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Being Ruby

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by Brandi Bell

  Being Ruby

  Soul Twin Series

  Brandi Bell

  ©Brandi Bell, 2018

  All rights reserved.

  Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

  Editor: Erica Collins of EDC Editing

  Cover Designer: Francesca Vance of Reaper Design


  This book is dedicated to Rowena, I’m so glad you are in my life. You beautiful British bitch!

  Being Ruby

  What do you do when you share a body with your twin sister, and you want to go on tour with your band? Why kidnap her of course.

  My name is Ruby and I rule the night, my sister Jade has our body during the day. You got to hear her side of the story already, so now hold on to your hats, because it’s time for mine. It’s a lot more fun, and wild than her’s.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17



  About Brandi Bell


  Hi, Ruby here. I don’t see what Jade sees in this writing stuff; but, you need to hear my side, since you already got to hear Jade’s. My side has got to be more interesting than her’s, at least I’m not a prude. You shouldn’t need all the yada yada backstory, but just in case you didn’t read Jade’s story first, Jade and I are two souls who share a body. She’s awake during the day, and I rule the night. We can’t see what the other is doing, sometimes I’m glad of it, but it would be helpful to know what the girl is up to when we are in trouble. Jade’s a witch like Mom, and I’m a vampire like Dad.

  See, pretty easy stuff to remember. Oh, and our parents thought they were being hilarious when naming us, since our last name is Stone. Am I forgetting anything important? Oh, eye color! Mine are red when I'm in control, and Jade’s are green. Now you are in on the family joke too. Ok, if you want to know anymore go read Jade’s book first, she actually likes this writing stuff. I think it’s a waste of time.

  No matter what Jade thinks, everything isn’t always my fault. Her chicken ass has cost me a lot of opportunities, she just whines more about it. I could have been famous long before now, or traveled the world, but no, poor little Jade had to stay home and run a store.

  Anyway, here is my version of events.

  Chapter 1

  6 months previous…….

  As I walked down the street I passed a message board, it was a tall wooden structure under a dark green awning. The board itself was made of a material that allowed push pins to stick. I glanced at it out of boredom, it was pasted over with flyers, some were for babysitting, lawn services, and lame stuff like that. Then a flyer caught my attention. This guy, Liam, was looking for a lead singer for a band he created. I could sing and I had nothing better to do; if they practiced after dark I wanted in.

  I called the number on the flyer and a shy sounding man answered the phone. “Hello?”

  “Hey I grabbed your flyer off this message board. Never fear, you’ve found your lead singer. When do I start?” I asked confidently.

  “Well, you kinda have to audition first,” he replied.

  “Fine, whatever. When can I audition then? I’m only out when it’s dark though,” I said with an annoyed tone.

  “That’s perfect! One of our guitarists is a vampire,” he exclaimed.

  “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “Oh um, when do you want to audition?”


  “Ok, come on over, can I text you the address?”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  I waited for his text; he sent his address and when it arrived, I walked over there. I knew I would knock their socks off. A tall, thin, but fit man, wearing glasses with thick black plastic frames, opened the door. He had short brown hair, to match his deep brown eyes.

  “Hi, I’m Liam, you must be Ruby?”

  “The one and only.”

  “Let’s head downstairs and see what you’ve got.”

  “Prepare to be impressed.”

  We walked down the stairs and there were three other guys already there. Liam turned and introduced us.

  “The redhead on the guitar is Felix. The guy on the bass is Elias, and Grady is on the other guitar.”

  I took a moment to take them in. Felix had gorgeous green eyes that sparkled with mischief. He was an average build and about five ten. Elias had dark brown wavy hair with piercing light blue eyes. He was around six feet tall and had some muscle on him. Grady was the tallest of them, with a very muscular build, light green eyes, and his head shaved bald.

  “Hi, are we going to stand and chat or are we going to do this?” I asked.

  “Let’s get going then,” Liam responds.

  We picked a song we all knew and I started singing. My voice fit in great with theirs. I felt a connection when we played together. I knew the guys were impressed. I mean, who wouldn’t be? Once we finished, Liam made me go upstairs so they could vote. It offended me, how dare they not want me on the spot. I was awesome, they weren’t going to find anyone better than me. I almost took off, but there was something about those guys that made me want to know them more. I was worried I was going to turn into a sap like my sister.

  It wasn’t even five minutes later and they came to get me.

  “Congrats! We really want you in the band!” Liam said with a huge grin.

  “Great, but I really want to name us,” I replied.

  “We should all vote on that,” Liam said nervously.

  “Yeah, you just got here,” Elias spoke up.

  “That’s so sweet, you really think you won’t give in. We’ll be called Mz. Hyde.”

