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Tainted Rose (The Starlight Gods Series Book 2)

Page 17

by Yumoyori Wilson

  “I want chocolate milk,” I whispered.

  He laughed, the vibrant, new sound made my heart soar as my ears yearned to hear the sound again. “Coming right up Princess.”

  I fell back asleep for another hour before waking up, thanks to drinking a glass of my new addiction. Why hadn’t I discovered chocolate milk earlier? I would have broken out of my cell back at the facility every night, just to enjoy the chocolate sensation.

  Kai sat next to me on the sofa as we talked about little things. He informed me that he had arrived in Minato just after our battle on Latelia.

  “What is Heila like? Does it look like Minato?” I questioned.

  “Nothing like Minato. Heila is far more grand and pure. Even the way the air smells and the flowers blossom through the seasons demonstrates how well the realm is taken care of. Your parent’s love nature and such likes influenced their kingdom. The shifters of Heila work together to keep the realm clean and growing. That’s one of the reasons why Heila’s so popular,” Kai explained.

  I nodded, trying to imagine his description in my mind. If Minato was nothing compared to Heila, I was in for a sight. I frowned, the mention of my parents made me nervous.

  “What’s wrong Mako?” Kai questioned.

  “I’m afraid my family won’t like me. It’s been cycles…” I confessed.

  “Mako, they’ll love you. Trust me. You’re an exact copy of your mom so the Kingdom will embrace you. Once they get to experience your feisty personality, they’ll all fight to get a chance to meet you.” Kai laughed.

  I poked him in the side. “I’m not feisty. I’m unique.”

  “Yes, yes. Whatever you say princess.” He chuckled, bracing himself for another poke. I relaxed, wanting to discuss other things.

  I questioned him as to why I had only met him now instead of earlier, like in the medical centre.

  “I didn’t want to stress you out. You just woke up and had to deal with a lot during the exam and being checked on non-stop. Adding a fifth person into the wave of shifters would have been too much,” he summarized.

  “That makes sense.” I yawned. My head began to fall forward before jerking up.

  His arm wrapped around my shoulder, pulling me into a side embrace.

  I relaxed, enjoying his scent.

  “Get some rest. We have a surprise for you,” he encouraged.

  I lifted my head up to stare at him with wide eyes. “A surprise! What is it! Tell me,” I begged, thrilled to be getting some type of surprise from them.

  “If I tell you, it won’t be a surprise, Princess,” he reminded me.

  “But I want to know,” I argued, frowning.

  “Go to sleep. When you wake up, then you can see,” he reassured.

  “ long as there’s chocolate milk.”

  “I’ll make sure Ryder gets some,” he promised.

  He began to hum lightly, the tune as calm as his voice. It didn’t take long before I fell asleep, not waking up till the next day.

  I must have felt better, because I’d apparently went from Marcus’ room to Elias’. Too bad he wasn’t in bed. I took the pills Karen instructed me to take before heading to the bathroom.

  I took a relaxing bath, while I nibbled on this thing called beef jerky. Matthew instructed Kai to litter the house with snacks, yes, that included the bathroom. The packaging looked intriguing, so I decided to try them out while I waited for the bath to fill. Now, the almost empty package was in my hand, another salty, savory strip of jerky entering my mouth, sending out bursts of flavor across my tongue as I sat in the bubble bath.

  It gave me some time to myself. My mind attempted to grasp all the events that had taken place in less than three rotations.

  The dark feeling was still shut down, not making its entrance into my mind or dreams. My nightmares hadn’t come to assault me either. I finally had a sense of peace. Now, I was excited to find out what this surprise was.

  After I listened to Rose nag me for ten minutes, I reluctantly left the bath and slipped into white, jean shorts and an oversized green shirt I “borrowed” from Elias. My mission in collecting things from the boys was still ongoing.

  I’d successfully acquired multiple clothes from Ryder, including his favourite maroon sweater he liked to wear in the fall and winter. I simply needed to blink my eyes a few times before he blushed, giving in to my request. Both Rose and I liked to smell the lingering rose and cinnamon scent when we missed our demon boy, though he’d made it his mission to either stick by my side or check in every hour.

