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Josh and Hannah

Page 13

by Lynda Chance

  He pushed the troubling thoughts aside and concentrated on her smooth skin beneath his fingers. He continued to kiss her, thrusting his tongue deeply and tasting every inch of her he could reach. When she turned her head away, needing oxygen, he rested his forehead against the side of her face and took deep, calming breaths.

  Slowly, she turned back and raised her eyes to his. Even though it was pitch black outside, his vision had adjusted, and he could make out the distress he read in her expression. Panic shot through him when he realized she’d never agreed to his demand. He knew he hadn’t really given her the time, let alone a choice, but he was suddenly cognizant of the fact that he wanted to hear her agreement to their relationship. “What’s wrong?”

  She shook her head. “Nothing.”

  The frown line between his brows intensified. “You look worried. You want this, right? You want to be my girlfriend?”

  She began nodding her head in short, quick little movements and that appeased him somewhat, but the distress was still there, in her eyes. “Then what’s wrong? Are you worried about … about sex?”

  When her eyes widened and she didn’t answer, he tried to calm her down. “We’re not going to have sex, baby, okay? Don’t worry. The subject is off-limits until you turn seventeen, and even then, you call the shots, okay? This isn’t about sex. It’s about you and me. It’s about nobody else thinking they can touch you, okay? That’s all I really care about at this point, making sure that nobody touches you.”

  Her eyes only became more troubled, and Josh knew he was fucking this up beyond all repair, but he kept going, kept trying to get her to understand. “It’s just … I can’t take another year. I can’t risk another year.” He tried to get his thoughts in order and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. It was so damn difficult to get his meaning across. “Look, have you ever wanted something so damn bad that you thought you’d go insane if you couldn’t have it? I don’t know … maybe a certain pair of boots that are the only pair like them or maybe … a perfect score in math? It takes up every thought in your head; it becomes the only thing you can focus on, and then you realize that someone else might buy the damn boots before you can … or maybe you’re not quite smart enough to score a one hundred?” He studied her face as she watched him intently. “That’s the way I feel about you, Hannah. You’re the something that I have to have. You’re the something that I’m terrified someone else will reach out and take before I get the opportunity.” He began shaking his head as if it just couldn’t happen. “I can’t take the risk. I thought I could wait until you turned seventeen, but I can’t. You have to be mine now, okay?”

  She nodded her head and opened her mouth to speak. And then closed it again.

  His eyes narrowed. “What? Tell me.”

  She took a deep breath and began slowly. “I want to be your girlfriend. But I’m worried about all of this. You say we won’t … ” Her words stalled in indecision and then she ended with, “You say that we won’t. But I know about you, Josh. Whether you think that you are or not, whether you care or not, you’re the most popular guy in school. There’s been a lot of gossip about you, you know?” She paused and when he didn’t say anything, she continued, “I know that you’re … “

  Her voice trailed off and Josh became frustrated. “I’m what?”

  She dropped her eyes from his. “I know that you’re used to having sex. So is this just one of those things where you say that we’re together but then … “

  When her voice dropped off again and Josh began to get her meaning, he couldn’t decide if he was pissed or if he wanted to laugh his ass off. Christ, if only she knew how he felt about her. Maybe it was best if she didn’t know exactly how bad he had it. A humorless laugh left his throat as he gripped her chin and tipped her face up to his. “Are you asking me if I’m going to keep having sex with other girls?”

  She flinched at his question and only just managed to nod her head because his grip had tightened on her skin. He answered her in short, firm words. “I don’t want to have sex with anybody else.”

  Her face flamed and her breath came quicker, but she didn’t respond. “You think I’ve still been out … banging everybody this whole time?” he asked.

  Her eyes closed and it was obvious to him that that was exactly what she’d thought. “Open your eyes.”

