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The Gunslinger's Gift

Page 4

by April Zyon

  “Good point.” She liked the way that he thought. “I like the back wall. Near the corner, okay?” Since the place was empty, they could do just about whatever they wanted. “Come on, let’s go and have our meal, and then we’ll move me in with you.” She laughed. “Sorry, I know that it’s silly, but I can’t believe that I’m moving in with you. I love it, but it’s just so surreal.”

  “Why is it so surreal?” he asked, and then winced. “Okay, dumb question, sorry.” He walked next to her to the table. Reaching it, he pulled a chair out for her and smiled as she sat down. Settling in next to her, he tipped his head down for a moment before crossing himself. “Old habits die hard,” he said, when she was caught watching him.

  “Because before you, I was in a group for those that wanted to remain—well, for lack of a better word—pure, until marriage. Now, I can’t wait to, well, you know.” Sophia’s face was hot. “And I don’t even expect a ring or anything, because I know that the commitment will be much deeper than any piece of paper. Does that make sense?” She knew that a Guardian and VV would never part. They would never stray. They were meant to be. Plain and simple.

  He chuckled. “Yes, it makes total sense, honey. But I think I need you to clarify one part of your little spiel. What exactly did you mean by ‘you know,’ Sophia?” She could tell he knew just what she meant, and yet, he seemed to want her to actually say it.

  She glared at him. “I can’t wait to be skin to skin with you,” she stated bluntly, each word making her wetter and wetter between her thighs. “I can’t wait to have you sliding inside of me, showing me just how good that it can be between us. I can’t wait to feel your hands on me. I can’t wait to know just how it will feel to make love with you, James Hickok. That’s what ‘you know’ means.”

  “Well, why didn’t you just say that, then?” he teased, with a laugh. “Come on, woman, you don’t ever have to be shy with me about anything at all. If you want something, just say it. Maybe not in public, but when we’re alone—speak your mind. It makes life so much easier, honey.” He leaned in to bump his shoulder to hers. “So you know…I can’t wait to feel your soft, wet heat wrapped around my cock as I slide in and out of your sweet, little body.”

  Sophia dropped her fork and swallowed, hard. Then, she finally looked at him and grinned. “I think that moving my things over and looking at the rooms near yours can wait. What can’t wait is the need that I have to have you doing just that.” There, plain and blunt. “I need what only you could ever give me, James. I’ve waited all of my life just for you.” Which was the truth. She had waited for Billy since the day she was born, more or less.

  “Oh, now she’s all in a hurry.” He clicked his tongue at her. “We’ll collect your items first, but we can put off looking at the space until later. I don’t want to have to trek halfway across the compound to grab anything you might need once I get you in my bed. Let’s get our priorities straight here, honey.”

  “Once I’m in your bed, the only thing I’ll need is you. Nothing else will matter at that point, only you being with me. Only you loving me. I promise you on that one.”

  James made a face at her and rolled his eyes. “We’re going to get your stuff. The sooner we do, the quicker your sister will accept this. Then, we’ll lock ourselves away from the world. Now, eat your breakfast. You’re going to need every ounce of energy you can garner, honey. I fully plan on working through all the paces with you over the next few days.”

  “Oh, sweet, merciful heavens,” Sophia whispered, and then did just as he instructed. She was more than willing to work through anything and everything that he wanted. “Perhaps we should take some snack bars and waters back to the room with us?”

  “Likely a good plan. Some juice as well. You’ll definitely need to recharge occasionally. Though, we’ll go slow at first, because I can’t bear to even think of hurting you. After we find our rhythm, we’ll get into the more adventurous things, see what you like and what makes you hot.”

  She fanned herself. “Goodness. Well, one thing that does it for me is just thinking of how good it’s going to be to have you loving me. Having you doing the things to me that only you could do.” He would be her first and only in all things, and she was very, very happy about that fact.

  “Everything we do together will be me loving you, Sophia. Never think otherwise, honey. Now, eat your breakfast, please. Otherwise, we’ll be here talking all day about getting you hot and bothered, instead of doing. And quite frankly, I really want to be hands-on.” He grinned.