  I had collected a few of Marcus’ workout towels I’d borrowed to “use” but, hid away in my locker. I’d finally gotten the chance to retrieve them all before the exam, placing them neatly in his souvenir section of my drawer. I wondered if he’d noticed yet.

  Elias allowed me to take some of his – four, different styled shirts sat in his designated section. I glanced down at the friendship bracelet on my wrist. Now that EliaseAnne was involved, I’d have to add her to the mission list. Girls are easier to “borrow” stuff from.

  My eyes landed on the empty section in the left corner of my drawer – Daniel’s designated area. He was the only one I hadn’t been able to acquire a souvenir to lust over. I sighed. Will he ever let me in?

  I felt Hope emerge in my mind; her sing song voice rang through.

  “It takes time Makoto. We all have a past. He’s probably struggling with having someone to rely on as he admitted. It won’t take a day to change a habit that’s been going on for cycles. Give him time.”

  I nodded, closing the drawer as I turned to leave the room. Hope made a valid point. I was just being impatient. Yet deep down, my gut told me we didn’t have much time for peace and getting to know one another.

  Once we figured out what was happening with me and Midnight, we’d be headed to Heila, once everything was clear. I doubted we’d have any free time by then. My focus would be on trying to restore whatever family bond I once had. Not that I even knew what that looked like, since I still couldn’t remember them – except for my mother. I pray to Starlight my family accepts me...this version of me.


  I turned my head, noticing EliaseAnne leaned against the door frame. She wore black shorts, a red rose design on the pockets created intricately with black rhinestones. Her simple, black top clung to her curvy figure, low enough to show a glimpse her cleavage. Her straightened blonde hair was loose, different from her usual, bountiful curls.

  I gave her a look, noticing the gold rimmed glasses that sat comfortably on the bridge of her nose, those ravishing emerald eyes bore into me. I tried to ignore the weird sensation running through me – Attraction.

  “Why are you wearing Daniel’s glasses?” I questioned.

  “Cause it’s fun and I assumed you’d need something to add in his section of that drawer of yours,” she revealed with a shrug.

  My eyes widened as I began to blush. “How...?”

  “You told me when you were half asleep before the exams. told Elias, who told me. I figured you’d have some problems with Daniel, so I took his glasses and walked away,” she explained, glancing away as her fingers began to fidget.

  I could see her body grow tense as she tried to look anywhere but directly at me, like when she first announced her presence.

  “Do you want “this” to continue...whatever it is,” I questioned.

  She glanced my way, her eyes wide. I could see her confusion as well as her realization as to what I referred to.

  “How did...?” She stopped, her face turning red.

  “I heard everything. It’s a bit fuzzy, but Midnight explained it to me the other day in writing. I...I don’t know if I’m ready for that just yet,” I admitted; the thought of being with Eli in such a way hadn’t registered in my brain yet.

  I already had to deal with loving the others. I had a hard-enough time trying to figure out how to split my time with them; Daniel my main concern now, and with the intr
oduction of Kai, I didn’t know if I wanted to put my friendship with Eli on the table and exchange it for something more.

  She frowned, her eyes blinked rapidly as they began to tear up.

  I shook my head quickly. “I’m not rejecting you. Just because I can’t return your feelings now, doesn’t mean they aren’t there. Midnight...likes you, I think. She likes Elias, too. I don’t know if her being a split personality has anything to do with it. Nevertheless, she has feelings for you...and I do, too…somewhere in my heart, but I need time.” I sighed and turned away for a moment to compose myself; my eyes stung. I don’t think she understood how difficult this was to say out loud. I glanced back at her before continuing.

  “There’s a lot going on. I’m just getting serious with Ryder. Daniel and I are having issues due to Midnight’s dislike problem. I still need more one-on-one time with Marcus that doesn’t revolve around weapon modification or workout clothes, and to continue enjoying my walks with Elias. Now that Kai’s in the picture, I want to get to know him as well. I also want to have some time with you. That’s asking a lot from me. I’m just one individual with multiple spirits. I somehow, have to spread myself amongst you all and it’s hard. I’m just trying to go in some type of order. Therefore, I need time.”

