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Tainted Rose (The Starlight Gods Series Book 2)

Page 28

by Yumoyori Wilson

  The sketch was detailed enough for me to create a larger form of the image. I’d probably get a chance to start it when we returned to Heila, since most of my paints and equipment were located in my studio there.

  “So, in less than a week we’ll be outta here, huh. Glad to be returning home.” He sighed as he pulled his glasses off, placing them on the counter.

  “You should carry a case with you. If that pair goes missing you can’t blame anyone,” I suggested.

  “Can’t blame anyone? We all know the primary culprit of my ten missing pairs. Do fairies like shiny glasses or something?” he quizzed, hinting his annoyance as the kettle began to whistle.

  “Maybe. You just make it so easy, leaving them there. Also, Marcus said he talked to his friend. We can head to Earthala for three or four days. I think we should take up his offer. Mako and Midnight would be thrilled.”

  I could already envision her excitement, her eyes glittering with happiness as she jumped in place; the image was so vivid I realized it was a vision rather than my imagination. I’d better draw that later.

  “About Midnight...” Daniel began, but hesitated.

  I looked up from my page, eyeing him intently as I waited for him to continue. He didn’t, but opened the green tea packet, and placed the bag in the mug, before he poured in the boiling water.

  “Are you still troubled over her disliking you? You shouldn’t take it to heart,” I emphasized, not liking the vibe I was getting from him.

  Ryder was already dealing with Anya’s death anniversary and probably faced his family as we speak. I was at least glad Makoto was with him to ease his mourning. She’d be able to lighten the mood in that dreadful castle.

  “You worry too much.”

  We both glanced over to a half-naked Marcus, who walked into the room wearing sapphire cotton boxers; his chest bare.

  “Just cause Mako’s not here doesn’t mean you can walk around naked you know.” I shook my head, noticing his tired eyes. He probably hasn’t even realized.

  “What?” he asked before looking down, frowning.

  “Well, fuck. My bad, Ryuu didn’t tell me I wasn’t wearing pants. Thanks a lot, partner in crime.” He groaned, his face scrunched at whatever Ryuu’s response was.

  “Anyways, stop trifling over such a matter. Midnight probably has her reasons as to why she doesn’t like Archangels like yourself or angels in general. Who knows? It’s not our place to ask until she’s ready. Just bear with her,” I summarized before another image slipped into my mind – Midnight’s angry, tear stricken face before she walked off.

  I let out a groan, my hand rubbed my eyes. What the fuck?

  Marcus was at my side in a second, his hand rested on my shoulder.

  “Kai, you okay?” He questioned, his voice filled with concern.

  “Ya...I’m fine. Daniel, don’t push her. I get you don’t like being disliked or looked down upon, but Midnight and Mako aren’t Claire,” I commanded, my hand markings dimmed as my foresight calmed.

  I took a few more calming breaths; my body felt a tad weak before I recovered, keeping a mental note to sketch out the image later.

  “I know she’s not or I guess they aren’t. But...never mind. I’m going to bed.” He grabbed his mug of tea and went straight to the stairs.

  I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. Fuck, should have kept it to myself.

  “Don’t worry about Daniel. He’ll hopefully listen. You know he hates when we bring up Claire.” Marcus patted my shoulder before taking his seat on his stool.

  “The image I saw doesn’t give me much reassurance. It will probably change now that I told him, but it still bothers me. I just don’t want him going down the self-doubt train. You know how badly it affects Ryder with a slight imbalance, let alone him losing control. Ryder’s still recovering from Elias’ and Eli’s feeling overload, before all the planning he’s been doing for today.”

  “I feel you. We can’t afford to have a slip up right now. I just want the remaining days to go smoothly, so we can go home.” Marcus ruffled his hair in frustration.

  A beep sounded off before the door opened, Eli walked in; her eyes looked up to us before she gave a slight smile.

  I frowned at her weak appearance. She looked like she’d been to war and returned from the raging battle.

  “You look exhausted.” Marcus frowned.

