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Duty Recall

Page 8

by Scott A Meehan

  “Yes sir.”

  David drove home to his junior officer housing area was not far beyond the Green ramp area where the F-16 made its final plunge. What could I have done differently? What more could I have done? he asked himself audibly.

  * * *

  A little over a month later, Lieutenant David Allan received word that he came up on the Captain's list for promotion. This did not surprise him, of course, not that he felt any more deserving than anybody else, but because all of his evaluations had been given the highest rating.

  Soon, family members and friends arrived, his promotion took place in a formal fashion, there was an open bar at the O Club, and his wife, along with both kids, pinned on his new rank.

  David's next step in the military progression was to attend the Officer Advanced Course. The six-month course, was back at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, and it came at a time when Sherry, Robby, and Jenny had surrounded themselves with close friends. Leaving Fort Bragg would have predictable results of displeasure.

  The move came in August of '94, within schedule, and David set out to launch his advanced studies in the military intelligence field. The house that they rented and would live in for the duration was the same as he remembered before. Sherry seemed a bit surprised that David led everybody straight to the house, found a great deal and moved right in, as she would tell someone later, “As if he knew it was already here.”

  The remainder of the year was less significant in David's eyes although he did pad his separate bank account by predicting the New York Rangers Stanley Cup victory and the outcome of the World Cup with Brazil defeating Italy. His biggest earnings however came with the bet on the cancellation of the 1994 World Series at mid-season, before the season began. Additionally, he added another big chunk of money towards his Apple Computer stock, knowing that the first release of the Macintosh Microprocessor personal computer was inevitable.

  Sherry still did not have any idea that David was worth so much…$1.6 million, by David's latest estimate, and growing. She did enjoy their lavish “night out” occasions and marveled at the expensive places that he took her to on overnights. This was the part that David did not remember ever happening before, but he was enjoying it to the hilt. Besides, he reasoned, nothing else seems to be altering the course. David continued to play the great “officer making Captain's pay” role throughout the period.

  During the class session when the officers had to sit through a day of lectures and briefings from the Korean “expert,” David knew beforehand that he would be annoyed.

  Turning to Captain Rick Larson, David said, “Listen to this guy ramble. Before he is done, he is going to say that we will be invading North Korea in six months. And, he tries to make it sound believable.”

  Rick chuckled. “He's making a strong case for it. How do you know that we will not invade them?”

  David thought for a moment. “Because he said the same thing when I was here as a Lieutenant back in 1990.”

  “Come to think of it, I believe he said the same thing in our class too,” Rick added.

  As before, David let it go and did not want to waste his time challenging the civilian specialist on Korea. He allowed his mind simply to wander on other things. He thought about some of the upcoming events that would be significant and what he could do, if anything, to stop them. He was not even sure if he really wanted to stop them in case the result would lead to something unthinkable.

  After class, David pulled Rick aside. “Hey, do you remember hearing something about a FedEx Flight back in March or April when there was an attempted suicidal hijacking?”

  “Umm, not really, why?”

  “Well, the crew managed to subdue the attacker and land at an airport and nothing happened.”

  “Okay, so what's the point?”

  “So, this intelligence community should be taking a closer look into this and take measures to prevent future suicidal hijackers from boarding aircraft.”


  “Because, I believe that this will be the new wave of terrorism, only on passenger jets. They won't have any intention of hijacking for ransom but will try to blow the planes up with people aboard.”

  David purposely refrained from saying anything about commandeering planes and flying them into buildings. That would have to come later, at the right time, with the right people, and with the right information without implicating himself as a co-conspirator.

  “I don't know. I doubt that this will be a trend of any kind, just some lunatic terrorist.”

  “Yeah, maybe you're right.”

  David let the subject drop, with Rick. What could he do anyway?

  * * *

  One of Sherry's sisters, Becky, visited the family in Arizona during the Christmas break. The day after Christmas, the five of them went on a mini-vacation trip beginning in Tombstone. They did not spend too much time there as they continued along to the Grand Canyon. Once again, everything was the same as David remembered except for where they stayed. In keeping with a western theme, David made reservations at the Grand Hotel so that the kids could experience an authentic western atmosphere. They would stay in an executive suite, one with a balcony room featuring a desert view.

  Additionally, David was told that there would be Cowboy singers and Native American dancers to entertain. “Robby and Jenny should like that,” he told Sherry. “They told me that Navajo Indians would tell stories and perform some drumming and Native American singing.”

  David remembered a majestic view of the Canyon with the stars sparkling in the night sky. It was as if he could just reach up and grab a handful of them, they seemed so close. I definitely want to see that sight again. On that night that he did view the stars, the mass endless expanse, it was as he remembered. He smiled. God, you are there, I know. You are the one who sees me!” David was taking it all in with one big inhalation after another.

  “That's so beautiful,” he said to Sherry.

  “Yes it is, David. What a sight.” She moved closer to him and held onto his arms, snuggling up against him for warmth.

  David watched until the shimmering lights seemed to puzzle him. Many of the stars seemed to be fading and shining as if the heavens were sending out signals. When did I see this before? Where was I? What is happening to me? he wondered.

