Legend of the Mer II THE NEW GUARDIAN

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Legend of the Mer II THE NEW GUARDIAN Page 10

by Sheri L. Swift

  Finally she swam with one other that had slowed her pace so Rose could catch up. Rose now felt fear rising in her once more as she realized how very important this was and prayed that Prince Makoa would be able to guess where she had hidden her mirror.

  King Titan rose from his throne once more addressing the mermen, “May you go with the speed of Arius,” he chuckled and then raised his hand and the conch shells blew once more. All of the mermen sped toward the entrance, pushing and shoving as they bottlenecked in the tunnel that led out of the city of Torbist.

  Prince Makoa fought to get through and swim his fastest, knowing that none of them could beat him there. He finally broke free from the tunnel and swam at lightning speed.

  When Makoa neared the Cavern of the Whales, his guardsmen gave a smile, but did not speak to him out of respect for the whales.

  He now slowed his pace in reverence for the whales and gave a bow of his head to them that guarded the entrance as he passed and entered in.

  Where have you hidden it Rose? He thought. Several more mermen were now entering the cavern and Makoa picked up his speed looking all along the cavern floor, under each piece of whale bone he could find. He was careful to not disturb them too much in his search. He knew the shape of the mirror so well, but hidden within the other bones would be a great challenge for any merman.

  A few of the other mermen began to search out Princess Rose’s mirror as well. To wed her was beyond their dreams and they could not believe that she joined the hunt.

  Rose, where is it? He thought as he began to panic at the hearing of the other mermen’s thoughts of her.

  Some of the mermen were beginning to leave the cavern and Makoa had to quickly look to each one to make sure they had not found the mirror.

  A few still remained hoping they might find it before Prince Makoa and was still not sure what he would do if they had.

  Prince Makoa could not help but glare at them each time they drew near him and looked where he was looking.

  They backed off a ways, but continued to look everywhere he looked. And they tried to listen to his thoughts to see if he would give the hiding place away.

  Now Makoa was even more guarded with his thoughts and his eyes. He remembered that Rose had been to the cavern before with her father, and he even joined them a few times when she was younger, Of course! Makoa thought and was angry that he had even let that thought slip out. He swam the furthest away from hidden room as he could; knowing the other mermen would follow him.

  They swam as close to him as they dared to the far side of the cavern near the entrance. They began to wonder if he was giving up.

  Then Prince Makoa swam as quickly as he could to the hidden room and looked among several of the carvings before the last two mermen joined him. He stayed near the entrance as to block their passage as he looked across the room hoping to see it from a distance.

  The two mermen tried to swim passed him, but he continued to shove them backwards.

  He gave up looking on the floor of the hidden room and then looked up to the wall. Yes! He thought as his eyes happened to catch a gleam from the mirror hidden behind the spears along the wall. He shoved the two backwards again and then swam to the wall and retrieved the mirror.

  The two looked to each other and wondered if they might try and block his exit and grab for the mirror, but in the end they grinned to him knowing he would do anything to pass them with the mirror and they were not sure they wanted the beating they would receive.

  Makoa swam his fastest towards the entrance of the cavern only to be met by a large and very old sperm whale.

  The whale passed through the entrance and looked wearily at Prince Makoa.

  “Sleep peacefully old one, you have earned your rest,” said Makoa and he put his hand upon the whale and it allowed him to rub across his side as he swam by. Makoa knew that this was a sacred event and was honored by the acceptance of the whale.


  All of the city of Torbist was awaiting the last three Princes to enter.

  Prince Titus, with Lana and Tarrock at his side waited also.

  Lana couldn’t help but see the fear in Rose’s face and wondered if she would be able to accept the outcome; no matter who it was that was coming to claim her.

  Prince Tarrock had also been shocked to learn that his sister had joined the hunt before her time had come.

  “Come on Makoa!” Prince Titus let slip in his frustration.

  “Yeah, come on Prince Makoa!” Tarrock yelled in the excitement of it all.

  “Okay guys, keep it down, Rose is really nervous right now,” Lana tried to tell them, but neither listened as they saw Makoa swimming through the entrance, now slower as he wanted Rose to see that he was the one with her mirror.

  Rose was one of the few remaining mermaids gathered at the front of the Hall. She felt the same fear rising in her again and nearly vomited as Prince Makoa swam to her.

  Prince Makoa smiled and kneeled before Rose holding her mirror within his two open hands.

  Rose began to reach down for the mirror trembling as she did and said, “I, I am so glad it is you, I…,” Rose turned as red as could be and she quickly darted off into the safety of her home.

  Prince Makoa continued to kneel and was in shock that Princess Rose had not taken the mirror and that he was now shamed in front of those gathered in the Hall. He slowly rose up and turned to give the mirror into Prince Titus’ hand.

