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Myka and the Millionaire

Page 7

by Alexis Alvarez

  Myka was struck by the luxurious interior; the entry hall was marble with a fancy tile mosaic pattern under a large chandelier. Vases of fresh flowers decorated ornate tables, and a reception desk was housed along a wall under a large painting.

  “Darina!” exclaimed Gabriel, kissing the receptionist on her cheek. “This is Myka.”

  A smile warmed Darina’s face as she extended her hand. “Welcome. This is a great place.” She was dressed in scanty clothes, but she looked tasteful. Her heels and earrings alone appeared to be worth a small fortune.

  Darina handed Myka a clipboard. “This is our nondisclosure agreement. It states that you will always keep the names and identities of club members in confidence and will never divulge details about anyone’s activities here. This, of course, protects you too. It’s extensive, and legally binding, so please read it before signing. I’ll need your ID, driver’s license, as well.”

  Myka felt shy despite the friendly words, and nodded, filled out the form, signed, pushed the paper back. Gabriel put his arm around her and whispered into her ear, “Don’t be scared.” His accent was more pronounced, his voice pure arousal. “Let me show you now, what you wanted to see.”

  He led her down the hallway and through a set of large golden doors, and Myka caught her breath again. This room was as tasteful as the Club Dark Sin area had been cheesy and gloomy. The floor was a shiny warm cherry wood, and the walls had a delicate filigree wallpaper pattern in gold and cream. Hanging chandeliers provided a dim warm light, making the room sparkle.

  A long wooden bar was arrayed against one wall, with tall padded stools and crystal glasses hanging, catching the lights. Various patrons stood or sat at the bar, chatting, laughing. Myka noticed that some of them were fully dressed in formal wear, some were partially dressed, and many of the women were completely naked, save for leather cuffs or nipple jewelry. The long mirror behind the bar duplicated their sinuous bodies and their flashing eyes, turning the room into a sea of visual overstimulation, a heady mixture of bodies and light and movement.

  Erotic artwork graced the walls, and low music sounded. But the bar lost the battle of interest, because people were… playing. There was a spanking bench, an X-shaped St. Andrew’s cross, a padded table, some kind of complicated chair apparatus, and they were all occupied by people in various stages of intimacy and action. Across the room a man knelt, his hand tied behind his back with a flowing red scarf, giving a blowjob to another man standing in front of him.

  In another section of the room, a muscular dark-skinned man used a vibrator on a woman bound to the cross, a gag in her mouth, a large anal plug vibrating between her spread legs. His body glistened with sweat, and he was so intent on his partner that Myka could almost see her through his eyes. With his free hand, he stroked his woman’s breast and murmured into her ear. Although performing, they were alone in a kind of privacy that came from a bond so intense that nobody watching came close to interrupting it.

  Myka turned her eyes away from the cross, unable to stem the visceral reaction of terror, even though the couple using it was clearly locked in passion, and even though their power exchange fascinated her. She had seen a horror movie once involving a woman tied to a cross, and for some reason, she nearly had nightmares just thinking about it.

  But the spanking bench? Looking at that made her whole body light up with eager interest and she glanced to it to change her thoughts.

  The air smelled of sex and flowers; Myka’s head felt dizzy and she stepped closer to Gabriel, treating him like a safety raft, forgetting momentarily that this was his creation. He looked at her; tipped her chin up with his finger. He was more dominant now. “Look at me. Are you doing all right?” He gazed at her to be sure, then nodded. “Then let’s walk around. Where do you wish to go first?”

  Myka pointed. “There.” She couldn’t take her eyes away from the spanking bench, and the woman cuffed to it, naked, offering her body up to the man beside her.

  Gabriel guided her over until they were standing a few feet away. He whispered into her ear, “We never interrupt a scene unless it’s a safety concern. We’ll stand back and watch from here, yes?”

  The man bent down to whisper something, and although it reminded Myka of the couple in the previous club, she felt safer here. But when the man picked up something from the floor, Myka caught her breath, clutched more tightly at Gabriel’s arm. It was a leather paddle, black and long. It looked wicked; the leather shone in the dim light, and the whole thing looked powerful. No toy, this. It seemed capable of delivering serious pain. But she felt a sharp flare between her legs, looking at the thing, imagining how it would feel on her own ass. Wielded by Gabriel’s hand.