  Slowly, her eyelids lifted and it occurred to him once again that she was the prettiest girl that he’d ever seen. Maybe not to the rest of the world, but she was the prettiest girl he’d ever seen. He lowered his face an inch until they were eye to eye so that there was no way she could misunderstand what he was about to say. “I don’t care shit about having sex with anyone but you, Hannah. And I’m willing to wait as long as I have to.” His thumb rubbed over her soft skin as her scent arrowed heat down his spine. “I haven’t touched another girl since the first time I kissed you.”

  Her eyes flared and she gasped. He watched, absolutely floored, as tears filled her eyes. “You haven’t?”

  “No. Are you kidding me?” Josh tried to temper his voice, he knew Hannah’s emotions were running high, but still, it was almost unbelievable to him that she could even imagine that he’d want another girl.

  “Really?” she asked.

  “Really.” He ran his finger down the side of her cheek as he studied her. “Why would I even do that? What point would there be? You’re worrying about nothing. Trust me, it’s not going to happen and that’s the least of our worries.”

  Her eyes flared. “What do you mean?”

  “Your parents will have to know about us, there’s no getting around that.”


  At her question, it was obvious that Hannah didn’t see her parents finding out about them as the big deal that he did. “And they’re not going to like it. There’s crap you don’t know.”

  “I think I do know, Josh,” she answered softly.

  “What do you think you know?”

  She pinched her lips together in indecision. “My brother’s marriage isn’t good. His wife is having an affair—”

  “You know who with?” he demanded to know.


  He shook his head as shame ran down his spine. Shame, for something that wasn’t his fault. “Who told you?”

  Hannah’s features softened as she studied him and he could see the worry in her eyes. “My mother.”

  Her mother? Why would her mother tell Hannah all of a sudden? It didn’t seem as if it was a coincidence. “Why would she suddenly tell you?”

  “Because… she told me after you went to see my dad.”

  “Christ.” So, the day he’d spoken to Hannah’s father, Josh now knew the older man had read between the lines, and then reported back to his wife, who then must have spoken to Hannah.

  “I don’t think … the two of us … together … is going to come as a shock to my parents.”

  “Maybe not, but that doesn’t mean they’re going to like it.”

  “They’re going to have to get used to it, right?”

  Suddenly, if his mind hadn’t been made up before, it was now. “Yeah, they will, because I’m not going anywhere.”

  Her expression relaxed as a soft smile lit her face. “How soon do you think we should tell them?”

  “Soon. Tomorrow.”

  Chapter Nine

  Hannah woke up early the next day. Her stomach was roiling from the anxiety she was feeling. She’d already decided she would take the easy way out and tell her mother about Josh, and then hopefully, her mom would tell her dad for her and she wouldn’t have to do it.

  As usual, Zach was in Dallas so at least Hannah didn’t have to worry about that aspect of that situation. And they never saw Cindy anymore. It was obvious to Hannah that the woman was avoiding coming by the house.

  Josh wanted to come over later and pick Hannah up, and she was afraid her dad would want to speak to him first, so her parents had to be warned in advance.

  The house wa
s silent and Hannah found her mother in the kitchen. Her father was not in his study, so Hannah figured he was probably out at the barn already. Her mom glanced up from the counter where she was cracking eggs. “You’re up early. Everything all right?”

  “Yeah, just stuff on my mind.”

  Janet McIntyre picked up a cloth and wiped her hands and came to stand near the island where Hannah had pulled out a barstool and sat. “What’s up? Is anything wrong?”

  “Not with me.” Hannah couldn’t help it, she smiled, even though she wasn’t looking forward to the conversation and the fallout from it, she absolutely couldn’t help it, she was happy. She and Josh were an item.

  When Hannah smiled, her mom caught on fast. “Something happened with Josh last night?”


  “Well, tell me.”

  “We’re … together.”

  A look of mild panic crossed the older woman’s face. “Together. What does that mean?”

  “Mom.” Three beats of silence. “What do you think? He asked me to … be his girlfriend.”

