time was more disgusting than arousing?

  Tanner’s deep voice broke her out of her thoughts. “You know what I think.” He didn’t phrase it as a question. “I think our little Sasha has some naughty thoughts going on inside that pretty head of hers.” He leaned forward as well, and she suddenly felt very crowded, but in a very good way. “I think she wants to explore her sexuality. Isn’t that right, sweet pea?”

  Sasha found herself nodding. Her throat was dry, as were her lips. Adrenalin and endorphins coursed through her veins. Excitement over exactly what she wanted to do with them was a living entity inside of her.

  “You know we would give you anything you wanted, Sasha.” Jonas smirked. “Why don’t you just ask us what you want?”

  She had felt so strong right up until this moment, but now her nerves were frenzied.

  “Go on, sweet pea.” She loved that Tanner still called her that nickname. They smirked at her. It was clear they found that she was uncomfortable with all of this amusing, but she also didn’t miss the desire that came from them in a tidal wave of heat, emotions, and living tendrils of their need for her.

  “I want to be with both of you…”

  They didn’t move. Hell, she didn’t even think they blinked as they waited for her to continue.

  “At the same time.” She said the last on a breathless whisper. Would they want to do that, agree to something so wickedly taboo? The change in them took on its own form, and before she knew what was happening Tanner was out of his seat and had her hauled up and against his chest. His mouth crashed against hers in a violent, aggressive nature. It was intense and hot, and she wanted more. Winding her arms around his neck she opened her mouth and slipped her tongue inside his mouth. His groan was deep and filled with carnal desire. Once again she had worn a dress, and she was immensely thankful for that fact when he decided to slip his hands down her back, over the curve of her ass, and down to grip the hem. He broke the kiss and left a hot, fiery trail of kisses down her neck. A look at Jonas showed him watching the whole interaction with hooded eyes. He leaned back in his chair, finished off his wine as he watched her over the rim, then stood. His movements were slow and deliberate as he made his way behind her. Tanner sucked on one side of her neck while Jonas worked at the sensitive flesh on the other side. The multiple sensations they invoked inside of her simultaneously was like nothing she ever felt. Tanner slowly lifted her dress, and Jonas molded his hands on the mounds of her ass. A growl vibrated against her throat.

  “She isn’t wearing any panties, Tanner.” Both brothers made deep, animalistic sounds and pressed closer to her. Their erections were rock hard, pressing to her belly and back, and causing wetness to pool at the junction between her thighs and slip down her inner thighs.

  Tanner grunted out, “What a naughty, naughty girl.”

  Her dress was removed by one of them seconds later. She was so high from her arousal that she couldn’t even be sure who had done it, or which brother touched her breasts or ass. It was a plethora of sensations that had her spinning out of control, but in such a good way.

  “Come on, baby.” Both of them broke away from her. She stood there, her body naked and her pussy wet as they took their time looking their fill. The idea to go without undergarments had been a spur of the moment thing, but the way they looked at her body, as if they could barely contain their need to devour her, made her glad she had gone without them. Jonas took her hand, and Tanner led the way to her bedroom. It was spacious and big, and the king sized four-poster bed Tanner and Jonas helped her pick out sat like a sexual beacon. Had they convinced her to buy such a large bed because they had this exact scenario in mind? Before she could question them on that Jonas had her in his arms and kissed her hard.

  In the short time it had taken her to contemplate the situation about the bed, both men had shed their clothing. Jonas’s hot, hard body pressed against hers, and she couldn’t help but melt against him. She felt so wholly feminine with them, as if their strength could break her. But the fact they were so gentle made her feel owned by them. The heat from Tanner’s nude body covered her back, and she sighed into Jonas’s mouth.

  “I’m going to make you scream my name while Jonas has his cock buried deep inside of you.” The fact Tanner spoke so erotically, and about her and his brother nonetheless, had her insanely turned-on. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you.” He didn’t phrase it as a question, but then again she knew he wasn’t asking her, but telling her. He knew her too well. They both did.

  Jonas broke the kiss and dragged his tongue down her throat. She sighed.

  “Yes. I would.” Sasha let her head fall back on Tanner’s chest and exhaled in bliss when Jonas dragged his tongue back up the center of her throat. He did this over and over again, causing goose-bumps to form along her body. He moved his lips back down and over her collarbones, and to her breasts, which felt far too heavy and sensitive. He took her nipples with wicked skill. He dragged his tongue along the tight peaks, and then sucked them into his mouth, and the blood rushed to the surface, making Sasha beg them softly to ease her torment.