  “I’m fine. Karen had to do some tests and stuff. Nothing huge. There’s only a small detection of poison left, so I should be back to one-hundred percent when we reach Heila,” she explained, walking towards us.

  I didn’t like her pale complexion, unnatural from her usual vibrant skin.

  “Elyion,” I sternly called out. She smiled back at me which gave me red, flashing signals. She hated when I called her Elyion. She would rather punch me in the throat than smile at me.

  “You’re going to bed,” Marcus declared. She shook her head.

  “Um...I don’t want to be alone,” she whispered, avoiding our gaze and staring at the pair of glasses on the counter. She reached out and picked them up, analyzing the spectacles which we both knew was a distraction.

  I looked at Marcus before nodding.

  “I’ll stay with you until Marcus comes back from his run,” I mumbled.

  She looked at me with wide eyes for a moment before nodding, a relief filled smile formed on her lips. “Thanks, Kai,” she whispered.

  “Just because we don’t get along all the time doesn’t mean I don’t care, EliaseAnne,” I reminded her, using his female name to demonstrate my seriousness.

  “I know,” she replied before putting the glasses on. She frowned, looking around the room.

  “Where’s Daniel? It’s not fun to take his glasses unless he’s here.”

  We both sighed, which was enough to keep the frown on Elyion’s lips.

  “What happened? Is Daniel okay?” she pressed.

  “He hasn’t lost control in the feels department. Ryder and Mako should be home before sundown. But...he’s comparing Midnight to the Claire situation,” I announced.

  “What? How? has no relation at all. Didn’t you say he used his gift with Mako’s permission? What could possibly be bothering him now?”

  “He’s afraid to hurt her, and Midnight’s apparent dislike isn’t making it easy for him to ignore such fears.”

  Eli crossed her arms over her chest before glaring.

  “Midnight has her own history and it’s none of Daniel’s concern nor is he in the position to ask. If she doesn’t like him there’s nothing he can do till she or Makoto tells us why. Even if she does disclose such information I don’t think it would help. Daniel needs to stop using other people as an excuse and face that haunting guilt,” Eli ranted.

  Marcus and I nodded in agreement.

  “We have to get Ryder to talk to him before he goes over the edge.”

  “I wish he’d stop pushing us away and depend on us more.” Eli commented before sighing, wobbling on her feet.

  We both rushed to her side, holding her steady.

  “Sorry. As much as I’d love to continue this pressing matter I think I should lie down,” Eli apologized.

  We nodded before Marcus helped her to her room, stopping midway to pick her up and carry her the rest of the way.

  “The medical centre still has such a strong effect on her? Does she still get panic attacks?” My phoenix questioned.

  I walked back to the counter, closing my sketchbook and putting it under my arm as I made my way to her room. Not yet, but I’m concerned. She needs a break from that place. I think it would help her get back to normal.

  “She needs closure. King Heart’s investigating better provide some answers soon, or we’ll just have to take things into our own hands.”

  I got a face cloth, soaked it in cold water and squeezed out the excess water before walking down the hall and up the stairs.

  Marcus walked out of the room, his facial expression just as upset.

bsp; “She’s warming up. If it goes higher than her normal call Daniel. I’m still going with tomorrow’s plans so can you please keep an eye on her. Even if she shifts back to Elias, he may have a less intense response,” he warned.

  “I know. I’ll keep an eye on both of them, and call for Daniel if anything,” I reassured him.

  “I wish everything just levels out after today. Too much is going on,” he mumbled.

  I patted his back.

  “It will. I don’t see anything stopping us from reaching Heila. Things will work themselves out. Ryder will be back to himself when he returns later today and after your playdate tomorrow we’ll pack and head down to Earthala for the remaining days before we head to Heila. I think we all just need a break and it would be a perfect opportunity. Makoto would love it, too.” The image of her excitement returned to my mind; my fingers craved to draw it out.

  “Ya. I just...I’ve been having a weird gut feeling. That’s why I’m a little concerned, but if you don’t foresee anything, I won’t worry myself. Thanks, Kai. I’ll make sure to check for those sketchbooks with the tracing paper,” he promised. He gave me a quick man hug and walked away.

