Book Read Free

Billionaire Protector

Page 1

by Sam Crescent

  Evernight Publishing ®

  Copyright© 2015 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77233-563-7

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Billionaire Bikers MC, 1

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter One

  Russell—Russ—Wyatt stared around the bar waiting for his friends to arrive. It was a classy upscale bar that was owned by their private MC. Their MC was a lot different from many out there as their motorcycle club members all had to have two things in common. They had to be billionaires, and they didn’t have any family. Self-made billionaires. They had their own clubhouse, their own club whores, and they all owned billion dollar businesses. They all had a need to live on the open road, and the adventure of being part of a club, which meant fighting much bigger things.

  It was unusual for businessmen to take to the road, riding on badass bikes, and fucking most of the women who came to the club. By day they were in business suits; by night, their leather cuts decorated their backs, and no one fucked with them. Russ had wanted two things out of life, to be part of an MC, and to make so much fucking money no one could touch him. He’d made his billions, and he’d helped to bond the ten men who were part of the club. They didn’t have Prospects, and they didn’t open their club to just anyone. No one should mistake them for pussies. They may be businessmen, but they were all lethal.

  In the early days of their club forming, several rival gangs had thought they were pussies, and so started a war, attacking them. Russ still found it funny that the rival gangs no longer messed with them. They may be billionaires, and they may be businessmen, but they knew how to handle themselves, and no one should fuck with them. They all had a past, a history, and it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. You messed with one, and you took on all of the pack. They banded together, and they were invincible. Their club, B. B. MC, had it all, The Billionaire Bikers Motorcycle Club.

  He and Lewis Cox had come up with the idea of their own MC, and they had expanded from there. The club had ten billionaires in total. They didn’t have charters, and they weren’t all over the place, across lots of countries. They were a strictly limited group of men. He knew of other clubs that allowed prospects, and to vote men in and out. B. B. MC was strict, ten men, no exceptions. Once they were all dead, the club would either be handed to the next generation if they had kids, or it would cease to exist. Glancing around the club, he saw several of the club whores waiting for the rest of the guys. This was an exclusive club, so all of the club whores were in fact gold-diggers who loved the bad boy inside of them. They loved the leather, the rush, and of course the bank balance they got at the end of it.

  Russ and his other nine brothers paid a large wage for the group of women so they could fuck them any time, anywhere. There were more women than brothers because some of the guys liked to fuck more than one woman at once. Lewis was known for fucking four women at the same time and really going for an orgy. His friend was running from some dark shit.

  “Hey, baby,” Tina said, coming to lean against the bar. “How’s your day?”

  Tina was a good time girl, and a whore to the core. She loved the club lifestyle, and she loved the money they paid her. Ever since she’d requested membership to the B. B. MC, he’d seen her in different clothes every single day. Providing she took dick, he didn’t care what she wore, or how she spent the money they gave her.

  The club also had a process for accepting women. All of the men had to agree to the woman joining, and at least three men had to have fucked her brains out, taking her for a test drive. They always put the women through their paces, finding out how far the women would go.

  A couple of women couldn’t handle being shared, giving head, anal, or even enjoy being fucked. Those women never made it. Also, the men preferred for their women to swallow their cum as well. There was nothing worse than needing release and being about to come, and the woman refused to take what was on offer. If it was a bad day at the office, he’d phone one of the club whores to come and handle his needs there and then. He didn’t care about what his employees thought of him. When he needed his dick sucked, he called on one of the girls. He liked them slutty, always willing and ready to take cock.

  He stared down at the small skirt, which was not any bigger than a belt. Her shirt came together between her breasts with a little delicate hook. Leaning forward, he flicked the catch on the hook, and her shirt fell open, spilling her breasts out.

  “I’m feeling so much better now,” he said, staring down at her large breasts. Her tits were fake, bought by the club, but he didn’t care.

  “Do you like what you see?” She ran her hand down his chest, and he took hold of her hand, and placed it over his dick.

  “What do you think?”

  “Oh, baby, why didn’t you give me a call? I’d have taken care of that for you.”

  He smiled, not about to tell her that Luna had taken care of him. Tina wasn’t the jealous type, but he didn’t talk about the women he fucked, even with the club.

  “You can take care of me now.” He moved out of the bar and turned toward her. She sank to her knees, and went for his belt buckle. Taking his whiskey in hand, he pressed the glass to his lips and took a drink. She took out his cock, and her lips were on him within the next second. Closing his eyes, he enjoyed the heat of her lips around him.

  “Long day?” Lewis asked.

  Opening his eyes, he stared at one of his friends as he took a seat opposite him. Running his fingers through Tina’s hair, he wrapped the length around his fist. He pumped into her mouth and groaned as she swallowed him deep.

  “Too fucking long.”

  “You going to be long?”

  “Nah, I need release.”