  I stared into her eyes, determined for her to understand that I wasn’t rejecting her, but putting whatever feelings we had for one another on hold, hoping she’d allow me enough time to sort through the current situation before tackling that area.

  “We can still be friends, right?” she whispered.

  “Seeing as you’re the only female shifter that can stand my craziness, yes. Plus, I’d be lost without my best friend. Who’s going to help me be fashion worthy when we go to Earthala? Don’t want to be stopped by those, uh, fashion police? I think that’s what the book called it,” I reassured her, wondering if I’d got the terminology right.

  She pulled me into an embrace, catching me off guard. I blushed as her strong mint scent, attached to the cherry blossom shampoo we shared, flowed around me.

  “I’m sorry. I really am. I know you may not understand now, but I’ll explain everything once we have time, just us. Then, you’ll understand why I did it. It doesn’t support the fact what I did was wrong and ruined the trust we had formed, but I just want you to know, it won’t happen again. I swear to the Starlight gods above, I’ll be honest with you. Even if I know it may hurt you. Just...can you promise no matter what I reveal to you, you’ll still be my friend?” she cried.

  I hugged her back, tightly. “As long as you’re not a mass murderer. Actually...if you murder stupid shifters like Brittany and her crew, I guess it’s for the better good. But, if you’re a mass murderer of innocent shifters, then I can’t. Or if you hate milk. Then, we seriously can’t be friends anymore.” I pulled back to stare up at her with a serious expression.

  She laughed, tears flowed down her face. “I would NEVER hate on your dairy addiction and no, I’m not a mass murderer. If I was, Brittany and her gang would have been eliminated and buried LONG before you enrolled at Knightwood,” she confirmed.

  “Then, I forgive you.” I grinned sheepishly as I attempted to think of a punishment, a sensation flowed through me with excitement at the thought that popped into my brain.

  “As compensation, you owe me a date,” I announced.

  She beamed; her hands grabbed onto mine. “DEAL! I’ll even treat you to strawberry milk!” she rejoiced.

  I stared back at her eager expression, mortified.

  “Strawberry...milk?” I glanced at her in shock, attempting to imagine such a thing.

  “Yes, and guess what?” she whispered.

  “What?” I leaned in closer, intrigued by what she had to share.

  “It’s even pink.”

  “STOP! No, it’s not! You’re lying!!!” I exclaimed. My mind was fucking blown away. First, I found out the existence of chocolate milk, and NOW, there was pink, strawberry milk.

  “Yup! We don’t have it here, but maybe when we go down to Earthala, I’ll take you to this nice dessert place. Scarlet can come, too.”

  “Scarlet? The one whose boyfriend knows Marcus?” I questioned, remembering Marcus’ mentioning her name when he got me the e-reader.

  “Yes! Oh, trust me. You two will get along. We’ll order vanilla, chocolate and strawberry milk shakes and share,” she announced happily.

  “Milk...shakes?” I asked, astonished.

  “It’s milk with blended ice and ice cream, kinda like a smoothie, but with milk. Thus, a milkshake. They can put different syrups or even fresh fruit on top with whip cream! The place Marcus took me to had milk shakes with crazy straws and a scoop of ice cream on the side of the glass, drizzled with nuts, cookies, and chocolate.”

  I stared up at her, wide mouthed. I was surprised I wasn’t drooling yet. “Do they top it off with a cherry?”

  “With a nice, juicy cherry on top.”

  “You owe me a date there.”


  “Promise?” I urged her, my pinky up and ready as I glared at her.

  She laughed. “Promise. Cross my heart, hope to die—”

  “Hope to die! That’s not how it goes!” I argued.

  “Oh really?” She questioned, lifting an eyebrow at me.

  “It goes like – Cross my heart and hope to fly! Poke a flower in the sky!” I corrected with confidence.

  “Well then, guess I have to learn the proper way. I promise Makoto, I’ll be truthful to you and owe you a date on Earthala that includes a massive cherry. Cross my heart and hope to fly, poke a flower in the sky.” Her pinky finger wrapped around mine as she offered me a light smile.

