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Romance of the Three Kingdoms: 1 (Tuttle Classics)

Page 44

by Lo Kuan-Chung

  Easily moved to anger Yuan Shao was going to execute T’ien, but this time he forebore at the entreaties of many of his officers. However, he was not appeased, for he said,“I will punish him when I return from conquering Ts’ao Ts’ao.”

  Meanwhile he hastened to start. The banners of his host filled the horizon, their swords were as trees in the forest. They marched to Yangwu and there made a strong camp.

  Then Chu Shou once more opposed any hasty movement, saying, ‘Though our soldiers are many they are not so bold as the enemy; however, veterans as are the enemy they have not ample supplies. Therefore they will wish to force on a speedy battle, while our policy is to hold them off and delay. If we can keep from a decisive battle long enough the victory will be ours without fighting.”

  This advice did not appeal to the General. Said he, threateningly,“Tien Feng spake discouraging words to my armies and I will assuredly put him to death on my return. How dare you follow in the same way?”

  He summoned the lictors and sent away the adviser in chains, saying,“When I have overcome Ts’ao then will I deal with you and Tien Feng together.”

  The huge army was camped in four divisions, one toward each point of the compass. The camps were ninety li in circuit. Scouts and spies were sent out to discover the strong and the weak points of the enemy.

  Ts’ao’s army arrived and were smitten with fear when they heard of the strength of their enemy. The leader called together his council. Then said the adviser Hsun Yu,“The enemy are many but not terrible. Ours is an army of veterans, every man worth ten, but our advantage lies in a speedy battle for unhappily our stores are insufficient for a long campaign.”

  “You speak to the point,” said Ts’ao.“I think the same.”

  Therefore he issued orders to press forward and force on a battle. Yuan Shao’s men took up the challenge and the two sides were arrayed. On Yuan’s side a legion of crossbow men were placed in ambush on the two wings, while half a legion of archers held the centre. The signal for general attack was a bomb and the onset was to continue through three rolls of the drum.

  Yuan Shao wore a silver helmet and breastplate and an embroidered robe held in by a jewelled belt. He took up his post in the centre with his numerous captains ranged right and left. His banners and ensigns made a brave show.

  When the Ts’ao army centre opened and the banners moved aside the great captain appeared on horseback with his staff of doughty leaders all fully armed. Pointing with his whip at Yuan Shao he cried,“In the presence of the Emperor I pressed your claims to consideration and obtained for you the title of Generalissimo; why do you now plan rebellion?”

  Yuan replied,“You take the title of a minister of Han, but you are really a rebel against the House. Your crimes and evil deeds reach to the heavens, and you are worse than the usurper Mang and the rebel Cho. What are these slanderous words about rebellion that dare you address to me?”

  “I have a command to make you prisoner.”

  “I have the Girdle Decree to arrest rebels,” replied Yuan.

  Then Ts’ao became wrathful and bade Chang Liao ride forth as his champion. From the other side rode Chang Ho on a curvetting steed. The two champions fought four or five bouts with no advantage to either. In his heart Ts’ao thought the contest amazing. Then Hsu Ch’u whirled up his sword and went to help. To match him rode out Kao Lan with his spear in rest, and the contestants were now four, battling two and two. Then Ts’ao ordered three companies under Hsiahou Tun and Ts’ao Hung to attack the opponents’ array. Thereupon on Yuan’s side the signal for attack was also given and the legion of crossbow men on the wings shot and the centre archers let fly all together. The arrows flew all over the field in front and Ts’ao’s men could not advance. They hastened away toward the south. Yuan threw his soldiers on their rear and they were broken. They went away toward Kuantu and Yuan advanced another stage. He camped near them.

  Then Shen P’ei said,“Now send ten legions to guard Kuantu and get near Ts’ao’s camp, then throw up observation mounds to get a clear view of the enemy and choose vantage points whence to shoot arrows into the midst of their host. If we can force him to evacuate this place we shall have gained a strategical point whence Hsuch’ang can be attacked.”

  Yuan adopted this suggestion. From each of the camps they sought out the strongest veterans who dug with iron spades and carried earth to raise mounds near Ts’ao’s camp.

