Cowboys and Candy
Page 4
He just smiled and continued walking. “Watch your self-depreciation, love.” Those simple words had been enough to set the tone for the entire evening, and he’d known it the minute he saw the lust in her eyes before she turned to secure Bandit in the barn’s open grooming area. He helped her unsaddle Bandit, but left the brushing and hoof care to her. Leaning against the wooden planks of the stall at this back, Gavin watched as she finished up and then fed Bandit. Tonight might be her night to provide their meal, but that didn’t mean he hadn’t made some plans of his own.
And tomorrow night was shaping up to be spectacular. He’d enlisted the help of several of the hands, including Hank and Hannah. Kylie’s parents were already on their way home, but she didn’t know that yet. Gavin had been working out the details for the past two weeks and he was pleased with the way everything was coming together. Kylie had been so busy working in her new clinic that he wasn’t sure she was even aware of the fact that tomorrow was Valentine’s Day, but he fully intended to make sure it was a holiday she’d never forget again.
Chapter Seven
Kylie stood under the spray of the shower and let the warm water cascade over her. Even though she’d already been soaked to the bone when she’d stepped into the small enclosure, washing the grit out of her long curls and off her skin felt wonderful. The bubbles from her shampoo caressed her breasts like slow-moving fingers and she let her mind drift, lost in the sensual feeling of them making their way down her body. Most of the teasing suds split to follow the outside curves of her breasts before rejoining to race down her softly rounded belly. But there were enough of them to tickle her nipples, sliding over the peaks, clinging just long enough to tingle and light up sensations in the nerve endings with teasing promises.
By the time she walked into her small kitchen, Gavin had already arrived. Finding him standing beside her fireplace dressed in softly faded Levis and a dark blue shirt that highlighted his eyes brought her to a halt. He’d lit the candles she’d set around the room and when her gaze returned to his, she shivered at the look he gave her. Kylie wasn’t sure exactly how to describe the look of determination she saw reflected in his eyes, because it was almost feral in its intensity. When he held out his hand to her, she didn’t even realize she’d moved until she felt her fingers slide into his. He leaned forward and pressed his lips softly against the sensitive spot behind her ear. She felt him breathe her in and smiled at the tickling sensation. “Watching you walk into the room…any room, fills me with waves of desire that are nearly impossible to contain. And the fact you aren’t even aware of the soul-deep sensuality that surrounds you is icing on a very sweet cake, love.”
Kylie felt her entire body ignite in passion at his words. Suddenly every cell felt as if it had been plugged in and the tingling that raced up her spine reminded her of the bubbles in freshly opened champagne. Kylie had become so lost in the moment that she hadn’t even realized he was slowly walking her into the kitchen until the smell of dinner made her stomach growl in anticipation. She felt more than heard his chuckle as she pulled herself back to the moment. “Love, I do believe we need to feed you. I’m anxious to see if you have any more questions for me, and I don’t want you making decisions on an empty stomach. You might plead coercion by starvation and how would I ever be able to defend myself against such a charge?” Kylie had always wondered how Gavin could slide from completely serious into teasing with such ease, but tonight his words had actually held an unspoken pledge rather than any edge of humor.
When they’d finished eating, Gavin wanted nothing more than to pull Kylie up off her chair and strip her naked before devouring her on the dining room table. He’d mentally swept the dishes off in a dramatic flourish and laid her out to feast upon at least five times during the past thirty minutes, and the fantasy was becoming much too tempting. After putting things away, he’d taken her small hand in his and led her slowly to the sofa. Settling her on his lap, he laced his fingers with hers and just enjoyed the feel of her softness pressed against him for several minutes. When he felt the tension finally ebb out of her, he relished the fact she’d laid her face against his neck where the tickle of her breath against his ear was a continual reminder that he was finally holding the woman he craved more each day. He’d dreamt of this moment more times than he could count, and even though they had things to discuss, he wasn’t anxious to let go of this moment either.
