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Romance of the Three Kingdoms: 1 (Tuttle Classics)

Page 20

by Lo Kuan-Chung

  The boat was too small to carry everybody and those unable to get on board clung to the cable, but Li Yueh cut them down and they fell into the water. They ferried over the Emperor and then sent back the boat for the others. There was a great scramble to get on board and they had to chop off the fingers and hands of those who persisted in clinging to the boat.

  The lamentation rose to the heavens. When they mustered on the farther bank many were missing, not a score of the Emperor’s suite were left. A bullock cart was found in which the Emperor travelled to Tayang. They had no food and at night sought shelter in a poor, tile-roofed house. The cottagers gave them some boiled millet but it was too coarse to be swallowed.

  Next day the Emperor conferred titles on those who had protected him so far and they pushed on. Soon two officers of rank came up with the cortege and they bowed before His Majesty with many tears. They were Yang Piao and Han Jung. The Emperor and Empress lifted up their voices and wept with them.

  Said Han Jung to his colleague,“The rebels have confidence in my words. You stay as guard of the Emperor and I will take my life in my hands and try to bring about peace.”

  After he had gone the Emperor rested for a time in Yang’s camp and then was requested to make Anihsien the capital. But the town contained not a single lofty building and the court lived in grass huts devoid even of doors. They surrounded these with a fence of thorns as a protection, and within this the Emperor held counsel with his ministers. The soldiers camped round the fence.

  Li Yueh and his fellow ruffians showed their true colours. They wielded the powers of the Emperor as they wished and officials who offended them were beaten or abused even in the presence of the Emperor. They purposely provided thick wine and coarse food for the Emperor’s consumption. He struggled to swallow what they sent. Li Yueh and Han Hsien joined in recommending to the throne the names of convicts, common soldiers, sorcerers, leeches and such people who thus obtained official ranks. There were more than two hundred of such people. As seals could not be engraved pieces of metal were hammered into some sort of a shape.

  Now Han Jung went to see the two rebels who listened to him and set free the officials and palace people.

  A famine occurred that same year and people were reduced to eating grass from the roadside. Starving they wandered hither and thither but food and clothing were sent to the Emperor from the surrounding districts and the Court began to enjoy a little repose.

  Tung Ch’eng and Yang Feng sent workmen to restore the palaces in Loyang with the intention of moving the Court thither. Li Yueh was opposed to this and when argued with, that Loyang was really the capital as opposed to the paltry town of Ani, and removal would be but reasonable, he wound up by saying,“You may get the Court to remove but I shall remain here.”

  But when the consent of the Emperor had been given and a start made Li Yueh secretly sent to arrange with Li Ts’ui and Kuo Ssu to capture him. However, this plot leaked out and the escort so arranged as to prevent such a thing and they pressed on to Chikuan as rapidly as possible. Li heard this and without waiting for his colleagues to join him set out to act alone.

  About the fourth watch, just as the cavalcade was passing Chikuan, a voice was heard shouting,“Stop those carriages! Li and Kuo are here.”

  This frightened the Emperor greatly and his terror increased when he saw the whole mountain side suddenly light up.

  The rebel party, erstwhile split in twain,

  To work their wicked will now join again.

  How the Son of Heaven escaped this peril will be told in the next chapter.



  T he last chapter closed with the arrival of Li Yueh who shouted out falsely that the army was that of the two arch rebels Li and Kuo come to capture the imperial cavalcade. But Yang Feng recognised the voice of Li Yueh and bade Hsu Huang go out to fight him. He went and in the first bout the traitor fell. His men scattered and the travellers got safely through Chikuan. Here the Prefect, Chang Yang, supplied them plentifully with food and other necessaries and escorted the Emperor to Chihtao. For his timely help the Emperor conferred upon Chang Yang the rank of a Ta-ssu-ma, or President, and he went and camped at Yehwang.