  Ts’ao’s men saw what their enemies were doing and were anxious to make a sortie and drive them off. But the archers and crossbow men came out commanding the narrow throat through which it was necessary to attack and stayed them. At the end of ten days they had thrown up more than half a hundred mounds and on the summit of each was a lofty tower, whence the archers could command their opponents’ camp. Ts’ao’s men were greatly frightened and held up their bucklers to keep off the various missiles. From the mounds the arrows flew down, pang! pang! like a fierce rain. The men of the Yuan army laughed and jeered when they saw their enemies crouching under their shields and crawling on the ground to avoid their missiles.

  Ts’ao saw that his soldiers were getting out of hand under this attack so he called a council. Liu Yeh spoke up saying,“Let us make ballistae and so destroy them.”

  Ts’ao at once had models brought and set cunning workmen to make these machines. They soon constructed some hundreds and placed them along the walls of the camp inside, just opposite the high ladders on the enemy’s mounds.

  Then they watched for the archers to ascend the towers. As soon as they began to shoot all the ballistae began to heave their stone balls into the skies and they wrought great havoc. There was no shelter from them and enormous numbers of the archers were killed. Yuan’s men called these machines “Rumblers” and after their appearance the archers dared not ascend the mounds to shoot.

  Then Shen P’ei, the strategist, thought out another plan. He set men to tunnel under the walls into the midst of Ts’ao’s camp and called this corps “The Sappers.” Ts’ao’s men saw the enemy digging out pits behind the mounds and told the chief, who at once sought a counter plan from Liu Yeh.

  “As Yuan Shao can no longer attack openly he is attacking secretly and is tunnelling a road under ground into the midst of our camp,” said he.

  “But how to meet it?”

  “We can surround the camp with a deep moat which renders their tunnel useless.”

  So a deep moat was dug as quickly as possible and when the enemy sappers arrived thereat, lo! their labour had been in vain and the sap was useless.

  It is recorded that Ts’ao held Kuantu throughout the eighth and ninth months when, the men being worn out and provisions failing, he began to think of giving up and returning to the capital. As he could not make up his mind he referred his difficulties by letter to Hsun Yu, whom he had left to guard Hsuch’ang. The reply he got was to this effect:— “I have received your command to decide whether to continue the campaign or retire. It appears to me that Yuan Shao assembled such large forces at Kuantu with the expectation of winning a decision. You, Sir, are very weak while he is very strong and if you cannot get the better of him he will be able to work his will on you for this is a crisis of empire. Your opponents are indeed numerous, but their leader knows not how to use them. With your military genius and discernment where are you not sure to succeed? Now though your numbers are small it is not as when Ch’u and Han were between Jungyang and Ch’engkao. You are securely intrenched with your hands on his throat, and even if you cannot advance, that state of things cannot endure for ever but must change. This is the time to play some unexpected move and you must not miss it. The device I leave to your illustrious ingenuity.”

  This letter greatly pleased Ts’ao and he urged upon his men to use every effort to maintain the position.

  Yuan having retired some thirty li, Ts’ao sent out scouts to ascertain his new dispositions. One of Hsu Huang’s officers captured an enemy spy and sent him to his chief, who interrogated him and fou
nd out that a convoy of supplies was expected and that this spy and others had been sent to find out what were the risks of the route. Hsu Huang went at once to tell Ts’ao. When the adviser Hsun Yu heard that the commander of the convoy was Han Meng he said,“That fellow is a valiant fool. A few companies of light horse sent to intercept him can capture the whole train and cause much trouble in the enemy’s camp.”

  “Whom should I send ?” asked Ts’ao.

  “You might send Hsu Huang, he is capable of such a task.”

  So Hsu was deputed and he took with him Shih Huan, who had captured the spy, and his company. And this party was supported by Chang Liao and Hsu Ch’u.

  It was night when the commissariat train of many thousands of carts drew near Yuan Shao’s camp. As they passed through a defile Ts’ao’s men came out and stopped the train. Han Meng galloped up to give battle but was soon overcome. The guard was scattered and soon the whole train was in flames. The escort and their leader got away.

  The glow of the flames seen from Shao’s camp caused great consternation, which became fear when the escaped soldiers rode in and told their tale.

