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Myka and the Millionaire

Page 28

by Alexis Alvarez

  Myka tried to act casual. “No. Yes. No, I mean, it’s just something I’ve never been into. It sort of creeps me out for some reason.”

  “Do you want to try it?” Taylor’s voice was low beside her.

  Myka jumped. “What? No! I don’t want to, I mean I don’t want to have sex.”

  “I understand. I’m not asking for that.” He chuckled. “If you want to get rid of those fears, you can step up to it and I can fasten you in, then let you out. I’d bet—after that? The cross won’t be anything to you but another piece of regular old dungeon furniture.”

  Despite herself, despite her fears, Myka was intrigued. She tilted her head, wondering.

  Lili was encouraging. “It’s not so scary, Myka. Why does the cross scare you more than other things?”

  “It’s embarrassing to say it, but—it was this movie I saw, one time.” Myka paused, but Lili broke in.

  “Oh, my God. Are you talking about Killing Candy Baines? That was the worst movie ever. When he pulled out her tongue I almost vomited! Oh, Myka, I’m sorry.” Lili patted Myka’s arm. “Yeah, that was pretty gross. But come on, surely you’ve seen the cross used for pleasure, too? Right?”

  “Of course,” said Myka, not biting back her irritation. “Lots of times. It’s just a visceral response, or something. I can’t help it.”

  Lili started laughing. “That movie was so dumb. My friends and I played a drinking game while we watched it in high school. Every time Candy Baines said, ‘Oh, help me!’ we had to do a shot. Every time fake blood spurted out and we could see the little blood tube, we did two shots. We got drunk so fast.”

  Myka smiled. “Now that you mention it, the gore was pretty cheesily done.”

  “Right?” Lili nodded, making her blond hair swing. “I swear that the tongue was like, three gummy worms squished together. And the woman playing Candy kept trying not to laugh.”

  Myka suddenly felt loose and free. “You know what? You’re right. I could try the cross. If you all walk over with me. Safety in numbers, and all that. Just in case a crazy doctor pops out.”

  “You bet, cupcake!” Dax was there in a heartbeat. “If your pretty ass is going into that cross, Todd and I will be there with bells on. Literally. Show her, Toddy.”

  Todd came forward and rocked his hips obligingly, showing off his tight penis-sock with a jingle bell on the tip.

  Myka nodded. “I don’t know why more men don’t wear bells. Maybe you’re going to start a trend.”

  “You can hear him coming, like a cat,” explained Dax.

  “Surely you take the bell off before you let him come?” said Myka, and everyone laughed. Then, feeling bold, she told Taylor, “Fine. Tie me up. I’ll try the cross. Just for a little bit of fun, okay? Not anything… else.”

  “Absolutely.” Taylor nodded. “If you ever change your mind, you let me know. But until that day? Friends.”

  “Friends who tie each other up,” corrected Dax, “which, in my opinion, are the best kind.”

  They’d reached the cross. Taylor paused. “Sure you want to do it?”

  “Yes.” Myka nodded.” It was only wood, after all, wood and leather. She suddenly felt ridiculous for having been so scared of it for so long.

  “All right. Step up here,” Taylor gestured toward a low platform at the base of the cross. “Spread your legs, and reach up your arms.”

  Myka shot a look at her friends. Dax and Todd were holding hands, and Dax used his free hand to give her a thumbs up. Lili had a strange expression on her face, almost like she was sad, a sort of longing look. But once she noticed Myka’s gaze, she smiled and waved. “You can do it!” she called out.

  Myka shivered. Taylor’s voice was full of calm authority, and she thought of Gabriel and his control during sex. She felt herself start to get wet from the idea of being tied up here, but in her mind it would be Gabriel behind her, Gabriel fastening her ankles and wrists to the cross with leather cuffs.

  Still, it was a thrill to feel Taylor’s strong fingers at her legs, grazing her skin gently as he fastened her. He came close behind her so his body brushed hers, letting her feel his strength, as he took each wrist and bound them as well. He lingered a second after she was tied down, and asked, “Comfortable?”

  When he stepped back, Myka’s pulse sped up. “It’s fine.”

  “Try to get free.”

