A Fake: A Pretend Girlfriend Billionaire Romance

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A Fake: A Pretend Girlfriend Billionaire Romance Page 8

by Charlotte Byrd

  We walked through the dual, sliding glass doors and there were shoes everywhere. For a moment, I felt like I was in a shoe factory. Yikes!

  Not only did they have a lot of shoes, they had a lot of types of different shoes. My eyes spotted loafers, cowboy boots, tennis shoes, sneakers, moccasins, and the list pretty much goes on and on. So, now I had to pick out shoes. I wasn’t necessarily opposed to that, but I didn’t know how to begin.

  When I usually buy shoes, I just go into the store and pick out ones that are okay, as long as the price is right. Do I buy shoes as a fashion statement? No way. These were shoes that would be used for the specific purpose of impersonating myself as a girlfriend for Tyler.

  With that in mind, I had to pick out something that would look good with my beautiful dresses. I started by listing the things I could rule out. Sometimes when I do that, it helps make a decision about what is best.

  High heels could be nixed. I do like high heels and I think they look pretty, but how could I get those when I can’t even walk in them? The last thing I wanted to do is look like a clumsy idiot because that would probably embarrass Tyler.

  That would make me look like a moron, too. So, why embarrass both myself and Tyler by picking high heels? Even if I pulled off the miracle of balancing myself, my feet would be in throbbing pain later in the day.

  I could cross out a lot of other things too – like tennis shoes, moccasins, clogs, and boots. Those wouldn’t work, either. No. I needed something that would be cute, and at least somewhat comfortable. If the shoes put me in pain, I probably wouldn’t be as happy and nice as Tyler would want me to be.

  I went down just one aisle in the store and spotted the most beautiful shoes. The heels were raised and thick. The shoes were made of some sort of fabric that was either glued or ironed on. The fabric had little glittery speckles, but the speckles were black and matched the black color. The front of the shoes were open toe with leather laces that were intercrossed with each other. The straps on the shoes were made of the same material, and the straps were a little wider and thicker than the rest of the shoe.

  Yippee! My attire was now complete. I just took a box of the shoes off the shelf, and half-skipped my way up to the front of the store. With a few clicks and chimes, the turning over of a credit card, I was ready to go.

  I left the store a happy woman. I’m not usually the type of girl who gets giddy and excited about dressing up, but I did this time around. Maybe someday I could meet a man like Tyler who would be my real boyfriend. Then I could really have this wonderful lifestyle.

  Chapter 12 - Tyler

  It had been a little bit of a long day, but I pulled through. Honestly, I sometimes don’t know how I do it. I really wish that I could trade in ten percent of my stock for five percent more free time. As creative as I think that would be, it just wouldn’t work.

  There would always be someone or something to take care of. It seems like there is always a problem, or dramatic situation that needs my attention. Sometimes they are silly, and sometimes they are serious.

  In today’s case, I had an issue that came up with the company that really drove me nuts. It was in regard to our future expansion plans. Some people on the team feel that we’re focusing too much on largescale commercial developments, and we should undertake some residential ones.

  For instance, there are many places where there are homes that we could buy cheaply, flip them, and turn in a nice profit. They made some decent points about it. First, we would be able to make a quick profit and improve neighborhoods – which would improve my company’s image. I guess that would be good to satisfy the board.

  I see a lot of problems with it, though. First of all, we would have to either hire or subcontract the work to get it done. Then we might end up with a property that we can’t sell – which is hardly ideal. If we start flipping houses and the market tanks, we’re really in trouble.

  I told my corporate team that I would think it over and get back to them. Meanwhile, I’ll just go home and spend some time with Maya. I promised not to have sex with her, but she’s still a hot piece of ass that is fun to look at.

  I grabbed my Prestino leather briefcase and closed the car door. I ran my fingers through my sweaty hair as I started walking up to the penthouse.

