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Loving My Pack

Page 22

by Lane Whitt

  I snort. “That’s such a Jace thing to say.”

  He bites my earlobe, his tongue snaking out to soothe the small sting. “They are yours. Don’t let jealousy ruin our day. Feel this?” He trails his fingertips down my arm, sparking the bond electricity to life. “They know who they belong to.”

  I raise an eyebrow, or at least I try to. “They?”

  He smirks his signature cocky smirk. “We,” he corrects.

  I sigh, watching the crowding females a moment longer before letting it go and sinking back into my golden mate for a nap in the summer heat. Jace is right, sort of. I shouldn’t get jealous every time one of my guys turns someone else’s head. If I did that, I’d always be jealous. I can’t imagine a place or time every one of them wouldn’t draw attention. They definitely get my attention.

  I don’t know what wakes me sharply out of my peaceful slumber first. The sense that something isn’t right, Jace’s body tensing underneath me, or the multiple low growls surrounding me. Blinking my eyes to adjust to the lowering sun now hitting me directly, I take in my mates who have come to surround me.

  “What’s going on?” I ask through a yawn.

  “Wolves,” Tristan answers on a growl.

  “We should have sensed them earlier. They’re just staring at you. More are gathering,” Jace explains.

  “I say we get her out of here,” Ash tells Remy, arms flexing as he stares at the strangers head on.

  “Well, what do they want?” I ask, not understanding the problem. We’re wolves. Why are we scared of them being in the same place?

  “Don’t know, don’t care. They aren’t getting near you,” Remy replies.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. Why don’t you go ask if they want something, or if they’re just being rude?” I roll my eyes. There’s plenty of attractive women on this beach, some of them in next to nothing, so I don’t think this has anything to do with me.

  “You don’t seem to understand,” Remy says as he helps me to my feet, shoving the cover-up over my head urgently. “They’re changed wolves, like us. Right now they outnumber us. Our advantage is lost here.” Half of our bags and the surfboards are left abandoned on the beach as I’m rushed to the cars, encircled by my guys.

  I look back, seeing through a gap between Reed and Ash that one of the strangers has broken away from the pack and jogs warily in our direction. The guys must sense him coming, because they stop and face the newcomer.

  “If you want to leave with your head attached, you’ll stop where you are,” Ash states menacingly.

  The young guy stops in his tracks, jaw ticking at the threat. His mismatched eyes seek me out. One dark blue, the other a bright brown. “I… We weren’t trying to intrude, even if this is our territory. I was just surprised to see her. Especially an expecting her.”

  “How do you know who she is?” Tristan demands, stalking forward and circling him. Logan grips my hand subtly and I know the plan is for my fastest mate to get me out of here as soon as he gets the order from Remy.

  The guy blinks rapidly, his jaw hanging open. “You serious, mate? Word travels, you know. The Ivaskov princess has taken up residence Down Under. Did you think that would go unnoticed? Every pack from here to Norway has been talking about her.”

  “And what’s being said?” Remy demands.

  He smiles at me through my fence of bodies. “Just that she’s gonna start a revolution.” He bows dramatically, winking for added effect.

  “Cheeky bastard, isn’t he?” Jace grumbles from behind me somewhere.

  “Why were you gathering?” Remy asks. “If your purpose is to take her from us or harm her in any way, I can guarantee you won’t be walking away with your life.”

  “Ah, right,” the guy says, scratching the back of his neck as his eyes find his friends down the beach before flicking back to me. “We were wonderin’, ya know…if your call to arms was just for your territory, or if anyone could join you.”

  “Call to arms?” I ask out loud.

  “For made wolves, like us. We heard your pack was looking for recruits,” he explains.

  I shake my head, looking to Remy. “Does he mean when we opened our pack for changed wolves?”

  Remy nods. “Yeah, I think that’s what he’s getting at,” he answers me before turning to the guy. “Look, we aren’t recruiting anyone. Our Luna here has opened our ranks to allow any wolf to join us. Not to join our army specifically, but so that anyone, no matter their origin, who wants to be part of a pack can have one. We’ve had several changed wolves join us already.”