  The man ran the paddle up the woman’s naked legs, up to her buttocks, and she clenched her muscles. He smiled and said, “Feels soft, right? Answer me.”

  “Yes, sir,” she answered. “Very soft.”

  “But it won’t feel that way in a few minutes, will it?” He continued stroking her with the paddle, and she didn’t answer.

  Gabriel whispered to Myka, “He’s forbidden her to talk unless he specifically tells her to answer. Anything else is for her to hear, but not to respond to. If she makes a mistake, she gets punished.”

  Myka wasn’t sure she liked that. “It sounds like Simon Says with a wicked twist.”

  Gabriel stifled a chuckle. “I suppose it does. It’s a hard game, true, but they both like it. Watch her. See how she’s becoming aroused?”

  The woman glistened between her legs, which were spread across the bench and fastened down at the ankles. Myka couldn’t believe she was watching a naked woman in real life, discussing arousal levels.

  “She loves this,” Gabriel continued. “They play this way often.”

  The man slapped the woman’s left ass cheek with his hand, making her cry out in surprise, leaving a bright red mark that faded quickly. He rubbed it for a few seconds, then slapped the other, hard. The woman whimpered, wriggled in her bonds. Myka could see her trying to rub her clit against the bench.

  The man noticed too, spoke to her sharply: “Jessica. You know better.” He raised the paddle and brought it down hard, making the cheeks indent and bounce back, and the woman cried out; before she was even done with her sound, the paddle hit again, and she choked out another cry. The paddle continued to slap at her ass, lower, higher, left, right; the uneven rhythm beat a staccato tune that made Myka’s nipples peak and ache. She shifted, uncomfortable with her own hunger, even as she could see the woman’s stimulation growing.

  The paddling seemed to go on forever; Myka watched, mesmerized, as the stiff leather hit hard into the soft flesh. Jessica’s body seemed to learn the rhythm after a while, the slap, hard indentation, the retraction. Her gasps indicated that although the paddling hurt, she was also enjoying it.

  At first Jessica’s skin showed a few bright red marks from the first paddle blows; soon the entire surface of her cheeks was a bright pink with patches of redder skin here and there. And as the spanking continued, her entire bottom became a shiny, painful-looking red.

  Finally the man dropped the paddle with a clatter and said, “Enough. Do you agree, Jessica? Answer me.”

  “Yes, sir!” Jessica wailed. “God, please.”

  “Do you want me to fuck you, Jessica?” the man asked her, teasing her wetness with his fingers. “I think the punishment turned you on.”

  The woman moaned, but didn’t answer; she pulled at her bonds, trying to entice his fingers closer.

  “Do you want to ride my hand? Should I bring my fingers closer and let you enjoy some pleasure, now that you took the pain for me?” He stroked her with one hand, and inserted the other one beneath her chest to play with her nipples.

  Jessica whimpered, “Please, Brett. Sir.”

  Brett removed both hands and stood. “Did I tell you to speak?” He picked up a cane from beside him on the floor. “You know what happens when you disobey. Five strokes, hard ones. Any noise and I double it
. Understand? Answer me.”

  “I understand, sir,” the woman said with a small sob.

  Myka turned to Gabriel, pulling his arm. “Is he—is he going to really hurt her?” She didn’t realize how tense her hand was until he gently pried her fingers out of the tight clench.

  “No more than she can handle,” he murmured. “She hasn’t said her safeword, Myka. She wants this.”

  “But how do you know? How does he know? It looks so awful.” Myka’s voice started to rise despite her intentions, and she put a hand to her mouth, remembering the rule about not disturbing.

  Gabriel led her a distance away. “Does this scare you?”

  “Yes. No. Yes. I—A little. It hurts her. What if she’s only taking it because she thinks she has to? Because she’s broken inside? Because she’s turned into a zombie?” Myka’s hands clenched again, nails digging into her palms.

  Gabriel tapped her hands. “Relax, Myka. When she’s done, we’ll talk to her, to them. You can ask her. Yes?”