  She pulled with her legs and arms; there was a little give, but she was bound firmly. It was exhilarating and scary at the same time. “God. Look at me,” she muttered to herself. “Tied to a cross in a BDSM club. Just imagine.” To be sure, it was far less intense than anything she’d done in private with Gabriel. But facing her fear made her proud.

  “Well, pop goes that cherry!” remarked Dax, and Todd and Lili both giggled.

  “So, what now?” asked Myka, wiggling in the grips. It felt kind of amazing, actually, to be tied up here. She liked being in charge of the game.

  “Whatever you want,” said Taylor, his voice quiet but intense. “I’ll let you out. Or, if you prefer, we can try something further.”

  “Such as?” Myka couldn’t understand why she was saying it.

  “Do you want me to flog you a little bit over your clothes? I think you’d like it.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  There was an electric pause. Then Myka said, “Yes. A little. Softly.” It was nice to be the one making the demands.

  Taylor stepped away and returned, and stood where Myka could see him. “This is the flogger I’m going to use. It can be soft as a whisper, or it can make you scream. I’ll go light. You say stop when you’re done.” Myka gulped and nodded.

  “I need you to tell me yes first.” His voice was firm, and once again, Myka thought about sex with Gabriel. She craved him, wanted him behind her, telling her to ask for it. But that was done.

  She closed her eyes. “Yes. I want you to flog me. I’ll tell you when to stop.”


  Myka felt the first slap of the flogger, a light hit, nearly a caress, on her shoulder. She sucked in her breath.

  “Again?” asked Taylor, somewhere from behind her, his voice low.

  “Yes, again.”

  He slapped her again with the flogger, a little harder, but it didn’t hurt; it was a sensation of touch and pressure. Myka sighed and closed her eyes. “More.”

  He hit her again, the same way, but this time over her ass, and Myka wiggled as much as possible in the bonds and thrust her body toward him, unconsciously demanding more. He obliged, hitting across her ass and thighs, then up her back. None of it hurt, and the rhythmic sounds and slaps lulled Myka into a kind of dream state. She didn’t even care that others were watching, like that stocky guy from before. He kept touching his hat, a sort of reflexive movement. Lili blinked hard and bit her lip. Myka shut her eyes and let herself drift.

  “Do you want me to lift your skirt?” Taylor asked her in a low voice. Myka nodded, eyes still shut, then murmured, “Yes, do it.” She felt air on her body as he stopped and rolled the tight fabric up to her waist, exposing her lacy g-string.

  He sucked in his breath. “Myka. These marks?”

  Myka stiffened. “Recent. So be gentle, please.”

  He ran a hand slowly over her ass cheeks, but then pulled her skirt down again. “No,” he told her. “It would be too much.” He lifted his hand away and flogged her again through the fabric, and Myka floated away again into the blissful relaxation.

  After a few minutes Taylor paused and she felt his voice at her ear. “I’m going to stop now. I think you’re done.”

  “But I didn’t tell you to stop.” She leaned her head back an inch or two, enjoying the feel of his hot mouth near her ear. A sudden urge flowed through her, the wish for his lips to touch her skin. She made a slight noise.

  “No, you didn’t,” he agreed. “But you’re getting a little too comfortable up there, and I don’t want to take you to a place you’ll regret later. You already set a limit with me. So let’
s take you down.”

  Myka flushed. “I’m sorry.”

  “No. You have nothing to apologize for. Your reaction is beautiful. Just, perhaps, too beautiful.” His voice was rueful as he knelt and unbound her ankles. As he reached her wrists, he smiled. “It does seem that the new interior meets with your satisfaction.”

  Myka smiled back. “Except for the artwork. You need new pictures for the walls. You absolutely must trash that awful thing,” and she nodded toward the faux icon with the thorn crown.

  Taylor paused, with one of her wrists still bound, and stuck the handle of the flogger into the back pocket of his jeans. He jogged to the wall and removed the offending painting, bringing it back to show it to the group. “This one? Consider it gone.” He laughed, looked at the signature in the corner, and his eyes widened. He turned it over, and his eyebrows rose high. “This is a Simon Chooch. I believe it’s an original.”

  He turned it over again, more carefully this time. “It’s indeed hideous. But it’s probably worth about twenty thousand dollars. His pop religious gore art has been huge in the modern art world the past few years. I can’t believe this.” He sounded excited.