  “Same here. What about you? Shouldn’t you have more than coffee?” She paused to take another drink of her juice. “Or are you waiting to eat the meat when I’m not looking?” She scrunched her nose. “Bleck.” She was teasing him, her smirk giving way before her giggles did.

  “I was trying to be considerate to your delicate nature,” he said. “But if you’re going to make fun of me, then I’m going to hack into this sucker. Eat your rabbit food, honey, and I’ll eat my cow.”

  She bumped her shoulder to his this time and laughed. “Deal.” She picked her fork back up and started to eat once more, pausing from time to time to let him know just how much she was loving her food.

  “There’s no way you should be making such noises when eating fruit. Now, if you were chowing down on a prime cut of beef, maybe, but not melon. That is just so many ways of wrong. Especially since all it does is make me wonder if you’ll make the same noises in our bed when I get you there.”

  Sophia looked at him and frowned. “I honestly don’t know what noises, if any, that I’ll make when we are in bed together. Should I know?” She had never even brought herself to climax, had never wanted to even try.

  “Oh, honey.” He shook his head. Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, he drew her close to kiss her cheek. “I’ll explain it all to you, if necessary, after we’re together the first time. I have a feeling I won’t need to, though. I think you’ll figure it out for yourself rather quickly.” Drawing back, he rubbed his thumb to her lower lip before licking it clean and winking at her. “You about done?” he asked, tossing his napkin onto his empty plate.

  She shivered. “Yep, almost.” She took another bite of the watermelon and then pushed it away. “Now, all done.”

  James grinned. He stood and held her chair for her as she got to her feet. Stacking their plates, he carried most of their dishes while she followed with her glass.

  After they’d collected some snacks, they went to the rooms she’d been given, quickly gathering up everything there. Most of it had been packed up anyway. She’d been planning on leaving, after all. James had become very quiet when he’d seen her bags all ready to go and hadn’t said much of anything as they walked to his suite at the other end of the compound.

  When they were inside, Sophia turned to look at him and frowned. “You knew I was leaving, right? You had asked me to leave you alone, and it hurt too much to be here and think that you might be seeing others. I felt it would have been better for us both if I were to leave.”

  After setting her bags down, he locked the door and came to her, his hands in his pockets. “I know,” he said, softly. “But knowing it and seeing the proof is entirely different. Seeing your bags packed and ready to go was a kick to the gut. I was so close to losing you.” He reached out to touch her cheek gently. “I can’t lose you, Sophia,” he whispered in a choked voice.

  “And you won’t.” She stepped into his arms, her hands on his chest and moving up and around his neck. “I’m here now, and there’s no way in the world that you’re ever getting rid of me. I need you in my life too much to ever let you go.” Her fingers dipped into his hair, and she felt the heat of the medallion there. She dropped her hands quickly. “I’m so sorry. That didn’t hurt you, did it?” The last thing she ever wanted to do was hurt him.

  “Gods, no,” he said. “The medallion heats up when you’re close.” Taking her hand, he lifted it to his head and pressed her fingers to the back. “It wo
n’t hurt you, either. According to the others, it’ll lessen after the first time we’re together. It will still heat, but the key here is that it won’t be rattling my head around anymore. Which, at least in my book, is a huge plus.”

  “Yes, that’s a huge plus for me, as well. I don’t want you hurting. I hate that you hurt because of me. Even if you had no idea why.” She knew now, thanks to him, that it was because of him pushing her away, but it didn’t make it any better. At all. “But that’s all in the past. This is the present, and the start of our future together, right?”

  His eyes drifted shut as she stroked her thumb over the hot spot. Nodding, he opened them a little. “Neither of us knew you were hurting me. Really you weren’t, not directly. In reality, it was the medallion trying to get my attention. Unfortunately, it just doesn’t react the same as anyone else’s. And I have a hard head too. Medical opinion from our docs.” Leaning in closer to her, he wrapped his arms around her body, his cheek to hers, and held her close. “Keep doing what you’re doing. At least for a few more minutes, please. It’s so damn relaxing.” He groaned.