  “God, I don’t know. That would be so… weird. Wouldn’t it?” Myka glanced back over in time to see the cane swish down onto Jessica’s skin, hard. Jessica made a high keening noise and her whole body tensed up. Myka’s did too, when she saw the bright red stripe across the Jessica’s already marked buttocks.

  Gabriel put his hands on Myka’s shoulders. “Do you still want to watch?”

  Myka nodded, unable to look away, even though she felt a kind of terror. The cane fell again, again. Again. Jessica’s body quivered and shook, but the only sounds she made were tiny high-pitched squeaks and squeals. Myka had no idea how Jessica was managing not to scream. Again. Each stroke left a new red stripe, delineated and raised, and Myka could tell that those were going to last for a while. Finally Brett dropped the cane, and Myka breathed out a shuddering sigh of relief.

  Gabriel was watching Myka, not the couple, his eyes thoughtful. “He’ll give her the pleasure now,” he whispered, touching Myka’s arm. “Watch.”

  And Myka did watch; she stared as Brett knelt down and used his mouth on Jessica, his hands stroking her breasts and her skin; she looked on as the woman exploded in a clear burst of ecstasy, her whole body shaking, screams of pleasure bursting from her throat, an endless song of joy, several full minutes of whole body arousal. Myka felt sweat bead on her forehead, her own breathing quicken, and whether it was from Jessica’s exquisite pleasure or the smell and warmth of Gabriel beside her as well, it was hard to say.

  By the time Jessica stopped orgasming and collapsed back into herself, Brett bent over her, whispering to her, stroking her, Myka’s fingers were in her mouth and she stood entranced. When Gabriel brushed her shoulder, she started, but followed as he said, “Come with me.”

  He led her out of the main room into a smaller one, empty, and closed the door. This room had a large bed, but Gabriel directed them to a soft couch. He handed Myka a bottle of water. “Drink it all,” he ordered with a smile, “and then we’ll talk.”

  Myka frowned, but realized her thirst; after the alcohol and the stimulation of watching the couple, she was parched. She drank deeply, handed him the empty bottle, and looked at her hands in her lap.

  “It’s intense, yes?” Gabriel asked her.

  Myka nodded. “I wanted to see this, I’ve been so curious. It’s much harder than it sounds in books. Rougher in real life than in videos online.”

  “Also more arousing.” Gabriel’s voice was curious. “I think watching that scene turned you on, Myka. Am I right?” When Myka didn’t answer, he tapped his finger under her chin. “Myka. Answer me, please.” His eyes were trained on hers, waiting.

  Myka flushed. “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Do you want to try that with me? Let me bind you, punish you, bring you to ecstasy?”

  Myka tensed. “Not that hard.” She shuddered, thinking of the cane, the stripes, the squeals. That part of made her cold inside, even though her panties were wet. “Never that hard.”

  Gabriel’s eyes were warm. “Tell me what and how.”

  Myka dropped her eyes to her lap, but he made a noise in his throat and touched her chin. “Please, look at me.”

  She swallowed and met his gaze. “The things that turn me one from reading—or watching things on the Internet, are not as severe. I’d like to try spanking and paddling, bondage, nipple clamps. I think I would like to be teased, to be made to wait, to obey. Maybe crawling. I want to see what it’s like to be submissive.”

  She flushed, thinking about crawling, naked, to Gabriel. In her mind he was waiting, stern and severe, with a paddle in his hand. She could feel wetness between her legs at the thought. “I would like to try it, yes.”

  He touched her hand. “With me?” His eyes burned into hers. It was like he was memorizing her words, her face, her entire aura.

  She caught her breath and looked down again, unable to handle the intensity. “I need to think first. Get used to it all.”

  “Fair enough.” Gabriel took her arm. His voice was low and sensuous. Then he took her arm, and his voice was lighter. “Shall we go see if Jessica and Brett are ready to talk?”

  They walked back to the main room and through it to an alcove with elegant couches and luxurious loveseats. Jessica was on one of them, wrapped in a soft fleece blanket, lying back in Brett’s arms. He stroked her shoulder and she laughed at something he said into her ear.

  Gabriel strode up and greeted the couple. “Doctors. I’m glad to see you enjoying yourselves.”