  “Seriously?” Myka craned her neck. “Hey, undo my other wrist. I want to see.”

  Dax and Lili clustered, and Taylor handed the painting to Dax while he unfastened Myka’s other wrist. He rubbed her skin idly, while peering over at the painting.

  Todd seemed to be in awe. “This piece of crapola is worth that much money? I feel like we’re on a surprise episode of Antiques Roadshow or something.”

  “I’m going to touch it,” announced Dax, and carefully poked the painting right in the middle. Then he collapsed against Todd in a fake swoon. “Oh, my God! I’ve never pawed expensive art before. You know how they have all the ropes and guards in museums.”

  “Ropes and guards. Remind you of anywhere?” said Lili with a giggle, looking around. “Maybe we can start our own show. Dungeon Roadshow.” Taylor looked at her and laughed out loud, and Lili put her hand to her cheek.

  “Do you think the previous owner will want it back?” asked Myka, touching the canvas near the edge.

  Taylor shook his head. “I bought the place furnished; the contract is tight. He knew it was here. You don’t get something like this at a flea market. He left me enough debt and issues, though. He was happy to sell the place, painting and all. Who knows why it was hanging there, though. It could have easily been damaged.”

  “Yeah.” Dax giggled. He deepened his voice. “Taylor, this is a Simon Chooch original. Notice the tight brushstrokes and the excellent use of chiaroscuro. Care to wager how much it’s worth? Well, I’ve seen ones like this in pristine, original condition go for over twenty thousand dollars. This one, however, has a white cum pattern laced over the thorns, and traces of lube around the figure’s mouth. I’m sorry to tell you that brings the value down to, oh, about fifty cents.” Everyone laughed again.

  “Are you going to resell it?” Myka asked, rubbing her wrists. They didn’t hurt, but the faint marks of the cuffs were addictively fun to trace with her fingertip.

  “I don’t know,” mused Taylor. “I don’t like it at all, and I could use the money for new décor.”

  “I have an idea,” Lili exclaimed, touching his arm. “You could put it in a prominent place in the entry way with a big sign saying, Choose Your Adventure. People could vote to on how the money should be spent. You could have them choose between a new spanking bench, a cross, stuff like that. It would help build a sense of community here. Which, you know, is sort of lacking at this point. No offense.”

  “Ooooh, you need a fucking machine!” exclaimed Todd eagerly. “I would so vote for that!”

  Taylor looked at Lili with respect. “Do you want to manage it?” he asked casually, but his eyes were bright. “Be my renovation consultant. I like your ideas. I’ll pay you a competitive rate.”

  Lili’s mouth opened, then she closed it. “I do waitressing,” she said. “Not, you know, BDSM club makeovers.” But she smiled, and stood a little taller. “You need new art, sexy art, but not crass. New paint on the walls. But the big thing will be to make this place welcoming and friendly. Plan more group lunches, outings, talks here at the club. I know other clubs do it. Find your experts, and have them offer to lead open discussions. Do fun things, like the art thing I mentioned. Oh, and you need a training class for new members, to get them used to everything. I can come up with more.”

  Myka nodded from her spot on the cross. “Lili’s right. Those are excellent ideas.”

  Lili fidgeted and blushed, smiling down at her feet.

  “I agree completely. Lili is brilliant. Come down from there, Myka. Let’s all get a drink and talk.” Taylor offered her his hand, adjusting the flogger in his pocket as he did so, but Myka smiled to see his gaze locked on Lili.

  Suddenly a familiar voice rang out. “Get your hands off of her.” Gabriel strode up, his eyes flashing. “Taylor.”

  Taylor nodded, his face taut. “Gabriel. It’s been a while.”

  “Not long enough for me.”

  Myka blanched. “Gabriel. What are you doing here?”

  “I could ask you the same question.” He pushed by Taylor and took Myka’s arm. “Get the hell down from there before—” He broke off.

  Myka stepped down and crossed her arms over her chest in anger. “I wasn’t doing anything wrong. And before what, exactly?”

  “She was only getting flogged a little bit on the cross by Taylor,” added Dax helpfully. “Her first time!” even as Myka shook her head at him.

  “What the fuck?” Gabriel’s fists balled. “Myka?”

