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Yours Royally: A Cinderella Love Story (Billionaires and Brides Book 3)

Page 29

by Krista Lakes

  "So," I said, trying to break him out of it. "I should probably get back to the resort. My family probably thinks I wandered off into the ocean by now."

  "That's already been taken care of. Jack has let your family know that you wandered off with me," he said.

  I blushed and looked down at my feet. They knew my reputation all too well and were probably already making assumptions. "Great," I said. "We might as well take our time then."

  "My thinking exactly," he said. "I saw you looking at my house earlier. Would you like a tour?"

  I hesitated. The place had been huge, and I had wanted to check it out, but now I wavered. My inner voice popped up again. Go! Check out the billionaire's mansion! You're on vacation, and besides, when are you going to get another chance like this?

  My inner voice was right. It was a vacation. I wasn't about to fall in love like I always seemed to do, and even if I did, my vacation was going to be over tomorrow anyway.

  "I'd love a tour," I said. I could feel my smile beaming, but I still don't think it was as big as his was.

  Chapter 6

  He opened the huge oak door to his house and ushered me inside. I stood at the entrance for a moment, not wanting to track sand all over, but he just kicked his sandals off near the wall and walked right in. I followed suit.

  I knew that Jack had been staying here when he met Emma, and that he had stopped sleeping here to stay in her cabana house by the beach. I'm sure if Emma had known what he was giving up to be with her, she would have insisted on living here instead.

  Owen took me on the grand tour, showing me the kitchen, the living room, the dining room, and the backyard where he hosted parties. A beautiful gazebo stood in one corner, and I thought about how much I'd like to have a gazebo like that in my backyard someday.

  An open door revealed some stairs leading downward. "What's down there?" I asked.

  He shrugged. "Nothing really. Just where I hang out when it's just me and close friends."

  I waited. "Well, can I see it?"

  He looked at me quizzically. "You want to see my Man Cave?"

  I laughed. "Of course I want to see your Man Cave."

  I walked down the wooden stairs. The light from the basement stairwell only reached slightly into the room, so I had to squint in order to see. Owen switched a switch and the room lit up.

  A tattered, comfortable looking, leather couch sat in front of a big screen TV. One of every video game system made since the Super Nintendo was hooked up, with controllers and games neatly filed in drawers on either side of the entertainment center. An old pinball machine whirred to life in the corner. Neon signs flickered on over a wooden bar with every kind of liquor I could think of.

  "What do you think?" he asked.

  "It's... a Man Cave, alright," I said.

  He walked behind the bar, immediately picking up a washcloth and a glass. "What can I get you, young lady?" he inquired.

  "Were you a bartender in a past life?" I quipped, taking a seat on one of the stools. "I'll take a Malibu on the rocks."

  "A good vacation choice," he said. "I play bartender every chance I get. Someday, when I retire, I'm going to open up a bar."

  "Bars are too much trouble," I said. "You have to get a liquor license, jump through all sorts of hoops, and then you have to make the place chic."

  "Too true. Would you like a splash of pineapple juice?" he asked, pouring a drink for himself as well.

  "That sounds delicious." He set the drink down in front of me and I took a sip. "When I retire, I want to open a bed and breakfast. Just a few rooms, I'll cook up eggs and pancakes every morning, my husband can gossip with the guests..."

  "So this is a group thing, huh? You're going to drag your future husband into this scheme of yours as well?" he asked, a teasing tone to his voice.

  I shrugged and took another drink. "It's my fantasy, so yes, he's into the scheme."

  "What other fantasies do you have?" he wondered, leaning in.

  Danger! Danger, Kaylee! I thought. The comment was clearly sexual in nature, and if I spent all day talking about my fantasies, he'd have me right where he wanted me...

  I tossed the rest of the drink back. "Pour me another, barkeep, and don't skimp on the pineapple juice," I said. Another drink was poured for me, quick as could be. I reached into my pocket and opened up my wallet, fishing out a dollar bill. I slid it across the table toward him. "Don't spend it all in one place."

