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Legend of the Mer II THE NEW GUARDIAN

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by Sheri L. Swift




  Sheri L. Swift


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  Sheri L. Swift on Kindle

  Copyright © November 16, 2012 by Sheri L. Swift

  Kindle Edition License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

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  Cover Art ~ Creativindie Book Cover

  Assistant Editor ~ Selest A. Swift

  Beta ~ Suzie Pianosi Ralph

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  To my Savior Jesus Christ; thank You for the sacrifice You made for all of mankind.

  To my husband John who loves me extravagantly; your love has kept me going through my darkest of valleys. You are my Prince Titus.

  To my family at Blue Ridge Fellowship; thanks for all that you do! You guys help to keep me grounded! ;)


  King Titan was the oldest living mer. He had seen over two thousand winters with its ever changing tides. He knew that he would not be long in this world; all his senses told him so. He now looked forward to seeing his Queen Horaios once more.

  King Titan also knew that it would not be long and his enemies would once again challenge his people. It had been fifteen winters since the last battle of the mer. They were like the deadly Leviathan that raised her head after many winters of slumber; she woke with a ferocious appetite that left destruction in her wake.

  It was now time for King Titan to prepare his people, and his grandson Prince Titus, for what he knew was coming ~ the testing for survival of the mer in the new reign of his grandson, and also for the new guardian.



  Chapter 2 – THE LIFE OF A MER

  Chapter 3 – FAMILY REUNION

  Chapter 4 – THE OTHERS

  Chapter 5 – ELIZABETH & ROBBIE

  Chapter 6 – ROSE OF SUMMER




  Chapter 10 – BACK TO SCHOOL

  Chapter 11 – THE LIFE OF A SWIMMER

  Chapter 12 – MIGRATION

  Chapter 13 – MAKING OF A KING

  Chapter 14 – A TIME TO MOURN

  Chapter 15 – THE WAITING

  Chapter 16 – THE RESCUE

  Chapter 17 – AHANU (HE LAUGHS)

  Chapter 18 – A TIME TO HEAL

  Chapter 19 – PRINCE TITAN


  Chapter 21 – MAKOA’S GIFT

  Chapter 22 – PROM NIGHT

  Chapter 23 – COLLEGE BOUND

  Chapter 24 – A GOOD LIFE

  Chapter 25 – A TIME TO LOVE

  Chapter 26 – LEVIATHAN

  Chapter 27 – COURAGE OF A KING

  Chapter 28 – KALOKI EASTER

  Chapter 29 – HOMEWARD BOUND




  Jedediah Prentis could hardly sit still within his seat during the film in his Biology class. He once more began to tap a drum beat with his pencil on top of his desk which quickly got the attention of his teacher (Mr. Blanchard).

  “Mr. Prentis, I’ve warned you already about tapping your pencil.” Mr. Blanchard raised his brows over his black framed glasses.

  Jedediah quickly tossed his pencil into his book bag. If you have to show another film, the least you can do is provide an incentive to keep the class from falling asleep; popcorn would’ve been good, Jedediah thought. It wasn’t like Jedediah needed to see another film on the hatching of brine shrimp. It was everything he could do to not take out his phone and check his updates. I’m glad my junior year at Safe Harbor School is nearly over. Man I can’t wait!

  Jedediah had black hair, blue eyes and a muscular build that was definitely the result of many hours training with the Island Chieftains swim team. His mother (Rose) was the Physical Education Director for Safe Harbor and also Jedediah and his sister’s swimming instructor. Their school was the only one located on the Island.

  Finally the class bell rang and it was time for lunch. Jedediah quickly grabbed up his book bag and headed out the classroom walking through a crowd of students towards his locker.

  “Hey Jed, catch you on the waves!” called one boy as he headed down the hall.

  “Sure thing, hope to be at em soon!” Jedediah gave the boy a hang ten sign.

  “Hey Jedediah!” said two teen blonde haired girls as they smiled and waved in passing.

  “Hello La-dies!” And what fine ladies you are, Jedediah thought as he waved and grinned while they passed. He continued watching them over his shoulder as they went down the hall giggling.

  “Hey Jed, did you enjoy the film?” called out his friend Robbie Thompson with his Southern accent as he came walking up the hall. Robbie had red hair and a freckled face with a light complexion. He was thin, tall and not as muscular as Jedediah, but still fit from the hours of training on the swim team and from years of competing with Jedediah in just about everything.

  “You know I did,” Jedediah said with a chuckle.

  “I knew you’d just love to hear more on brine shrimp; I could barely stay awake durin first period.” Robbie grinned.