  I walked into Eli’s room, closing the door gently before turning to see her sleeping figure. I placed my sketchbook on the desk that was pressed against the wall in the corner, next to the two, large bookshelves filled with her manga collection.

  I knelt down next to her bed, placing the cool cloth against her forehead. She moaned lightly, but relaxed, falling into deep slumber.

  I got up to grab my sketchbook, ready to sit down.

  “Papa...I’m sorry. I’ll try again...”

  I closed my eyes, turning to face the fairy shifter, Eli’s mumbling continued.

  “Sorry for failing...always…fail. Try again,” she mumbled before stirring.

  I opened my eyes, grabbed my notebook and walked back to the bedside, sitting down before opening my book on a fresh page.

  I allowed my hand to reach out and hold hers while my right hand began to sketch away.

  Her tense body relaxed, my thumb soothingly rubbed her palm, her breathing calmed once more.

  Just a few more days...everything will be back to normal and our Princess will be home.


  “I hate you, Mommy! I wish you’d disappear!”



  I stood there speechless, my hand slowly covering my stinging, red cheek.

  “You can’t go saying things like that Daniel! How many times have I warned you of your gift! You know what, I’m done. That stupid wench should come and take her pathetic children! Why do I have to be burdened with such misgivings?”

  “You’re my mommy...I’m sorry. Don’t go.” I tried to reach out for her hand, but she pulled away like I was a poisonous insect.

  “Don’t you dare touch me! You should just die.”

  Die...Death? Why do I have to die? I didn’t do anything. Why does mommy say such mean things to me? I want Michael. Michael loves me. I hate mommy. Mommy doesn’t love me. I wish mommy would disappear. GO AWAY.

  I clenched my small fist as the tears rolled down my cheeks. I noticed mommy begin to stagger before she turned, walking towards the balcony.

  “Mommy, wait. Don’t go.” I looked at her figure walking to the balcony.

  “Michael!” I called out for my older brother, afraid to be left alone as I began to wail.

  Dad and Michael rushed into the room, Michael by my side in seconds.

  “Daniel? Wha –“

  “CLAIRE!” A loud voice boomed through the room.

  I shot up, panting as I squeezed the sheets beneath me.


  I quickly calmed myself, Azriel’s voice loud enough to snap me out of my panic. I couldn’t wake Ryder now.

  Something tugged at the sheets. I turned my head to see Makoto, who was huddled in my yellow comforter. Her eyes opened slowly before she glanced up at me.

  She looked confused for a few moments before she sat up, tilting her head at me.

  “Daniel? What’s wrong?”

  Was it wrong for me to feel happy about her concern for me? Her voice a clear indication of such worries. Her hand brushed against my sweaty face before she leaned up and kissed me gently on the lips.

  I pulled away. My mind reeled from the dream. She looked confused before frowning. I shook my head.

  “Sorry, I just had a silly dream. Don’t look so worried.”

  “Daniel...are you sure everything’s okay? You– “ She began before I leaned forward, kissing her.

  I couldn’t stand that hurtful expression on her face – my previous reaction to her attempt of comforting me being the culprit.

  I needed to get shit together...or I’d lose her, too.

  Once my mind was satisfied, I pulled away, but my body still drummed with excitement; my cock grew hard as I took a second to enjoy the view; Mako in a loose, white shirt that slanted to one side, the fabric so thin I could see the detailing of her bra and dipped so low, I could see her cleavage.

  I licked my lips, my body wanted to feast on those bountiful breasts and hear her moan my name, but I pushed such desires to the back of my mind.

  “I’m fine Makoto. Come here,” I commanded, my voice low.

  Her eyes widened as her face began to blush, but she listened to my request, crawling into my arms as I held her tightly.

  I liked how my voice had an effect on her. It was better than my gift – the fear of me accidentally using it on her tugged at my mind.

