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Commando Cowboys Entice Their Beauty [Wyoming Warriors 6]

Page 10

by Paige Cameron

  “But your first experience was so bad. We don’t want to scare you away by moving too soon.” Raoul spoke from over her shoulder.

  She lay on her back to face them both. “It was bad and especially since he told everyone those untrue rumors. But I think if I’d had another relationship not too long afterward I wouldn’t have let it become something to hold me back.”

  Jewel looked from Aleron to Raoul. They were concentrating completely on her. “And if I hadn’t had a secret to keep I might have met a nice man sooner. By the time you two came along I was an expert at avoiding relationships, I thought. The past few days have been like a year in my life. Everything has been turned upside down, but I think in a good way. And it started with meeting you two and realizing how much my life was lacking. On an unconscious level I knew, but you made me admit it. “

  “That still doesn’t mean you’re ready for a threesome.” Aleron touched her hair and the side of her face.

  His tenderness made her more determined to face her future wholly. “I want to try. If I want you to stop I’ll tell you.”

  “Well, the first step is getting naked.” Raoul grinned at her.

  “What are you waiting for?” she asked.

  Aleron and Raoul had never moved so fast. In a minute they were undressed and had her underwear off.

  “Where shall we start?” Raoul asked. Tenderly, he kissed her eyelids, her cheeks, and her lips. Then he kissed her pounding pulse in her neck before moving to her lush breasts. He straddled her body and cupped them in his warm hands.

  “They’re like rosebuds,” Raoul said. He moved back and rolled her to the side then suckled on her breast while Aleron got behind her.

  Aleron kissed her neck and nibbled along her shoulders. A zing of pleasure went straight to her pussy as her men kissed and caressed her. When Aleron reached around and rubbed her clit, desire shot to her core and heat traveled outward.

  Their scent heightened her hunger. Raoul kissed around her breast and then along her midriff.

  Aleron asked Jewel to scoot around and lay on her back, giving them more access to her body. Raoul immediately moved down to her feet and rubbed her toes, massaged her instep, and kissed her ankle.

  “I’d like to have your warm mouth around my dick,” Aleron said.

  “All right.”

  He straddled her and she licked across the crown, tasting his tart saltiness. Aleron sighed and rubbed his thumbs across her nipples.

  Raoul continued to kiss his way up to her lower lips then parted them and licked from her clit to her pussy opening. He flicked his tongue inside and electricity zipped up her spine and along her nerves.

  She took Aleron deep into her mouth. She sucked on his cock while she gently moved his balls.

  Raoul put two fingers inside her pussy and touched her vital spot while he rubbed her clit. Her body exploded with pleasure.

  Jewel moved her head faster up and down the length of Aleron’s cock. His fingers brushed through her hair. Her tongue licked around his cock, and then she closed her mouth tight around his girth and sucked. Aleron groaned loudly as his orgasm hit him, and she tasted his tangy, salty essence. He rolled away as Raoul positioned his cock at her opening and plunged in all the way.

  Her inner walls grabbed tight to his large cock. He moved in and out fast. His face above her was etched with his hunger. He pinched her tight nipples, and a frenzy of joy raced through her blood. She raised her hips to draw him in even deeper. When he exploded she felt him push against her womb.

  Her body stiffened as another orgasm started in her legs and traveled upward. She screamed when the full, almost painful orgasm shook her.

  Raoul held himself still against her for several seconds as she rocked with the heat and delicious euphoria. “Mine,” he yelled and Aleron joined in, yelling, “Ours.”

  “Wow.” Raoul rolled to the opposite side from Aleron. “I’m shaking. That’s never happened. In fact, sweetheart, you blew me away.” He turned where he was facing her and kissed her mouth then sprawled on the bed beside her.

  “Go to sleep, darlin’,” Aleron said. “We’ll be here when you wake.”

  “You’d better be,” she mumbled. Her completely satisfied body sank into the mattress.

  Chapter Nine

  Raoul woke her. “What time is it?” she asked. Outside the windows was dark.