  Lewis raised his brow and sat back. “There’s something I want to talk to you about.”

  From the sound of Lewis’s voice it seemed serious.

  “Business, pleasure, or personal?”

  “Personal and business.”

  Lewis was on a mission to find trafficked women. He worked closely with law enforcement, and so far the club had helped save over fifty women from being taken. It was a low number considering the women who were actually taken were in the thousands. To other organizations who couldn’t rescue the women, they were heroes. Russ wasn’t a hero. He helped his friend to save the women who were taken. From what he learned, Lewis had lost a friend years ago, and was trying to find her, or at least rescue as many women as he could.

  Tapping Tina’s head, Russ pulled her up. “We’ll finish this later. Business before that beautiful mouth.”

  She gave a pout but didn’t argue with him, getting to her feet and leaving.

  “You want to go to our office?” he asked.


  They made their way out of the main club room, toward the private office where they all discussed club business. Russ leaned against the desk and waited for his friend to speak. Lewis closed and locked the door.

  “I’ve found a station where they’re housing at least twenty women.”

  Russ nodded. He didn’t doubt that this would be the reason his friend wanted to talk. “
Are you sure?”

  “I’m positive.” Lewis moved around the desk, firing up the laptop. The laptop was used by the whole of the club, and each person had a separate password with which to access it. The security kept their business private, and also created a log for all of them to know who logged on when.

  He stood behind Lewis and watched as he accessed the information.

  “You’re putting a lot of faith in your contact, Lewis.”

  Lewis had a private contact that none of the guys knew. The only person to get the information was Lewis, and Russ didn’t know if Lewis had even seen the guy who sent the information. They couldn’t trace the email account, nor could they trace the number the person used. The voice was also masked, so they didn’t know who it was.

  “We’ve never been given false information, Russ. Whoever is doing this knows their stuff.”

  Russ read the location, and saw some of the pictures that had also been sent as proof. “This is close to us.”

  “I know. These girls have been taken from the local areas, the poor areas that no one seems to give a shit about. Can you believe it, girls just stolen off the street, and people too scared to protect them.”

  “They’re not us. You’ve got to remember things go down differently there.”

  “I just fucking hate it. They’re disgusting bastards, and I want to hurt them. I want to kill every single one of them.”

  Russ placed his hand on Lewis’s shoulder. “We’re going to find her.”

  “It’s not just about her, Russ. It’s about all of them. These women, they have rights, and I don’t give a shit what anyone says, I’m going to spend my life going after them.”

  Nodding, Russ took a deep breath. “We’ll figure it out.”

  For the next ten minutes they read through the information, and Russ wasn’t surprised to see they were in an abandoned location just on the outskirts of the city. Most of the traffickers they’d encountered kept the kidnapped women in secure locations that were easily disguised.

  From the looks here, they were dealing with a ranch for dog handling, and the front of the ranch had a large steel gate to keep everyone out. It would be perfect with cages to keep the women locked up.

  “You want to go in soon?”

  “Yes. My informant believes they’re moving them out the day after tomorrow. I don’t want to miss it.”

  “I’ll call the brothers, and we ride out tomorrow.”

  “I’ve already contacted my guy in law enforcement. He’s putting together a small crew to go with us. Tonight is too short notice, but we can head in tomorrow, after dark.”

  In the beginning the law enforcement didn’t take them seriously. A bunch of billionaires playing at being tough. They had proven them wrong when they’d called them to the scene where there had been a mass murder of the trafficked women.

  Some of the women they went to save, wouldn’t make it. If they were not careful, the men would shoot the women and take off. They’d have no survivors, and no criminals. Russ wanted to keep the number of victims down to a minimum.

  It was a messy business, and Russ couldn’t imagine doing anything else. He saw the damage in Lewis’s eyes, and with each rescue, it seemed to help. Russ would do anything for his nine brothers, and for the club.


  The pain was unlike anything she’d ever experienced in her life, and Anna Little had experienced a great deal of pain. Her mother had been a crack whore, so Anna was used to taking a beating every now and then. Once her mother died, she was put into the foster system, and nothing ever got easy after that.

  Her life had gotten easier the day she turned eighteen, and was able to go out on her own. She had her best friend, Karen, and together they were going to conquer the world. They had believed they were going to make it in the world of business and become millionaires one day. That was never going to happen, not then, and not now.

  Tears filled her eyes as she thought about her pretty, petite friend. Karen had been so beautiful on the inside and out.

  She shouldn’t be dead.

  Taking a deep breath, she pressed her hand against her rib and held in the noise. If she made a sound, they would take the belt to her again, and her back was already in so much pain.

  Don’t make a sound. Don’t make a sound.

  Karen had died in her arms three days ago. Those fuckers had filled her with drugs, and hadn’t even taken the time to find out she was a fucking diabetic, and without her insulin, she was lucky to have lasted three days in their care.

