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Yours Royally: A Cinderella Love Story (Billionaires and Brides Book 3)

Page 13

by Krista Lakes

  “Then I did a good job,” he said, with a smirk. “The rest of the tour is on the fourth floor right now. You should go catch up with them. But don't tell them that you caught me down here. I want to scare them when they come back down.”

  “So wait, if you did the water thing, did you also do the cold breeze outside of the apartment?” Sabrina asked.

  The man shook his head, his smile fading. “Absolutely not. Anything else you've noticed has been real. Seriously.”

  “Come on,” Marco said, taking Sabrina's hand. “Let's go catch up with the group.”

  They made their way up to the third floor. They were laughing now, shocked by their overreaction to a few drops of water on their necks. They found the tour group inside another apartment. James was going on about some murder that had taken place there in the mid-1800's, but Marco didn't pay much attention. Neither did Sabrina. They just stood at the back of the group, holding each other, with their necks still wet from the over-ambitious special effects guy.

  “This has been an interesting tour, don't you think?” Marco whispered. “Are you enjoying yourself?”

  “I'm having a lot of fun,” she replied. “I can't believe how bad that guy scared me with the water. I do kind of wonder if he had something to do with the cold breeze and Lizzy's door opening, though. I mean it would definitely make sense if that was all set up.”

  Marco listened and watched her lips as she spoke. He wanted to lean in and kiss her again, but he held back. It wasn't the right place or time. But he knew right then that Sabrina was the girl for him.

  He didn't know exactly why, because it didn't make sense. She wasn't what he had expected. She was sweet and optimistic. Her smile never wavered and she was determined to succeed. He'd never met anyone like her before. She stirred up emotions inside of him that he hadn't ever experienced. Emotions that no other girl had ever come close to creating.

  He wasn't going to let her slip through his fingers. He had a very short amount of time with this beautiful Southern belle and he refused to waste any of it. Marco was a prince of the realm, and he always got what he wanted, and right now, he wanted Sabrina.

  Chapter 10


  Sabrina smiled the entire ride back to the hotel. The ghost tour had been amazing and she couldn't stop thinking about it. But her joy was caused by more than just the tour. Her happiness was mostly due to the man sitting next to her in the backseat of the car. Marco, the wealthy foreigner who could have been an underwear model in a different life, had just taken Sabrina on something that very closely resembled a date.

  She knew that probably wasn't really his intention, and in all actuality, Marco had likely just wanted to check out a ghost tour for his own entertainment. But the thought of it being something more than that made her happy. The idea that a simple, penniless girl like herself could be taken out on an actual date with a man like Marco had her smiling from ear to ear, and kept her heart thumping loudly behind her rib cage.

  “That was so much fun,” Sabrina said, as the two of them stepped off of the elevator and walked down the hallway toward their hotel rooms. “I still can't believe how badly that guy scared me with the water.”

  She brushed her hair back over her ear, suddenly feeling a bit embarrassed by how much of a wuss she had been.

  “I'm glad you enjoyed yourself,” Marco said, smiling. His dark eyes sparkled with laughter at their adventure. “It turned out to be even more entertaining than I thought it would be. I'm fairly convinced the employee was behind the effects.”

  Sabrina nodded, as she pulled out the key card from her purse and slid it in her door. “Yeah, it's possible. I guess we'll never know, though.”

  There was a pause as Sabrina stood there in front of her door. She didn't want the night to end yet. It was still early and she had absolutely nothing to do in her hotel room, besides watching the boring infomercials that would inevitably be on TV.

  “I guess I'll see you tomorrow,” she said, with a sigh. “Valetta set up some sightseeing opportunities for you tomorrow, so I'll make sure everything is ready.”

  “You're going to bed already?” Marco asked. “Why don't you come enjoy a drink with me in my room? There are some decent vodkas stocked in the refrigerator.”

  “That sounds great,” Sabrina said, not hesitating to accept the invite. In fact, it was exactly what she had been hoping for. She quickly put her key card back into her purse. “Just promise me that there won't be any orange flavoring in it this time.”