  “For protection, most likely,” the guy agrees. “The days of being hunted down by natural wolves is almost at an end, yeah? So, what do we have to do to join your pack?”

  Do? What does that mean? Is there an acceptance process that I don’t know about? I eye the guy critically as he continues to speak to Remington. Then I turn my eyes to his friends. They’re all young-looking, much as my mates and I are. His friends are tense, not knowing if this is going to end badly for them. They also appear anxious. From the looks of them, they’ve been traveling for some time now. Dirt-covered, disheveled, and days-worth of growth on some of their faces speaks to that theory. Oh. I blink with the realization. They’ve been looking for us.

  “Why do want to join us?” I interrupt whatever conversation was taking place.

  “Other than becoming an Ivaskov and not fighting for my life on a daily basis?” he replies sarcastically.

  “Yes. Other than that,” I state.

  He scratches his neck again, nervous. “I guess we just want to be on the ground floor when things change. No Alpha has ever offered sanctuary for made wolves before. It seems only a fair and righteous leader would lead the charge on such a thing. That’s an Alpha we could get behind. We’d give our lives for it. If you need soldiers or doormen, we’re in.”

  Silence reigns for a time as we take in his words. Frankly, I’m stunned. These people half a world away believe in what we’re trying to accomplish. They’d risk their eternal lives to support us. The knowledge is humbling, to say the least.

  “We’ll need a minute,” Remy dismisses the guy back to his friends. We continue to the vehicles, Logan and Ash going back for the things we left. Once our stuff is stored away, we gather at the open back of the SUV.

  “This shit is crazy,” Logan starts.

  “They took a big risk, approaching us in this way,” Ash acknowledges.

  Remy looks to me for my opinion. I give it without having to think. “When I offered sanctuary, I meant everyone. If the pack accepts them, then I will.”

  “I don’t like how they were looking at her. How do we know they don’t have some misguided idea that they could also be her mates?” Jace states. That garners growls all around.

  I slap him on the chest. “Even if they did, it’s not like I’m willing to bond with anyone else, so the point is moot.”

  “I’m more concerned about how other Alphas will see this. It was one thing to take in changed wolves from our own territory. Accepting them could send the message that we’re building an army of immortals, just like they feared,” Remy points out.

  I shrug. “Let them fear it. They already think we’re doing it anyway. We know we’re not, and it’s not our fault that they refuse to allow them into their own packs. They’ve always had the option, if not the responsibility, to have them join them.”

  “Would serve them right, too. They hunted us and killed us off like a disease, even though they created us. They should be wary,” Finn adds passionately.

  I shrug again, meeting Remy’s eyes. “We lead our pack. We set the rules. What the other packs do or fear isn’t our concern.”

  Remy smiles widely, leaning down to kiss me quickly. “I agree. Just had to make sure we were on the same page.”

  Calling over the nervous group, Jace takes the lead. “Are you all able to get yourselves to Colorado? That’s where our pack house is and I assume you’d need a place to live.”

  The one who spoke earlier speaks up again. “We kinda just live off the land, mate. Hard to hold a job when assassins are after you, you know?”

  Jace nods. “Yeah, we do know.” He turns his attention to Remy. With a slight nod, Remy gives him permission to proceed. “Is this the lot of you?” Jace asks.

  “There’s a few more of us that hasn’t made it here yet. Why’d you ask?”

  “We’ll have a spare plane flying back within a few days. If you can get all of your documentation together and anything you’d want to bring, you can catch a lift,” Jace explains.

  “Really? You mean we’re in? Just like that?” the guy chirps excitedly.

  I narrow my eyes on him. “The pack as a whole has to accept you as well. I won’t put anyone out by moving you in. We don’t have many rules, but everyone contributes and everyone looks out for everyone else. You’d have to find your places within the pack, see where you’d be most happy and most helpful. If you can do that then, yes, you’re in.”

