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Savage Ecstasy

Page 41

by Janelle Taylor

  “Sure you could. No one in that fort would dare to chalenge my decisions. There is plenty of room for the two of us. I can easily take care of al your needs, financial and otherwise.” Alisha needed no interpretation for the “otherwise.”

  “I am a man of wealth and reputation, here and back East. I can do as I wish and no one, no one, wil dare to speak against me or mine. I need a beautiful, wel-bred, refined woman like you with me. Who is there around here a man of my standing can socialize with? I’l provide you with anything you want or need. In return, you provide me with the companionship I need and want, day and night. I think this would be very pleasant for the both of us. After al, Alisha, you don’t have too many solutions for your pressing problems. If you agree, then when my duty is over out here I’l either send you back to England, or take you there myself on a holiday. If you so wish, you can accompany me on the holiday, then return to England when I head back to the colonies. Either choice, your troubles would be over. There is no way you could have a better life here, or find a way to return to England.”

  She was gaping at him open-mouthed and wide-eyed.

  “You’re not jesting! You’re actualy serious about this! I am supposed to trade my soul for a return trip to England? How dare you, Jeffery Gordon! How could you possibly suggest such a vile, filthy thing to me? I thought we were friends! I’m not some trolop you rescued from the gutters of London! Just because I was taken captive and forced to live with those Indians, doesn’t give you the right to treat me like some harlot! Never!” She whirled to storm off. right to treat me like some harlot! Never!” She whirled to storm off. Jeffery roughly seized Alisha’s arm and yanked her back to him. “Just a damn minute, little spitfire. I think you’re forgetting a few things.” His face was a cold mask of rage. His grip was like a steel band. She thought for a moment he was going to strike her. His narrowed eyes were flashing blue fire at her.

  “Just where the Hel do you think you’l go when Mrs. Philsey evicts you without a by-your-leave? You can bet she wil, and pretty soon.” Alisha noticed that he sonded as if he knew more than she did.

  “You come begging for what you now reject. You’l be only too happy to share my room and board then, Just maybe I won’t be so obliging when you’re ready. You’re not exactly the pure, innocent virgin anymore, so don’t act like one! I would be gentle with you, Alisha, and that’s more than you’ve been used to. Would you care to hear what those men in the fort think about you? Wel I’l tel you. They think you’re nothing more than a used Injun squaw.”

  Alisha drew herself up in righteous dignity. Struggling to control her rage, she said, “I am a lady.”

  He cruely mocked her. “Lady! Lady…” He laughed

  sardonicaly. “I don’t believe I see a lady around here, only a très belle ange tombée.”

  Alisha’s self-control utterly deserted her and she screamed, “I am not a falen angel, nor a falen woman! What do I care what you or those vicious people in there think? You’re cruel and heartless, Jeffery. I have never seen this side of you before. But I am glad I did before I made any decisions about how I truly felt about you. To think I actualy believed I could fal in love with you! What a horrible joke!”

  horrible joke!”

  “Come on now, Alisha,” he leered. “You’re the only person here who doesn’t realize what you face from now on. Stop living in that dream world! Wake up, my dear. Youth and innocence are lost to you forever. You’re a woman—act like one!”

  “You’re vulgar and brash, Jeffery. Al your charm, wit and gentility are specious. You have no honor! Al this time, and al you wanted was a mistress. How dare you place me in the same class as Ka… I wouldn’t want you for a friend, and never for a husband!”

  He lunged like a tiger for the throat. “Husband!” he scoffed.

  “Is that what you’re looking for? Is that what al this flirtation has been about? You were trying to trick me into asking you to marry me?’ He threw his head back and laughed long and hard. “My lovely vixen, you’l search forever for a man who would marry Gray Eagle’s leftovers.”