  Her mother let out a sigh that sounded like relief. “I told you, didn’t I?”


  “Oh, sweetheart. I’m happy for you, I really am.” She put her hand to her brow and rubbed her forehead. “But your father … and Zach. Oh, Lord.”

  “I know,” Hannah agreed. “I blame Cindy for this, you know. If she wasn’t such a slut, this would be really exciting for me, instead of … crappy.”

  “I know, honey. But even without all that going on, your father still isn’t going to like it. You’re his little girl and this will hit him hard.”

  “He’s got to realize I’m growing up. I’m sixteen, in high school. Do you think he imagined I’d never have a boyfriend?”

  Her mother smiled. “He probably tried not to think about it; he’s your father so he’s in denial.”

  “Will you tell him?”

  Her mother sucked in a breath and looked at her aghast. “Me?”

  “Please. He never gets angry at you—” Hannah was interrupted by soft laughter. “Seriously, mom, it’s like you can do no wrong. He treats you like … I don’t know … delicate crystal. Like he has to be careful or you might break. It’s almost like he’s two different people, you know? He’s one way with the rest of the world, and then he sees you and he’s … different. If you tell him, it will be okay.”

  “Oh, honey, you know he’s gentle with you as well?”

  “I know he is, but I don’t want to tell him. Please, will you? Josh wants to pick me up later, and I know that dad has to be told before then.”

  “He’ll want to speak to Josh before he allows you to leave with him,” her mother warned.

  “Yeah, I figured as much.”

  “Okay. I’ll tell him after breakfast.”

  “I’ll be in my room.”

  “Hiding?” her mother asked, tongue-in-cheek.

  “For sure.”


  Josh pulled up to the McIntyre ranch at four in the afternoon with mixed feelings. On one hand, he dreaded the reaction he’d get from Hannah’s dad. On the other hand, he just wanted to get it over with so they could move on.

  He really had no big plans for an outing with Hannah today. The whole aspect of picking her up was just to get the ball rolling with their relationship.

  He pulled the truck to the front of the house. When he knocked on the door, Hannah opened it so quickly that he knew she’d been watching for him. “Hey,” she said quickly.


  “He wants to see you.” Hannah’s face was pale, and Josh felt another uneasy ripple from making her go through this. But there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it. He’d gone over the options in his head time and time again. He could reach out and take Hannah, or he could let someone else have her. Yeah, like that was an option at all.

  “No problem.” He hoped he sounded confident about talking to her dad; he sure as shit wasn’t.

  She opened the door wide, and as he stepped inside, her mother walked out of the kitchen with a smile. “Hi, Josh.”

  “Mrs. McIntyre.”

  “How’s your aunt?”

  “She’s fine, thank you.”

  “Good. Tell her I said hello, would you?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Would you like something to drink?”

  “No, thank you.”

  “Do you kids have anything fun planned for today?”

  As the older woman asked the question, from his peripheral vision, he saw Hannah’s father step just inside the room from the hallway that led to his office. Josh attempted to keep his voice evenly modulated as he answered the question. “We’re going to meet Ethan and Ava at the diner and then we’re all going back to the Andersons for awhile.”

  Hannah’s mother kept a smile plastered on her face as she was, no doubt, fully aware that her husband was now in the room and stood glowering at Josh. “That’s nice—”

  Hannah’s father interrupted. “What time are you going to get Hannah home? She’s got school tomorrow.”

  “What time would you like her home, sir?”

  “Eight o’clock.”

  Hannah shrieked and turned to her father. “Eight o’clock?!?”

  Josh put his hand on her elbow and softly caressed her skin with two fingers as he interjected, “Eight’s fine. I need to get home as well. I’ve got some homework to finish up.” As he and Hannah hovered near the front door, his heart beat loudly as he hoped like hell that they could get away without any more confrontation. Could it be this easy? No interrogation? No threats? No having to go sit in the man’s office while he threatened Josh within an inch of his life?

