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Legend of the Mer II THE NEW GUARDIAN

Page 12

by Sheri L. Swift

  “Please let us go and we’ll never bother her again,” whispered Billy.

  “You mean let you go and you’ll never bother anyone again.”

  Both Baldwins said, “Yeah, yeah...”

  With that Jedediah threw them both into the water, “You didn’t say I had to let you go on land,” Jedediah chuckled. He knew those two would think twice before messing with Lizzy again, but he hoped they’d really meant it about not bothering anyone. He also knew Prince Makoa was nearby and had heard most of it. Titus won’t let them drown, Jedediah thought as he grinned and whistled a tune while walking home.




  King Titan proclaimed that the mer would be leaving the city of Torbist within two weeks time.

  This was always the hardest days for Lana; to know that she only had two weeks left with her dad and family and was determined to make the best of them.

  Lana swam to her father’s dock just outside the Keeper’s house. She saw William and her dad sitting on the dock with their feet in the water. She popped up with a smile, “Hey you two!”

  “Well hello yourself.” Cole gave a wide grin.

  “Lana! Lana!” yelled William with a big smile as he kicked his feet in the water.

  Cole stopped smiling, he always knew that look on Lana’s face, “Is it time then?”

  “Yeah, we’re leaving in two weeks,” Lana said as she hopped up and sat down next to them on the wooden dock.

  “I knew the water was turning already, even though I didn’t want to admit it,” said Cole lovingly.

  “Yep.” Lana said as she wrapped her arm around her dad’s.

  William came on the other side of Lana and wrapped his arm around hers.

  “So what you been up to?” Lana looked down to William.

  “We’re skipping seashells,” William said and showed her his blue metal pail that was nearly filled with assorted shells.

  “Those are beautiful Willy; it must have taken you hours to collect them.”

  “Nah, dad helped me and we don’t keep the seashells, we just put them back into the Ocean.”

  “Because we have too many in the house already,” Cole chuckled.

  “Yeah, how I remember collecting seashells in the sand and under the water,” Lana smiled to her father.

  “Now I expect that your Rose is collecting them,” He smiled to Lana.

  “Yeah she is, and has since birth, only now they’re for her adornment.”

  “How are things with her and Makoa?”

  “They barely look at each other, although I know Rose’s heart is aching to speak to him.”

  “You should have Titus talk to him.”

  “No, I don’t think Prince Makoa is ready for that just yet.”

  “I see; darn that mermen pride of theirs.” Cole gave a half grin.

  “Yeah, you know they are. I think they’ll both come around after awhile; maybe after we return to Tullius.”

  “I bet they will at that.” Cole smiled to Lana.

  William proceeded to show Lana how to skip the shells on the water.

  She didn’t let on that their dad had taught her to do the same when she was about his age.


  Jedediah went with Prince Makoa one last time in Lobster Grotto before the mer were to leave. “I’m gonna miss you guys, it’ll be pretty dull once you’ve all left,” he said to Makoa who sat beside him on the rock ledge.

  “I am certain that you will be too busy with your studies and swimming to miss the likes of us.” Prince Makoa grinned.

  “I guess so, but I’ll miss your friendship.” Jedediah grasped Makoa’s arm in a sign of friendship and respect.

  Makoa met his grasp with his own, “Your friend Robbie is a good friend.”

  “Yeah, but now Lizzy’s got him a little busy,” Jedediah chuckled.

  Makoa chuckled too, “Agreed.”

  “So you’ll be sure to look after Lana, Tarrock and Rose,” Jedediah said with caution, but already knew what he was thinking about it.

  “Yes, I will look after them all and especially Rose until the day she chooses an intended.”

  “Good. I envy you guys heading to the South Pacific.”

  “You are welcome to join us?”

  “I just might do that one day. I haven’t surfed there for a few years.”

  “No you have not and it is not good for a descendant of the mer to be so human,” Makoa chuckled once more.

  “I know, I know, I’m gonna be checking all my options out this year.”

  “That is good Jedediah and I will pray that Arius will show you the path that is meant for you alone.”

  “Thanks and I’ll pray He shows you the same.” Jedediah grinned; he couldn’t help but think of Prince Makoa and Princess Rose.

  “Thank you, I accept your best wishes; May Arius help Rose to find her path soon,” Makoa chuckled with a wink and then both of them decided to go for one last swim together.


  Prince Titus came into his home and saw the expression on Lana’s face.

  “Is it time?” she asked, already reading Titus’ thoughts on the matter.

  “Yes, we are to leave within the hour.” He swam to her and they embraced.