  Jessica seemed completely at ease. “Enjoying is the right word for sure, Gabriel. He did well.”

  “I always do well, don’t I, sweetheart?” Brett replied, kissing her cheek.

  “Yes, although you didn’t need to spank me so hard,” she scolded. “My butt is going to be so sore tomorrow.” Except she didn’t look upset. And Myka could swear that she seemed excited about having a sore butt.

  “You know exactly how you earned that spanking. And you can think of me every time you sit down,” responded Brett, patting her blanket.

  “Quit it!” she said, giggling and wriggling away. “You did enough damage.” She looked up. “I’m Jessica. Nice to meet you.”

  “Um, yes, likewise. I’m Myka.” Myka’s face was red. What was the protocol for meeting a woman who’d just had her ass in the air getting whipped, her arousal and orgasm in plain view for all to see? Apparently, like any other person. Interesting.

  Gabriel knelt down to be even with Jessica’s face. “Myka is… new. She would like to ask you a few questions about your scene. Would you be willing to talk?”

  “I’d be happy to.” Jessica adjusted her blanket. “I remember when I was a newbie. A few years ago, right, babe?” She turned her head and touched Brett’s chin with her fingers.

  “Mm hmm. About four years, I think.” He smiled. “Give or take.” He shifted Jessica to the couch beside him, got up, kissed his wife’s cheek. “What do you want from the bar, Jess?”

  “Bring me a water and a diet Pepsi, please,” she said sweetly. “You guys go away for a while so I can spill all of your secrets to Myka.” The two men laughed, walked companionably to the bar, and Myka perched on the edge of the loveseat.

  Jessica sat up, still wrapped in the blanket. “So are you with Gabriel?” she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity, before Myka could say anything.

  Myka blinked. “We just met the other day. This is all new and strange to me. Not that I’m judging or anything,” she added, although—of course—she was judging, continually assessing and reassessing, trying to make sense of it all. To fit it into the world view she had of feminism, gender roles, and social identity. “Why do you ask?” she questioned, her voice rising.

  “Oh. Because it’s been almost six months since he and Rachel, you know. Broke up, I guess, is what you’d call it. He hasn’t been with anyone since that I know of. Not even to play.”

  “Really?” Myka felt eager excitement at the news. Although Gabriel was far from ‘hers,�
� and she wasn’t even sure if that’s what she wanted, it was good to know that there was nobody else waiting in the wings.

  Jessica examined her. “He never brings women here just to check the place out. I imagine you must be pretty special to him.”

  Myka wasn’t sure how to respond, so she shrugged. Jessica smiled. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have jumped in all nosy and gossipy. And you were supposed to be asking me stuff. What did you want to know?”

  “Some general questions, I guess. Well. How did you get into this?” Myka waved her hand around.

  Jessie smiled. “It all started right after we got married. We were pretty vanilla, but one Saturday night flipping channels on HBO, we found this documentary about kink. We watched it together, making fun of it, saying how crazy it was. But later on, I couldn’t get it out of my mind. It had completely turned me on, but I was afraid to tell Brett, because he laughed about it so hard.”

  She paused and smiled. “Turns out he felt the same way, but it actually took a whole year before we got the courage to say it to each other. I think I broached the subject first at a dinner date. He teased me that I should get in trouble for dropping my fork and making the waiter get another one, and I said, well, maybe you should spank me. And he said, maybe I will. And he gave me this look. And then I knew. And he knew. And then—it was game on. Little by little we tried things, and here we are today.”

  There was a short silence. Then Jessica asked, “What else? Come on, I can totally tell you want to ask more. Just spit it out. I promise I won’t get upset.”

  Myka fidgeted. “Well, during your… when you were, would you say, playing? Or scene?” She’d read the words a hundred times online, but speaking them aloud for the first time was akin to trying out words in a difficult foreign language—such as Russian or Korean—and she stumbled, hearing her own voice speak aloud the things that had been secret fantasies in her head for so long.

  “Yes, my scene, when I was playing. Either works.” Jessie smiled encouragingly and nodded, and for a second, Myka felt like she was back in kindergarten, afraid to use crayons, and the nice lady teacher was acting all sweet and gentle to make her settle down.


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