  Loyang was presently entered. Within the walls all was destruction. The palaces and halls had been burned, the streets were overgrown with grass and brambles and obstructed by heaps of ruins. The palaces and courts were represented by broken roofs and toppling walls. A small “palace” however was soon built and therein the officers of court presented their congratulations, standing in the open air among thorn bushes and brambles. The reign style was changed from Hsing-P’ing to Chien-An (firm tranquillity).

  The year was a year of grievous famine. The Loyang people, even reduced in numbers as they were to a few hundreds, had not enough to eat and they prowled about stripping the bark off trees and grubbing up the roots of plants to satisfy their starving hunger. Officers of the Government of all but the highest ranks went out into the country to gather fuel. Many people lay down and died quietly behind the ruined walls of their houses. At no time during the decadence of Han did misery press harder than at this period.

  A poem written in pity for the sufferings of that time says:—

  Mortally wounded, the serpent poured forth his life blood at Mantang;

  Blood-red pennons of war waved then in every quarter,

  Chieftain with chieftain strove and raided each other’s borders,

  ‘Midst the turmoil and strife the Kingship even was threatened.

  Wickedness stalks in a country when the King is a weakling,

  Brigandage always is rife, when a dynasty’s failing,

  Had one a heart of iron, wholly devoid of feeling,

  Yet would one surely grieve at the sight of such desolation.

  The Tai-yu Yang Piao memorialised the Throne saying,“The decree issued to me some time ago has never been acted upon. Now Ts’ao Ts’ao is very strong in Shantung and it would be well to associate him in the government that he might support the ruling house.”

  The Emperor replied,“There was no need to refer to the matter again. Send a messenger when you will.”

  So the decree went forth and a messenger bore it into Shantung. Now when Ts’ao had heard that the Court had returned to Loyang he called together his advisers to consult. Hsun Yu laid the matter before him and the council thus:— “Of old Duke Wen supported Prince Hsiang of the Chou dynasty and all the feudal lords backed him. The founder of the Hans won the popular favour by wearing mourning for the Emperor I (who never really sat on the throne). Now the Emperor has been a fugitive on the dusty roads. To take the lead in offering an army to restore him to honour is to have an unrivalled opportunity to win universal regard. But you must act quickly or some one will get in before you.”

  Ts’ao Ts’ao understood and at once prepared his army to move. Just at this moment an imperial messenger was announced with the very command he wanted and he immediately set out.

  At Loyang everything was desolate. The walls had fallen and there were no means of rebuilding them, while rumours and reports of the coming of Li and Kuo kept up a state of constant anxiety.

  The frightened Emperor spoke with Yang Feng saying,“What can be done? There is no answer from Shantung and our enemies are near.”

  Then Yang Feng and Han Hsien said,“We, your ministers, will fight to the death for you.”

  Tung Ch’eng said,“The fortifications are weak and our military resources small, so that we cannot hope for victory and what does defeat mean? I see nothing better to propose than a move into Shantung.”

  The Emperor agreed to this and the journey began without further preparation. There being few horses, the officers of the Court had to march afoot. Hardly a bowshot outside the gate they saw a thick cloud of dust out of which came all the clash and clamour of an advancing army. The Emperor and his Consort were dumb with fear. Then appeared a horseman; he was the
messenger returning from Shantung. He rode up to the chariot, made an obeisance and said,“General Ts’ao, as commanded, is coming with all the military force of Shantung, but hearing that Li and Kuo had again approached the capital he has sent Hsiahou Tun in advance. With him are many capable leaders and five legions of proved soldiers. They will guard Your Majesty.”

  All fear was swept away. Soon after Hsiahou Tun and his staff arrived and they were presented to the Emperor who graciously addressed them.

  Then one came to say a large army was approaching from the east and at the Emperor’s command Hsiahou Tun went to ascertain who these were. He soon returned saying they were Ts’ao Ts’ao’s infantry.

  In a short time Ts’ao Hung and his officers came to the chariot and their names having been duly communicated the chief said,“When my brother heard of the approach of the rebels he feared that the advance guard he had sent might be too weak so he sent me to march quickly and reinforce him.”