  “8:00 p.m. We wanted to let you sleep longer, but Mitch wants us at the ranch house. I think either Pruet or Cassie discovered something.”

  “I’ll be ready in a few minutes.” Jewel ran into the shower and turned it on cool to wake her up. She was rested, and after making love with Raoul and Aleron her body and mind felt more settled and strong.

  Aleron and Raoul were ready and waiting for her when she came out of the bedroom. She’d slipped into old jeans and a white shirt. Her hair hung loose on her shoulders and down her back.

  They locked the cabin and got into the truck. It was eight thirty by the time they arrived at the ranch house. Phillip met them at the door. “Go right on down to the conference room.” He locked the door behind them and stayed on guard.

  Mitch and Daren, Garth, Cad, Rae, Lann, Elle, Pruet, Cassie, Lang, and Nick sat around the table. All eyes went to Jewel when she walked in and took the nearest seat. Aleron and Raoul followed and sat on either side of her.

  “This looks important with so many special people gathered,” Jewel said.

  Elle nodded. “Pruet and Cassie started searching the ranch soon after our last meeting. They both covered all the areas, at different times, and made notes to give to me.” She spread out papers. “See where I’ve circled?”

  The others leaned forward to check out the area she was talking about. Elle handed the papers to Daren, sitting at her right. “Look at it and pass it around. As you’ll see, they both picked up unusual sounds or currents in the same places. Somewhere amongst those homes the enemy is hiding. The enemy has tried to put up a wall to hide behind, but both Pruet and Cassie detected something unusual.”

  When the papers came to Jewel, her heart thumped hard in her chest. Rae had already gotten to see the papers before Jewel. She leaned forward and looked at Rae. Rae nodded her head slightly.

  “Do you want to tell them our theory, Rae?” Jewel asked. Jewel was certain from Rae’s expression that they’d both had the same idea.

  “I will,” Rae said. “In this circle is the home of Nate’s parents.”

  “Surely you don’t think Nate is the traitor.” Daren looked surprised by their suggestion.

  “We have thought all along that the person behind these attacks might be a woman. I was captured. Why me? Unless Nate’s wife knows of our previous relationship and she’s jealous. Could she have done something to turn Nate against us?”

  They sat quietly for several minutes. Jewel knew they were having trouble coming to terms with the enemy being one of their own. Few of their people had ever betrayed them, and none as severely as this one.

  Mitch nodded. “As much as I hate to, I have to agree with you. It makes sense.” He glanced at Jewel. “Are you ready to try and infiltrate their home? They have a little boy. If he happens to see you, he’ll want to take you home with him.”

  “But no one has seen Nate’s parents or the boy in the last day or so,” Elle said. “I had Lang ask some of the neighbors.”

  “Then whatever invisible wall they’ve put up to keep us from knowing what they’re doing must also be keeping the others in,” Mitch said. “Before we send Jewel in harm’s way, I’m going to talk with Nanna. She’s living here until this is over.”

  “Then I’d like to have my mother brought in, too,” Garth said. “She also has a gift of sensing the future and is living here.”

  “Go get them both, Garth and Daren. Bring them to join us. We’ll see what they think of our theory,” Mitch said.

  Daren and Garth hurried out. Mitch turned to Jewel. “We need a plan to keep you as safe as possible. But I’m not sure how we can once
you’re inside the house.”

  “We can keep in touch with her through our ability to speak telepathically to each other,” Raoul said.

  “I don’t know what kind of force field they’re using for protection, but it may prevent that,” Elle reminded them.

  “Let’s test it,” Aleron said. “This room has been built to resist any type of technological invasion. Jewel, switch into your small cat and Raoul and I will go out and see if we can hear your thoughts telepathically.”

  “That’s a good idea,” Lann said. “Try it.”

  Jewel shape-shifted to her kitty. She walked across the table and rubbed her body against Rae’s hand. Rae smiled and picked her up.

  “We need to be talking and trying to distract her. This must be made as difficult as possible. Then if it works we’ll all feel better,” Rae said. The group started to talk about future plans.