  “I guess Tarrock and Rose already know.”

  “Yes, Tarrock is with Maiele and Talei saying goodbye to them as they want to ride on the yacht for the first leg of the journey. Rose was in the gardens and is coming soon.”

  “I know it must be hard for her to leave, she’s always loved the gardens of Torbist more than any other.”

  “Just like her mother,” Titus said as he gently brushed her cheek with his fingers.

  “Yeah, I like them the most, but I have even more of a reason to.” Lana smiled brightly.

  “Yes, I feel the same,” he said knowing it was where they first really fell in love and then he kissed her tenderly.

  “Alright already, we’re just migrating,” Tarrock said as he swam through their entrance.

  Rose swam in just behind him and smiled to see her parents still in love with one another.

  “It is a long journey and I may not get the opportunity to kiss your lovely mother again for a few days.” Titus smiled at her and then to them.

  “Anytime babe.” She smiled up to him.

  The conch shells began to blow calling all the mer to line-up for the journey. King Titan would lead with Prince Titus in the back. All of the mermen carried their spears as they needed them to protect the pod against any threat in the open water.

  Titus swam to the Hall to meet with King Titan for last minute instructions.

  King Titan smiled to see his grandson now a full seasoned merman. “I have a request of you my grandson.”

  “Anything my King,” said Titus with a bow. He felt a sense of joy within the King.

  “I ask that you lead the pod to Tullius so that they may begin to recognize your leadership.”

  “My King, it is not my place,” Titus said with strong reservations. He felt that it would dishonor King Titan to do so.

  “No my grandson, you are the rightful heir to my throne and it is important that the people see my approval.”

  Titus felt the pleasure of his King; he knew it was a great honor that he was giving him. “Yes my King, my grandfather of old, if it is your will.” Titus grinned.

  King Titan smiled even brighter, “It is my wish and my joy to see this day.”

  “Shall I have Prince Tristan join Prince Makoa at the rear of the pod?”

  “Yes, or I should say, as you command,” King Titan chuckled.

  “As you wish my King,” Titus chuckled himself and then swam to tell his guardsmen of the change in the order.

  Prince Titus knew that his grandfather had always talked about swimming amongst the pod on one journey so that he might have a chance to encourage each of the families as they traveled. Now he knew it must be what he intended to do.

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  Princess Rose swam beside her father while her mother swam upon his back. She was so proud that King Titan had chosen her father to lead the pod, but now she would not be near the back to catch a glimpse of Prince Makoa. She prayed he would travel safely.

  Prince Tarrock and Prince Keola swam together behind his father as well as Princess Tarra and Princess Fianna.

  Titus’ parents, Prince Terrance and Princess Cassandra swam behind him also.

  Lana always loved migrating, but it was always hard to leave her family, knowing it would be nearly a year before she would see them again.

  As they all swam in the Atlantic and headed south, they passed beneath many vessels on the water. Lana could see how much had changed just in the years she had been traveling with them, not to mention all that Titus had seen and shared with her. Now she could even imagine all that King Titan had seen in his two thousand plus years. She guessed that humans must be looking for little places of solitude, because the land was becoming crowded and the Sea was always constant and vast. Even she loved the quiet peace deep below, except for the occasional song of the whales Lana had come to love and expect. She always tried to imagine what they were singing to one another:


  Come swim to me my love

  Where there are sardines and many krill

  You and our calf will need to eat

  And there you shall have your fill

  Let her ride upon your back

  For the journey is treacherous and long

  She does not have the strength alone

  So sing her an encouraging song

  Tell her of the things she will see

  Swimming birds of black and white

  Ice mountains above and below

  A million stars come out at night

  And the skies are filled with colorful glow

  Tell her of the things she will feel

  Water warm and water cold

  Thunderous storms and crashing waves

  Warm sun to frigid wind

  Gentle ripples in sheltering caves

  Swim quickly my love

  There is no time for delay

  The Orcas are hunting our calf

  For she is their favorite prey

  Come swim to me my love

  We shall watch our calf grow strong

  I will wait for you my love

  Listen to my guiding song

  Lana had to smile at the thought of the whale’s song being like that of her own and it was truly a song of love.


  On the few occasions that the mer stopped to eat and rest, Servo and Salvus entertained the children by blowing bubble rings and swimming through them. They also offered rides to any, but especially Talei and Maiele that would grab hold of their dorsal fins as they sped through the water.