  Marco chuckled as he opened the door to his room and held it for Sabrina. “I think we both had more than enough orange flavoring last night. I was thinking of making something simple, like a vodka tonic.”

  Sabrina stepped inside and glanced around. Marco's oversized suite was was still neat and orderly from the work she had put in earlier that day. His clothes were folded and the bed made in the bedroom and the front sitting room was organized and clean. She knew the bathroom was spotless and she'd vacuumed as well as any housekeeping staff. She definitely didn't mind the work at all, but she looked forward to the day when her future college degree would pave the way to a job that didn't include manual labor.

  Marco stepped past her and went straight to the bar to fix some drinks. Sabrina took a seat at one of the bar stools and watched him. Her mind was swimming with thoughts as she admired the way he moved around the kitchen. Everything about Marco was elegant, from the way he dressed to the way he spoke. She was drawn to it, with the fascination of a child. His refinement in everything was such a far cry from all she had ever known.

  But there was another side to him that she had seen as well. She saw it when they had run from the paparazzi and she noticed it in the haunted apartment building. During those moments of stress, Marco had made a distinct effort to protect Sabrina. It seemed as though he would have happily stood in harm’s way to keep her safe.

  “Here you go,” Marco said, spinning around with two bubbly drinks in hand. “Vodka tonics, with a squeeze of lime. It should be a little more refreshing than the drinks we had last night.”

  Sabrina took the glass from him and then held it in the air. “Here's to a very interesting day.”

  “Salut,” he replied, clinking his glass against hers. “The most interesting day I've had in quite some time. I'm glad you were there with me to witness it.”

  Sabrina took a sip and Marco did the same. She watched his mouth as he tasted the liquid and smiled. She wondered if she kissed him, would he taste like the vodka? Or would he taste sweet like before?

  Something about the privacy of his room and the fact that her lips still tingled from their kiss at the haunted apartment made her keenly aware of her own intentions. She wanted to kiss her boss again and it made her nervous. He was leaving for his home in a few short weeks, but until then, he was still her employer.

  Maybe he treats every woman like a princess. What would make me so special? she thought, taking another sip of her drink. I'm nothing like the women he's probably used to. I wear clothes from a second-hand store and live in a trailer park. There has to be a catch. Why does he like me?

  “How would you like to hear some music?” Marco asked, shaking Sabrina from her thoughts. “I'll play you something from my home.”

  “That sounds nice,” she said. “What kind of music is it?”

  Marco walked swiftly to the bedroom and returned with his computer. “It's kind of like salsa music. It's for dancing.”

  Sabrina swallowed, feeling a burst of nervousness fill her. She hoped that he wasn't going to ask her to try to dance. She was horrible at dancing. She didn't have rhythm and was cursed with two left feet.

  Marco started up the music. It began with a simple drum beat, but soon flutes and horns chimed in. The music was extremely complicated and sounded like a combination of jazz and blues, mixed with salsa. Underlying the melody, though, was a rhythmic beat that actually caused Sabrina to tap her toes.

  “Do you like it?” Marco ask
ed, as he stepped close to Sabrina and placed his hand onto her lower back. “I imagine it sounds quite a bit different from the music that is made here.”

  Sabrina nodded. Her bangs fell into her eyes and Marco reached up, pushing her hair across her forehead and behind her ear. It was such a simple act, but meant so much to her.

  “My hair is a mess,” she said, desperately filling the silence with anything she could think of.

  “I think you look beautiful,” Marco said, sliding his fingertips down her cheek. “The most beautiful girl in New York City.”

  Sabrina bit her bottom lip and looked at the ground, unable to fully accept such a compliment. How Marco saw her and how she saw herself were two entirely different things.

  “That's really sweet,” she said, bringing her gaze back up to his eyes. “Thank you.”

  Marco leaned in and kissed her. Her eyes widened at first, surprised by the sudden affection. They resumed what they had started at the haunted apartment, though this time with even more passion and far fewer ghosts. Sabrina stood up from her stool without breaking the kiss. She brought her hands to the top of Marco's shoulders, pulling herself close to him. Her body tingled all over as their tongues danced.