  Jewel found herself interested in what they were saying, but she also kept her mind open to receive. At first, she picked up a piercing noise and covered her ears with her paws. Then nothing. The others stopped talking when they saw her cover her ears.

  Now there was silence in the room and out. Jewel started to shift back when she caught a few words. “...hear me?”

  She sent a message back. “I can’t hear all your words. Are you getting my message?” She held her breath.

  “Yes, I can hear you loud and clear. Can you tell what I’m saying now?”

  “Yes, I can. I couldn’t at first. But who are you? You aren’t Aleron or Raoul.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  Raoul and Aleron came back in followed by Daren, Garth, Garth’s mother, and Nanna.

  “It worked with my mother.”

  “What worked?” Jewel asked Garth. She had shifted back as soon as they entered.

  “No one got your message until we joined Aleron and Raoul. Mother heard the last one and answered you. You picked up her communication and answered.”

  “I did, but how can you hear me and they can’t?” Jewel asked Garth’s mother.

  Aileen Sherwyn touched Jewel’s hand and turned the palm up. “You have some strong magic,” Jewel said.

  “I do. I come from a long line of good witches.” If she’d dropped a bomb in the room their faces wouldn’t have looked more stunned.

  “Your ancestors were part of the original gypsy tribe, Mrs. Sherwyn?” Daren asked.

  “Yes. And please, all of you call me Mother Aileen. I’m hoping the three tribes will finally integrate together and be as you were at the start, one strong extended family. Now tell Nanna and me how we can help.”

  Mitch explained their plan for Jewel. Nanna and Mother Aileen motioned for Raoul and Aleron to move. They sat on either side of Jewel and each took one of her hands.

  “It is a strong evil you will confront. You must not arouse her suspicions. She may be aware we have shape-shifters on our side,” Nanna said.

  “None of us have changed in front of the enemy as far as we know,” Garth said. Then he hesitated. “But Aleron battled them, and they might have known who he was.”

  “If the one who survived Aleron’s attack knows about the shape-shifters I don’t believe he has told the stronger one.” Nanna looked directly into Jewel’s lilac eyes. “At the right time he may try to help you if he can fight off her evil spell.”

  Mother Aileen squeezed her hand to get Jewel’s attention.

  “I could try and put a protective shell around you, but I doubt it would work when you shape-shifted or the evil one might be able to feel the shield, putting you in more danger. You are brave. Stay true to your heart. Goodness will beat the evil back.”

  Puzzled by their words, Jewel just nodded yes and hoped for the best. Still, she did feel stronger by being connected to these two women.

  “I will be nearby to pick up your thoughts,” Mother Aileen said. “You can get through to me. If you need rescuing, our warriors will storm the house.”

  Jewel looked around the room. “How can you if they have an invisible shield in place?”

  “If you’re in trouble, you must shift into your big cat and attack her. My guess is she controls the shield with her mind. Once you divert her attention the men can hopefully get through,” Nanna said.

  “All right, are we ready?” Mitch asked the group. “We’ll have our warriors prepared and close by. Also our two best sharpshooters will be on a roof across from the target house. Jewel, tomorrow morning you’ll start working that area. That’s it. Try to get a good rest. We’ll all need it.”

  The group went upstairs and Jewel, Aleron, and Raoul said their good-byes and headed to the truck. They were quiet on the drive home. Once they were inside the house, Jewel turned to her men. “Hold me.”

  “Are you scared?” Aleron asked as they put her in the middle and wrapped their arms around her.


  “You don’t have to do it,” Raoul said.

  “Yes, I do. I can help save lives.”

  Aleron picked her up and carried her into his room, where he laid her on the bed and removed her shoes. He rubbed her feet as he talked. “We men don’t like to admit it, but we all feel that sizzle of fear before a fight or a struggle. Some of us call it our adrenaline rush, but deep down we know fear is mixed in. When you actually start on the mission the buzz settles down.”

  “That’s true.” Raoul agreed with Aleron. “You need to sleep tonight. Let’s see if we can’t help.” He reached for her shirt and started unbuttoning it. Aleron undid her jean button and the zipper and pulled them and her panties off.