“I want to try.” It took him several seconds to pull back the urge to just pick her up, stalk to the bedroom, and make love to her for hours. He would have liked nothing more. But that wasn’t what she needed. Her words and the hesitance that was easy to hear spoke of her desire, but also of her fear. Kylie wasn’t accustomed to coddling or failure. Her entire life was centered on pushing herself and knowing that those she loved had her back. What she needed now was to be pushed just enough to build her confidence. Gavin knew Kylie had the strength to submit, but he wasn’t sure she understood the freedom she’d find in letting go.
Grasping her chin, he pulled just enough to bring her focus fully to him. “Thank you for your trust, baby. It’s a gift I’ll always treasure. I’ve promised to push your limits, and I will, but remember nothing ever happens in a D/s relationship without your permission.” He paused to give her a chance to absorb his words before continuing, “What are your safe words, love? And when do you use them?”
He listened as she repeated the principles to him and smiled at her parroted versions. After nodding his agreement, he set her on her feet and smiled at her nervous shiver of excitement. “Strip, pet. I want to see what is mine.” Gavin wasn’t sure who was more nervous, but seeing the emotions play over her face brought his musing to an abrupt end. Raising a brow, he cocked his head at her in question. He saw her draw in a deep breath and lift her chin as she seemed to be pulling her courage up from previously untapped depths. “Don’t even think about earning a punishment this quickly. We haven’t even begun, and the only spanking I want to give you tonight is one that centers on your pleasure.” Her nod of acceptance had been quick and he’d have missed it if he hadn’t been completely focused on her. He watched as her shaky fingers unbuttoned her soft cotton shirt. As each small white button slipped from its hold, smooth, tanned skin blossomed between the shirt’s widening gap.
Gavin didn’t make any attempt to hide his desire. Kylie needed to know just how much he wanted her and how incredible he considered every delicious curve. In the short time it had taken her to strip, his cock was so hard he was sure he’d have a permanent zipper tattoo if he didn’t move this along quickly. Pulling her fingers into his, he gently pulled her closer and let his eyes devour her. She wasn’t rail-thin, but her curves were defined by muscles she’d earned by working out both in the gym and on the ranch. He used soft touches to direct her and soon she was standing between his spread knees with her legs spread shoulder-width apart. He leaned forward and inhaled the scent of her budding arousal and smiled. “I wonder. Do you taste as sweet as you smell? Because if so, I may not get past this point for a long while.” Without giving her a chance to respond, he leaned forward and swiped his tongue through her folds. Her startled gasp was followed quickly by the involuntary sway of her hips toward his licking touch. He’d positioned her perfectly so he could see her reflection in one of the ornamental mirrors her mother had used when they’d redecorated the former bachelor cabin. Watching her face as it became a mask of desire was so purely erotic he knew he’d never forget the wanton picture he saw framed in antique mirror’s golden frame. With her head tossed back and golden waves of silk cascading down her back as she closed her eyes and her lips parted, Kylie looked like something straight out of Renaissance master’s painting.
Adding his fingers to his exploration, he was surprised how quickly she rocketed right to the edge of her release. Pulling back before he pushed her over, he smiled at her protesting groan. “Don’t worry, pet, I fully intend to give you exactly what you are seeking, but I want to savor you. I’ve waite
d years for this moment, and I don’t want to be rushed through it, pleasure this sweet is to be cherished.” He slid his tongue through her wet folds again and knew she was teetering on the edge. Sitting back, he peeled his shirt over his head before he stood, slowly dragging his bare chest against her naked body until he was standing over her. “Come.” Gavin manacled her delicate wrist with his hand and began walking toward the bedroom, only pausing to pick up the small toy bag he’d placed by the door. He didn’t explain what it was—and judging by the small shudder he’d felt go through her, he didn’t need to.