  3 months later…

  I got ready to go to practice, I tried to look my hottest. I wore a sexy red corset top, and black leather pants. I really wanted to impress a few of the guys. I hoped to at least get one of them back to my bedroom. I looked at the time, then hurried out the door.

  I made it to Liam’s house right on time. I went downstairs then sauntered up to him.

  “Hi, Liam,” I said coyly.

  “Hi, Ruby,” he gulped.

  “You want to come out with me after practice?” I asked, twirling my hair with a finger.

  “Yeah, sure,” he said.

  The other guys filtered down the stairs, then we practiced the new songs Liam wrote. They sounded amazing.

  “Hey guys, we have a gig Saturday night, and the gossip is there is a label recruiter there. We have to be on fire,” Elias told us.

  “Hell yeah! We’ll knock their socks off,” I exclaimed.

  “Ruby and I are going out for drinks, do you guys want to come along to celebrate?” Liam asked.

  “Sure,” Elias replied.

  “Hell yeah!” Felix exclaimed.

  “Not tonight guys,” Grady replied.

  “Ok, let’s go then,” I said impatiently.

  I was a little irritated that Liam invited everyone, but figured I could use it to my advantage. We left and rode with Liam to the club. We ordered shots, and slammed them back. I was wasted.

  “I so want to fuck all o
f you,” I slurred.

  “Why don’t you then,” Elias purred.

  “I want in,” Felix slurred.

  “I don’t know about all that,” Liam mumbled.

  “We can go back to my place,” I offer.

  “Let’s go, come on Liam. Don’t be a pussy,” Felix taunts.

  “Fine, but remember I’m the sober one,” he replied.

  We loaded up in Liam’s car and I directed him to my apartment. Once we arrived I led them up the stairs and into my apartment. I had a collection of alcohol and got it out, I intended to get Liam loosened up.

  He took one shot, then we all went into the bedroom. I started taking my clothes off; I heard Elias’ breath hitch. I slowly began to peel off my leather pants. Felix ripped his clothes off, Elias not long behind him.

  Felix came to me first crushing my lips with his, Elias came up behind me kissing on my neck, then right behind my ear, which makes me moan. He pulls the strings on my corseted top and it falls away exposing my perky breasts. Elias twists me around and claims my lips with his, while Felix snatches off my panties.

  They guide me to the bed; I lay down and Elias claimed my breast with his mouth. Felix kissed his way up my thigh, then devours my pussy with his mouth.

  “Come play with us,” I said to Liam around moans.

  He stood back and just stared like a deer in the headlights.

  I couldn’t focus on him, with the two men working my body.

  “She’s nice and wet Elias, should we take her?” Felix teased.

  “Please,” I moaned.

  “Do you have any lube?” Elias growled.

  “In the night stand,” I replied.

  He grabs the lube, applied it, then laid down and lifted me on top of him. He slid in and filled me up. Felix grabbed the lube from him. I rocked my hips back and forth and pulled a groan out of his mouth. Felix came up behind me and slid his fingers down my back then stuck one in my ass. I gasped, but in a good way. He began stretching me, then removed his fingers and replaced it with his cock.

  They found a rhythm between them that made me scream. I glanced up and Liam stood there working himself. I motioned him to me, he came forward. I removed his hand from his rock hard cock, and placed him in my mouth.

  I worked him with my mouth as Elias and Felix pulled an orgasm out of me. I screamed around Liam, we all finished, then fell in a heap on the bed. I decided then, that these men were mine.

  It was Saturday already, the week had flown by. We were at the gig, and getting ready to go on stage. I was pumped, but Liam looked nervous.

  “It’s ok, your songs are awesome, and we kick ass. Besides, who can resist mua?” I tried to make him feel better. “Besides after this we can all go back to my place again.”

  I really wanted a repeat of the other night.

  “I’m in,” Elias adds.

  “Me too,” Felix chimes in.

  “Ok, let’s do this, so we can do that,” Liam adds.

  We got on stage and performed. Everything felt right, the crowd was engaged. When the set finished I felt great about it. A man approached us and handed us his business card.

  “Call me tomorrow morning and we will work something out,” he says then walks off.

  3 more months later…..

  I was hungry and there was a dive bar downtown that no one asked questions at. I'm hot, so finding a willing man to make out with was not a problem. I picked my target, he was a shorter man with a bulbous nose and an outdated bowl cut. He was sitting at the bar staring at his beer. I started walking towards him, swaying my hips in a sexy manner. He couldn’t take his eyes off of me, which is exactly what I wanted. I flashed him a smile, and he stood up and walked towards me. The poor sucker thought I was interested in him for something other than his blood. I led him out the back door and shoved him up against the wall. My fangs were aching in my gums. I kissed down his neck, my fangs descended, then I bit. Man did he taste good, it was sweet with a hint of saltiness. I drank until I was satisfied. I licked the wound to close it. Then used my super speed to be gone before he opened his eyes. He never realized what had happened to him.