  “Forgive her Prince Makoa, she is still too young,” Titus said disappointed, knowing what Rose had done.

  Prince Makoa’s demeanor changed completely, “She has refused me!” He said angrily and then swam from the Hall and left the city.

  Prince Titus looked to King Titan upon his thrown and the King closed his eyes for only a moment of reflection and then said, “This has been a joyous day and a sad day for some, let us return to our homes for the night and think upon the matters.” King Titan rose from his throne and swam to the back of the Hall and entered into his own home.

  Titus, Lana and Tarrock also swam to their home where they knew Rose would be and they all prayed for her and Prince Makoa.




  It had been nearly a week since the hunt and Prince Makoa had not returned to the city of Torbist. Prince Titus thought it best to have Jedediah talk with him if they could find him; Titus guessed that it may be that Prince Makoa had been staying in Lobster Grotto.

  “I hope you’re right, I’m starting to worry about him myself,” said Jedediah as he rode on the back of Prince Titus.

  “I believe it is where he would go and that he may talk with you about his troubles,” Prince Titus said sadly, knowing that Prince Makoa would not wish to discuss it with him. Prince Titus dove down into the depths of the grotto’s entrance.

  “Okay, here goes!” Jedediah said and he let go of Titus and entered the grotto, he could already sense the pain in Prince Makoa. He knew not to speak to him first; he just jumped up onto the ledge and waited for Makoa to acknowledge him.

  Prince Titus knew that if Jedediah did not exit the cavern quickly; Prince Makoa was within, so he swam patiently outside.

  Prince Makoa was resting his head upon his folded arms on the ledge and the rest of him was in the water. He lifted his head, but did not smile as he had before and he had tear-stained cheeks. Now he knew what grieving felt like; to give up on the dream of his heart.

  “Just want you to know that I’m here for ya,” said Jedediah with a half grin.

  “You are a true friend Jedediah.”

  “I wanted to see you before school started back in a few days. That gives me little time for an awesome adventure, if you’ll take me that is?”

  “I will take you Jedediah. How did you get here?” Makoa asked, but he already knew the answer.

  “Titus brought me; they’re all concerned about you.”

  “I am not ready to face my people,” said Makoa as he rested his f
orehead upon his arms once more and said, “You are better off never finding your true love if it is to end like this.”

  “I don’t know; you know I’m your friend Makoa. Are you sure it isn’t your pride that’s wounded more than your heart?”

  Makoa chuckled and looked up to Jedediah, “Did I not say that you are a true friend, only he would speak such truth to me,” Makoa grinned.

  “I’ve only heard a little of what went down, but from what I got, it seems like Princess Rose has cried everyday since. I think she really does like you. Titus said she thought you might want to get married right then.”

  Makoa’s face turned hard, “I do not wish to discuss the matter.”

  Jedediah quickly raised both of his hands and said, “Okay, okay, I’m good with whatever you wanna talk about.”

  Makoa only grinned.

  The two continued their conversation and eventually Prince Makoa was ready to speak to Prince Titus.

  Jedediah swam out the grotto and gave a nod to Titus.

  Then Titus went to join Makoa and Jedediah in the cavern.

  Makoa waded in the water and greeted Prince Titus when he surfaced, “I am sorry that I have left my post, I only ask for a few days more to spend with Jedediah before his school starts.”

  “You may have leave to do so Prince Makoa.” Titus smiled slightly and then both of them could not help but to embrace.

  Makoa could not keep from having tears fill his eyes, “Thank you for this.”

  “You are welcome my friend.” Titus smiled and then he and Makoa grasped each others arm once more as a sign of forgiveness, acceptance and friendship.


  Lizzy was so glad her mom decided to go to the mainland to have a real shop till you drop sort of day. They took the ferry early in the morning and started out by having breakfast together. They not only bought school clothes for Lizzy, but her mom picked up a few things for Jedediah and William; who never liked shopping for clothes and were not very particular on what they wore.

  “Gosh Mom, I’m feeling pretty spoiled with the clothes, jewelry, breakfast and now lunch,” Lizzy said with a grin.

  “We girls don’t get to do this very often and we needed some girl time. Besides, my feet are killing me,” Rose laughed.

  “I can’t wait to show Robbie and see what he thinks of everything.”

  “Honey, I’m sure he’d like just about anything you showed him.” Rose smiled.

  “Yeah, he’s such a great guy.” Lizzy smiled and popped a french fry into her mouth.

  “Yes, he does seem to be and I know a pretty great girl too.” Rose winked with a smile.

  “Thanks Mom, you and dad aren’t so bad yourselves. Now Jed and Willy, that’s another story,” Lizzy giggled.


  “Oh dude, look at this one! I didn’t even see it at first,” Jedediah spoke to Prince Makoa in his mind as they were deep beneath the surface of the Ocean.