  Raoul undid her shirt and bra then threw both onto a chair. His warm hands covered her breasts. She sighed as his warmth spread from her breasts to her core.

  Aleron continued his gentle massage of her feet and then her legs. “This might be a good time to use the cream Garth gave us, but just a little.” He went into his bathroom and returned with the jar. After he put a tiny drop on his hands he gave the jar to Raoul.

  Now as Aleron massaged her feet and legs, all her muscles relaxed and she sank into the soft mattress. Raoul rubbed his hands across her full breasts and lightly pinched her nipples. Her pussy got very wet.

  The soothing heat got hotter and her skin more sensitive. Just the brush of Raoul’s fingers across her nipples made the inner walls of her pussy clench in hunger. She wanted one of their hard cocks inside her.

  Aleron separated her lower lips and ran his tongue over her clit. Her body bowed as she moaned his name. He sucked on her clit and she screamed out with ecstasy.

  Raoul straddled her and put his hard cock against her lips. She took him deep into her mouth and explored his satin hardness with her tongue. As Aleron licked and raked his teeth along her lower lips, she held Raoul’s cock at the base, cupped his sac in her other hand, and sucked on his dick.

  A riot of feelings swamped her body, from heat radiating out in all directions, to an exotic urge deep inside that caused her pussy to clench and unclench, to the sizzle of desire shooting up her spine. She was a captive to their touch and taste.

  Jewel gently caressed Raoul’s balls as she moved her mouth along his length faster and faster.

  “I’m going to come, if you want to pull back,” Raoul said.

  She sucked again and tasted his salty release. She kissed the crown of his cock before he fell to the side.

  Aleron reached up and rubbed her very sensitive nipples as he licked her and his tongue tasted inside her pussy opening.

  “Take me, please,” she moaned.

  He positioned his wide, hard cock at her opening and slid all the way in. His pulsing cock beat against her inner walls. Then he started to move out in long, slow slides and inward in a faster glide. Her pussy rippled around his cock, and her body shook as heat and an aching desire built into a raging inferno. When Aleron plunged in hard against her womb, her world exploded.

  Afterward Aleron pulled her to face him and wrapped his arms around her body. Raoul cuddled close against
her backside.

  “Go to sleep, darlin’,” Aleron whispered in her ear.

  Jewel closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of her body snug between them. For tonight she was safe.

  * * * *

  She woke to an empty bed. It was early. Only faint light came around the curtains. She moved her body and stretched. Even though she’d only slept a few hours, she felt rested. She’d jump in the shower and then find Aleron and Raoul.

  After she’d dressed, Jewel started to walk into the living room, when she heard Raoul’s voice.

  “Yes, we know. Eight o’clock is the start time. We’ll join you at headquarters. I don’t trust us to be too close. We might get worried and interfere. See you soon.” Raoul shut his phone.

  “Who was that?” Jewel asked as she walked up behind Raoul.

  “Mitch said the mission starts at eight. As you heard, Aleron and I will be at headquarters. Mitch is using a tent where some of the third tribe have been sleeping. He doesn’t want too many people there, but he agrees it’s best if we join him. Do you want breakfast?”

  “Not much. I’ll fix some tea and toast for myself. Do you all want some?”

  “No, we had coffee,” Raoul said.

  “Then do you mind going on ahead of me? I need some time alone. But wait, I have some clothes for you to give to Sara.” She went back to the bedroom and came back with her outfit. “Ask her to put them in the last greenhouse. I don’t want to be naked around whoever is at the ranch house when I arrive and shift.”

  They stared at her for several seconds. Aleron sighed and gave her a half smile. “Good idea. Be careful, please.”

  Raoul looked unhappy but followed Aleron to the truck. Thank goodness they had understood even if they didn’t like it. Gradually, her nerves settled and she was ready. It was time to shift.

  She opened the door a crack then shifted to her big cat. She stretched and walked around the room a few minutes before shifting to her kitten. Jewel managed to squeeze out the door and run fast toward the street they’d marked on the map last night.


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