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Learning to Crawl

Page 13

by John Argus

  Her plaintive whimper into the gag was muffled, and she grimaced around the ball that held her mouth open as the clamp bit cruelly into her erect bud. The other end of the chain was then raised and the second clamp bit into her other poor nipple.

  The woman leered with satisfaction, and then curled a finger with malicious intent around the middle of the chain’s span between the two youthful breasts and slowly lifted it up and out.

  Gwen cried out again as the clamps pulled excruciatingly on her nipples and bit even deeper. She was forced forward, and then up onto her toes as the woman gleefully lifted the chain higher, and as she continued the anguish for Gwen mounted, her nipples throbbing and drawing tears to her eyes.

  ‘You’re lovely, aren’t you?’ the woman cooed, watching Gwen squirm and try vainly to alleviate the pain. ‘You’re so lovely… and so soft.’

  With her free hand she cupped the underside of Gwen’s breasts and stroked them alternately, her gaze upon them, a distant look in her eyes, and for a terrible moment Gwen wondered at her sanity. Then the woman moved backwards and Gwen squealed as she was forced to shuffle forward after her to desperately try to ease the pull on her savagely pinched nipples. A moment later the woman pinned Gwen back against a wall and forced a leg between her thighs, and then strong fingers took possession of her pussy, spreading her lips. She produced another small clamp, eagerly showing Gwen the small alligator jaws attached by a short chain to a small metal weight, then her malicious grin broadened as she moved it down with intense deliberation.

  At first Gwen did not understand, for she already had clamps on both nipples, then as the glinting object moved down and between her thighs her eyes widened and she cried around the gag in denial. She tried frantically to twist aside but the woman held her easily, her fingers rubbing at her treacherously swollen clitoris. Gwen felt the cold bite of the metal clamp squeezing against her and whimpered helplessly, begging the woman with her eyes. But she only grinned back, adjusted it carefully, then let the jaws snap shut.

  Gwen almost crumpled to the floor and thought she would faint, but the woman’s bulk pinned her to the uncompromising wall, a dizzying wave of nausea churning in her belly. The woman moved back and Gwen did indeed drop weakly to her knees, tears filling her eyes and meandering down her cheeks, gasping and sobbing with outrage as the pain consumed her.

  ‘Weak,’ the woman sneered contemptuously. ‘You’re lovely, but weak. I despise weakness in people.’ She gripped and lifted the chain again and Gwen simpered once more, forced to her feet by the pull on her nipples. Then a long chain was attached to the centre of the one spanning Gwen’s breasts and she had little choice but to follow, every movement setting the weight between her thighs swinging and pulling at her clitoris.

  Gwen sobbed hopelessly as she staggered after the woman to the entrance hall.

  ‘Ah, I thought I saw these on my way in,’ the woman said, picking up a pair of stiletto heels. ‘Just what I want to show off your lovely legs and pretty little ass.’

  Following the unspoken order, Gwen stepped into them gingerly and then stood obediently while the woman moved around her, examining the mouth-watering effect the heels had on her shapely form.

  ‘Very, very nice,’ she said, giving Gwen’s buttocks a squeeze. ‘Marvellous.’

  She summoned the lift and then led her charge inside. Gwen looked out desperately, searching vainly for signs of Richardson, but he was nowhere to be seen as the doors silently slid shut.

  ‘Looking for your master?’ the woman goaded. ‘Forget it. He often loans out his girls to us, and we return the favour; now and then we give him one of our naughty little lesbians to use.’ She sniggered unkindly. ‘Some of them really hate having to submit to a man, so it keeps them in their place. He does a good job.’

  The lift doors opened, but not onto the private garage. Instead they revealed the lobby of the building, glinting expensively with many mirrors, and marble, and chandeliers overhead.

  The lobby was long and narrow with large glass doors etched with gold at the end, and for the second time in her life Gwen found herself completely naked on a city street. Thankfully, this one was a quiet side street with no traffic passing by. Nevertheless, Gwen felt in a state of shock as the woman led her across the pavement to a waiting car. She was bundled into the back seat, then the woman climbed in beside her and the car pulled away from the kerb.