  She blanched white at his words and stepped back slightly. Then Jeffery forcefuly puled her struggling body to him. He silenced her with a bruising kiss while gripping her in an iron embrace. She could hardly breathe! He backed her to the tree trunk and pinned her to it with his hard body. It took only minutes for her to realize she was no match for him. He planned to do exactly what he was whispering in her ear. No one would dare to come to her rescue against him. She was totaly at his mercy, and he offered none. Al gentleness and manners had been dismissed. The dishonorable lieutenant thought, she’l change her mind after I’ve taken her a few times. When she learns what it’s like to have a real man, she’l change her tune and dance to the one I play. His hands roamed over her body and she was unable to stop him. She fought feverishly and wildly, but his strength was too much him. She fought feverishly and wildly, but his strength was too much for her. With trembling fear, Alisha knew what he was going to do. Wamdi Hota, her mind screamed for help. I can’t let him do this to me. She shoved at Jeffery but it was like pushing on a stone wal. She threw her body at his, trying to knock him off balance. The only thing she accomplished was to further inflame him. His kisses became more and more demanding and his hands more insistent. She reasoned, feign response and perhaps he’l relax his grip. She relaxed into his arms, pressing her warm body to his, and offered her lips to his kiss. He moaned and deepened his kiss, instantly aware of her lack of resistance. He felt her submitting to him.

  Loosening his taut grip on her, Jeffery leaned back to taunt Alisha with his victory over her weakness. She smiled up at him while managing to free one of her hands. She determined to wipe his smug sneer right off his proud face. She quickly drew back her hand and delivered a stinging slap.

  For a moment, he was completely stunned into silence. She glared at him with hate and contempt, and shouted, “Cochon!


  He shook her violently by her shoulders and sneered, “You little vixen! You’l be sorry for that. The only reason the men have left you alone so far is because I ordered it. But I can just as easily and quickly dismiss that order! You’l come begging on hands and knees for my protection within two days.”

  “How dare you threaten me, Jeffery! I’l never come groveling to you!”

  He taunted unmercifuly, “What’s the matter, Alisha? Is a white man too good for you, or perhaps not good enough? You’d rather be bedded by that savage than by me, hadn’t you?” He rather be bedded by that savage than by me, hadn’t you?” He hesitated as he studied those lucid, innocent eyes. “Don’t bother to deny it… I can see the truth in those big green eyes.” He scoffed contemptuously, “Why, you don’t even know what a good pleasuring is!”

  Out of nowhere, Powchutu spun him around and shouted his name, “Lieutenant Gordon! You’re out of line, Sir.” The sir was said with a derogatory slur.

  Jeffery looked like the scourge of the devil. He halted his retaliation as he eyed the scout’s hand on the handle of his long hunting knife. He had witnessed Powchutu’s skil with that blade many times. He furiously backed down.

  Powchutu had slipped up silently and secretly. “General Galt sent me to find you. He wants to see you in his office immediately!”

  Jeffery was fuming at the scout’s arrogant tone, and swore, one day I’l kil you, Powchutu…

  “The commander believes there’s trouble brewing west of here near the Blackfoot vilage. Would you like me to go tel him you can’t come right now because you’re far too busy assaulting Miss Wiliams?” He had alertly noticed the influence Jeffery had over the general at times, and mocked him.

  “You get your ugly face out of my sight before I forget just how useful you are to us. I’m tired of you interfering in my affairs. You half-breed! One day, you’re going to push me just a little too hard and too far…” he warned ominously.

  Jeffery was seething in rage at the timing of the scout’s inter
ruption. A few more minutes and he would have forced Alisha’s submission either by his power or threat. He would have proven to her she had no choice but to accept his offer. Damn the Indian and his infernal meddling! He released his grip on Alisha’s Indian and his infernal meddling! He released his grip on Alisha’s wrist.

  She leaned back against the tree, limp and quaking.

  “We’l finish this later…” His statement was a threat. He stalked off in a black rage to return to the fort. Powchutu gave her a few moments to compose ‘ herself. He could see how badly shaken she was. He had returned earlier after scouting the western valey area, and reported promptly to the commander on his findings. He had been about to ride out again when he had observed the scene taking place under the tree. He wasn’t about to stand by and do nothing while he abused her that way. He had to first overcome his urge and desire to kil him on the very spot he stood. He queled his emotions, for there would be no one to protect Alisha if he were kiled for removing Jeffery from the scene. Powchutu dared to push and bluff Jeffery only so far. He must find some way to get Alisha away from here, to a place where no one knew her or what had happened to her. There was only one catch—he would have to wait until this new crisis was settled. When he had been scouting today, he had been unable to get close enough to the pow-wow to know what was going on, but it was something big and important. He hesitated to guess what a tribal meeting of that size meant. Right now, he had Alisha to think about.

