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Becoming His, Learning to Breathe: Part Two - The Collective - Season 1, Episode 8

Page 21

by Ellie Masters

  “Well, obviously you stayed,” Justine said. “That sounds intense.”

  “It sounds cruel,” Sally said.

  “Oh, that wasn’t the cruel part. I stayed. I got him off eight times, using everything I knew to do so. At the end of the night, I begged for my collar, and he had me repeat my slave vows, and then my marriage vows with specific changes.”

  Sally sat in mute shock. Unsure how to process the depth of control.

  “There’s more,” Ellen said.

  Dear lord, how could there be more?

  “He brought me to the wall and chained me to it, just like the very first night, and gave me the key to the lock. Very softly he told me I had to endure everything he had done to me over the first week. I could yell and scream if I needed to, but my safe word was forever revoked. The door would be left unlocked, and I would have the key to my chain and the cage, for the nights I would spend in it. All I had to do was submit to him and his punishment, accept his right to master me. If I was still there on the sixth day, meek, compliant, and willing, then he promised to permanently lock his collar around my neck and return my wedding ring. It was the hardest six days of my life, but also the most fulfilling. I fell in love with him again, but not as my husband. I fell in love with the Master I was born to serve.”

  “Oh, Ellen,” Justine said with a sob. “That sounds divine. That’s the most touching story I’ve ever heard.”

  “Well, you may not thank me. Warren got the idea from Master Damien. That’s how Dan became Master Damien’s slave. Dan spent close to a month in Master Damien’s dungeon before he kissed Damien’s collar and begged him to put it around his neck. Karl knows what Warren put me through. So does Derek. They were there for part of it. If you accept Karl’s collar or Sally, if you accept Derek’s, you won’t have accepted their mastery until you’ve been possessed.”

  “Oh, dear,” Justine said. “Do you think it’ll be a week?”

  “I think it will be however long it takes for your Master to believe you’ve been broken,” Ellen said.

  Justine shook Sally’s shoulder. “Sally? Are you paying attention? Are you okay?”

  Sally’s eyes were wide with disbelief. “Warren did all of that to you?” She didn’t want what Ellen described to happen to her, but the ability of a man to desire a woman strongly enough to impose his will like that intrigued her on a level she couldn’t describe. That thought turned her stomach, just as much as it made her pussy throb.

  Ellen stretched and twisted around to check out the marks on her hip and lower back. She ran her fingers across the welts. “For some reason, Sally, you’ve gotten under Derek’s skin. I like you, I really do, but I don’t want to see him hurt again. He’s a wonderful man and a well-respected Dom, but he’s been taken advantage of before. Someday, he’ll be a strong Master, but only for the right woman. I’ve always suspected he’s the one who gave Master Damien the original idea of a possession period, but I’d caution you not to rush into anything too soon. Be certain before you take that step.”

  “I like him, I really do,” she said, “but you’re right. I didn’t even know dominance and submission existed until a few weeks ago. I need time to process, but I can’t think straight when Derek’s around.”

  Honestly, she couldn’t imagine life without him or his collar. Her mind screamed to slow down, but her heart and soul told her to embrace the path. She was tired of thinking her way through life. It was time to breathe and take a leap of faith.


  Derek approached the edge of the ring of couches. “Are you ladies finished?”

  Ellen grinned. “Eager to have your submissive returned to you?”

  “Indeed,” he said, shamelessly. “I believe Sally and I have a date in one of the back rooms.”

  Her stomach fluttered with his words. He intended to take her to the Saint Andrew’s Cross. It would be the first real time she surrendered her body willingly to accept his pain. He’d spanked her a few times when she failed to abide by his rules. Those few days in Tahoe had done much to acclimate her to a submissive role, but he’d avoided restraints of any kind. Most of their sex had been rough and raw, punishing in its intensity, and feral with Derek’s need. Used to more vanilla sex, Sally was coming to understand how boring her life had been before him.