  Perhaps by the look on David's face, Sherry interrupted him.

  “What's wrong, honey?”

  “Huh, oh, nothing. Just admiring the night sky.”

  “You looked like you were a bit perplexed.”

  “Not really. Maybe thinking too hard.”

  “Just enjoy the moment.”

  “I am, don't worry. I am. Especially with you at my side!”

  Sherry smiled and laid her head sideways onto his shoulder.

  Their next stop after the Grand Canyon was to Las Vegas, Nevada. None of them had ever been there before. David had done business there, but it was indirectly and over the phone. This would be his first visit in person and with a couple of agents that he had only spoken with in the past. That part would have to wait until Sherry and her sister kept occupied with the kids.

  In an effort to keep the kids distracted and otherwise occupied, David booked rooms at the “Circus Circus” Hotel. He did make one notable change in that the rooms he booked would be nothing less than one of the upper level, whirlpool suites. From this spacious room, they would also get a nice view of the city lights of Las Vegas spread across the valley.

  David remembered that there was a night of trade-off when he would take the kids around the tower and play a bunch of games while Sherry and Becky toured other parts of the town. Later, they would switch off and David would be able to tour around on his own. This would be the time to meet one of his “bookies” and place some upcoming bets, such as the 1995 Super Bowl winners and the fact that the baseball strike would be resolved and there would be a 1995 season with the winner of the World Series being the Atlanta Braves over the Cleveland Indians.

  “Are you s
ure you want to put that much down on those teams?” his agent, Steve asked him after meeting over a couple of drinks.

  David just looked at him without saying a word. He did not have to. His reputation was already a matter of discussion within the Vegas inner circle. “Forget I asked. I am not sure how you do it, but you are usually dead-on. If I didn't know any better, I would think that you were from the future.”

  They both laughed. “Don't be ridiculous!”

  The final leg of the family vacation continued to the hills east of Los Angeles and a stay with his brother's in-laws. Danny married a blonde southern Californian girl, Laura, who he met in college. Sherry and Laura got along great together and although neither Danny nor Laura would be there, David and Sherry had met Laura's mother previously and she had extended the invite. He finally took her up on it and enjoyed a pleasant visit for a couple of days that took them into the New Year.

  Then it was back home to finish the last couple of months at the Advanced Course.

  9. Fort Polk, Louisiana

  “Everyone in this room who had a CONUS assignment will be going to Korea for their next assignment!” The MI Branch Manager had just announced.

  The moans and groans followed. Two full classes of at least sixty students each sat through the briefing in the large auditorium. CPT Murrell had traveled from Washington D.C. to meet with the future leadership for several days. His job was to line up future assignments once the Advance course was complete.

  In the ensuing days, CPT Murrell would meet with each of the students individually for 15 minutes, and then all but sealed the deal for their next duty assignment. Every student would get a chance to make their case for going to a choice assignment and avoiding the one-year unaccompanied assignment to Korea.

  In alphabetical order, one by one, most of David's classmates returned to class looking either somewhat disappointed or downright angry. CPT Ballard, who had served with David with the PSYOP Group filed past David's team.

  “Hey Keith!”

  Ballard stopped, and then swung around to see who was addressing him. “What's up?”

  “How did it go?”

  “I'm going to Korea.”

  “I figured. Did you try to get out of it?”

  “Yeah, I told him that I couldn't go because my mother was sick and that I needed to be close by.”

  “Didn't work, did it?”


  David asked a few others the same question, ones that he knew had spent time stateside on the previous three to four year tour before coming to this course. He remembered the approach that he had taken during the previous time period to prevent a tour to Korea, which would take him away from Sherry, Robby, and Jenny, for a year. He would do the same thing over again, expecting the same results.

  When it was his turn, David opened the door to the small classroom that was set up for CPT Murrell. Before he could close the door behind him, Murrell said, “You know you're going to Korea.”

  Sounding like a replay of a broken record, David knew just how to answer. “Yes, I know.”

  A bit surprised by his lack of an excuse not to go, CPT Murrell pointed to the empty chair at the desk to the left side of the room. A small pad of paper and a pencil rested on top.

  “Go ahead and write down the places you would like to be assigned to after your Korean tour and I'll see what I can do for you.”

  David remembered this statement vividly and as if on cue replied. “I'm flexible. Where are the Army's needs?”

  Murrell had picked up a magazine to read and without looking at David, answered, “We always need folks at places like Fort Polk, Louisiana, Fort Bliss, Texas…”

  David did not even remember the other places mentioned because he had already written down, “Fort Polk, Louisiana as his first choice and Fort Bliss, Texas as his second. He pushed his chair away from the table and handed the slip of paper to Murrell. Then, he slowly walked towards the door, waiting to hear Murrell's response that was sure to come. It did.

  “You want to go to Fort Polk?”

  David remembered that he had to answer without enthusiasm. “Sure, if that's where the Army needs me.”

  “Alright. I actually need somebody there. I can probably get you there. We'll be in touch.”