  “Lieutenant Gordon wil be madder than a treed bobcat when he learns the commander didn’t send for him,” he scoffed, then laughed mischievously.

  Alisha glanced at him in puzzlement, then burst out laughing.

  “He wil be fit to be tied, Powchutu. You had better stay out of his sight and way for a few days. There’s too much animosity between you two and this wil only aggravate it.”

  “I could give you the same warning, Alisha. If my eyes and

  “I could give you the same warning, Alisha. If my eyes and ears did not deceive me, you are in trouble not only with Jeffery, but with al of Fort Pierre.”

  She flushed in humiliation to know anyone, even her best friend, had overheard the words between them. “Did he speak the truth? Naturaly, I’ve heard the little, vulgar remarks and hints behind my back and seen their leering looks. Do they al realy say and think I am… unclean… like Kathy… a… whore?”

  He observed the anguish in her eyes. They captured his and sought the truth. How could he lie to her? She watched him closely. He did not have to verbaly answer her, for his expression of pain did.

  “But why, Powchutu? Of al prisoners taken, women are the most helpless and vulnerable to strong men. How can we resist their attacks or cruelties? We cannot control our treatment. How can we be held responsible? They have no right to hate or resent us … no right!”

  “I guess from their viewpoint, your sin is in remaining alive, Alisha. Perhaps it has to do with what your friend Ben told you—

  resist til death. They view life after Indian slavery a dishonor. If not physical death, then death of the spirit and heart. They expect and demand submission to anything they wish you to be or do. They resent, even misunderstand, your pride and self-respect after what you’ve been through.

  “There is one thing I can tel you honestly, even if they consider you unclean: there isn’t a man at that fort who would not give his right arm to have you for his own. From what I have seen and learned from my experiences, he speaks the truth, very brutaly but honestly. Perhaps if it had not been Gray Eagle who took you, they might forgive and forget. He is the one man who strikes fear in they might forgive and forget. He is the one man who strikes fear in the hearts of every one of them.”

  “But that was not my fault,” Alisha protested. “I couldn’t choose who took me captive. You don’t feel this way about me, Powchutu. You are not like they are. I have learned from you that much of my suffering at the hands of Wanmdi Hota was from my own ignorance of him and his laws. Even if many of his ways are stil strange and frightening, I understand why he did most of it. He hates me. They hate me. What shal I do, Powchutu?”

  “I do not know, Alisha,” Powchutu said, resigned. “I have tried to help you know why you suffered so much at his hands. I wished you to see and know these things so you could deal with them and forget. This thing with your own people, I cannot help you with. I am sure pride and honor was at the foot of many of your troubles in the Oglala camp, but here, they have no true reason to do this to you. I give you this warning, Alisha, knowing these things about him and his ways changes nothing. If he re-captured you this very day, it would be the same as before. You would stil be the enemy and slave, and he, the warrior. Also, he is stil promised to Chela. Never forget this warning, no matter how you feel or believe. You wil always be wasichun and he, Oglala. He could never treat you any other way…”

  Alisha was crestfalen. She had no future with either the red or the white people. “Do not fret, Alisha,” Powchutu soothed, “for I wil find some way to get you away from here and these people. I wil return you to the land across the great waters you have spoken of to me. You must be patient until this new trouble is over.”

  Alisha wondered what she would have done without

  Powchutu as her friend. He passed no judgments on her. He accepted her for herself. His promise of help and his kind words accepted her for herself. His promise of help and his kind words lifted the heavy burden off her shoulders which Jeffery and al of Fort Pierre had placed there.