  Somewhere, in the very back of her mind, Sabrina knew that she was falling for this guy. And she realized that it put her at risk of getting hurt. She'd had her heart broken before, and she understood that it could likely happen again. But Marco was different. She wanted to believe that he would never hurt her.

  She felt his hands slide down her sides, gliding easily along the smooth fabric of her shirt to the band of her pants. His touch turned her on, and a surge of excitement pumped through her. She breathed in, letting the soft scent of Marco's cologne fill her nose. She placed her hands onto his face. His beard stubble scratched at her fingertips as she drew her hands downward, all the way to his neck and then to his chest.

  Marco slowly broke their kiss and looked into her eyes. Sabrina saw that his pupils had dilated and he was breathing harder now. Her hands were still on his chest and she noticed the rise and fall of each breath.

  He wrapped one arm around her waist and lifted her from the floor, cradling the backside of her knees with his other arm. She was surprised by his strength as he carried her effortlessly away from the bar and to the darkened bedroom. It was as though she was in a trance, unable to take her gaze away from him. His masculine features, the beard stubble and his chiseled jaw, which were half-covered by his shoulder-length black hair. This was every woman's dream come true, and she was living it. Sabrina put a note in the back of her mind to pinch herself when this was over, just to make sure that it was all actually real. Until then, she didn't want to wake up.

  Marco carefully laid Sabrina down on the bed. Her eyes stayed locked on him as he crawled over the top of her and resumed their kiss. She moaned softly as a surge of passion filled her. With Marco's body on top of hers, the craving inside of her intensified and she became wet with desire. There was no hesitation any longer and all she wanted was to have him, all of him. Her hands wandered, moving up and down Marco's back while their tongues dances inside each others’ mouths. After a few seconds, Marco slowly pulled away. Sabrina noticed that her own breathing had quickened. She was practically panting, as desperation filled her core.

  “Take off your shirt,” she told him, surprised by her own assertiveness.

  “Why don't you help me?” he asked with a flirtatious grin. “I want you to do it.”

  Sabrina sat up and brought her hands to Marco's pecs. Slowly, she undid the top button of his shirt, revealing a little skin and a bit of his chest. Then she dropped her hands to the next button down, undressing him a little bit at a time until his entire front was exposed.

  Whoa. He's even more gorgeous than I imagined, she thought, as Marco let the shirt fall off of his shoulders.

  She knew he was athletic since it had been clear from the first day they had met. But she never knew he looked quite like this.

  Is he an Olympic swimmer or something? she wondered, as her gaze moved up and down his body. His island is in the Mediterranean, maybe he's actually a Greek god in disguise.

  Marco reached forward and touched the waistband of her pants. Slowly, he undid the top button, exposing her stomach and the sliver of silk fabric underneath. She bit her bottom lip and did her best not to feel self-conscious. She wriggled her hips, leaving her with just the her underthings and her t-shirt.

  “Your turn,” she said, looking up at him. “Can you help me take this off?”

  It was as though Marco had been waiting patiently for years to hear those words come out of Sabrina's mouth. He slowly pulled the shirt upward until it was bunched up over the top of her breasts.

  “Lift your hands up,” he whispered, his breath landing across Sabrina's bare cleavage.

  Sabrina did as he asked and brought her hands above her head. Marco pulled the shirt off and let it fall to the floor beside the bed. She was now in front of him wearing only her underwear. It was just a simple white bra and underwear since she didn't have the money to afford anything fancier.

  Marco didn't seem to mind one bit. His eyes told Sabrina everything that she wanted to know. There was an animalistic lust behind them, an instinctual desire that was apparent in the way he looked at her. It stirred a deep emotion inside of her and caused all logical thought to escape her mind. Without even realizing it, she had reached forward and brought her hands to Marco's belt. She unclasped the buckle quickly, with a newfound urgency. She wanted what was underneath there, and she wanted it badly.