Chapter Eight
Kylie felt like her muscles had been hit with electrical charges and, as a result, even after sleeping like the dead after Gavin had left her bed, she was still worried about her legs holding her up. Hugging a pillow that still held his scent, she thought back on the evening before and couldn’t hold back her grin. When he’d finally gotten her “secured” as he’d called it, she’d been almost vibrating in anticipation. Feeling the silk scarves wrap around her wrists and ankles as he tied her spread-eagled on the posts of her bed had filled her with trepidation at first. Gavin hadn’t missed her distress and had simply asked, “Do you trust me, love?” She had eagerly nodded, but then remembered she was supposed to speak her answers.
When she’d whispered, “Always, Sir,” he’d kissed her like a starving man. Not once had he tried to hide his desire for her, and she’d been comforted by the fact theirs was more than just a Dom/sub scene. After she’d settled, he’d proceeded to kiss, lick, and nip every exposed inch of her that she’d been ready to scream at him to “get on with it already.” She might not be an experienced sub, but she had certainly read enough to know that wouldn’t fly, so she’d kept quiet.
Gavin had taken her up the mountain of arousal so many times that she’d lost count, but she did know that his pulling her back was making her crave the ecstasy of his touch like an addict craves a drug. When he’d finally released her arms and legs, gently massaging the muscles she’d worked out by straining against the bonds, he’d whispered, “This is our first time together, and I want to be able to feel your hands on me as I make love to you.” He’d drawn his finger between her breasts to her lower belly and her entire body had responded. Her nipples had drawn into tight peaks and her sex had flooded with a fresh wave of her cream.
When he’d stood beside the bed and stripped off his jeans, she’d sucked in a breath when his enormous cock had sprung free. The head was a deep purple with the glint of moisture already filling the tip. The veins along the sides were engorged and creating raised lines that she knew were going to caress her channel so she felt every bump and ridge as he stroked her. Gavin had stood still letting her look her fill. When her eyes had finally made their way up to his, he’d been smiling. “Like what you see, love?” She’d only been able to nod, but when he then had raised his brow at her before saying, “Is that how you are supposed to answer questions, pet?”
“No, Sir. And, yes, I like what I see very much, but…well, I’m worried it won’t fit.” She hadn’t meant to speak her concern out loud, but the words had tumbled out of her mouth before she’d had a chance to pull them back.
He’d chuckled, “Well, thanks for the ego boost, baby, but I assure you, it will definitely fit. I am going to go slow because I want to make sure you enjoy each moment of our first time together.” They had already discussed birth control and exchanged health reports and she had been grateful for that because feeling his bare cock pressing against her opening had almost been enough to make her come before he’d even entered her. The pillow he’d placed under her ass tilted her hips so she was completely open to him and then he’d begun by moving his cock through the soaking petals of her pussy spreading the moisture and reigniting her push toward release. “You feel incredible, baby. Scorching hot. So wet. Unbelievably tight. Perfect.”
As he’d pumped into her, gaining ground in small increments, she’d felt like she was floating above herself. There had been a time when she’d been so lost in the feeling of his entering her that she’d lost focus on anything but the moment. When he’d finally gotten fully seated in her, she could feel the tip pressing so deep inside he was pushing against her cervix, and the feeling was unlike anything she’d ever known. When her muscles had finally stretched to accommodate him, he began long strokes that had nearly driven her mad before they had come together, shouting each other’s names. Kylie had literally seen fireworks of brilliant colors she hadn’t even known existed lighting up the insides of her eyelids, and when the crashing waves of her orgasm had finally subsided she’d been left completely limp and sated.
Kylie vaguely remembered Gavin kissing her goodbye and promising to see her in a few hours, but she really didn’t have any idea what time that had been. Her body was still luxuriating in the aftermath of mind-blowing sex, and moving to get out of bed had all the tender spots tingling in a way that reminded her of each and every delicious moment.