  The news of going to Fort Polk did not sit too well with Sherry until she realized that the alternative was a year separation with David in Korea. She was sitting at a picnic table with several of the other wives while many kids played noisily in the park around them. Most of them languished bitterly as to why their husbands had to leave for Korea for a whole year without them.

  Sherry tried to keep her next destination a secret until one of the wives asked, “So, what are your plans after David goes overseas?”

  “Well, he's not going to Korea. We're going to Fort Polk.”

  “What? Fort Polk! You're going to that armpit of the world?”

  “I wish we were going there instead of separating” another voice chimed in.

  “Me too!” said another.

  “How did your husband manage to get a CONUS tour again?” One of the other wives asked.

  “I'm not sure, really, but I'll take it.”

  “I would too!”

  Sherry felt, imaginary or not, that the surrounding eyes around her were now out of envy and jealousy. “Robby, Jenny, come on, we have to go home now. I'll talk to you ladies later. I need to get some stuff done before David's parents show up next week.”

  “Okay, see you around.”

  Sherry heard a voice behind her as she headed to the minivan. “I'm going to ask Mark what was he thinking by not asking to go to Fort Polk rather than leaving me for a year.”

  Other voices mumbled in agreement.

  “Hurry, Robby, let's go.”

  “I'm trying to help Jen.”

  “Both of you. Just hurry up.”

  * * *

  Four months later, the Allan's settled into their officer quarters in the new housing section at Fort Polk. Sherry liked the house a great deal, in fact, she had mentioned to some of her family over the phone that this was the best government quarters that she has been in to date.

  There were surrounding parks, basketball courts dispersed throughout the long running trails that Robby, and Jenny found quite appealing. There was plenty of room for Rusky to romp around as well. Robby and Jenny took turns allowing Rusky to pull them along for a ride while they wore their roller blades.

  David soon discovered that the highest-ranking Intelligence Officer stationed at Fort Polk was LTC Richardson. Richardson had been his Battalion Executive Officer when David first arrived to the 319th MI Battalion. They got along well, thanks in part to David's innovative maintenance program that he first established for the Company and then was later adopted by the whole Battalion. Shortly after arriving to Polk, LTC Richardson had the Allan's over for dinner.

  Before the meal was served, David and LTC Richardson were in the den talking over some sodas. Sherry was in the kitchen helping Richardson's wife, Diane.

  “I'm glad you finally made it down here. I almost had to 'pull teeth' to get you here.

  “Really sir, how's that?”

  Your new boss, COL. Hewitt just fired his TWO and he wanted me to get him a new one, fast.”

  “He fired the TWO?” David asked surprisingly. “That's not good!”

  “Don't worry; he messed up, probably on purpose because he wanted out of the Air Defense world and COL. Hewitt wouldn't release him. Their installation security inspection failed on almost all fronts.

  “Ouch! I cannot imagine anyone wanting to do that on purpose.”

  “Me either. Anyway, I called Branch and asked them if they had anyone they could send down here to fill a Brigade S-2 slot. They told me that there was not anyone available but that they might be able to send someone from the schoolhouse after graduation. I told him that COL. Hewitt would not go for that. He wanted someone with experience. So Branch tells me, 'well, that's all we ha
ve.' I asked him who it was they had in mind from the schoolhouse. Murrell says, 'Captain Allan.' So I nearly yelled, 'Captain David Allan? Airborne type from Bragg? He said, 'yes sir, that's him.”

  David started to laugh at the coincidence.

  “So I tell Murrell, 'Send him! I have his job waiting here.”

  “And here I am.”

  “Here you are. But it did not stop there. COL. Hewitt did not seem too pleased that you were coming from the schoolhouse without the experience he wanted. I had to convince him that you were 'high-speed' when you had worked for us at Bragg.”

  “Wow, thanks for the words, sir. Thanks for the 'string pulling' also!”

  “No problem, I know you'll do well here.”

  “Let's eat!” Diane's voice called from the dining room.

  David couldn't wait to share that side of the story later with Sherry. In addition, he would have to live up to expectations.

  * * *

  A tragic event was approaching, one that began to fill his thoughts day and night. It would happen on April 19, 1995. A bombing was going to take place in Oklahoma City at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building that would kill 168 people, including 8 Federal Marshals and 19 children. David guessed about the numbers from memory because there was no way to research something that had not taken place…yet.

  In the midst of building up the 108th Air Defense Artillery Brigade's security program, David would need to gather some human intelligence on terrorists, going beyond the unchartered territory of American born terrorists. How would he be able to explain that the catastrophic event about to take place was at the hands of an all-American middle-class young man, one who served his country during Desert Storm?

  He did not know how to quite pull it off, but David had to try something…anything to lead authorities towards Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols…without implicating himself in the process.

  With his idea put into writing, David drove to the Fort Polk installation Headquarters where he would find LTC Richardson. Knowing that Richardson kept a full schedule, David managed to get onto his calendar through CPT Marshall, another Military Intelligence officer who worked as Richardson's aid.


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