  She couldn’t deny him anything, ever. Her fingers stroked his head, her thumbs gently massaging him. “Well, I’m glad that you have a hard head because it’ll help to keep your medallion safe from destruction, thank you very much.”

  She stretched up and brushed her lips to the underside of his chin. “How about we settle on the couch or the bed? That way, I don’t have to go up on my toes to try to kiss you.” With him being just a couple inches over six feet tall, compared to her five foot, it was a strain sometimes. But it was worth it when he wrapped his big arms around her and kissed her right back again.

  Chapter Three

  Groaning, James cupped Sophia’s bottom and lifted her off her feet as he straightened. “The bed, because I want you there, anyway. This way, it’s two birds with one stone. You can get naked. I can get naked. We can get comfortable, and I can hold you while you do some more of that awesome thing you’re doing with your fingers. Gods, it feels good to have you touching me.”

  “I’m glad.” She wrapped her legs around his hips and moved so that she was closer to him. “God, I love how strong you are, how you can just pick me up like I’m nothing.” She nuzzled against the side of his neck, her fingers never stopping. “Naked,” she whispered with her mouth against his ear, lightly nipping his earlobe as she did so. “I like how that sounds.”

  “You weigh nothing at all, Sophia. Hell, you’re just an adorable little bit.” His hands squeezed her butt every time she nipped at his ear. “Woman, you keep that up, and I’ll tear off your clothes, hogtie you, and have my wicked way with you. Which we can do, eventually, just not for your first time. So behave, at least a little.”

  “And if I don’t want to?” She couldn’t help herself. Each time that he squeezed, she got hotter, needier, and wanted to do nothing more than strip him naked as well. “I wouldn’t argue with you ripping my clothes off at all. It would get me naked faster. Just saying.”

  “Another night, perhaps.” He let her slide down his body until her feet hit the floor. “Get naked, woman, now.” Stepping back, he moved to a chair and sat to pull off his boots, his eyes never leaving her. Once he had them off, he stood and tugged his shirt over his head.

  Sophia licked her lips. Holy crap, I love the way he looks at me. As quickly as she could, she had her shirt and pants off, standing before him in only her bra and panties, a matching set that her sister had bought her for Christmas the year before. The little black, silk number with bows at the corners always made her smile. “Pants?” She moved closer to him so she could place her hand on his chest. “Goodness, I love how hot you are,” she whispered honestly.

  “You’re the one getting my temperature rising. Holy shit, where in the love of all the gods did you get these?” he asked, running a light finger along the curve of the bra cup. “They’re way too pretty to ever rip off you. If you want me shredding your clothing, you’d better make sure there’s nothing underneath you want to keep, honey.”

  “Vivian gave them to me last Christmas. After she got me these, I went and splurged on a whole lot of underwear and lingerie. I found that I don’t do the whole shoe or purse thing that most women do, but I love buying and wearing pretty underthings.” She undid her bra, letting it slide down her arms, and pushed at her panties, stepping out of them as she did so. She bit her lip and added, “Oh, Viv also got me hooked on Brazilians. But if you don’t like it, I’ll stop going, promise.”

  Stepping back, he crossed himself again and pressed his hand to his chest. “Honey, I most definitely like. You can keep doing the Brazilians as long as you want. Holy mother, that is hot,” he groaned out. “It’s a damn good thing I have a medallion, otherwise, my seriously old heart would have just stopped. Damn woman, you have no idea how sexy you are.” Getting rid of his jeans quickly, he walked to her and scooped her into his arms, taking her to the bed and laying her down gently.

  She gaped at him. The man doesn’t wear underwear! She looked up at him with a grin on her face. “Goodness, you, wow.” She was stunned and couldn’t think in that moment. He had fried her brain. To know that he was naked under his jeans did something inside of her and made her shift once more with an ache in her lower stomach of pure need.

  “What has you all flustered, Sophia? You’re blushing, you’re breathing is all erratic, and your eyes are dilated. Talk to me, honey.”