  “Of course, my princess.” He bows again, which I have to admit looks downright silly in shorts and a tank top.

  “My title is Luna,” I correct him gently.

  Remy tells them where to meet us, which is a lie because we arrived at a different airport, but I don’t question his motives. We part ways and make our way back to our hotel.

  With the sun setting behind us I know our mini-vacation is over, and tomorrow brings with it a whole new set of things to deal with.

  After dinner, I snuggle up to Tristan and Kellan as we watch a movie before bed. I hate to leave him with the new knowledge of what’s going on with him, but I have every faith that the guys will keep Tristan safe and drug-free while I’m gone.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Morning comes entirely too early, as most mornings seem to. After a quick breakfast, and Jace finally explaining why my wardrobe here has consisted of oversized sweaters and pants (because we don’t want the world to know that I’m pregnant, apparently), we set off for the day.

  Remington and Ash had explained last night that the phony airport was given to the other wolf pack so that they could scout for any threats and make sure they are who they say they are. Once they’ve seen just how many more wolves show up, and if they determine that their intentions are good, they’ll load them up on a van and transport them to the correct airport. That’s where Albert and I will meet up with them to start heading home.

  Sitting in the back of a limo with Albert, Anna, Kendrick, and one of their guards in complete and total silence is beyond uncomfortable. The windows are completely blacked out both ways, so I can’t even watch the scenery pass by on the way to who knows where. I can’t help but think something has changed since the last time we were together. I can’t put my finger on it, but something definitely feels off. Even Anna won’t make eye contact with me.

  The car comes to a stop on a dead-end street lined with overgrown trees and shrubbery. We’re still near the water; I can smell it on the air as we exit the car. Albert sticks to my side as the car pulls away. Kendrick leads the way through an opening in the trees, the rest of us following after him. I scan my thumb over my palm, tempted to press the emergency button Finn and Kellan inserted under my skin earlier. They told me to keep it a secret, only pressing it if something happens unexpectedly so they can find me. According to Finn, it should be undetectable. I wouldn’t even know it was there if I hadn’t seen them insert it. I certainly hadn’t expected to exit the car in such a remote area, but I resist pressing it just yet. So far I’ve gained not a word of information from Kendrick, and I’m determined to know what he has to show me.

  “We’ll shift and run from here. Try to keep up,” Kendrick informs us briskly as Albert and I push through the last of the foliage.

  I wait to shift last, placing my clothing on top of the others’ and shoving it under a low-hanging tree. Albert runs in front of me, leaving me open to attack from behind, but making sure he would see any threats ahead of us first. It’s funny how, not long ago, I wouldn’t even have these kinds of thoughts. Now, danger is my first thought.

  We run towards the edge of the ocean, taking a sharp turn to run parallel to it. We run for quite some time, the sun getting lower in the sky as the terrain climbs higher and higher. We’re definitely going up a mountain. As we reach the summit, Kendrick’s wolf pauses and releases a howl. Oddly enough, I feel no instinct to reply to it. After a moment, we hear a responding howl in the distance and set off in that direction.

  Our destination lies in a natural bowl-like valley between two mountains. Only one side remains open, facing the ocean. I can imagine this would be a very difficult place to access by vehicle or plane. Now I know why we were running.

  As we get closer to the valley floor, I scent both humans and wolves…and something other. I can’t pinpoint what the smell is. It’s oddly familiar, made even more odd by the fact that I can’t place it. I search my mind for any memory containing the scent, but come up empty. But how do I remember it, then? I’m so distracted by trying to place something I can’t find a name for that I almost crash into the wolves who have halted in front of me.

  Kendrick is shifting back to human already, the others doing the same. I hesitate, knowing full well that they’ll notice my pregnant belly once I shift. So much for the big sweaters. I decide to stay as I am. No one said I had to be in my human form to take this tour. I’m given odd looks as two women approach us, carrying clothing and greeting the Alpha. I tilt my head as I listen to them, fighting my wolf to pay attention when all I really want to do is nap on the warm sand surrounding the beautiful water. I have an overwhelming desire to roll in it.