  “Yes, that is a stone fish Jedediah. Do not touch it; your father has said that its venom is like that of your cobra on the land.”

  “Oh don’t worry about that,” Jedediah chuckled and let out air bubbles from his face mask. Not even Jedediah could swim so deep without his scuba gear. “Hey there’s another angler, I can’t believe how cool they are with that light hanging in front. Don’t worry buddy, I’m not about to tackle you either with those teeth of yours,” he chuckled once more.

  “There are several more shipwrecks in that area,” said Makoa as he pointed and waited for Jedediah to grab hold of his neck.

  “Yeah, I can see those amber jack’s all over there. Wow, this is so cool Makoa, thanks again.”

  “You are welcome, I have enjoyed this time also.” Makoa smiled back to him.

  “Remind me before we leave that I’m supposed to bring back red snapper for my mom.”

  “I will do so.”

  Even though Jedediah had been shipwreck diving since he was a boy, he still hadn’t visited all the wrecks that surrounded the Outer Banks of North Carolina, not to mention ones like these further out. That area was rightly named the Ship Graveyard.

  “There have been several battles in these waters and there are ships that are hidden beneath others as well.”

  “Yeah, we humans do tend to fight a lot. But some reasons were worth it and some probably not so much.”

  “I never wish for war, but I would die to protect my people.”

  “Yeah, that’s about how I feel too Makoa.”

  Jedediah could tell some of the wrecks Makoa took him to were from previous battles. They were very old and coral had grown up all around them.

  Hidden well beneath the sand of one of the ships, Jedediah found a cannon ball and put it into the net bag he carried. He knew it might be worth some money, but it meant more to him than that; he felt a reverence for the rich history he had and decided not to disturb the ship further.

  Jedediah and Makoa caught several red snapper before they left the area. Jedediah filled his bag for his mom and family.

  Makoa took several bags back; one was for the Fijians and the others were for his people. This would be the first time he returned to the city since the hunt and he was glad that he would soon be home.


  Jedediah locked up his motorcycle, then he and Lizzy hurried after they heard the first bell ring. Robbie met Lizzy at her locker, but it was all they could do to just say hi and run to class before the last bell rang.

  “Hey Jed, saw you caught some of the big ones just before the hurricane!” A friend called out and he gave a hang ten when they entered the same class.

  “You know I did,” said Jedediah and gave a fist bump to him as they took their seats for their AP Environmental Science class.

  Scuba diving with Makoa yesterday made Jedediah realize how much he really did care about the Ocean. He didn’t know if he’d be heading to College, but he thought he might as well get the best courses he could just in case. Besides, he thought he might enjoy this class too.


  Lizzy settled down in her seat and remembered she better turn off her phone. She quickly took it out of her pocket, not even reading the text Robbie sent her, and turned it off. She heard that Mrs. Yonan was really nice for a Creative Writing Teacher, but she wouldn’t tolerate a cell phone.

  “Okay guys, we have some writing exercises that I’m going to pass out today, but I also want you to be logging on your own everyday. It can be in a journal, blog, on a tablet or in a notebook; however you like. Just be sure to do it every day,” said Mrs. Yonan with a smile as she handed out the papers.

  Wow, I really like her, I’m glad we can still free write, Lizzy thought as she took out her pencil and began doing the writing assignment.


  Jedediah and Robbie were already in the Cafeteria when Lizzy met up with them.

  “How’s your classes?” Robbie asked with a smile.

  “They’re good, I really like Creative Writing.”

  “That’s no surprise,” Jedediah chuckled.

  “How were yours?” she asked them both.

  “I don’t know, my Physics class is gonna be tougher than I thought,” Robbie said with a half grin.

  “I kinda like my Environmental Science class.” Jedediah grinned. Then he spoke to Lizzy in his mind, “Are you having a better time this year?”

  “So far so good, I only have to deal with Bo this year since Billy graduated,” Lizzy spoke back to Jedediah in her mind.

  “You guys up for swim practice after school?” asked Robbie.

  “You know we are.” Lizzy smiled.

  “Well, see you later, sorry I can’t walk you to your next class.” Robbie gave a frown and then got up and bent down giving Lizzy a kiss on top of her head.

  “That’s alright; I know you have to go,” she said as she looked up to Robbie with a smile and a wink.

  “Yeah, see you Sis.” Jedediah waved and then the two boys left the cafeteria and headed to class.

sp; Lizzy finished up as quickly as she could and went and took her tray to the counter.

  She had a little time before class and went to her locker and remembered her messages on her phone. She turned it on and read her text from Robbie, “Hopeyou have a good day beautiful! .” She thought it was so sweet. She took out her white sweater she brought and put it on since the first school day had a chill in the air. It went perfectly with her new pink and white striped top. She shut her locker only to see Bo Baldwin standing right in front of her with a bottle of soda and an evil grin.


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