  After loosening his belt, she slipped her fingers into the waist band of his slacks and pulled them down. It revealed his black boxer-briefs, which concealed the firm bulge of his cock beneath. Another wave of excitement filled her at the sight. This was really happening, and she was ready for it. Marco's pants were bunched up at his knees and the current position he was in kept them from coming off. He crawled off the bed and finished what Sabrina had started, letting his pants fall to his ankles. He then reached for his underwear. Sabrina watched intently, as her body filled with fire.

  He's absolutely beautiful, she thought. Am I dreaming? I must be dreaming. Yep, that's what's happening right now. I'm in my bed in my parent's trailer and this is all a figment of my imagination. But I don't have an imagination, or at least one that's creative enough to come up with something as incredible as Marco.

  Sabrina licked her bottom lip as Marco hooked his thumbs behind the elastic waist strap of his underwear. Her eyes went from his face, past his muscular chest and all the way down his abs. She followed the lines of his hips, as he pulled his underwear down. Inch by inch, he slipped them off until they got past his knees and fell to the floor at his feet. He now stood next to the bed, gloriously naked and fully erect.

  Marco kicked his pants and underwear to the side and then got back on the bed. This time, though, he sat behind her. He pulled her hair to the side and kissed the back of her neck, sending a pleasurable chill down Sabrina's spine. She let out a slow breath, as his soft lips grazed her sensitive skin. His hands were on her sides and she leaned backward a bit, pressing her body against him.

  She closed her eyes and focused on the sensation of Marco's hands. He had wrapped his arms around her and his fingertips danced along the outside of her hips, teasing the top of her panties. His hands were warm and his contact was sensual and safe. The way he touched her and kissed her neck made her feel like she was the most beautiful woman in the entire world. And for the moment, she was at least the center of Marco's world, and that was enough for her.

  His hands wandered around to her back and then up to the clasp of her bra.

  “May I?” he asked, with a little chuckle.

  Sabrina nodded. “Yes, of course.”

  Marco undid the clasp and then carefully slid the shoulder straps off until the bra fell down her arms, exposing her chest to the air. She leaned back toward him, encouraging him to touch her. Marco's han
ds went to her belly and then upward, cradling her breasts in his hands. An electric shock of pleasure pulsed into her. His touch was gentle yet firm, as he fondled her. She moaned softly, unable to find any words as his touch stole any ability to think.

  Marco growled softly, his lips grazing the outside of her neck until he brought his lips to hers. His hands were all over her as he sat behind her on the bed. She wanted his touch, and too much of it would never have been enough. After a moment, though, she broke the kiss. The desperate ache inside of her had become too strong, and there was only one thing that could quench the fire. She scooted over a bit on the bed and then laid back, resting her head on the pillows.

  Marco laid beside her. He touched her breasts, gliding his fingers carefully over her hard nipples. It sent a shiver of sensation into her and she groaned softly, pressing her chest out. Marco then crawled over the top of her. He placed his hands onto the bed, just above her shoulders and held himself up like that. His breathing was deep and intense now, and the look of lust in his eyes were more prominent then before. He licked his lips and then brought his face down to her breasts, flicking his tongue against one of her nipples.

  He licked the sensitive nub a few times and then brought his mouth over it. Sabrina gasped, as bliss continued to fill her. She moved her body, gently grinding her hips upward against Marco's. The movement caused him to slide between her legs. She still had her panties on, but she could feel everything. His length pressed against the thin cotton, creating friction against her.

  Sabrina drew in a breath through her teeth. Marco slowly pulled his mouth away from her breast, creating a wet kissing noise as he withdrew. He licked his lips again and then brought his face over her other nipple, giving it the same attention. Meanwhile, Sabrina continued to buck her hips upward, grinding against his cock. The double pleasure had her squirming beneath him.

  After a moment, he pulled his face away and then brought his lips to the center of her cleavage. He kissed there and then made his way downward, dragging his lips and tongue in a straight line. When he got to her belly button, he didn't stop. He pressed on all the way to her panties. Sabrina opened her eyes and watched him. He looked up at her and smirked, as he gently tugged on her underwear.


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