  “General Ts’ao is indeed a trusty servant,” said the Emperor.

  Orders were given to advance, the escort leading. By and by scouts came to say that the rebels were coming up very quickly. The Emperor bade Hsiahou Tun divide his force into two parts to oppose them, whereupon the armies threw out two wings with cavalry in front and foot behind. They attacked with vigour and beat off the rebels with great loss. Then they begged the Emperor to return to Loyang and Hsiahou Tun guarded the city.

  Soon Ts’ao Ts’ao came with his great army and having got them duly camped he went into the city to audience. He knelt at the foot of the steps, but was called up hither to stand beside the Emperor and be thanked.

  Ts’ao replied,“Having been the recipient of great bounty thy servant owes the State much gratitude. The measure of evil of the two rebels is full, I have a score of legions of good soldiers to oppose them and they are fully equal to securing the safety of Your Majesty and the Throne. The preservation of the state sacrifice is the matter of real moment.”

  High honours were conferred on Ts’ao Ts’ao.

  The two rebels wished to attack Ts’ao Ts’ao’s army while fatigued from its long march, but their adviser Chia Hsu opposed this, saying there was no hope of victory. In fact he advised submission. Li Ts’ui was angry at the suggestion, saying that the adviser wished to dishearten the army and drew his sword on Chia. But the other officers interceded and saved him. That same night Chia stole out of the camp and, quite alone, took his way home to his native village.

  Soon the rebels decided to offer battle. Ts’ao sent out in reply a small company of horse with three warriors as leaders. These dashed into the rebels army but quickly retired. This manoeuvre was repeated, and again repeated before the real battle array was formed. Then Li Hsien and Li Pieh, nephews of Li Ts’ui, rode out. At once from Ts’ao’s side dashed out Hsu Ch’u and cut down the former. Li Pieh was so startled that he fell out of the saddle. He too was slain. The victor rode back to his own side with the two heads. When he offered them to the chief, Ts’ao Ts’ao patted him on the back crying,“You are really my Fan K’uai! (Preserver).”

  Next a general move forward was made, Hsiahou Tun and Ts’ao Jen leading the two wings and Ts’ao Ts’ao in the centre. They advanced to the roll of the drum. The rebels fell back before them and presently fled. They were pursued, Ts’ao himself leading, sword in hand. Many were killed and many more surrendered. The two leaders went west, flying in panic like dogs from a falling house. Having no place of refuge they took to the hills and hid among the brushwood.

  The army returned and camped again near the city. Then Yang Feng and Han Hsien said one to another,“This Ts’ao has done a great service and he will be the man in power. There will be no place for us.” So they represented to the Emperor that they wished to pursue the rebels and under this excuse withdrew and camped at Taliang.

  One day the Emperor sent to summon Ts’ao Ts’ao to audience. The messenger was called in. Ts’ao noticed that he looked remarkably well and could not understand it seeing that everyone else looked hungry and famine stricken. So he said,“You look plump and well, Sir, how do you manage it?”

  “Only this; I have lived maigre for thirty years.”

  Ts’ao nodded.“What office do you hold?”

  “I am a graduate. I had an office under Yuan Shao, but came here when the Emperor returned. Now I am one of the secretaries. I am a native of Tingt’ao called Tung Chao.”

  Ts’ao got up from his place and crossed over saying,“I have heard of you. How happy I am to meet you!”

  Then wine was brought into the tent and Hsun Yu was called in and introduced. While they were talking a man came in to report that a party was moving eastward. Orders were given to find out whose men these were but the visitor knew at once.“They are old leaders under the rebels, Yang Feng and the “White Wave General” Han. They are running off because you have come, Illustrious Sir!”

  “Do they mistrust me?” said Ts’ao.

  “They are not worthy of your attention. They are a poor lot.”

  “What of this departure of Li and Kuo?”

  “Tigers without claws, birds without wings will not escape you very long. They are not worth thinking about.”

  Ts’ao Ts’ao saw that he and his guest had much in common so he began to talk of affairs of State.