  Yuan sent out Chang Ho and Kao Lan to try to intercept the raiders and they came upon Hsu Huang and his company. Just as they were attacking reinforcements came up and the Yuan men were between two fires. They were cut to pieces and the successful captains rode back to Kuantu, where they were richly rewarded.

  As an additional safeguard Ts’ao made a supporting outpost in front of the main camp to be the apex of a triangle of defence.

  When Han Meng returned with his woeful tidings Yuan Shao was angry and threatened to put him to death. His colleagues begged him off.

  Then said Shen P’ei,“Food is very important for an army in the field and must be defended with the greatest diligence. Wuch’ao is our main depot and must be carefully guarded.”

  “My plans being complete,” said Shao,“you may as well return to Yehtu and undertake the control of the supplies. Let there be no shortage.” So Shen P’ei left the army.

  Then a force of two legions under six captains was told off to defend the depot. One of these captains, Shunyu Ch’iung, was a hard man and a heavy drinker, who in his cups was a terror to the men. Under the idle life of guarding the supply depot the leaders gave themselves up to indulgence and drank heavily.

  In Ts’ao’s army also food was getting scarce and a message was sent to the capital to send grain quickly. The messenger with the letter, however, had not gone far when he fell into the hands of Shao’s men, who took him to the adviser Hsu Yu. Seeing from the letter that Ts’ao was short of supplies the adviser went to his master and told him saying,“Ts’ao Ts’ao and we have been at grips here for a long time and the capital must be undefended. A small army sent quickly could take it and at the same moment an attack here would deliver Ts’ao into our hands. Now is the moment to strike, for his supplies are short.”

  Shao replied,“Ts’ao is full of ruses and this letter is artfully designed to bring about a battle to suit himself.”

  “If you do not take this chance he will do you some injury by and by.”

  Just at this juncture in came a despatch from Yehchun in which, after some details regarding the forwarding of grain, Shen P’ei said he had discovered that Hsu Yu had been in the habit of receiving bribes while in Ch’ichou and had winked at his relatives collecting excess taxes. One son and nephew were then in prison.

  At this Yuan Shao turned on Hsu Yu angrily and said,“How can you have the face to stand before me and propose plans, you extortionate fellow? You and Ts’ao Ts’ao have old likings for each other and he has bribed you to do his dirty work for him and help his base schemes. Now you want to betray my army. I ought to take off your head, but temporarily I will let your neck carry it away. Get out and never let me see you again.”

  The discredited adviser sighed and went out, saying,“Faithful words offend his ear. He is a pest and unworthy of advice from me. And now that Shen P’ei has injured my son and nephew how can I look my fellow men in the face again?”

  And he drew his sword to end his life. But his people prevented that. They said,“If Yuan Shao rejects your honest words then assuredly he will be taken by Ts’ao Ts’ao. You are an old friend of Ts’ao’s; why not abandon the shade for the sunlight?”

  Just these few words awakened him to consciousness of his position and he decided to leave Yuan Shao and go over to Ts’ao Ts’ao for he was an old friend.

  Vainly now for chances lost

  Yuan sighs; once he was great.

  Had he taken Hsu’s advice,

  Ts’ao had rot set up a State.

  Hsu Yu stealthily left the camp and set out for Ts’ao’s lines. He was captured on the way. He told his captors he was an old friend of the Minister’s and asked them to tell him that Hsu Yu of Nanyang wished to see him.

  They did so. Ts’ao was resting in his tent, his clothing loose and comfortable after the toils of the day. When he heard who wished to see him he arose quite joyfully and dressed himself hastily to receive Hsu. He went forth to greet him. They saw each other in the distance and Ts’ao Ts’ao clapped his hands with gladness bowing to the ground when near enough to his visitor, Hsu Yu hastened to help him rise, saying,“Sir, you, a great Minister, should not thus salute a simple civilian like me.”

  “But you are my old friend and no name or office makes any difference to us,” replied Ts’ao.

  “Having been unable to choose the lord I would serve I had to bow my head before Yuan Shao. But he was deaf to my words and disregarded my plans. Wherefore I have left him and come now to see my old friend from whom I hope employment.”