  “Goodness gravy, I think that it’s sexy as hell that you don’t wear underwear. The thought of just having to put my hands inside of the waistband of your pants. Mercy.” She swallowed, hard. “You are a beautiful, drop dead sexy, man.”

  “Modern underwear annoys me. I didn’t even like undergarments back in my day. I’ve always preferred not to be bothered with them.” Leaning in, he pressed a kiss to her shoulder and smiled against her skin. “I happen to think you’re the sexy one in this room. So much more than I could ever be.”

  She blushed again. Thankfully, she was naturally tanned, so she hoped it didn’t show too much. “I like it a lot, and from here on out, I’ll let you help me choose which underthings to wear, so that all day long you’re thinking of what I have under my clothes.” So, I might be just a bit naughty.

  Brushing a kiss to her cheek, he stroked his fingers up and down her arm lightly. “You have such soft skin, Sophia. I think I could spend hours just touching and stroking you. Not today, but definitely soon. And I want to kiss every single part of you, lick every single inch of your body.”

  “I use sugar scrub and moisturizers every day,” she heard herself saying while arching up and into him. “You can help me tomorrow.” The thought of his large hands rubbing cream all over her body made her wetter and wetter with each moment. “Touch me, please,” she begged and opened her legs to him.

  Lifting his head, he shot her a grin. “I love how eager you are.” His hand drifted over her chest, slowly moving lower through the valley between her breasts, down her stomach, and then stopping on her mound. Catching her lips in a gentle kiss, he teased her to open up, his tongue lightly sliding over hers.

  Sophia kissed James back, her hands fisting in his hair and holding him close. She moaned, her hips shifting and lifting, seeking his touch. Her teeth nipped at his lower lip, her tongue teasing and mating with his.

  Slowly, his hand slid down some more, his fingers parting her folds and stroking through the wetness there. His low growl vibrated through her body as he rubbed a digit over and around her clit, teasing the tight bud gently.

  Sophia’s eyes went wide. She was shocked, but that quickly dissipated as she felt intense pleasure rolling through her. She whimpered, one foot bracing on the bed and lifting herself closer to him in a completely automatic movement. “James.” She groaned his name aloud, desperate for him to touch her and show her more.

  He was pressing kisses along her throat, and then lower, over her chest. “Yes, Sophia?” he asked. His finger was still lazily teasi
ng her clit as he closed his mouth around her nipple and sucked hard.

  “Oh God.” She completely lost her mind. When his teeth nipped her, she yelped in pleasure. “Please.” She had no idea what she was begging him for, had no idea what she had been going to say earlier, simply needed him to take her and show her what she needed and had been missing all her life.

  His dark chuckle sent chills over her skin. Flicking his tongue to her nipple, he shifted around and began to kiss down her belly, getting lower and lower. When he moved between her legs, his mouth against her mound, she stilled. James slid his finger down and circled the opening as he flicked his tongue out to her clit.

  Sophia’s hands were in his hair. She had allowed her legs to fall wide open for him. She licked her lips and shuddered, crying out in shock. She closed her eyes and arched her neck. “Please, don’t stop.” She shifted to pull him closer, holding him to her as she did so. She was desperate for him, needed more and wanted more. She was melting, and he was the only thing holding her together.

  James’s free hand wrapped around her hip, holding her as he sucked her sensitive nub between his lips. His finger was pushing slowly into her body, over and over again, pressing deeper each time. Then, she felt fuller, and realized he’d slid in a second finger. He spread them apart within her as he withdrew.

  Her hands tugged on his blond curls. She shuddered, and when he spread his fingers apart and slid them deeper once again, she cried out his name. She was wiggling under him, her whole being on fire, and she knew that she needed and wanted more from him. “James, more, please.” She began to move with him, finding the rhythm.

  The suction on her clit became stronger, along with a soft rubbing. It had been his tongue, she realized, that was rubbing against her clit. His fingers were pressing deep inside of her, stroking over a spot that was sending shock waves through her body.


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