  Now, however, Derek intended to push her limits. He would strike her with the intent to hurt for no reason other than it turned him on. She squirmed on the couch, surprised by how arousing she found such an act.

  “We’re done, Sir,” she said rising from her seat.

  “And?” He stretched out his hand, palm facing up, waiting for her to take it.

  Instead, when she was close enough, she bent her knees and knelt at his feet. Glancing up, she ignored the flutter in her belly and the rapid beat of her heart.

  His eyes widened. “What is this?” he asked.

  “A surrender of sorts.” She glanced through the length of the massive dungeon and could barely make out the door. “I have a request, if I may.”

  He reached down and threaded his fingers through her hair, combing out the long strands. “Granted.”

  “Ellen has given me much to think about. I suppose I want to do it.”

  “You want to do it?” He deadpanned his voice. “Just do it?”

  “I’m asking for you not to go easy on me. Don’t hold back, show me what’s buried in your heart. I’m terrified, but I need to understand…” She needed to know if his sadism were something she’d be able to handle.

  One scene.

  She could handle one scene. And if he showed her his true self, if he trusted her enough to bare what was in his heart, then she had some tough decisions to make.

  Derek leaned down, gripped her under the arms, and pulled her to her feet. The intensity of his expression had her blood roaring in her ears. “I would love nothing else than to do exactly that. Now come.”

  Her heart felt like bursting. “My answer is green.”

  “Come.” He took her back to the room, the door closed with a solid thud, making her jump. “Your answer is green?” he asked.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He pointed to the cross. “What do you see there?”

  “The cross.” She tilted her head, trying to see if she was missing something. “Is that a trick question?”

  He took her hands in his and brought her to stand in front of it. “After hearing Ellen’s story, tell me again what your thoughts are about becoming my slave?”

  “Excited, although I’m still trying to wrap my head around what she endured. Is that what you want with me?”

  He shook his head. “Infatuation and love are all fine in this lifestyle, but they’re not enough. You have to want to be a slave, to give all of yourself to me, and endure for me because serving me is all that you can think about. My happiness. My pleasure. Those become your driving force.”

  “But that’s what I want.” She wanted to be all those things for him.

  “If you’re envisioning being kept naked, chained, collared, and waiting on my every whim, then you don’t understand what becoming my slave means. Maintaining that 24/7 is exhausting. I value you for who you are, not for what you’ll give up for me. Does that make sense?”

  “I…No? Maybe?” She didn’t understand at all.

  “Becoming my slave means giving up your desires for mine. It’s a lot of power held in my hands, and you must trust me to guide you, even when I say no.”

  He didn’t seem to want it, which gave her a sinking sensation in her belly. Why did he bring her back here, if he didn’t want to pursue the very thing they’d been talking about from the beginning?

  “I don’t want you to become resentful because of what I take,” he said. “Because I will take. If you want to become my slave, I’ll wrap a collar around your neck before you can blink.”

  “I don’t understand your hesitation?”

  “I won’t become your Master and destroy the very thing I love about you. Sometim
es, taking control means giving it back.”

  “So, you don’t want me to be your slave?” Where was he headed with this?

  “I’ll master you, but it’ll be done at my pace, not yours. In this, I’m saying red.”


  That was the word which ended everything.

  Her heart sputtered and shriveled inside her chest. A tear leaked out of the corner of her eye and tumbled down her cheek. She scooted back and tried to silence the wretched sob intent on climbing right out of her chest. No way would she let him see how much he’d hurt her using that word, not when she’d vowed never to say it. She turned, ran, and staggered to the door.

  Time slowed. Her feet crossed the space to the door. Her hand reached for the doorknob. It shook uncontrollably. She turned the knob, desperate to get out.

  The knob didn’t budge. Gripping harder, she twisted, and then kicked the door when it wouldn’t open.

  All the while, Derek watched, saying nothing.

  She beat at the door and sobbed.