  “Let’s go; I’m starved,” said Jedediah while throwing his book bag into his locker and the two headed to the cafeteria.

  As Jedediah and Robbie took their lunch trays to a nearby table, Jedediah sensed the thoughts of his sister Elizabeth from across the room. “Hey let’s eat with Lizzy, if you don’t mind?”

  Robbie only grinned and then they two headed over to where she was sitting by herself.

  Elizabeth (fourteen) was a freshman and she also had black hair, blue eyes and was somewhat small for her age.

  “Thought you could use some company.” Jedediah smiled to his sister as he sat down beside her.

  Robbie also smiled and then he and Jedediah began to eat their burgers.

  “Yeah, you know I could,” Lizzy said out loud smiling and then she spoke to Jedediah in her mind, “So, Mr. Blanchard’s getting on you again.”

  Jedediah spoke back to Lizzy in his mind, “Yeah, darn that hearing of yours. So why so down?”

  “They’re doing it again; they just can’t get enough of me,” she said in her mind while eating her salad.

  “You really need to let me take care of those loser brothers.”

  “No Jedediah; you know what father would say.”

  “I can still keep our secret and thump on those two.”

  “No, it will just draw more attention to us.”

  “We can’t just keep letting them get away with it.”

  “I’m sure that I don’t have half the problems that Lana had when she went to school here.” Lizzy grinned.

  “Yeah, you’re probably right about that one; being so different does draw attention.”

  “It’s really okay Jed, school is nearly out and then they’ll find someone else to terrorize this summer.”

  “I don’t like it Lizzy; you don’t deserve to be treated that way. They better hope I never see them doing anything; they’
ll wish they hadn’t.” Jedediah gritted and chewed harder.

  “How’s things been goin Lizzy?” asked Robbie while he dipped his french fries into his ketchup.

  Lizzy smiled to Jedediah and Robbie and then spoke out loud, “Things are great; how about you?”

  “Okay I guess. I’m tryin to save up to buy a Jet Ski before summer break.”

  “You know you’re lucky your dad is more open minded than ours,” Jedediah said with a half grin.

  “Yeah your dad is a bit strict, but I guess someone has to care about the planet,” Robbie chuckled.

  “Yeah, at least he got me my electric motorcycle so I shouldn’t be complaining. You know you are so letting me ride it?” Jedediah raised his brows as he finished up with his burger and wiped his hands on his napkin.

  “Yeah, yours is a sweet ride and no complaints from me. Since you let me ride her, I guess I’ll have to let you ride my Jet Ski, but only if you can keep it from your dad; I don’t want him mad at me,” Robbie said with a grin as he popped his last french fry into his mouth.

  “Hey, you better let me ride it too; you know you’re one of my besties!” Lizzy smiled sweetly with a tilt of her head.

  Robbie thought he’d lose his breath with the way she smiled at him. He’d always thought her to be the most beautiful of all the girls at school and he was very glad she considered him to be one of her besties. “You know I can’t refuse you anythin when you give me that smile of yours Lizzy; yes you can ride it too,” said Robbie as his face turned a bright red.

  “Alright, so now hurry up and buy it!” Lizzy smiled and put her napkin on her tray and got up to leave, knowing that Robbie hated it when he blushed.

  “I’ve nearly got the money; just three more weeks of lobsterin with my dad and I’ll have enough.”

  “Sweet!” said Jedediah as he got up and then all began to leave the cafeteria. Jedediah spoke to Lizzy once more in his mind, “Take care Sis and let me know if they give you any more trouble.”

  “I will, don’t worry so much.” Lizzy smiled as she spoke the words to Jedediah in her mind, and then said out loud to Robbie, “See ya later!”

  “You know you will!” Robbie smiled to her and then headed to class.

  “Can’t help it; you’re my little sis and it’s my job to take care of you,” Jedediah said in his mind to her with a grin and then they each went to class.


  After school, Jedediah sat on his motorcycle waiting for Lizzy. It was a gift to Jedediah from his parents last year when he turned sixteen. It was red and black and was Jedediah’s pride and joy. His little brother William (six) loved it too, but their mom usually drove him to school with her. Jedediah was glad Safe Harbor Island cared about their environment and encouraged its citizens to do the same; even tourists were encouraged to drive the electric golf carts. He started her up.

  Lizzy walked up with Robbie, “Hey, you go on Jedediah; Robbie’s gonna walk me home.”

  “Okay; I see how it is,” Jedediah chuckled and then revved up and sped off down the road. Jedediah knew Robbie had always had a thing for his sister; he just felt she was a little young and hoped Robbie would take things slow. Jedediah thought, Lizzy’s starting to like Robbie more than just a friend; how can I not know when none of us can even have a private thought?