  “Friends?” she whispered.

  “Best friends,” I replied.

  “I guess this is a good time for you to see your surprise.” She beamed before giving me another hug.

  “Take me ther – Hehehehe, ah, Eli! That tickles. Dammit! Tell Elias I’m going to kill him.”

  Chapter Twelve

  “Can’t I remove this stupid piece of– ah! ELI, I’m probably going to fall to my death by the time I reach this so called, surprise!” I yelled, holding onto Eli’s hand for dear life as I cautiously took another step forward and prayed to the Starlight gods it wouldn’t be my last.

  “Stop being so over dramatic! Where’s my bad ass bitch? Now, keep walking forward. You’re going to be walking on the grass in five seconds.” Eli huffed before she warned me, tugging lightly on my hand as she directed me somewhere.

  “My bad ass bitch self wouldn’t be struggling if she could fucking see! And why the prickly grass? Will it prick me and put me to sleep for many cycles?” I questioned, trying to lighten the situation. My heart, on the other hand, was beating so fast I bet my body thought it was running in one of those 5K races humans did for “fun”. A weird hobby, I tell you.

  The moment my feet brushed against the sharp-edged grass I stepped back, standing in place, which caused Eli to stop.

  “Mako. It’s just grass!”

  “Death-inducing grass, that’s what! Nope, I’m not going. I’ll stand right here and watch my surprise from afar,” I announced. This grass wasn’t going to get me today.

  “Are you seriously afraid of the fucking grass?” Rose grumbled. Why don’t you come out here and try it? You won’t last five seconds.

  There was a moment of silence.

  “No thanks,” she responded, retreating from my mind.

  I’d roll my eyes if they weren’t closed. That’s what I thought. I heard a deep chuckle, the calming, rich sound followed by the sweet pumpkin scent made me excited.

  “Kai?” I asked; my head turned from side to side, my ears perked up to try and pin point the sound of approaching footsteps. An arm wrapped around my waist, the other under my knees as I was swooped up, the motion induced a light shriek as I grabbed onto the person’s shoulders.

  “Yes, Princess. It’s nice to know you recognized my laugh,” he praised; h
is voice so close to my ear I felt shivers trickle across my skin as his exhales brushed against my neck.

  “I can smell you,” I admitted.

  “I hope that’s a good thing.” He laughed before moving forward, walking in the grass in my stead.

  Thank you, Starlight, for this wondrous man.

  “If you weren’t so stubborn and wore slippers, you wouldn’t have to be carried, Princess,” Eli suggested, her high-pitched voice came from my right.

  “If you’re going to blindfold me, I’m not going to let you take away my sense of touch as well. That’s just suicide.” I ushered, my hands waved left and right.

  “Only our Firefly would think in such a manner,” Marcus praised, the appreciation filled sound came from my left.

  “Marcus! Tell Eli I’m right,” I requested.

  “She’s right you know,” he told Eli who groaned.

  “You’re just saying that because she ordered you to!” Eli exclaimed.

  “No. She doesn’t have to order me to say it. I love pleasing her,” he admitted.

  “In many ways.” I purred before giggling. I heard Eli let out a frustrated sigh while Kai chuckled, his muscled chest vibrating against my side.

  “Ugh. Nope. Not picturing it. Go get a room,” she insisted.

  “There’s a waiting list and I’m first in line,” Ryder’s tingle inducing voice declared.

  I smiled at his open declaration; my heart fluttered.

  “Of course, he is. Always beats us to the good stuff,” Daniel mumbled nearby, making me giggle.

  Kai came to a stop, lowered my legs to the ground as I stood up with his hand protectively on my waist.

  “Can I take this off yet?” The suspense was killing me, the urge to rip this blindfold off and reveal whatever they’d gathered outside filled me with anticipation.

  “So impatient.” Kai gripped my waist, rotating me clockwise, my body forced to stop at the imaginary three.

  “Should we show it to her? I don’t think she’s ready,” Daniel teased.

  “Guys! Please!!! This is my right!”


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