  I guess Jade would say that was the catalyst for what happened to us. Maybe she was right, but dear goddess don’t tell her I said that, I will deny it.

  Anyways, after I fed off the sucker, I walked to Liam’s for our last band practice before we left on tour. I loved being in a rock band, it was one of the funnest things I had done up until that point. In case I forgot to mention, I was lead vocals, Liam was our drummer, Elias was our bass player, and Grady and Felix both played guitar.

  Liam is a tall human, I always get lost in his chocolate brown eyes. Elias is not quite as tall as Liam, but has more muscle, he is my shifter. Felix is a vampire, but he was turned, so he has to sleep all day. These three guys and I are in a relationship which may sound weird to some people, but it works well for us.

  The last member of the band, Grady, is a witch. He is tall, very muscular, and has some gorgeous light green eyes. He is the least fun member of the band, because he likes all that nerdy stuff Jade does, yuck.

  Anyways, as I was saying, this was our last practice before we hit the road. We received a record contract and our album blew up, so now we have a six week tour around the country. We ran through our set, and practiced a new song Liam had written for the tour. We sounded great, everything was perfect. We were for sure ready for this tour.

  After practice I headed out with my boys to have a few drinks and to dance at the club. We did this whenever I could talk Liam into letting go. I loved being in the middle of my guys, them dancing around me. It made me feel like a goddess. I loved losing myself to the beat. We danced until last call.

  I needed to grab a bite before we left, so I found an easy target. There was a drunk man hitting on everything that walked by. I sauntered up to him, and gave him a coy smile.That was all the encouragement he needed. He came up to me, my fangs ached as they came out, I leaned in and licked his neck, I could feel him shudder, then I bit. His warm blood flowed down my throat, very salty, not my favorite blood type. I drank my fill, then licked the wound closed and sped back to my guys, before he realized what happened.

  When the club closed, we all parted ways; the guys were busy getting ready for the tour. I had to wait until the last minute to pack for the most part. I couldn’t tip Jade off or she would try to stop me. I would be damned if I let that happen. That girl needed to get a sense of adventure in her life anyways.

  By the time I arrived back at the house my buzz was gone, damn vampire metabolism. I took a shower and sat down to watch some reality TV I had on the DVR. It was getting close to sunrise, so I went ahead and put some pajamas on. Poor prudish Jade would have freaked out if she had woken up naked.

  I came back around and had to rush. I needed to get us both packed as fast as possible to meet the tour bus on time. I found the luggage I had stashed in the bottom of my closet and began to pack.

  I placed Jade’s Kindle at the bottom of my bag, I knew she would want it to keep her mind busy, lame, but I wanted her to unpack my bag to find it. Even though I’m a little evil, I’m not totally heartless. I rushed around and grabbed the clothes from the front of her closet and shoved them in her bag. My bag was much easier to pack, since I already knew what I wanted.

  When I felt like I had everything we couldn’t live without, I grabbed my purse and both of our phones and wallets. Then I noticed the note she had written me.


  You need to be careful who you pick up in bars. Some crazy dude nearly attacked me looking for you. He left me alone because he remembered your eyes. Oh and Happy Birthday. Have fun.



  I rolled my eyes. That guy would totally forget about me before too long. I was shocked that he remembered my eyes, but I didn’t have time to think about that. I had a tour bus to get to. I called Elias to let him know I was ready to be picked up and went downstairs to wait with all
of our luggage.

  I started thinking while I was waiting. I knew I was going to spill some big secrets to everyone, but if they couldn’t handle it fuck them, I thought.

  Elias pulled up, I threw our bags in the back of his truck, and we were off. I couldn’t wait to get the show on the road, performing was such a thrill. We pulled up to the tour bus and everyone was there already. Thankfully, the label took into consideration that Felix couldn’t be around during the day. I didn’t have to make excuses to why I seemingly could, so I kept my vampire nature hidden.

  We all loaded on to the bus and I found there was one bedroom in the back, then four bunks in the hallways. “I get the bedroom to myself, you four get the bunks,” I said as I headed back to the bedroom and shut the door. I dialed Mom’s number, “What did you get into now, Ruby?”

  “What makes you think I got into something.”

  “You call your dad when you want to talk, you call me when something is wrong.”

  Hmmm I didn’t realize I was that predictable. “Um, well, you know my band? We’re on tour; we left tonight. I need you to take care of Jade’s store since we are already on the tour bus. I left her a note so she’ll find out in the morning.”

  “Oh, Ruby! Why did you do it like this?”

  “Because she wouldn’t have let it happen if she knew about it. Now she’s here so I have a chance.”

  “Fine, I will take care of her store, but you have to deal with the consequences if she decides to take off on you.”


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