  Her heart felt like it had been ripped out, and she leaned her forehead against the door, heaving breaths that didn’t seem to want to fill her lungs.

  Then she spun and faced him. “Why?” Her fingers curled, balling into fists. “Why have me speak with Ellen if you had no intention of…of…”

  “Her story was meant to send up red flags.” He raised his voice with frustration, “not to entice you to beg for a collar.” The muscles of his jaw bunched, and he extended the fingers of both his hands. Only then did she realize he’d been clenching his fists.

  “Caution!” she screamed. “Red means no. What did I do to make you not want me?”

  “Red is me taking control, and making certain you don’t make bad decisions based upon the intoxication of sub-frenzy.”

  “I’m not in sub-frenzy!”

  He arched a brow. “The fact you don’t see it is the biggest red flag in this room right now. I won’t give you my collar. If you truly understand what it means to submit, you’ll accept my decision.”

  “I want out of this room, Derek.”


  “No? How can you say no? You said red!” She stomped her feet, confused and terribly hurt by this turn of events. “We’re done.”

  “Stop.” His voice had returned to the lower registers. The harsh commanding snap of the word made her flinch, but she didn’t back down.

  “Let me out now,” she growled. “You can’t bring me here, spend all that time in Tahoe showing me what it means to submit, and then pull the rug out from under me like this.”

  “I said stop.” His tone was dangerously low. “Don’t test me.”

  “I’m not your sub. You took that away.”

  “Away? Is that what you think just happened?”

  He came at her, not lunging for her, but advancing with a determined prowl. Darkness swirled in his eyes. She met his ferocity, raising her chin, and forcing her gaze to war with his. She would have retreated before his relentless advance, except her back was already pressed against the wall and she had nowhere to go.

  With a slow hiss, he slid his belt free, bowing it in half and snapping it with a crack. “I said stop.”

  “You said red,” she argued. “You’ve destroyed us.”

  The flaring of his nostrils indicated he was on the edge of losing control. He tugged at the tie of his shirt, loosening the knot, and yanked it off.

  “No,” she said, understanding his intent as he undid his fly, lowering the zipper with a slow rasp. “No,“ she said again, putting her hand out to stop his advance.

  Her arm was too short, and too weak, to block his attack. He shot out, fingers gripping her throat. With a growl, he leaned in close. “I told you to stop.”

  She reacted by kneeing him in the groin.

  A grunt escaped him, but then his lids narrowed. “Now that’s going to cost you.”

  Her fingers clutched at his hand, trying to pull it away from her neck, but he was too strong. She was too weak. She feared him at that moment, but then realized he meant to intimidate, not to hurt because she could still breathe. He wasn’t even really hurting her, but she couldn’t move, and she sure as hell couldn’t speak.

  In her mind, she kept repeating, No. No. No. No. No. The one word she never said was red. Because despite his words, she didn’t want any of this to stop. She couldn’t imagine returning to a life without him.

  She tried twisting away, pulling his hand off her throat, and even kicked him in the shins. Then he came at her, crushing his lips against hers. She wailed beneath the press of his lips, desperate and needful of the slightest intimate contact. This wasn’t something she was willing to lose.


  With their lips colliding, the force of his command slammed into her with stunning clarity. She stopped clawing. Stopped kicking. Her hands fell from his wrist and hung limply at her side. She surrendered, confused, desperate, achingly aroused, and fully compliant to his command.

  He released her neck, and she drowned beneath his kiss as he plundered her mouth. Then she was spinning, turned around, and spanked hard, not a love-tap, but a hard swat which lifted her up on her toes and brought a scream rattling out of her lungs. He dragged her to the cross, lifted one arm, secured it, and then followed with the other. Then he stepped back, leaving her facing away from him.

  The belt whistled as it raced through the air, its wild motion stopped by the round globes of her ass. She let loose an ear-piercing shriek, then sobbed as he struck again. And again. The sound of the belt slapping her flesh punctuated each painful sting, heating her flesh and making it throb.