  I walked over to the door and peeped up at the dimming, sunny sky before I walked in. It was clear. I only saw the sun and some sky. It sure was a nice day. As usual, I missed a lot of it because of business meetings. That was okay though, because I would get a large check to compensate for that.

  I tried to turn the doorknob and it was locked. I groaned and reached into my pocket with my free hand to get my keys. I heard them jingling and then grasped them with a couple of my fingers. After sticking them in, rotating them, and hearing a click, I went inside my kick-ass penthouse.

  “Maya?” I shouted as I looked around and couldn’t locate her. Naturally, my penthouse is huge so I had to do some searching. As I made my way to the bedroom, I heard a hair dryer running. I decided to mess with her, so I quietly sneaked toward the bathroom.

  I saw her drying her nice hair and running a brush through it. Her hair was nice, but her body looked a lot better. True, she was in a bathrobe, but I could still see parts of her. I saw her hot legs, eyes, hair, soft skin, and slim physique.

  Her beauty was stalling my mischief because she looked so good. Mentally, I was saying “damn! You’re hot!”

  I finally was able to snap out of it, and I raised my arms to my chest and yelled loudly to get her attention and frighten her. I just wanted to fuck with her. Why not have a little fun on one of the few occasions where I was free enough to enjoy it?

  “Holy shit! I see a burglar!” I shouted at the top of my lungs as I ran in place and slapped my palms to both cheeks on my face.

  “Ah! Goddamn it, Tyler! You’re such an asshole” she half-shouted back at me. She didn’t think it was funny, and didn’t smile even after it happened. She wasn’t amused.

  Actually, I found out she was already mad at me before I even tried to spook her. She gave me a huge grimace and flung the hair dryer into the thankfully dry sink.

  My face grew straight and I knew she was mad about something. She underscored her anger by putting her fists onto her hips right before she scolded me. She scolded me about something else, though. “What a coincidence that you would mention a burglar sneaking in – because I thought I met one this afternoon. Do you know who I’m talking about?”

  “Uh…No. It wasn’t really a burglar?” I said as I scratched my oily temple with my index finger.

  “Your mother, Tyler. Your mother was here earlier today. She didn’t even knock before she came in. She just came into the apartment and started walking around. I was getting ready to attack her when she bumped into me” she said as her face was starting to get a little more red. She had a cute way of raising her eyebrows when she was upset about something. I kept it to myself, but I liked it.

  Right after she said that, I knew that I was guilty of having a major oversight. I knew my mother would be coming by, and naturally, she was trustworthy enough to just give a key to get into the penthouse. The oversight was the fact that I didn’t bother to say anything to Maya. “Oh…I’m sorry Eliie. I forgot to mention that to you. It was my mistake and I take responsibility for it.

  Sometimes – but not always – it calms the situation to admit that a mistake was made, and apologize for it. At least, that helps with a personal relationship. It seldom helps in a business relationship. In that case, its way better to blame, deny, and minimize any wrongs.

  Her eyebrows were moving up and down as she spouted out more nagging and complaining. “Not only did you not tell me that she would be coming over, but you didn’t tell me what the status of our relationship was supposed to be. So, a stranger comes in that I don’t know; I think she’s a burglar, and then I don’t know what I should tell her and not tell her. Why not just drop me off in a canoe in the Atlantic Ocean and expect me t
o get back?”

  I tried to quip out a funny response to make light of the situation to make her laugh. Boy, that sure crashed and burned. “Well, I gave you a paddle, didn’t I?”

  She grunted loudly and turned her head to face the large mirror in front of her. She didn’t have any makeup on, but she still looked really hot. One way a woman is beautiful is if she can look great without clouding up her face with tons of makeup.

  Okay, so it was time to concede mistakes and try to mend it. I’m starting to get attracted to her, and I didn’t want to spend days with someone who was pissed off at me. “I apologize again, Maya. Next time, I’ll pull me head out of my ass because preparation and communication is nine tenths of what is takes to be successful.”