  As with Richardson’s limousine the windows were tinted, but a woman drove. She was a thin-faced brunette, and she regarded Gwen scornful in the rear-view mirror before shaking her head and returning her eyes to the road ahead.

  The journey passed in silence, Gwen trying to understand what was happening to her, where she was going or why she was permitting it. Not that she had any say, of course.

  The car eventually turned onto a narrow tree-lined street and came to a stop before the canopied entrance of a place called Sappho’s. She had no idea what the place was about, for the small plaque and blank door gave no indication. But while she was gazing uncertainly at the building the woman opened the rear door of the car and climbed out, then tugged on the chain to force Gwen to scramble after her. Thankfully the pavement was deserted.

  Fluorescent lights brightly lighted the interior of the club. The entrance corridor was narrow and utilitarian stone, but there were several people moving around, and all turned to regard Gwen as she was led amongst them. Gwen’s face flamed.

  ‘Hello ladies, see the little fish I caught?’ the woman said jovially.

  One, an older woman, shook her head in apparent disgust and walked on, but several others wandered closer to examine Gwen.

  ‘Where’d you get her, Carol?’ one asked.

  ‘She belongs to Richardson,’ the woman – Carol – informed the questioner. ‘He loaned her to us. Said she needs a little exposure; she’s too shy.’

  Several of the women sniggered at that, and one reached out to give Gwen’s breasts a cold squeeze.

  ‘Poor baby,’ another said in mock sympathy.

  Gwen yelped indignantly as someone pinched her bottom, twisting around to see who had taken the liberty, but that set the weight swaying on her clitoris and she yelped again. Then someone nudged the weight to set it swinging harder and the group of women laughed as her discomfort mounted.

  ‘Pathetic creature,’ one said scornfully.

  ‘Going to hand her around, Carol?’ asked another.

  ‘Only to people who ask very nicely,’ Carol replied, but it was all just too much for Gwen. She couldn’t take it any more. One shock to her system had followed another and she swayed dazedly, but then the chain tugged sharply on her nipples and Carol was pulling her further along the corridor. The woman let the chain dangle over her right shoulder, smirking and greeting other women they met along the way as Gwen hurried along behind her, whimpering into the gag and quaking under the eyes of every woman they passed.

  Carol turned and led her through a door into a locker room, then over to where hooks lined the wall. She threw the chain over one hook, and then tugged it so Gwen was forced up onto her toes before tying it off.

  ‘You wait there, sweetie,’ she said, giving Gwen’s bottom an intimate squeeze.

  She moved only a few feet away to a row of lockers, and there opened one and began to strip. Once naked she returned to take Gwen’s chain, and then led her through another door and along a narrower and lower corridor, the atmosphere heavy with the smell of chlorinated water and the air warm and clinging.

  Carol picked up a large towel and wrapped it around herself, tying it over her breasts and beneath her armpits, then continued on and pushed into another room. Rolling heat struck Gwen like a wall and she gasped for breath as it pervaded her lungs.

  They were in a small sauna. It was circular in shape, with two levels of wooden benches lining the wall. In the centre was a round vent t

hat dropped from the low ceiling, with steam billowing lazily from it and drifting around the room.

  There were already several women there, naked, sitting on their towels. Two were older looking, but the third seemed to be about Gwen’s age and had a pretty elfin face, a dainty body, and lovely long blonde hair.

  ‘Look what followed you in, Carol,’ one of the older women said, her voice sounding strangely mute in the dull atmosphere.

  ‘She’s on loan to me,’ Carol gloated. ‘I’m to teach her not to be so shy, so I thought I’d show her off to you all.’

  The three women looked more than a little interested to hear this, and their body-language made it clear to Gwen that each of them would like to get their hands – and much else besides – on her.

  Carol dropped her towel and joined her friends on one of the benches, leaving Gwen standing directly on her own, feeling terribly exposed, although the subdued lighting helped retain just a little of her modesty. The steam drifted around her, and within seconds her hair was wet and plastered to her forehead and her body glistened enticingly with perspiration.

  ‘Cute,’ one of the women said.