Kylie spent the day unloading box after box of supplies. For some reason, everything seemed to have been delivered at the same time, and she wondered briefly if perhaps Hannah had just forgotten to mention the deliveries to the ranch hands until there had been enough to be in the way. She shrugged it off and was grateful for the distraction. She hadn’t realized it was Valentine’s Day until she had heard it mentioned on the radio station she’d been listening to. And, she was trying very hard not to think about the fact she hadn’t seen Gavin all day. Does he regret what happened last night? Was I a huge disappointment? Maybe he wants to stay away so he doesn’t feel obligated to do anything for Valentine’s Day.
Her dad had always sent her flowers, and she hadn’t even heard from him today either. She’d checked her phone and email hourly and had finally just set her phone aside and vowed not to be weighed down by the sadness she was feeling. Hard work had always been her way to vent stress, so she’d focused on getting everything ready before calving season started. She hadn’t taken time to eat lunch, and by early evening, she was dirty, exhausted, hungry, and sad. After closing, then locking up the clinic, she wandered over to the barn and checked on the mares that were close to giving birth. There didn’t seem to be any chance that would happen tonight, so she’d stopped to give Bandit a couple of treats on her way out.
Reaching into her pocket, Kylie finally retrieved her phone. She had forgotten to turn it back on and while she walked back to her cabin she powered it up. Noting that she had several missed calls, she was studying the list as she rounded a hedge and ran into the rock-hard wall of Gavin’s chest. She probably would have fallen flat on her ass if he hadn’t grabbed her shoulders to steady her. “Pet, is there some reason you have ignored my calls and messages today?” His tone was level, but there was no question he was annoyed. Everything seemed to sweep over her at the same moment and she felt her eyes fill with tears.
“No. I mean, I was…well, I was tired of checking my phone all morning for messages and I didn’t hear from my dad and he always remembers Valentine’s Day and I just tried to work hard and forget everything and I’m tired and dirty and I was afraid you were avoiding me because it’s a day for lovers and maybe you were disappointed in me and I’m sorry if I let you down last night because I really should have told you I wasn’t experienced.” Kylie finally realized she was babbling and that Gavin was staring at her and shaking his head.
“Sweetheart, I’m amazed you didn’t pass out from a lack of oxygen. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard anyone speak so many words without taking a breath, not even you.” He pulled her against his chest and held her for long minutes, just letting her settle down.
Chapter Nine
Gavin had been teetering between pissed and worried sick all afternoon when he couldn’t reach Kylie. He’d been held up on a parts run and had finally called one of the younger ranch hands. The kid had just looked in the window of the clinic and reported that Kylie was working hard and had her radio cranked so loud it was no wonder she wasn’t re
sponding to her phone.
When he’d finally gotten back to the ranch, it had been a mad dash to get everything set up and ready. He’d finished and was heading to find her when she’d rounded the corner and literally bounced off his chest. He’d listened to the jumble of her thoughts and realized quickly that her insecurities had managed to take over when she thought he and her dad had both blown off Valentine’s Day. He knew she was crying because he could feel the tears soaking through his shirt even though she wasn’t making a sound. Pulling back, he looked into her eyes, “Sweetheart, neither your dad nor I have forgotten you.” He brushed her tears away before kissing her forehead. “Never, love. Now come on.” He turned and pulled her against his side and led her toward his own house rather than her own.
“Um, I really need to take a shower.” He could hear the hesitance in her voice and knew she was hoping to get herself back together before facing him.
“You’ll be fine.” As they rounded the corner, he could tell the minute she noticed the lights. There were twinkling lights strung in all the trees and shrubs, making the area look like a fairyland. Before they’d even reached the steps of his wrap-around porch, she had placed her hand on his arm to still him. “It’s incredible. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything as lovely. It looks like a fairyland and I feel horrible for thinking you’d forgotten.” The sadness and guilt was easy to read in her expression, and he really didn’t want that to be the way she remembered this night.