  She turned her head right after she turned off the hairdryer and ran the brush through her hair. “If you keep being an asshole, my foot will be nine tenths of the way up your ass.”

  I cracked out a laugh that quickly evolved into a snicker. “So, what did you tell her? I mean, what did you tell her about us?”

  She put through just two more brushes and then put down her hairbrush. She fluffed out her hair a little bit and kept talking about the interaction. “I just told her we were dating and what my name was. She went on about how she thought you might be growing up, and said she wanted you to contact her. Did you even do that?”

  I called her, but wasn’t able to get through. I left a voicemail for her, and told her what time I would be home. I love my mom, but she always wants to talk about something on the phone. “Well, it sounds like you did a great job. Thanks for hanging in there.”

  I walked away from the bathroom and grabbed a seat on the futon that was in the living room. Much like many things in my life, I did a little damage control. In this situation, the damage control was calling my mom right now, so she wouldn’t keep pestering me.

  I figured that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to get it over with, so I scrolled through the contacts on my phone, and pressed the little phone icon to call my mother.

  I thought it would go to voicemail again, because it actually rang five times. She picked up, and I heard her voice. “Hey, Tyler.”

  “Hi Mom. I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to call you earlier. I’ve been doing business projects all day. I heard about the funny interaction you had with Maya, though.”

  “Well, it wasn’t very funny at first, but we both eventually calmed down and worked it out. Then, we bonded. I would have thought you’d tell me if you had a girlfriend, you know?” She said in a voice that was reminiscent of a nagging teacher.

  I rolled my eyes and leaned back on the futon. The memory-foam backing to it, took me in and made me feel all cozy. It was nice. “So, what can I do for you?”

  She cleared her throat and spoke up about what was ailing her emotions. Once she told me, I sulked in part because I didn’t want to deal with it. She’s a drama queen that seems to blow everything out of proportion.

  Still, she had a reason to be upset here. There sure was a big issue, that was in fact, dramatic – without any tinkering from her. “Your father is having a baby with that 32-year-old wife of his. It’s ridiculous. I mean, you could date her.”

  I felt a little knot in my overly-stressed stomach. My dad was too old to be having kids. At some point, a person’s life needs to make it to retirement without having to raise kids. It’s not like this is his first kid, either. He has me, and I have brothers. What does he need more kids for?

  Damage control…Okay. I tried to move my mom away from the conversation about my dad. It’s bad enough that they went through a bitter divorce. “So, how is your husband doing?”

  I heard a little sigh through the phone, and quickly released there wouldn’t be a positive report about him, either. “He’s not doing that good. As you know, he’s twenty years older than me. He’s having all sorts of medical issues. Just last week, his doctor said that…”

  She kept blabbing on, and on, and then on some more. It was a great annoyance, in part, because she’s a hypocrite. She thinks it is okay for her to date a man that is twenty years older than her, but apparently thinks it’s wrong when her ex-husband dates someone twenty years his junior.

  Well, it’s the 21st century. What is good for the goose, is good for the gander, as they say. Besides, if she couldn’t just move on from her long-ended relationship with her ex-husband, then that was her problem.

  I looked over at my phone at the time log, and noticed that the conversation had already continued for twenty minutes. I barely said anything other than small phrases, such as ‘mm hmm’ or ‘yeah, that sucks.’

  I was ready to cut it off. Even if she wasn’t ready to move on, I was ready to move on – at least in regard to that phone call. “Mom, I’ve really got to go. I’ll talk to you later.”

  She was still yacking about something when I pressed the disconnect button. I couldn’t even really get in that small phrase without interrupting her. “Ugh!” I moaned to myself and shut my eyes for a few seconds.

  I opened my eyes to a fine treat. Actually, it was a damn fine treat.

  It was Maya and she looked just amazing. It had me in awe. Sometimes when a woman as beautiful as her comes in and looks like that, it makes my jaw drop. I didn’t notice it for a few seconds, but I dropped my jaw as I stared over at her.