  The door opened quietly and two more entered, one a tall black woman with a shaven head, the other a chunky Hispanic. They joined the others, draping themselves on the wooden slatted benches, loosening their towels and eyeing Gwen appreciatively.

  Carol began to relate what had happened in Richardson’s apartment, taking great and particular pains to describe how she had taught Gwen to lick her pussy so successfully.

  Oddly, Gwen was no longer feeling quite so mortified under the lecherous scrutiny as she had only a few minutes before. Perhaps that was because the other women were also naked, or perhaps she was simply growing accustomed to being in such humiliating predicaments.

  As the heat in the small chamber increased the metal adornments clinging to Gwen’s nipples and clitoris burned her tender flesh, making her move slightly to alleviate the ever-present discomfort. She was coated with beads of perspiration now, dribbling into her eyes and making her blink. She was having difficulty breathing and her shoulders sagged weakly as the gathered women seemed to lose a little interest in her and started chatting in hushed tones in the oppressive little room.

  Left alone and no longer the centre of attention, Gwen started to ponder the events of recent days. She had begun to realise there was a masochistic side to her nature, a masochistic side Richardson was unearthing and bringing into the light. That side to her nature revelled in the abuse she had been subjected to, in playing the part of the tormented innocent. The shocking lewdness of Richardson’s mistreatment seemed to stoke her inner fires more than anything she had ever experienced in her life.

  He simultaneously made her into an object of total sexual desire and robbed her of any guilt for whatever was done with that desire. For as a victim she could not, of course, bear any responsibility. Without guilt her inhibitions faded, and she was free to be the true sensual hedonist she wanted to be, with any man – or woman – who wanted her.

  Her inhibitions did only fade, though. They remained simmering just beneath the surface as the women’s attention reverted to her and the muted talking stopped, yet they inspired more depraved excitement than dread. Her eyes flitted from one hungry face to another, all staring at her, all lusting after her. They all wanted to use her for their own questionable pleasure, of that there was no mistake. She could neither hide nor protect herself from their cruel attentions, and a part of her basked in that knowledge.

  ‘Brianna,’ Carol said quietly to the pretty blonde who was one of the three originally present, ‘I want to see you with my Gwendolyn. Make her come.’

  ‘Me?’ Brianna looked surprised, but not displeased with the request of the older woman. Despite finding her very attractive, Gwen eyed her warily whilst trying to blink the perspiration out of her eyes.

  There was a heavy pause as everyone in the hot chamber waited, and then the blonde slipped with an ease of movement off the bench and glided gracefully through the steamy atmosphere to Gwen. ‘Poor girl,’ she cooed, gazing down at the nipple clamps that pinched so tightly. Slowly reaching up she unclipped them and let the chain fall, and Gwen groaned into the gag with relief as the blood returned and her nipples pulsed agonisingly.

  The girl smiled and slid her hands up over Gwen’s shoulders, then behind her head. She pressed her own shapely body against Gwen, and Gwen swooned with delight as another female’s naked breasts moulded softly to her own, calming and soothing the awful throbbing. The sympathetic embrace was so comforting she thought she might cry, but then the girl gently kissed her throat and up to her ear and a frisson of sexual excitement overwhelmed that self-indulgent response, and she relaxed in the girl’s arms as her warm lips meandered down until they could cocoon one of Gwen’s punished nipples.

  The girl sucked very tenderly, her tongue feather-soft as it coasted across and around each sensitive pink nub. Her hands stroked Gwen’s back, then moved down to her bottom, cupping and caressing both buttocks.

  Unfair comments of derision came from the watchers, making Gwen cringe anew with shame, but there was nothing she could do to stop the girl who mouthed her nipples so beautifully. Both pert buds were oversensitive due to the effect of the clamps, and the protesting nerves responded enthusiastically to such gentle treatment. Soft, throbbing heat sank deep into her breasts and then began to sink even deeper into the core of her body.

  The girl moved downward, licking a taunting path down Gwen’s fluttering belly until she knelt before her. She reached for the final clamp and slipped it off, and Gwen’s back arched as fresh pain emanated from her sex. The girl did not touch her clitoris, gently massaging her thighs instead while waiting for the pain to ease.