  He grabbed the pocket of his shirt and opened it toward me, leaning in. I picked the dollar back up and tucked it in the open space. As I stuffed the bill in, I felt his muscular chest again, but I didn't pull my hand away.

  "What kind of fantasies can a man like you have, anyway? What can a billion of these not buy?" I asked, moving the dollar bill against his chest more.

  His eyes flickered, a flash of sadness behind them for just a moment. "I'm still a human being, you know. One with wants and needs. Do you really want to know what I want the most?"

  I leaned in closer. "Tell me."

  He pulled away. Was it something I said? I thought. I didn't know what I had done to offend him, to make him pull back, but then he walked around the bar, and sat down at the stool next to me. His voice got even lower as he leaned in conspiratorially.

  "Jack and I were supposed to hang out last year at his vacation. Even though he brought his secretary, it was supposed to be kind of a bachelor party that we'd never have, because we both knew that we'd never find someone who could look past all this," he said as he waved his hand in the air, as if this Man Cave were the measure of his wealth.

  "But, after I didn't see him the entire trip, we shared a flight back to New York. He had met someone, and he wouldn't shut up about her." His voice got lower, as if he were ashamed. "How witty she was. How fantastic in bed she was. When I found out that she hadn't even known about his money, you can't even imagine how jealous I was. When I met Emma, I was immediately attracted to her." The tone of his voice betrayed the fact that it was more than just an attraction.

  It was a startling confession. The suave billionaire must have known that the way to a woman's heart was not to basically confess their unrequited love for their younger sister, but he had done just that.

  "But Jack had never been happier, so I kept my distance. Oh, we spoke, and of course I flirted with her, but it was painful. She has no idea of course." He looked at me, and his eyes conveyed an unspoken And I'd like to keep it that way.

  I nodded, unwilling to interrupt him. "But, I found out that Emma had a big sister. One who was somehow even more beautiful and just as witty. One who was having just as much problem finding happiness as her little sister had. One who I was finally going to meet at a wedding."

  He sighed, taking the dollar bill out of his shirt pocket and throwing it on the floor, looking at it with disgust. "If I could have one thing, one fantasy, it would be a time machine, so I could go back in time before you had me pegged as an asshole billionaire. I'd let you fall for me like I've already fallen for you."

  I'm his fantasy, I realized. I was speechless, but there was no need to let words do the talking. In the back of my mind, the cautious voice in my head was telling me that he might be making all this up just to get in my panties, but that voice was quickly drowned out. I looked into his blue windows of the soul, and knew that he was being completely genuine.

  I leaned in and pressed my lips against his. As my tongue darted into his mouth, I could taste the coconut liquor on his lips, and I drank him in. He returned the kiss eagerly, wrapping his hands around my back and bringing me in closer. I pulled him into me, his skin smooth on my fingers. We broke from the kiss and I marveled at his huge pecs and abs, eying him hungrily. I knew he was looking at me the same way, and it turned me on.

  My hands found their way to his chest, my nails running up and down his body immediately. He shuddered, obviously in shock that his fantasy was about to come true. My T-shirt was next, and with one deft motion, he untied the back of m
y bikini top as well. He didn't remove it, but rather allowed it to hang loosely for a moment. I smiled at him, putting my hands over my small breasts for a moment before peeling off the bikini top.

  It was at that moment that his lust hit a breaking point. He stood up from the bar stool, lifting me up like I was weightless. I wrapped my legs around him and he held me up. My hair fell into his face, getting in the way of our kisses as our bodies pressed together. I began to grind against him, pushing my body into his even more, as he walked over to the couch. He set me down gently, then kissed the length of my neck, drinking in my body. He kissed each of my breasts for just a few moments, my nipples hardening as soon as they felt his tongue against them. Then he continued moving down.

  I felt a momentary pang of panic as he unbuttoned my jean shorts, but it passed as soon as I looked into his eyes. I saw nothing but honest love emanating from him, and I wanted him to continue. I needed him.