  I was well aware of what my voice could do. Although, it pained me so to feel as though I kept her at a distance; I couldn’t do to her what had happened before. I need to be careful with her. For so long she lived with someone commanding her every move, manipulating her emotions…I couldn’t do that, couldn’t risk hurting her that way.

  No other words were exchanged as we laid there; my mind tried to calm after that vivid dream while my body tried to come down from its attraction.

  Having the woman I lusted over draped across my body, didn’t help solve my internal struggle, but it calmed me.

  It wasn’t long till her breathing slowed; her body relaxed in my arms. I sighed, kissing her lightly on her cheek before reaching out for the covers, tucking us both in.

  I stared at the ceiling, my mind wandering – the image of Midnight’s face as she glared at me.

  “Daniel. Let. It. Go. You know it won’t end well if you keep worrying about such things. Once we reach Heila we can talk with Mako and Midnight. Understood?” Azriel stressed; his voice gave off a hint of anger.

  I closed my eyes, not wanting to answer him, but knew he wouldn’t leave me in peace to enjoy this quiet moment with the woman I cared dearly about but struggled to show my love.



  I pulled on the black leather pants, the sleek material glided up my thighs with ease as the gold zippers on the front pockets flashed in the sunlight that peeked through the window. My hand pulled up the gold zipper, fastening the button, before I noticed the gap in the waist. I sighed.

  “You seriously have an issue with not eating. No wonder we were forced to eat three times a day or you’d be a stick,” Rose commented.

  My spirits had been pretty quiet lately, relaxing in their designated spots in my mind and not commenting as often as they loved. With the addition of Midnight, I assumed they didn’t want to get riled up, not knowing how it would affect me.

  I fastened the sapphire and black laced bra, adjusting it to hold my lady bits in place, the black rhinestones glittering.

  Yes, I know. Eli and Elias aren’t feeling well and are resting so I’ll take some cookies before I go.

  “Chocolate chip cookies aren’t food.” Midnight emerged from nowhere, startling Rose and me.

  “Seriously Midnight, why can’t we sense you? It would be nice to have a warning before you jump in here,” Rose questioned.

sp; “Don’t know.”

  “Jeez. Maybe the library in Heila will have some history of your kind.” Rose mumbled before disappearing.

  Heila library. Guess it wouldn’t hurt and cookies are definitely a source of energy.

  “They make you hyper. That’s it,” Midnight retorted.

  I pulled open my designated draw, taking out the dark blue top. It looked more expensive, the V neck having a gold zipper while the sleeves were styled to be folded with a gold button holding it in place. It was giving me the crop top vibes, but an elegant version of the Earthala trend.

  Do you want a cookie or not?


  “I want three.”

  I smirked before a giggle escaped me. Deal. Three hyper-inducing, chocolate chip cookies for Midnight.

  “Thank you.” She disappeared before I could reply.

  I was ready to put my top on when the door opened, my head turned to see Daniel walk in. My eyes scanned his body; water droplets dripped from his wet hair and fell onto his bare chest, gliding down to the black sweat pants he was wearing.

  I bit my lip and attempted to ignore my sudden need for the angel shifter. I returned my gaze upward, noticing Daniel’s hooded gaze; his eyes trailed my body from head to toe before returning and landing on my chest.

  I silently cursed, realizing I hadn’t put my top on, my breasts in the fitted bra on display. I turned away, slipping the top on quickly before fanning at my face, hoping I wouldn’t be tomato red by now.

  “Going somewhere?” he questioned. The sound of the door closing followed. I turned back to face him.

  “Ya. Marcus said he wants to pick up a few things in town and asked me if I wanted to tag along,” I explained, overjoyed at having some quality time with my dragon shifter.

  I felt like we hadn’t been hanging out much. I struggled to figure out how I could possibly share myself with all of them.

  I’d promised to have time with Daniel, and I’d yet to fulfill the commitment, focusing my time with Ryder and mending things with Elias and Eli. Today would be for Marcus, and maybe, I’d get to have time with Daniel and Kai before we headed back to Heila.


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