A Fake: A Pretend Girlfriend Billionaire Romance

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A Fake: A Pretend Girlfriend Billionaire Romance Page 9

by Charlotte Byrd

That’s not what was there, though. It would be hard to describe absolutely everything, so I’ll just talk about my favorite thing that I had. It rocked my world. In fact, I mean that in a literal way.

  They had these mussels en scene that were just amazing. First, they were cooked in this neat oven. It was basically a giant steel barrel with large rocks in it. The rocks were covered with sea weed, and then a variety of clams, lobster, and other seafood were cooked on top of the seaweed. I suspect that’s where the delicious, salty taste might have come from.

  The mussels were cooked at a low heat until the jaws slowly cracked open. When the jaws were cracked open, a garlic-infused buttery sauce was injected into each one, and then minced garlic was inserted.

  The mussels were then cooked a little longer – so the sauce could sink in. Now, here’s the clever part. Each shell was rubbed with oil prior to being cooked. The oil would keep both the clam, and the inside of the claim, moist while cooking.

  I tried just one and fell in love. It was just great. “Wow! I’ve never had anything like this before” I said as I sucked and then gently ate the claim meat.

  “Yeah? Hobbs is a great cook. I heard that he’s got his own cooking show. I’m not surprised because his food is great” said Tyler as he took a buttered scallop and ingested it. The scallops looked good, too.

  “How much did all this cost?” I wondered as I kept scanning up and down the long table. To be truthful, I was almost afraid to ask.

  “Last year it cost us about $50,000. Keep in mind that the people can eat and drink all they want free of charge. This just goes to show that the old saying is true: ‘There is no such thing as a free lunch’” he said with a shoulder shrug. He looked like it was no big deal. As if, $50,000 was just pocket change.

  I was floored. $50,000? Was he being serious? I put it into perspective for myself, and knew that wasn’t an amount of money that I would earn with a year’s salary. To try and steady off my stunned brain, I took another sip of my margarita.

  The place had some sweet décor, too. Before the food was served, a presentation was made for an ice sculpture that looked sharply like the little bald Monopoly guy. The carver of the sculpture said that it took him about six hours to carve and shape it. If that was me, I think I would have gotten frozen to the bone before finishing it.

  There was some art for sale at the ‘discount’ (said the price tags) prices of between $10,000 to $50,000. And they say that artists are poor? Not the artists from this outfit.

  What really made the party were the people there. Some were strange, but some were cool. It seems that all of them were important one way or another. Maybe that’s why many were so rich and influential.

  I met one guy who was a crazy inventor. He called his invention ‘Zoomers’. Basically, he invented a pair of high heels that would retract with the push of a small button. Then, the person wearing the shoes could walk much faster, or even run. If the button was pushed again, the heels would return for any need to be highly formal.

  I think that’s a simple, but ingenious invention that would help a lot people who wanted to make high heels more usable. If I had high heels like that, I could actually wear them without tripping over myself.

  He just waved his hand at me, and told me that it was something he just ‘threw around’ in his head. He made it sound like a trivial matter. I wouldn’t consider inventing something that millions of people could use a ‘trivial matter’.

  The most important people I was able to meet (according to Tyler) were two members of the board – Frank and Charlotte. He went out of his way to point them out, and stated several times that I was his girlfriend. I think it’s safe to say that he wanted it very clear to them that we were dating.

  Even though it was total horseshit, that’s what he wanted them to think. To his credit, it indeed worked. Now, that doesn’t mean they would give him a free pass, but at the very least, it was a step in the right direction. “Hi, I’m Maya. Nice to meet you.”

  Frank was a jolly guy who was very whitely bearded and haired, because of obvious age. He smiled and laughed deeply as he interacted. His beard was long, and his stomach was huge. In a way, he kind of reminded me of Santa Claus. “It’s nice to meet you too, Maya. I appreciate you coming out here to join us.”

  Charlotte smiled, but was much more quiet. She’s the type of lady who only speaks when she is spoken too. It was too early for me to tell if she was just one of those people who really likes to listen and watch her environment. Or, maybe she just wasn’t the talkative type. When I spoke to her, she smiled and shook my hand. “Hi, Maya. Thank you for coming out here to see us. We hope that you enjoy your stay and have a wonderful time.”

  I traded the pleasantries and then Tyler began to gently pull me in another direction. He saw something that he wanted to do, but I couldn’t quite see over or around him. “What’s going on? What do you see?” I asked him as I tried to look over his head.

  While walking quickly ahead, he pointed to what looked like a game that was being played. I could see people standing around and cheering. “We’re going to play craps. I haven’t played it in a while. