Tainted Rose (The Starlight Gods Series Book 2)

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Tainted Rose (The Starlight Gods Series Book 2) Page 14

by Yumoyori Wilson

  “We told him he’ll get to swim with Mako.”

  “You guys are savages.”

  “It convinced him though. Marcus is gonna take Elyion with him to Earthala. They’ll probably leave in two or three hours.” I glanced at the clock onto the wall above the book case, the gold dial reading 2:30 AM.

  “I still don’t understand why you don’t call her EliaseAnne or Eli. She hates when you call her by that name. Just forces her to remember the past.”

  We all knew about EliaseAnne’s situation. We didn’t need her getting pissed and snapping at us. All it did was make us anxious as to what she would break in the house. Not to mention it made Elias cranky as hell, and no one wanted to risk dinner. If he got too upset, he would literally say, ‘fuck it’ and retire to his room.

  He was the best at cooking, Kai being next in line. I, on the other hand, would be best at burning the house down.

  “Oops.” He shrugged.

  “You totally do it on purpose.”


  “Remind me not to piss you off.”

  “You wouldn’t. Even if you did, I’m not dealing with Stryker,” Kai mumbled.

  “Are you still mad about me burning your tail?” I smirked at the memory.

  “Of course not. I’m not mad after it took six fucking rotations to grow back. Not at all, I forgave you already,” he coaxed.

  “He should blame his little friend,” Stryker mused.

  “I sometimes question how we’re all friends and haven’t killed each other yet.”

  “The Starlight gods work in mysterious ways.” Kai chuckled, returning to his sketch – the detailed image of Makoto resting in my arms, Nightmare cuddled at our feet.

  “How do you draw such a detailed image in such a short amount of time? I didn’t even sense you standing there?”

  “All I need to do is see the scene once. That’s enough for me to draw it out when I’m ready to.”

  “Photographic memory. I’ll find something you’re bad at, eventually.”

  “Goodluck. By the way, Marcus is going to get Mako a bikini.”

  I sat there for a moment, envisioning Mako wearing the two-piece. Sexy.



  “Neon pink, not that shitty, ugly pink that reminds me of that nasty liquid Marcus brings from Earthala to help with his indigestion.

  “Pepto Bismol?”

  “Ya, that shit.”

  “We decided neon pink.”

  “Good, it suits her...or floral,” I admitted, imagining the options; my body strummed with attraction. I continued. “It’s only us seeing her in it right?”

  “Yup, we’re going to set the pool up when Marcus and Elyion get back.”

  “Eli,” I corrected.

  “Meh.” He shrugged again.

  “Anything else?” I asked, yawning. I need a nap.

  “Daniel suggested we get something for Mako that can make her feel more connected to all of us.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Whatever you want. He suggested we all should get her something.”

  “Guess we got some work to do.”

  Chapter Ten

  “You didn’t love me?”

  I stood there, unable to move as my heart shattered into millions of pieces. I stared into his gold eyes...the eyes of the man who manipulated me into loving him.

  “Midnight. I—”

  He couldn’t finish. I knew he couldn’t lie. I felt something roll down my cheek. For rotations, I believed him each time he told me he loved me. The first time I saw him was in the middle of the arena.

  Everything I learned, everything, I knew – told me to destroy him. I tried, we both tried to defeat each other, but he was a worthy adversary.

  Now, I stood across from him once more. I blinked, beads of water rolled down my flush cheeks, falling onto the arena floor. I couldn’t breathe, such a task rewarded me with a reminder that I’d been betrayed; lied to, over and over again as I continued to live in this forsaken world.

  “I didn’t mean to...I mean, I did love you at one point. It’s just…there wasn’t anyone else who could survive and I just—”

  “I was just a tool to you? You didn’t love me. You simply choose to love me because I was the only option available. Only option who’d survive.” He used me the way the Owner used Mako, just another tool.


  “You knew how apprehensive I was! How hard it was for me to trust anyone here. So, you used your gift on me? To make me love you? ANSWER ME!”

  “I – you’re correct,” he admitted; his head hung as he gritted his teeth. Archangels were known for their ability to manipulate feelings. All they had to do was wish for you to feel one way and you would. There was no resistance against them…usually.

  “I hate you,” I announced; my emotions drained from me. He couldn’t manipulate what was no longer there. Now, I would show him how it feels to be broken.

  He lifted his head; his own tears rolled down his cheeks.

  “I hate you...no. I hate all Archangels with your special gift!! No, no, no. I hate the angel fucking race! Hope isn’t like you! Even if she was an Archangel she’d NEVER use her gift to manipulate people like you! Are you satisfied? Do my TEARS give you pleasure and happiness! The Owner was right. He’s always right...all people do is hurt and abandon you.” I laughed; my body trembled.

  “Midnight, let’s work this out. Don’t do this!” he yelled.

  “It wasn’t me. It was the Owner. He threatened me…told me if I didn’t do this, he would kill me. Please, you have to believe me. I’m sorry.” His pleas fell upon deaf ears. The time for the truth and apologies had passed.

  I lifted my head up to the sky; the last set of tears rolled down my cheeks as I shut off my emotions. I didn’t need them. All they did was allow heart break.

  Only Mako and her spirits would know the real me. No longer would I allow anyone to see my true self. I’d never unlock these emotions again. I imagined the small chest within the darkness; my feelings placed gently in its golden walls as it closed shut, the key secured the lock.

  My head lowered; my eyes landed on the shifter I once knew. The shifter I once loved and cared for.

  But, no more.

  I had nothing for him. He was nothing more than an enemy. He may have been able to keep up with me the first time we had met in this arena, but he wouldn’t be able to keep up with me now.

  “Why don’t we get this over with?” I encouraged; my voice toneless as I stared at him, expressionless.

  He could see the coldness in my dark blue eyes. He knew his time was up, knew that he would soon see his end. He should have allowed the Owner to kill him, I was sure it would have been a swifter punishment than what he was about to receive from me.

  There was no second thought as he charged towards me. In one swift motion, I pushed my right arm forward and pulled it back. His beating heart now in my hand.

  I watched the shock register on his face as his eyes lowered to stare at the hole, gaping in his chest. I had thought to give him a long death, but he wasn’t worth any more of my time.

  He had broken my heart, so I took his.

  I jolted forward; my heavy eye lids scanned the dark room. My long, brown locks fell forward as I pulled my knees to my chest, resting my head. Just a memory. Was that what happened to you Midnight?

  It took a few rotations before Midnight had discussed the matter regarding the Archangel.

  Archangel’s weren’t just ordinary angel spirits. Some literature explains them as the holiest beings of all Starlight. They foretold that special spirits would one day be called by the God of Realm Six, Jehovah to help shed light to the humans who believed and bringers of wrath on those who cared about such prophecies as Revelations in the bible.

  I didn’t understand the full scope of such scriptures, but I knew it did remind me of our Starlight gods and their rules that governed our actions.

  Needless t
o say, Archangel’s were rare and had the gift of manipulation – specifically one’s emotions. They could make you happy, sad, heart broken or suicidal. If they didn’t have control over their own emotions, such alterations could affect those near them.

  One of the shifters at the facility was an Archangel, a strong one at that. He was the first to last with Midnight in the arena, surviving long enough for the Owner to take a liking to him. He wasn’t the only one.

  Midnight had come to enjoy not being the only one to survive the cruel trials the Owner put us through daily. She had begun to like him, getting moments to talk amongst themselves which was different from the daily killing.

  But such hopes were shattered; the Owner set them up to face one another as he revealed the angel’s true intentions of manipulating her for his own desire to live.

  I was surprised after all these cycles, it still pained her. Yesterday was an example of such heart ache. It made me wonder if she could come to fully love someone without the fear of them lying.

  “I like you Midnight...till next time.”

  I sighed at the memory of Eli’s words, my mind still fuzzy with sleep. I need to move.

  “Mew mew, mew, mew, mew.”

  I lifted my head; Nightmare set patiently at the tips of my feet; her mismatched eyes blinked up at me as her tails wagged quickly.

  “Nighty. Did I worry you?” I questioned. She pounced on my feet that poked out of the thick maroon blanket, before climbing the heap of material up my legs. I lifted my head and waited for her to reach the top of my knees before I reached out to pet her head.

  She began to purr, her multiple tails curled around her little frame as she closed her eyes in delight.

  “I’m sorry for worrying you. Daniel did this spell thing so the evil, dark emotion would go away. It’s only temporary, but maybe we’ll figure out what’s going on,” I explained.

  I took her into my arms, taking a few moments to embrace her small frame.

  “You were always my protector, weren’t you?” I whispered.

  She nudged her head against my cheek, comforting me. To think I’d forgotten about her after all these cycles. I didn’t even remember who she was when I’d received her. It was more than just fate that day when I went to choose my familiar. I guess this is what destiny had planned for me.

  “I need to go apologize to Eli and Elias...I guess to all of them. Wanna come with me for moral support. You can always go into scythe form and force them to forgive me,” I persuaded the little familiar.

  She jumped, taking her rightful position on my shoulder; her tails wrapped around my neck. I laughed.

  “Guess that’s a yes. Either they accept my apology, or they’ll feel my wrath,” I joked, getting out of bed. I grabbed a fresh set of clothes before quietly walking to the washroom. It was still early in the morning and I didn’t want to wake anyone.

  Daniel was probably sleeping thanks to last night’s spell, Ryder probably meditating. Marcus would still be training at this time, and Elias could either be sleeping or making breakfast.

  I prayed to the gods he was fixing something up, because I felt like I’d faint from being so famished. I noticed as I dried myself after the long, steamy hot shower, that my new clothes were loose. I’d have to ask Eli to tighten the waist band.

  I liked all the clothes Marcus bought me and wanted to put them to good use, even if they were loose. I left my hair loose, hoping Daniel would style it for me. Plus, Ryder seemed to love when I left it down.

  I was happy the darkness was gone for now. I could focus on fixing things with the boys, removing the tension that was going on, especially with Daniel. I knew I’d be able to fix the problem with Elias and Eli. I wasn’t mad anymore, having said what had been piled in my head for days after waking up.

  I didn’t want to admit it then, but I truly missed my best friend. I didn’t know what was going on between Midnight and Eli, or us in general, but I knew I always wanted to be friends regardless of the future outcomes.

  I walked aimlessly down the hall, my eyes still heavy with sleep. Maybe I should have slept longer.

  Maybe that would have stopped me from walking right into a wall. I cursed, rubbing at my forehead. Nighty snuggled next to my cheek, trying to lick my forehead but missing; her tongue licked my nose.

  “Mako? Are you sleep walking again?” Ryder’s voice made me relax as I rubbed at my eyes.

  “Ryder, why did you guys put a wall in the middle of the hall? It’s blocking me from food,” I whined.

  “There’s our Firefly,” Marcus praised, chuckling.

  “I can’t believe she actually called Kai a wall,” Daniel mused, his voice sounded thick with sleep.

  “Kai?” I asked, opening my eyes just as the apparent wall, turned around, brilliant amber eyes locking on me. I gawked at the sight; my heart raced at the new shifter before me.

  He was six feet for sure, maybe only an inch away from Marcus’ height. His wind-blown, coiffed hair was a stunning orange. Holy Starlight, a GINGER!! Like those hot guys in the fashion magazines.

  He smiled, his perfectly straight, white teeth making an appearance, only adding to his forbidden sexiness. I wonder if Adam in the bible was this good looking. Maybe that’s why that Eve shifter went and took that apple.

  “Princess, that’s not how it went in the bible, but I’m pleased with your admission of liking my ginger hair,” he approved; his calm voice enough to soothe any shifter.

  Oh Starlight, please tell me he’s part of my crew of star knights or heavens help my soul. This must be another test. Yes, a test to see if I’ll fall for his handsome features and seductive voice. Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil.

  Multiple waves of laughter blared from the corner of the room; my eyes landed on Ryder, Marcus, and Daniel who were sitting on the couches. Marcus was bent over, gripping his stomach while Ryder was shaking his head. Daniel removed his glasses to wipe the tears from his eyes.

  “I said that out loud, didn’t I?”

  “Mew!” Nighty confirmed, fluffing her fur, before she jumped off my shoulder, running off somewhere in the living room.

  I slapped my face and groaned. At least, I don’t have the others mocking me.

  “Attention, Attention. Read all about it. Mako embarrasses herself in front of the handsome shifter,” Rose announced.

  “He’s a ginger, too!” Hope sang happily.

  “He’s smoking hot...if you know what I mean,” Lily whispered, her voice filled with affection.

  “You thought we wouldn’t come out after you embarrassed yourself three times. In your dreams Makoto. Good Morning.” Lexi laughed.

  Yes, this is punishment. I need to question the Starlight gods one day.

  “Well, I hope that one day is a very long time from now. I want to be able to have some time with the Princess before then.” He smirked before bowing deeply towards me.

  “Kai Akiyama. Future heir of Realm Four, Phentailia. It’s an honour to finally meet you. I’ve heard many positive things from the others, one being your little talking out loud situation,” he introduced, rising to face my open mouth, blushed expression.

  “Mako and no more bowing!” I ordered, pointing at him. He raised his eyebrow at me in amusement.

  “You don’t like when people bow?” he questioned.

  “It’s unnecessary,” I countered.

  “Wait till you get to—” he began before I groaned.

  “I shall ban it! Dammit, where’s Elias! He said I could ban it!” I began to search for the blonde, frowning at his missing presence.

  A pair of arms wrapped around my waist, the smell of mint made me smile as I looked up to the green-eyed boy.

  “Look who’s so hyper this morning. I guess you’re excited to finally meet Kai? Or are you happy to see me?” He gave me a lazy smile, his blonde hair, ruffled messily. He must have just woken up.

  “Can’t I choose both...wait I mean. Hmmm, is there a third option?” I inquired, not wanting
to admit to either option even though I’d just done so.

  “Third option. Hmm.” He thought for a moment before he placed his hands on my arms, rotating me to face him. He then embraced me in a tight hug.

  “Sorry, Makoto for not telling you about Eli. Do you forgive your fairy, star knight? I’ll make you blueberry pancakes,” he apologized before offering to create my favourite dish.

  “You would have made blueberry pancakes anyways,” I noted, my voice muffled in his black t-shirt.

  “I can add a triple chocolate sundae to the deal,” he whispered.


  “With cherries, chocolate syrup and whip cream,” he continued.


  “I’ll kiss you,” he whispered into my ear.

  I smiled up at him. “Deal!” I laughed before he leaned down and kissed me.

  “He could have just offered to kiss her in the first place,” Marcus mumbled.

  “Smooth. Daniel, you should take notes,” Ryder suggested.

  “I don’t have that level of charm,” Daniel whispered back.

  I pulled away to laugh. “I can hear all of you,” I reminded, looking over my shoulder.

  They all blushed, shrugging it off like it was nothing; their expressions gave it away.

  “Now that the Princess is up, we should celebrate with some breakfast. I don’t need to predict the fact that Mako here is starving to point of fainting,” Kai pointed out.

  “Huh, how’d you know I was hungry?” I questioned, pulling out of Elias’ embrace to face him again.

  “Wait for it,” he stated.

  I raised my eyebrow at him. “I’m not going to fain—” I began before my body wobbled, losing all feeling as I fell forward.

  “SHIT!” They all swore.


  I opened my eyes, noticed the floor a few inches away from me as an arm held me from my apparent fall. I blinked before lifting my head.

  “A pleasure to meet you Midnight.” A red head greeted me.

  My eyes went wide as I felt my mouth drop in awe. “Orange hair...pretty,” I whispered, unable to tear my eyes away from such shiny strands.


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