  King Titan did love swimming among his people. He had not gotten around to seeing all the new baby mer and it was especially on his list this trip. How could he tell his grandson that he felt he was nearing the end of his reign? He was so proud of Titus and knew he would remember all he had taught him. He prayed that he would be the King his pod needed him to be; things would not be easy in this new world where men dared to swim the deep places. He himself was not the King his father had been. Perhaps he could have saved his fair Horaios if he had done things differently; he had lived with those decisions for centuries. Now he looked to the next King to lead his people and he was pleased.




  As the mer returned to the waters of the South Pacific and nearing the city of Tullius, King Titan swam to the front with his golden forked staff.

  Prince Titus smiled in greeting.

  “What have you seen on your journey my grandson?”

  “I have seen that the Oceans are teeming with life my King.” Titus smiled brightly.

  “Yes, there has been an increase in the Seas for the fourth year. What else have you seen?”

  “I have seen more debris in the waters since last we traveled.”

  “Yes, humans are becoming careless and I pray they will think on the matter and remember there is life within the Oceans that need to be protected.

  “I will pray the same my King,” Titus said with a bow of his head.

  “Now let us send forth the guardsmen to unseal the city.” King Titan smiled and waited for Titus to give the command.

  Titus raised his right arm above his head and looked behind him, “Forward and unseal the city of Tullius,” Titus said boldly and then he pointed to the front.

  Several guardsmen sped through the water, including Prince Tristan, and they swam ahead of the pod to unseal the city for their arrival.

  “You have done well my grandson and increased the speed, but also kept a steady pace that was not too hard for the young ones.”

  “Thank you my King, I only did as you have shown me all these years.”

  “I will now swim ahead with the guardsmen to see that all is ready. Come to me after you arrive so that we may speak further.” King Titan smiled and then he also swam quickly towards the city.

  “I’m so proud of you Titus,” Lana said as she kissed his cheek while still riding on his back.

  “Thank you my love.” He smiled back to her and then to Rose beside them.

  Rose gave a nod of agreement and a smile.

  “I am proud of you also my daughter and the mermaid you are becoming,” Titus said filled with love for Rose.

  “Thank you father, I pray I will always remember the ways of my people and all that you have both taught me.”

  Lana couldn’t help but smile to her and then she also looked back to Tarrock with his faithful dolphins beside him and gave a look of pride.

  Tarrock grinned.


  King Titan saw that the boulders were removed with care and placed nearby in such a way that the opening to their underwater city of Tullius was barely visible. He thanked his guardsmen and told them all to remain near the entrance so that they may greet their future King. He swam to his home where he intended to rest until Titus arrived.

  As the King passed the large white columns of the Hall and swam through the round oval entrance of his home, he did not see the intruder crouched on the ceiling above him.

  She was a mermaid with long black hair and eyes as black as night and a dark blue tail. She had a long white knife within a sheath all carved of whale bone. She slowly pulled the knife out of the sheath as King Titan swam beneath her. She pricked her wrist with it and then quickly shoved off of the ceiling and came down on top of him plunging the knife into King Titan’s right shoulder.

  The King had been caught off guard and he quickly grabbed the mermaid and threw her up against the wall.

  She went limp and dropped the knife.

  He went to drive his forked staff into his enemy and halted. He knew who she was and he was angry that he did not sense her before. “So they send you to do their evil work Scelestus.”

  “I came willingly to avenge my mate Darious! I would have gladly come sooner, but King Thaddaeus would not permit it until now.” She gave a twisted smile.

  King Titan felt woozy, “What have you done my child?”

  “I have killed the great and mighty Titan. The sheath held the venom of the Irukandji. It will not be long and you shall be no more.” She sneered at him.

  King Titan looked and saw the blood coming from his shoulder but also a small ribbon floated up from the wrist of Scelestus.

  She read his thoughts, “Yes, I willingly give my life so that your guardsmen will not be able to torture me,” she said with a wicked laugh.

  “Oh Scelestus, poor Scelestus; how you have misjudged me and my people. We have always been a pod of peace. If only you could have remembered the time you lived among us.” King Titan looked to her with compassion.

  “Do not pity me old one! I have served my King to the death!” She screamed, but now felt so ill that
she doubled over.

  “Yes, you have served your King to the death, while he no doubt is safe within the walls of his Kingdom.”

  “Yes,” was all she could whisper.

  Prince Tristan swam to the entrance of King Titan’s home and was upset to find no guards posted there. As he swam closer to the entrance and looked inside, to his horror he saw both his King and Scelestus whom he knew all too well and the home was filled with blood. He quickly swam beside the King. “Are you badly injured my King?”


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