  Her hair was smooth and probably soft. It was neat and brushed off to the side. She had on gold earrings that had just a little dangle to them. Her neck was sporting a small, but sparkling gold chain – that had just a simple heart on it.

  She had on some blushed makeup that made her cheeks look a little more red – just like her red lips with the lip polish. She had on a blazer that was small, but conservative. It revealed just a little bit of her tits. Her legs were smooth. Even her toes were painted and like her neck, it was sporting an anklet with a matching heart piece on it.

  “What? What’s the problem, now?” She said as she rolled her eyes at me.

  She blushed over at me. That’s her, for sure. She’s part assertive-bitch, part shy, part conservative, and fully opinionated. She might even have some loving and caring in there somewhere. I secretly hoped that she did.

  Well, I just went for it and let the cat out of the bag. My cock couldn’t stand it anymore, and neither could my mind. I had to fuck her brains out. I didn’t want any more delay or bullshit. “I want you.”

  She crossed her legs and kept her cute feet planted on the ground. Maybe for her, that was a subconscious way to protect herself from opening her legs. “But you don’t even know me” she said in protest.

  “I don’t need to. I know that I want to fuck you. That’s enough” I said pointedly at her. I could sense another standoff brewing. There would be a fight. I only hoped that I could win it.

  “Not for me. Besides, you promised no sex, remember?” she said as she continued the debate. “So, you tell me the truth right now. I need to know what our status is. First you said you wanted a pretend girlfriend without sex, and now you want a sex partner. I’m confused. What’s the deal?”

  “The one you told my mom is fine and will work well. We’ll just denote that you’re going to be moving in in two months” I told her. I recently formulated that as a plan to juice it up. Beyond that, I had a great idea about how to garner sympathy.

  “And they won’t just get suspicious when I don’t move in? Do you think they won’t notice?” she said as she bobbed her head and waited for my response.

  “Not at all. They will feel sorry for me and understand” I said as I was trying to explain and put together the plan. Obviously, I was struggling with that.

  “They’ll feel sorry for you because I didn’t move in? I still don’t get it” she said as scratched the pinched her nose.

  I then laid out the killer scenario that I thought was a masterpiece that we could work with. “No. They will feel sorry for me, because I will come home and catch you with another man.”

  “Wow, that’s rough” she said as
she rolled her eyes and then closed them. When she opened them, I knew I probably wouldn’t get any eye contact.

  I shot her with a deadly hunting arrow. It sure was blunt. “I know, I’m all broken up. You’re so cold-hearted.”

  She stuck out her middle finger at me, and her tongue at the same time. I walked over to her and gently grabbed her hand. She let me take control of it and pushed her tongue back in.

  I wanted her tongue, so I leaned in for a kiss. The electricity was strong and pulverizing. It would bring promise and sexiness to us, so I thought.

  She pushed me firmly away and moved her head right as I tried to kiss her lips. She has power that I sometimes love, and sometimes hate. I love it when she challenges me and fights me on an issue. That part is cool. The part that sucks is that her pussy is so hard to get. God, it drives me crazy!

  I’m not going to give into her power – not like I did last time in a big relationship I had. I was with a woman who I thought I could spend the rest of my life with. She kept power over me, and ripped out my heart.

  She didn’t just rip it out, she put it into a juicer and hit ‘puree.’ That’s the major reason that I just nail women and get laid, and then move on. That way, there are no emotional relationships that can get screwed up. If I don’t like a woman, she is gone the next day. That’s the best way to do it.

  Chapter 13 - Maya

  I’ve never been much of a cocktail party girl – but this place was really impressive. There were a lot of great things in it. This wasn’t something that a poor person (like me) would expect. Not at all.

  I’ll start with the food. First of all, this wasn’t a place just to go and get some light snacks. It was an insane party of pretty much anything that had ever lived. I was a little bit dizzied at how many choices there were. I figured I would be in a good shape with just a burger and some macaroni and cheese.


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