  She had no idea how many times the belt struck, only that her throat grew raw with her screams. A heavy grunt escaped him as he pressed the flare of his cock against her pussy, surprising her with the unexpected act. Then he slammed deep, thrusting his hips in an upward arc, eliciting another scream as he fucked her.

  She didn’t want it like this, except her body betrayed her arousal. The pleasure centers of her body came alive, coiling tighter and tighter with each of his thrusts.

  “Goddamn, you’re soaked.” He gripped her neck again, fingers tightening. As his hips rocked against her ass, he plunged his hard length in and out.

  “You belong to me,” he said. “Your body. Your soul. It all belongs to me. I don’t need a collar to make you mine, but I’ll use one when it’s time. Only because you need a symbol of what you’ll become. Until then, you defer to me. You obey me. You serve me.”

  She was wide open to him, both her body and her soul. He’d ripped out her heart and then served it right back to her, beaten, bruised, and gloriously loved.

  Something shifted inside of her. Residual anger remained, but the pleasure building in her body eclipsed it into insignificance.

  “I need you,” she said. “Oh God, Derek…Sir! I need this.”

  “I know, my love. Will you trust me to guide us?”

  “Yes!” Her orgasm hurtled toward her. It was as inevitable as his love, inescapable, and unstoppable. “Please,” she begged. “Please let me come.”

  “How does a sub speak to her Dom?”

  One day, she would call him Master, but for now, there was only one word.

  “Sir, oh God. Please, Sir, let me come.”

  Lightning flashed behind her eyes as Derek growled into her ear. “Come for me, my sweet submissive.”

  Her orgasm raged with the ferocity of a caged beast, rising and gathering into an unstoppable force. Her back bowed, and her hips thrust back, needing the full length of his cock buried inside of her. Then a tidal wave of pleasure crashed over her, buckling her legs and shredding what remained of her voice. She moaned and panted with her release as he rode her, thrusting harder and faster, seeking his release.

  He kissed her then, softly on the shoulder, moving up to trace the curve of her neck. He nibbled on her ear and spoke with his heart. “I love you, and I’m never letting you go. We’ll get there, Sally. One step
at a time, we’ll get there.”

  She hung limply from the cross, emotionally and physically worn out. Becoming his would take time, but she had no doubt they were exactly where they needed to be.

  “I didn’t realize…” She tried to find words to describe her emotions but came up blank.

  He freed her hands and helped her to stand. Turning her around, he wrapped his arms around her. “You’re becoming mine. One step at a time. How do you feel?” he asked.

  “Cherished. Content.” She ran her hand along the sinew of his forearm. “Loved. Protected. I feel like I can breathe again, as if I no longer have a reason to hide from the world.”

  “I’d never allow it,” he said.

  Cupping his chin, she reached up and placed a chaste kiss on his lips. “And that’s what I love about you.” Her stomach growled into the silence, and she slapped her hand against her belly.

  “Hmm, seems I need to feed my submissive.”

  “I suppose so. Getting fucked by a dominant man seems to make me hungry.”

  “Now you sound sappy,” he said with a chuckle. “Come, let’s go see if the others want to break for some food.”

  They disentangled their limbs, touching each other with a gentle familiarity. He dressed, and she replaced her robe. Derek unlocked the door and led her out, holding her tight against him while they wandered back to the bar.

  As they approached, Warren and Karl were looking at a tablet.

  “Here it is,” Warren exclaimed. “I found it.” He lifted his tablet and turned it toward Karl. “It’s been replaying on the news all day.”

  “What are you two talking about?” Derek’s panty-melting baritone speared directly to her clit, making her turn wistfully back, wondering if they couldn’t spend a few more hours back in that room.

  “Here,” Warren said. “Let me turn it up.”

  The men crowded in front of the tablet, and she stretched to get a peek. Derek lifted his arm and pulled her in front, where she could see.


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