  Said Tung Chao,“You, Illustrious Sir, with your noble army have swept away rebellion and have become the mainstay of the throne, an achievement worthy of the five chieftains. But the officials will look at it in very different ways and not all favourably to you. I think you would not be wise to remain here and I advise a change of capital to Hsutu in Honan. However, it must be remembered that the restoration of the capital has been published far and wide and the attention of all the people is concentrated on Loyang, hoping for a period of rest and tranquillity. Another move will displease many. However, the performance of extraordinary service may mean the acquisition of extraordinary merit. It is for you to decide.”

  “Exactly my own inclination!” said Ts’ao Ts’ao, seizing his guest’s hand.“But are there not dangers? Yang Feng at Taliang and the Court officials?”

  “That is easily managed. Write to Yang and set his mind at rest. Say plainly that there is no food in the capital here and so you are going to another place where there is, and where there is no danger of scarcity. When the higher officials hear it they will approve.”

  Ts’ao Ts’ao had now decided and as his guest took leave he seized his hands once more saying,“All my success I shall only owe to you.”

  Tung Chao thanked and left. Thereafter Ts’ao and his advisers secretly discussed the change of capital.

  Now as to that a certain official named Wang Li, who was a student of astrology, said to one Liu Ai,“I have been studying the stars. Since last spring Venus has been nearing the ‘Guard’ star in the neighbourhood of the ‘Measure,’ and the ‘Cowherd’* crossing the River of Heaven.† Mars has been retrograding and came into conjunction with Venus in the Gate of Heaven,# so that ‘Metal’ and ‘Fire’ are mingled. Thence must emerge a new ruler. The aura of the Hans is exhausted and Chin and Wei must increase.”

  A secret memorial was presented to the Emperor Hsien saying,“The Mandate of Heaven has its course and the five elements are out of proportion. ‘Earth’ is attacking ‘Fire’ and the successor to the Empire of Han is in Wei.”

  Ts’ao heard of these sayings and memorials and sent a man to the astrologer to say,“Your loyalty is well known, but the ways of Heaven are past finding out. The less said the better.”

  Hsun, the adviser, expounded the meaning thus: “The virtue of Han was fire; your element is earth. Hsutu is under the influence of earth and so your fortune depends on getting there. Fire can overcome earth, as earth can multiply wood. Tung Chao and the astrologer agree and you have only to bide your time.”

  So Ts’ao made up his mind. Next day at Court he said,“The capital is deserted and cannot be restored nor can it be supplied easily with food. Hsutu
is a noble city, standing close to a fruitful district. It is everything that a capital should be. I venture to request that the Court move thither.”

  The Emperor dared not oppose and the officials were too overawed to have any independent opinion so they chose a day to set out. Ts’ao commanded the escort and the officials all followed. When they had travelled a few stages they saw before them a high mound and from behind this there arose the beating of drums. Then Yang and Han came out and barred the way. In front of all stood Hsu Huang, who shouted,“Ts’ao Ts’ao is stealing away the Emperor!”

  Ts’ao rode out and took a good look at this man. He seemed a fine fellow and in his secret soul Ts’ao greatly admired him, although he was an enemy. Then he ordered Hsu Ch’u to go and fight him. The combat was axe against broadsword and the two men fought more than half a hundred bouts without advantage to either side. Ts’ao then beat the gongs and drew off his men.

  In the camp a council was called. Ts’ao said,“The two rebels themselves need not be discussed; but Hsu Huang is a fine captain and I was unwilling to use any great force against him. I want to win him over to our side.”

  An officer, Man Ch’ung, replied,“Do not let that trouble you; I will have a word with him. I shall disguise myself as a soldier this evening and steal over to the enemy’s camp to talk to him. I shall incline his heart toward you.”

  That night Man Ch’ung, duly disguised, got over to the other side and made his way to the tent of Hsu Huang, who sat there by the light of a candle. He was still wearing his coat of mail. Suddenly Ch’ung ran out in front and saluted saying,“You have been well since we parted, old friend?”


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