  The pair speaks in hushed tones, taking turns eyeing my wolf. I yawn at them, not caring one bit for the secrecy when I was brought here for answers. I get bored of them and stalk past to seek out the scent from earlier. I have to know what it is. Approaching a squat, wooden building, I’m instantly surrounded by growling wolves. I growl back, snapping at those daring to come too close. They attempt to circle me but I manage to back them against the building, Albert keeping watch behind me.

  “Easy there, Ivaskov. They’re just doing their job,” a feminine voice tells me, none too nicely.

  I turn my head to growl at her in warning to watch her tone. Her head tilts slightly back and away, submitting to me against her will. Good. That will do.

  “I have clothing for you,” the other woman informs me. I eye the fabric in her hand before looking to Albert, hoping he understands that I need to change in private.

  “My Luna would like to dress in private,” he lets them know, already donning a pair of dark sweatpants himself.

  “A wolf with modesty? An odd guest you bring us, Alpha,” the rude woman sneers. I bare my teeth at her. Luckily, the other one points to a small clearing in the trees that should provide enough privacy. I only need a moment.

  I dress quickly, throwing on the pink sweatpants and large t-shirt. I stalk from the trees, pointing at the building. “What’s in there?” I demand.

  “It’s one of our housing units,” the mean one replies.

  “Luna. You will address me as Luna when speaking to me. I don’t know what problem you have with me, but you will respect me while I’m here,” I inform her.

  “Of course, Luna,” she replies, somehow making my title sound like a dirty word while still attempting compliance.

  “Sybil,” the other woman warns her. She holds out a hand to me. “I’m Lacy. Welcome to our home, Luna.”

  “These women will accompany us and show you around,” Anna tells me as she gestures for me to join her and Kendrick. I walk beside them, hoping he’ll finally speak, letting the scent drift from my mind, for now.

  Albert places himself behind me and between the two women who follow as we near what I now see is the heart of a small village. I take in all the modern amenities alongside what look like buildings from a time long past. What strikes me the most is the abundance of females. Albert and
Kendrick look severely out of place as we pass women of every age huddled in groups, pointing at us and standing in doorways.

  There’s also a lot of children. Like, a lot of them. The middle of the town is designed specifically for them, it seems. A larger than life playground sits squarely in the middle of the town, facing a row of small shops selling toys, children’s clothing, and an open-air restaurant featuring tiny picnic tables and table and chair sets with tea setups. The children are all ushered away from us, making me frown. Maybe it’s because of the males with me? I don’t think so, though, considering all the women here eye me with fear or derision.

  “You might want to start talking now, Kendrick. This is pissing me off,” I growl at the Alpha.

  “Well, for starters, this place is where you came from,” he states bluntly. “This village is protected by my pack and a few others.”

  “But why? What is it?” I ask.

  “You’re looking at the last changeable female population,” he tells me.

  My head rocks back and I look again at those still out and about. “You mean they all live here? But the children…how?” I ask breathlessly.

  “They’ve always been here. The disease that plagued our women never reached here. The only reason your father was granted access is because he boasted of a vaccine to protect them from ever becoming infected.”

  “That’s impossible. If he made a vaccine, wouldn’t that mean that he also made an antidote?” I question.

  “It would stand to reason that he did. If so, I wasn’t privy to it,” he responds.

  Anna drops back to walk with Albert, leaving me with her mate. I stare accusingly at the Alpha. “He wouldn’t have kept that to himself. From all that I’ve heard of him, it was his life’s mission to cure the illness that took his mother and sisters.”

  “I suppose we’ll never know. What we do know is that he found a way to get around the bonding process that protects our females from unwanted matings. It was quite an accident on his part. The females who reside here had agreed to help him search for answers to help our race procreate. He took a liking to one woman in particular. A woman I believe was your mother,” he informs me.


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