  Then she slowly moved inwards, running her tongue up and down against the edges of Gwen’s sex lips, then slowly peeling them open like a juicy fruit and slipping her tongue inside.

  Gwen moaned and tried with little conviction to twist away, unable to escape the smirking faces and staring eyes surrounding her. She shook her head, horrified and yet enthralled by such intimate violation in front of an audience of strangers, but with such wonderful things happening between her thighs there was nothing she could do to resist.

  The sneering eyes seemed to drown her, whispered voices taunting and sniggering, the occasional finger pointing accusingly.

  She cried out, her hips jerking back as the girl’s tongue flicked across her swollen clitoris, and a satisfied chorus of hushed laughter and taunts instantly accompanied her wanton reaction.

  The girl, Brianna, raised her hands slowly up the back of Gwen’s trembling thighs, pressing her splayed fingers into Gwen’s tensed buttocks, squeezing eagerly as her expert tongue began to ravish her clitoris, and Gwen groaned helplessly into the gag, feeling as though her insides were being consumed.

  One of the girl’s fingers probed tentatively at the tiny portal to Gwen’s bottom, a neat nail scratching delicately, and then pressed up into her rectum. Another followed, accompanying the first, and then a third pressed in. She pumped gently in and out as she licked and sucked, and a new wave of humiliation swept across Gwen’s shattered consciousness as she realised the girl was deliberately being extreme for the benefit of the watching women. She trembled and sighed, her mind in a dazed sexual stupor.

  The girl’s mouth engulfed her sex, her lips kissing, her tongue stroking, her teeth nibbling, and all those women watched, the mocking comments doing little to disguise the raw hunger in their eyes and hushed tones.

  Gwen’s groin moved instinctively against the lovely kneeling girl’s face, her head lolled back and her unfocused, unseeing eyes stared up at the low ceiling, the steam drifting around her, the perspiration glistening in the subdued lighting as it dripped down her glowing body. She sagged weakly, her thighs resting against the shoulders and breasts of Brianna,
only her hips moving, slowly gyrating, and her sex a pit of need and heat as the girl continued to apply her mouth with dangerous proficiency.

  Gwen was going to come. Confused thoughts spun in her head at the knowledge, but there was simply little care left in her. All but pleasure had been crowded out by the desperate yearning for sexual satiation.

  One of the women stood and quietly moved behind her. Gwen hardly noticed, even when the woman worked the gag out of her mouth. Now she could protest. Now she could demand they release her, demand they stop molesting her… but she simply sighed wearily with intense pleasure.

  ‘Sing, pretty girl, sing,’ someone coaxed.

  The orgasm swept over her, rolling and roaring like a tidal wave engulfing the shore. It was relentless and she knew it couldn’t be suppressed; felt the sheer power of it as it swept in.

  She screamed. Even as she did so she knew an embarrassment, and yet she could not help herself, could not stop the raw scream of ecstasy as her innards erupted with bliss. Her plaintive wail rose in a languid climb up the scale of wonder, easing back only to redouble in strength. She spent her last breath on a whimper of pleasure, and then inhaled a deep ragged breath and cried out once more.

  All those eyes; watching, missing nothing. All those ears; listening, equally alert to Gwen’s wanton display.

  They murmured their approval and Gwen sagged against the kneeling girl, exhausted, her eyes closed. She felt hands on her but hardly took notice, sagging to the floor as the girl slipped silently away, and despite wanting nothing more than to curl up in a quiet corner and lose herself in sleep, she found herself positioned on her knees in front of Carol, the woman’s legs spread wide as she was guided in between them by unseen hands.

  Without being told, but knowing what was expected of her, she began to lick, weakly at first. Then as her mind began to reassemble its scattered pieces she tried to twist back, but the onlookers would have none of it and a sharp slap on the bottom nudged her mouth back to the woman’s waiting sex. She felt hands crawling all over her, mauling between her legs, molesting her breasts, kneading her buttocks and probing inquisitively at her tiny rear opening.


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