  “If Tzu-yuan is willing to come then have I indeed a helper,” said Ts’ao.“I desire you to give me a scheme for the destruction of Yuan Shao.”

  “I counselled him to send a light force to take the capital so that head and tail be both attacked.”

  Ts’ao was alarmed.“If he does so, I am lost.”

  “How much grain have you in store?” said the new adviser.

  “Enough for a year.”

  “I think not quite,” said Yu smiling.

  “Well, half a year.”

  The visitor shook out his sleeves, rose and hurried toward the door of the tent, saying,“I offer him good counsel and he repays me with deceit. Could I have expected it?”

  Ts’ao held him back.“Do not be angry,” said he.“I will tell you the truth. Really I have here only enough for three months.”

  “Everybody says you are a marvel of wickedness and indeed it is true,” said Yu.

  “But who does not know that in war there is no objection to deceit?” replied Ts’ao. Then whispering in the other’s ear he said,“Actually here I have only supplies for this month’s use.”

  “O do not throw dust in my eyes any more. Your grain is exhausted and I know it.”

  Ts’ao was startled, for he thought no one knew of the straits he was in.

  “How did you find that out?” said he.

  Hsu Yu produced the letter, saying,“Who wrote that?”

  “Where did you get it?”

  Whereupon he told Ts’ao the story of the captured messenger. Ts’ao seized him by the hand saying,“Since our old friendship has brought you to me I hope you have some plan to suggest to me.”

  Hsu Yu said,“To oppose a great army with a small one is to walk in the way of destruction unless you inflict quick defeat. I can propose a plan which will defeat the innumerable hordes of Yuan Shao without fighting a battle. But will you follow my advice?”

  “I desire to know your plan,” said Ts’ao.

  “Your enemy’s stores of all kinds are at Wuch’ao, where the commander of the guard is that drunkard Shunyu Ch’iung. You can send some of your trusty veterans to pretend they belong to Chiang Chi, one of Yuan’s generals, sent to help guard the depot. These men can find an opportunity to fire the grain and stores of all kinds, which will upset all Yuan Shao’s calculations.”

  Ts’ao approved. He treated Hsu Yu very liberally and kept him in his camp. Forthwith he chose five companies of horse and foot ready for the expedition. Chang Liao protested the enterprise would be futile as the grain depot would certainly be well guarded and he suggested treachery on the part of the newly arrived strategist.”

  “Hsu Yu is no traitor,” said Ts’ao.“He has come sent by Heaven to defeat Yuan Shao. If we do not get grain it will be hard to hold out and I have either to follow his advice or sit still and be hemmed in. If he was a traitor he would hardly remain in my camp. Moreover this raid has been my desire for a long time. Have no doubts; the raid will certainly succeed.”

  “Well, then, you must look out for an attack here while the camp is undefended.”

  ‘That is already well provided for,” said Ts’ao gleefully.

  The defenders of the camp were then told off. Among them was Hsu Yu.

  The arrangements for the raid on the grain depot were made with extreme care to ensure success. When all was ready they set out, Ts’ao himself in the centre. The army showed the ensigns of their opponents. The men carried bundles of grass and faggots to make a blaze. The men were gagged and the horses tied round the muzzles so as to prevent any noise.

  They set out at dusk. The night was fine and the stars shone brightly Chu Shou, still a prisoner in Yuan Shao’s camp, saw the stars were very brilliant and told his gaolers to conduct him out to the central pavilion whence he could study them. While watching he saw the planet Venus invade the quarter of the Bear and Lyra, which startled him very greatly.

  “Some misfortune is near,” said he.

  So although it was still night he went to see his master. But Yuan Shao was sleeping after indulgence in too much wine and was in bad humour. However, when they had roused him saying that the prisoner had a secret message to deliver, he got up.

  “While I happened to be studying the aspect of the heavens,” said the night visitor,“I saw Venus, then between Hydra and Cancer, suddenly shoot into the neighbourhood of the Bear and Lyra. There is danger of a robber raid and special precautions must be taken at the grain depot. Lose no time in sending good soldiers and vigorous leaders thither and keep a lookout on the byeways among the hills that you may escape the wiles of Ts’ao Ts’ao.”


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