  Powchutu felt he must ease Alisha’s mood even more. “So much of this trouble is based on the misunderstanding between the white man and Indian. Both sides have suffered greatly since the white man came here. The white man kils to take the land, and the Indian fights back in the only way left open to them, in battle. You have been caught between the two warring sides. On the one side is the white man, jealous and angry because the Indian took you first. On the other hand is the Indian, desiring you but not accepting you because you are white. The pride and hatred on both sides prevents either one from having you.”

  “Why do you keep saying Gray Eagle wants me?” Àlisha asked. “How could he and do the things he did to me? He only wanted to hurt and use me because I was white and helpless. If he cared for me at al, he would have freed me rather than treat me the way he did. I think my freedom was paid for with the blood of my people and the saving of his life!”

  “Alisha,” he chided her. “You have not been listening to me closely. He proved how much he wanted you by taking you as his captive and keeping you in his teepee. Gray Eagle does not take white slaves for himself, nor Indian slaves. He’s never even taken a wife. He has shown his desire for you before his people and his promised mate. He feels he shows weakness before his warriors to take and keep one of the enemy for himself, especialy when that lovely enemy” refuses to be subdued and conquered. It is a frightening and disgusting thing for a man like him to feel he has shown weakness and a lack of wisdom. He makes up for this by showing his power over you and his lack of feelings for your pain showing his power over you and his lack of feelings for your pain and suffering. He tries to make a joke of your humiliation, to pretend this is why he keeps you. He uses harsh punishments to keep you in line and to prove you are only a slave to him, nothing more.”

  Powchutu wavered. Which was more important, for her not to know Gray Eagle’s feelings for her and let her think she had only been taken as a whore; or tel her she must have been very special to him and let her see her true worth and value? To be taken with love and desire would be far less painful and shameful for her to accept than to have been taken for hate, spite and abuse as a whore. He would tel her the things she needed to hear, truth or not. Hopefuly she would never see the warrior again and Powchutu’s own words would not matter one way or the other, except to ease her shame.

  “He must at al cost save face and dignity. Pride is most important to him, more important than his life or yours. You presented a very big problem to him. H
e finds it impossible to fight his mind with his heart. If I were you, Alisha, I would carefuly study my feelings and place a guard over them. You have a tendency to reveal far too much with your eyes. When you speak his name or talk about him, your eyes soften and your voice is sweet and caressing. It would be a tragic mistake if the others guessed your true emotions …”

  Alisha flashed him a look of guilt and panic. Was he saying it was evident to him because he knew her so wel, or to everyone?

  She admitted, “I am so confused, Powchutu. How do you deal with emotions you cannot understand or explain? How can you control such feelings? By al that is sane, I should hate him for al he has done to me. Heaven help me, for I cannot. He has created feelings done to me. Heaven help me, for I cannot. He has created feelings inside of me I never knew or felt before. It is like a fire I cannot control or extinguish. It burns at the very thought or sight of him. I must not… I cannot love him, for I can never have him. What shal I do?” she pleaded in anguish, “… for I shal never see him agai∏n and yet, my heart cries out for him!”

  Powchutu wished with al his heart she could feel and say those same things about Powchutu one day. Was there any hope she would turn to him if Gray Eagle was out of her life for good?

  Did he dare not warn her about the trouble brewing? “Do not be so positive you have seen the last of him. He is not a man to give up what he feels is his.”

  Alisha brightened. “Are you suggesting he might try to recapture me? But there is no way he could get to me here.”

  Powchutu’s words flashed vividly across her mind. She would never return as his concubine with Chela in the same teepee as his wife. “You said we could leave here and go to another place to live when this trouble is over, didn’t you?”

  The word “we” seared across Powchutu’s brain, and he smiled. “Yes, I did, if you’l trust me enough to leave here alone with me.”

  She met his steady gaze and replied, “I would trust you with my very life, Powchutu. If I cannot trust the only friend I have, then I am doomed. You are al I have. I need you. When the time is right, we wil go far away from this dreadful place and people. We wil be a family, just you and I. We wil always love and care for each other. Agreed?”


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