  “I can do what I want,” Myka warned him, then realized how it sounded. “I was just seeing how it felt.” That didn’t help.

  “Let’s go.” Gabriel took her arm, but Myka pulled away.

  “Don’t treat me like a child. I’ll go where and when I want.” She glared. “Does your blond Armani model like it when you push her around? Or your pregnant ex?”

  Gabriel cursed. “So that’s what this is about? You decided to get even by coming here and fucking around with Taylor?”

  Myka flinched. “Hold on. No fucking happened here, Gabriel. But you are totally fucking things up, if that counts. And maybe you forgot that we’re done. Remember at the club? What you said and did? You asshole. If you’re not here to apologize, I don’t want to talk to you at all.” She broke off. “I’m not doing this.” She stuck her chin up. “I’m going.”

  Taylor took her hand. “Myka, thanks for your help tonight. Do you want me to walk you out?” He shot a warning look at Gabriel.

  Myka shook her head. “No, I prefer to go alone. I’ll stay in touch. See you all later.” She whirled and stalked to the door. Gabriel followed, pacing her as she stood outside on the sidewalk, waiting for a cab.

  “Myka,” he shot out. “I need to know what’s going on with you and Taylor.”

  “I’d like to know what’s going on, too,” she demanded. “I’d like to know why you were dating some blond model and your ex every time I was out of town.”

  “I’m not sleeping with Flora,” argued Gabriel. “She accompanied me to some events. You weren’t here, you were away on the rock band tour, and we weren’t about—that. And Rachel—that’s… that’s complicated. I don’t even know how to explain her.” He sounded frustrated, helpless.

  “Is it your baby?” Myka’s voice was fierce. “Tell me the truth, right now.”

  He looked into her eyes. “No. It’s not. I knew it wasn’t, the timing wasn’t right. It would be over a twelve-month pregnancy if I were the father. But she kept insisting. So I told her I needed DNA testing and she finally agreed. We got results last week. They proved that the future father is someone else.”

  Myka started to cry. “But the whole time we were together, you might have been a father? You might have made another woman pregnant? And you didn’t think that was, oh, maybe a little detail I might have needed to kno
w?” Her voice was shaking.

  Gabriel didn’t answer, so she forged on. “And all the fancy donation things with the Flora person. Do you know how it makes me feel, Gabriel, to know that I was good enough to stay home and fuck, but not good enough to dress up and be photographed with you? To know that I wasn’t good enough to actually participate in a part of your life beyond your sex club and your sex drive? It makes me feel like I was just your toy, at your beck and call to crawl around your house and give you blowjobs at the drop of a dime. The public events where you care how you’re seen, those were reserved for your real friends?” Tears were streaming down her face.

  “Myka, that’s not fair and you know it.” Gabriel’s voice was angry. “You were never just a toy. Our chemistry together is amazing.”

  “Well, maybe tonight I discovered that there’s more to life than chemistry. I met Taylor for the first time, and yes, he wanted sex.” She watched as Gabriel’s expression swelled with rage. “I told him no. And do you know what? He was interested in my opinion on the club. It’s kind of refreshing, Gabriel, to be treated as a whole person and not merely a walking vagina.”

  He responded, “You know I care about your ideas and opinions. That’s why I told the aerospace team to hire you, Myka. Fuck. And don’t we have good conversations every time we’re together?”

  Myka forged on. “I let him flog me because he didn’t fucking push me to expose myself in ways that were past my hard limits. I guess it’s pretty refreshing to meet a man who actually gives a shit about his honor.”

  Gabriel flinched. “You’re not being fair. You had some part in the limit pushing too, Myka. You know I didn’t purposely set out to push you beyond your pain threshold that night.”

  “But right now I don’t want to feel fair. I want to feel valued. I want to feel cherished. I want to feel like you actually love me.” She stopped short as his face dropped. It was like watching a bullet hit someone in slo-mo in a sci-fi movie.

  “Myka.” His voice was hard but pleading. “Whatever I said in bed that night, it was the result of wine and emotions and sex. It was a mistake. I don’t have that to offer. Yes, I kept things from you, but it was necessary, so we could keep what we had intact. Not let other events mess up our chemistry together.” He lowered his voice. “I told you I can’t do love. From the very start.”


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