  As Josh attempted to keep a reasonable expression on his face and hold the other man’s eyes, Jeff McIntyre asked, “Are the Andersons going to be home?”

  “Yes, sir.” Josh held the other man’s gaze and for a few seconds, neither one of them blinked.

  Finally, the other man turned to Hannah. “You be careful and buckle up.”


  “You have your cell phone?”


  “We’ll see you at eight. Not a minute past, understand?” The man’s eyes were directed on his daughter, but Josh answered for her.

  “I’ll have her home before eight, sir.”

  At his nod, Josh smiled a goodbye at Hannah’s mom and still holding Hannah’s elbow, swiftly escorted her to the truck.

  He held the door open for her, and as she buckled in and he drove away, she complained, “Eight o’clock. He’s being ridiculous. I can’t believe—”

  Josh was so relieved it had been that easy that he couldn’t keep it out of his voice. “Hannah. I don’t care if he’d said six o’clock. The point is … he let you leave the house with me. That’s all I care about at the moment, crossing that hurdle. You want to argue with your dad about curfews and parameters, you can do that another time, okay?” Josh let out a pent up breath as he reached down and entwined her fingers with his.

  As he stopped the truck at the stop sign before turning onto the paved road, he turned to Hannah and lifted her hand to his lips. Looking into her eyes, he kissed the back of her hand. “It’s a done deal now. Your parents know about us and I’m still alive, so here’s the way it’s going to be. Just because we’re not cementing this relationship with sex, that doesn’t mean it’s not a relationship. We’re together, end of story.”

  As Josh stared down at her and held her hand fiercely in his, Hannah’s heartbeat began banging in her chest. With his attention fully on her, excitement quivered down her spine and her nipples hardened against her bra. She couldn’t get her vocal chords unglued long enough to agree with him, and her opportunity to speak was lost as he continued, “You wanted this; now you’ve got it.” A tic began in his cheek and his brows drew down in a frown as the scar that slashed through his eyebrow dropped lower over his eyelid and gave him an even more menacing look. His v
oice became gravelly. “You belong to me now, understand? You’re mine; we’re exclusive. Nobody else gets to touch you, and I mean not at all.” His nostrils flared and Hannah’s heart stopped before taking up a faster cadence. “I own you.” His eyes searched hers. “I hope like hell you can handle it.”

  As he turned away and pulled the truck onto the highway, Hannah closed her eyes briefly and let out a pent-up breath. Shit. Intense. She hoped she could handle it, too.


  They drove into town and pulled up in front of the diner. Hannah felt both a euphoric high and a tiny cluster of nerves as well. Ethan and Ava were waiting for them and Josh stood aside and let Hannah slide into the booth before him. As he stood and waited, Hannah noticed that he looked around the diner. Did he do what he did to protect her from something? Just as she had the thought, she noticed Jesse Whitaker sitting across the crowded restaurant, with of all people, Mandy Thompson, the sheriff’s daughter.

  Ava immediately began rambling about something, but Hannah was too on edge to pay her much attention. They ordered drinks and she ordered fries, while Josh ordered a cheeseburger basket. As they waited for the food to come and Hannah tried to exude an air of normalcy, she felt anything but. It was impossible to be normal when Josh sat next to her, as stiff as a board, as he watched Jesse Whitaker and waited, for what, Hannah didn’t know.

  “Where’s Ty?” Hannah asked just to make conversation.

  “He’s with Kayla. I think they drove into Fort Worth for the day. At least, they were talking about it this morning when I saw them.”

  Hannah nodded and sat back as the waitress deposited their food on the table.

  After the waitress turned and left, Josh stood to his feet with a sudden movement and looked down at Hannah. “Stay here,” he ordered in a tone that absolutely brooked no argument from her. She looked across the room, and saw Jesse escorting Mandy from the restaurant. Trepidation crawled up Hannah’s spine.


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