  He worked the jean shorts down my long legs before untying my bikini bottoms. Those, too, were off my legs in a heartbeat. He began to kiss up my legs, past my knees, working toward my thighs...

  I knew where he was going, and I knew my own body better than he did. After all the walking, the parasailing, and the alcohol, I wasn't at my freshest. I grabbed him by the hair, but he kept moving up. "Owen, you don't have to... to..." I stopped as his tongue met my labia, unable to speak any longer.

  The guys I had been with never bothered to give me head, but I could honestly say that that first time Owen performed cunnilingus on me, he changed my world. He devoured me, giving everything that he had to my pleasure. His tongue moved up and down in ways that I hadn't thought possible. As he grabbed my legs and positioned himself to better hit my pleasure center, I knew that I wouldn't be able to last long.

  As I had when we were on the back of the boat, getting ready to parasail, I felt myself begin to lose control. I could feel myself floating, being dragged up and off by nature itself. Only this time, I felt more prepared. I didn't panic, I let it happen. I let myself be lifted into the sky by the pleasure that coursed through my body, and as I felt myself climbing, I could feel my muscles become more and more tense.

  "Oh, Owen," I moaned as I reached into the heavens. My hands went from Owen's hair to the arm of the couch behind me as I braced myself for my orgasm. I felt his tongue lift me higher and higher, until I felt like I was above the clouds. My muscles began to jerk as I found myself in heaven, the pleasure so intense that I squeezed my legs around Owen's head as the most intense orgasm of my life rocked my body.

  As the pleasure subsided a little, I felt myself dip back below the clouds. I relaxed my grip on Owen's head, expecting him to stop, but he just kept going at the same pace and intensity. I felt the wind beneath my sails again as I rose even higher into the clouds. I felt my body begin to sweat as my eyes rolled back into my head and I orgasmed again.

  As this second orgasm subsided, I grabbed Owen by the hair and pulled hard. He immediately came up to my mouth and kissed me, as he worked his swimming trunks off. I could feel his erection press up against me and I wanted it more than anything.

  "Please, Owen. Please, make love to me," I begged, rocking my body up against his. He moved his lips to my ear, kissing me lightly.

  I continued to try to take him inside of me. "Wait," he said, but I couldn't help myself. I needed him, worse than I had needed any man in my life. "Wait!" he insisted, but I didn't listen. I heard him groan into my ear, and he obviously wanted this as much as I did. With what must have been Herculean strength, he managed to break from me. I watched his toned ass as he moved to his entertainment center and opened the drawer labeled "Sega Genesis". He reached his hand in and pulled out a condom.

  As he turned, I finally got a look at his manhood. It was long and thick, and incredibly sexy. He tore open the wrapper of the condom and rolled it onto his cock. I was on birth control, but I appreciated the gesture and I wasn't about to stop him. He quickly returned, finding the exact position he had left.

  "Now I'm ready," he said, and immediately began to push into me. I was so wet, but I could still feel him expanding me, stretching me. I dug my nails into his back and bit his shoulder as he filled me completely. I heard him moan with pleasure as I enveloped him. He whispered into my ear, "I've wanted this for so long."

  He pushed himself up with his huge biceps, making the muscles flex and gleam in the light. I raked my fingernails from where they had dug into his back down his sides, and he began to thrust inside me in earnest. His body, already with a light sheen of moisture on it, began to sweat as he pumped in and out of me. I moved my hands to my breasts as they swayed underneath him, as he growled with appreciation.

  No man I had ever been with had the rhythm and strength of Owen Parker. With every mighty thrust within me, I felt like he was going deeper and deeper. I looked at his backside as his hips undulated like a snake and his ass moved back and forth. "Oh, that is so hot," I moaned.

  A drop of sweat fell from his forehead right before he pulled out of me, turning me on my side. He got behind me on the couch, putting one arm beneath my neck and the other over my body, grabbing one breast in each hand. I lifted one leg and allowed him to enter my nether regions before wrapping his legs up in mine.