  After Jedediah got home he walked through the back door of the red and white keeper’s house where he lived and flung his book bag down on the nearby wooden bench. His father (Cole) was the lighthouse keeper for Safe Harbor Island and all of the Prentis family was the keeper of some pretty big secrets.

  Jedediah walked over to the fridge and took out the milk and began drinking right out of the container.

  “If your mom catches you doing that, you know what she’ll do,” his father Cole laughed as he also came in through the back door.

  “Yeah, yeah, I know; want a glass?”

  “Sure, your mom made that chocolate cake last night, if we hurry we might just finish before she and Willy get home from school,” Cole said with a chuckle.

  Jedediah grabbed two glasses from the cabinet and he and his father sat down at the kitchen table and began to swap stories about their day as they ate their cake.


  Lizzy couldn’t believe how sweet Robbie was; he even carried her book bag. It was such a beautiful day, the seagulls were flying overhead and the sun was bright and warm; Lizzy couldn’t help but to stop and take off her shoes as she and Robbie walked down the sandy footpath that led to her house.

  “I knew it wouldn’t be long and those shoes would be comin off,” Robbie teased.

  “Yep, it’s the first really warm day and I just can’t resist.” She smiled up at him.

  “I can’t wait to be able to surf without freezin. I don’t know how you and Jed do it without a wetsuit.”

  “Yeah, we do love the water. Jedediah’s been surfing the North end, besides you know I’m part mermaid,” said Lizzy trying to hold her hair out of her eyes as a breeze picked up.

  Robbie couldn’t help but want to touch her hair, but he shoved his free hand in his jean pocket instead. There were so many things he wanted to say to Lizzy, but never seemed to get up the nerve. “Yeah, that’s what you always tell me. I guess I’m startin to believe it,” Robbie said with a smile looking down at Lizzy. He couldn’t help but walk a little closer to her.

  Oh Robbie, how I wish I could tell you the truth about our family, thought Lizzy; she nearly took his arm as they continued walking down the path.

  Someone came up from behind them and pushed Lizzy and she fell to the ground. Another grabbed her book bag out of Robbie’s hand as he bent down to help her up.

  “So little Lizzy’s got herself a boyfriend!” said the teen boy that had shoved her as the other taunted Robbie with her bag. They were both of stocky build with light brown hair and Elizabeth and Robbie knew them well.

  “Come on Billy, do you and your brother have nothin better to do?” said Robbie as his face was becoming red with anger. Billy and Bo Baldwin were known trouble makers and Robbie was furious that Lizzy had become their latest victim.

  Elizabeth dusted the sand off of her clothes.

  “Why do you care Thompson?” said Bo as he swung Lizzy’s book bag back and forth.

  “Because you two have no right to do that to anybody, especially Lizzy!”

  “What’cha gonna do about it?” said Billy angrily and then spit on the ground.

  Two more boys came up from behind and joined in; they began to circle around both Robbie and Lizzy.

  “Its okay Robbie, they’re not worth it.” Lizzy tried to take Robbie’s hand and lead him away.

  Robbie stood his ground. He wasn’t going anywhere; at least not until he got back that book bag.


  Jedediah and Cole were finishing up their cake at the kitchen table. “So Dad, when do you think Lana and the rest of the family will get here?”

  “They should’ve been here by now, but no telling these days, I imagine Lana has talked them into stopping for some food somewhere along the way, most likely Puerto Rico; that’s one of her favorite stops. You know how she feels about cooked pig,” Cole chuckled.

  “Yeah, I can see that.” Jedediah grinned.

  Jedediah and Cole looked seriously at one another as they began to sense the emotions of Lizzy. They quickly got up from their chairs, knocking them over and ran out the back door just in time to see her coming up the footpath helping Robbie. He was leaning on her shoulder while also carrying her book bag. He looked as though he had been in quite a scuffle with a bruised swollen eye and a busted lip.

  “Its okay, I’ll live,” said Robbie with wounded pride.

  “Who was it Robbie?” asked Cole sternly.

  “It was those Baldwin brothers and their friends; they were harassin us as we were tryin to walk down the path,” he said, spitting some blood out onto the ground.

  “I told you Dad, somebody’s gotta stop em; they’re out of co
ntrol!” yelled Jedediah with clinched fists.

  “Hold on now Son; I’ll see if I can go and talk to their dad Jake. He used to be a level headed sort, maybe he’ll listen to what I have to say.” Cole then sent his thoughts to Lizzy and asked how she was holding up.


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