  Care? What a laugh. These men were monsters, and Anna hoped someday someone was going to come, and show them what it meant to have their asses kicked. She hated them. She hated all of them.

  Staring down at her hands, she tried to think positively. Her hands were covered with dirt and blood, and it had been a week since she had a shower. She stank of vomit, piss, and God knows what else.

  She and Karen had been making their way back to their apartment after looking over a small shop in the center of the city. They had saved up enough money that they were thinking of opening either a small bakery, or maybe a specialist food store. Neither of them had decided what they wanted to do. Their options were limitless. They were both twenty-two, excited, and ready to take on the world.

  A black van had pulled up beside them, and before either of them could react, someone had slammed their fist against her face, and started to take Karen. No one hurt her friend, and Anna had been taking care of Karen since they were young. She had ignored her pain, gotten up, and started fighting, but Anna hadn’t stood a chance against four men. They overpowered her easily, dragged her into the van, beat her, and then everything had gone to hell. She was in so much pain, and throughout it all, she had to witness her best friend’s pain. They forced her to watch as they repeatedly raped and degraded her friend. They hadn’t touched Anna. Instead they had used her as a punching bag. They told her she was too fat and ugly to be used for anything else. It had all been a waste as her friend was still dead, and now she was still here.

  Something was going on. She saw the way the men were talking on their phones, and rounding them all up. She sat in her cage, which was for a dog, and waited. Several of the women were rocking backwards and forwards, trying to find a happy place. Anna had stopped trying to do that within hours of being taken.

  She rubbed at her chest as she thought about Karen, her best friend. If she ever got out of here alive she wouldn’t see her friend again. Was there even a point in living?

  “Anna, don’t stop fighting. Do you hear? Don’t stop.”

  Those had been Karen’s last words before she slipped into a diabetic coma, and not long after that, she’d died. Her body was still lying on the ground in the corner beneath a ratty old carpet along with three more women.

  Anna had witnessed more violence in the last week than she ever wanted to remember. One girl had been petrified and tried to run. She’d been dragged back by her hair so that clumps of it were missing, beaten, and then shot in the head. The animals didn’t care. None of them did.

  She jerked as someone hit out at her cage.

  “Hey, little bitch, this cage suits you.”

  Glancing up, she saw her tormentor was the one who gave all the women drugs. He was the reason Karen was dead, and her anger started to fester.

  “I bet you’re starving right now, right?” he asked.

  Not saying a word, she averted her gaze and stared at her blood soaked hands.

  “Hey, I’m talking to you, slut!” He slammed the cage, and Anna forced herself to look at him.

  “Does it feel good?” she asked. Her voice was raw from all the screaming and shouting she’d done. Not only was her voice raw from actually using it, but the man in front of her had tried to strangle her.


  “You kidnap women, and then you beat them into submission. Does it make you feel good, tough, strong?”

  He smirked. “You better be careful.”

Anna was past caring. She had been pushed to her limit, and her ability to care was gone. Her best friend was dead. She had no family, and no one was waiting for her at home. Anna even doubted anyone knew she was missing. Her life sucked. It was one big pile of shit with no way out.

  “Or what? You’ll beat me? You’ve done that.” She wiped the tears that had spilled from her eyes. “You’re just a coward.”

  “You think that?” The man was smiling, and Anna knew she should be afraid, but she didn’t care.

  “There are no men here. You’re all afraid of men, and you get power from hurting women. You’re all just a bunch of cowards.” And she wanted to die.

  The moment he opened her cage and dragged her out, Anna tuned everything out. At first, she surprised him by landing in a few blows herself. After he knocked her down to the ground, everything became a blur.

  She wanted to go to Karen.

  Anna was done being alone, and she was goading him to make it possible for her to finally have peace.

  When darkness came, she prayed it would stay.

  There was nothing else for her.

  Chapter Two

  “It’s a simple extraction. Kill who comes close, and backup will be there and waiting. We go in quiet,” Lewis said, pointing at the layout of the old ranch house. Richard, John, Dave, and Jamie stood up looking at the location. Sean, Malcolm, Blake, and Jackson had already gone over the details. This was the club in its entirety.

  “Our main entrance is through the front gates,” Richard said.

  “No,” Blake said. “Look there.” He pointed several yards down to a wooden gate. Russ had done a drive by in his car, taking pictures of the building as he passed after Lewis told him where it was.

  Russ’s gut twisted at the thought of what could be happening there. He’d wanted to know how good security was, and he’d pulled up against the gate and pulled out a map, pretending to read it. He’d not worn his leather cut, sticking to his suit. It was one of the benefits of being both a businessman and a member of the MC. He could blend in. Within minutes a guy who had blood spatters on his clothing had come up, demanding he leave.


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