  We writhed together as if we were one person. I felt his smooth, hairless chest against my back as he pushed into me with increased intensity. I could feel him squeezing me in tighter, his arms pulling me into him, trying to absorb me. I wanted him to absorb me. With him inside me, I felt whole.

  I felt his thrusts get more and more frantic. I knew that he was about to have his own orgasm, and I wanted to be right there with him. My hand moved south, and I began to vigorously rub myself. With him filling me and my own direct stimulation, I felt myself rising toward orgasm even quicker than before.

  As my body began to tense up, I felt his breath in my ear. It was coming in ragged bursts now, as he was clearly getting close. "Yes," I moaned. I felt myself rising on the parasail again, only this time I wasn't alone. This time, I had someone in the seat next to me, rising himself, becoming closer to me.

  As he slammed into me, groaning into my ear with release, I felt my own body seize up. He hugged me even closer to him as our two bodies moved in tandem, our feet rubbing against each other, our bodies sliding against each other. He continued to breathe in my ear, and with every shudder he made, I got another rush of delight. We flew through the clouds, lifted by a parachute of pleasure, for what seemed like forever.

  Finally, he finished. He pulled out of me quickly, before he began to grow soft, and disposed of the condom. He lay back down behind me, snuggling up against me. His big arms wrapped around me, and I felt completely safe and warm. For several minutes, we laid like this while our breathing returned to normal. I should have known better than to ruin the moment, but something had been bothering me.

  "What's with the condoms in the Sega Genesis drawer?" I asked.

  He burst out laughing, the motion making me shiver with delight. "It's kind of an inside joke. I lost my virginity during a particularly intense game of Sonic the Hedgehog 2. From then on, I made sure that I always had a condom available while I played."

  I smiled. What a normal thing to have happen to a billionaire. I should stop thinking about him like that, I thought. He was just a man, and I needed to stop thinking of him as some kind of inhuman thing.

  "Do you still have it?" I asked.

  "What, the condom? No, I tossed it out," he said.

  I turned around, my breasts brushing against his chest. "No, silly. Sonic 2. I haven't played in years."

  He grinned the biggest smile I had seen since I met him. He pushed himself off the couch and went to the TV, unwrapping two controllers. I admired that ass of his as he set up the game, thinking that this was the kind of vacation I had always wanted.

  We sat there, already completely comfortable with our naked bodies, and played Sonic 2 for about half an hour. Somehow he cheated, becaus
e there was no way he could beat me that many times in a row without cheating. Halfway through a game, I heard his phone begin to ring. He set the ancient controller down on his knees and dug around in his swim trunks for his phone. I kept playing, not bothering to pause it for him. This might be my only chance to win a round.

  Someone was talking on the other end as he picked up the controller and kept playing. "Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. We'll be there." He put the controller down and started to go to the TV.

  "Wait! I'm going to beat you this time!" I said when I noticed him reaching for the video game console.

  He laughed. "I forfeit. You won all the rounds," he said as he reached for the power button again.

  "That's not fair!" I exclaimed. "You're just giving up because you know you're going to lose."

  He looked at me for about a half-second, then quickly ran back to the couch and lifted up the controller, picking up where he had left off. It was a close one, but I eked out a victory by a smaller margin than I should have. My victory dance was probably a little excessive, but he didn't seem to mind watching me prance around his Man Cave.

  "When you're done looking silly, we have a party to go to. We'll have to hurry to make it on time," he said.

  "Party?" I asked. "I didn't hear about a party."

  "Robbie just set it up. He wants everyone on his yacht for a cocktail party tonight. I know he's wanted to get everyone on that boat for a while now," he said.

  I bit my lip. It was a habit I had passed on to Emma, though she did it more than I did. "Owen, I only had a four-day weekend here. I leave tomorrow afternoon. I was hoping we could spend the rest of the evening together," I said.

  He looked at me like I was concerned about nothing. "We'll have the rest of the evening, during and after the party." I continued to look at him, thinking about how just a few minutes ago he was telling me how much he had wanted me, and now he wanted to go to a party. However, his features softened. "You're right. I'll call him back and tell him we aren't coming."


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