  Tanner skimmed his hands down her back and let his lips follow the curve of her spine. When he got to the base of her spine he gently laid a kiss. Taking a cheek in each of his hands, he spread her ass wide and blew cool air across her pussy. She felt overheated, and her temperature only increased with each passing second.

  Tanner’s warm breath teased her slick folds, and then his mouth latched onto her aching flesh. A hoarse cry left her, but Jonas slanted his mouth on hers and swallowed the noise. For several long, ecstasy filled moments they did nothing but torture her mouth and pussy with slow, drugging sweeps of their mouths, and flicks of their tongues. Sasha was liquid by the time they both pulled away and led her to the bed. The sheets were cold on her bare back, but it felt delicious against her too-hot flesh. Jonas slid in next to her and rolled her body toward his. They kissed again, drugging ones that had her pressing her pussy against his hard cock that was against her thigh.

  “Are you sure about this, baby?”

  Keeping her lips close to his, she murmured, “I have never been surer of anything in my life.” He speared his hands in her hair, tilted her head, and took her mouth like he was fucking her. She still sensed Tanner, knew he was probably watching everything, and grew wetter. Jonas gripped her hip and moved her so she straddled his narrow hips. His cock slipped between her pussy folds, and they both groaned at the contact.

  For several moments all they did was kiss, but Sasha needed more friction. Rocking her hips back and forth on him, he grew harder against her. A frenzied force claimed her, and she pulled back, braced her hands behind her on his thighs, and started moving her hips back and forth. His dick was nestled right in the center of her, and her pussy lips framed the thick length. The tip of his erection bumped her clit with each forward motion. It felt so incredibly good that her orgasm rushed to the surface. Head thrown back and eyes closed, she felt Tanner reach in front of her from behind and take her nipples between his thumb and forefingers. He pinched the tips, and pain spiked inside of her. That feeling gave way to intense pleasure.

  “That’s it, baby. Ride Jonas’s cock.” Tanner pulled on the tips, and she bit her lips and cried out as she came. Sasha continued to move back and forth on Jonas until she couldn’t do it anymore and the sensitivity became too intense. Gasping from the sensory overload, she forced her eyes open and looked first at Jonas beneath her, and then behind her at Tanner. Jonas grabbed a condom from the bedside drawer and sheathed himself in record time.

  “Rise up, Sasha, and take my cock in that
sweet pussy.”

  Bracing her hands on his pecs, she lifted up slightly. Jonas positioned the tip of his dick at her entrance and waited for her to make the next move. Lowering herself slowly, she closed her eyes and moaned at the stretch of her muscles from his penetration. When her pussy was flat against his pelvis and he was completely engulfed inside of her, she took a moment to just absorb the feeling of being filled to capacity.

  “Go on, Sasha, ride me.”

  Rising up and pushing back down, she did exactly like Jonas ordered. Her clit dragged across his shaft with every rise and fall, sending her closer and closer to yet another orgasm. It seemed her body didn’t care if she had just come moments before. It was greedy and wanted more. Sweat covered their flesh as she bounced on him, faster and harder. Jonas gripped her hips and aided in her motions. Before long she felt the tendrils of pleasure start to coil inside of her.

  “Look at me, baby.” Tanner’s gruff words had her peeling her eyes open and looking at him. He stood at the edge of the bed, his erect dick in his hand. He led it to her mouth. “Suck me, Sasha.” She greedily opened her mouth and dragged her tongue along the bulbous head that seeped pre-cum. It was salty and addictive.

  Moaning along the crest, she sucked more and more into her mouth until the crown touched the back of her throat. Tanner was just as thick and long as Jonas, and her jaw ached, but it was a pleasurable discomfort. Bobbing her head up and down at the same time she swiveled her hips and ground her pussy on Jonas’s cock, Sasha couldn’t hold off her own orgasm any longer. It broke free from her, stealing her air and her movements until she felt disconnected from her surroundings. Tanner pulled free from her mouth before he got off and moved behind her. She was half-lying on Jonas, and he continued to lift his hips up and push his cock into her in lazy motions.

  “I’m going to fuck this pretty little ass while Jonas still fucks your pussy.” Tanner dragged his tongue up her spine and kissed the nape of her neck. “Tell me you want this.” He smoothed his hand over her ass and gave each cheek a fast, stinging slap.


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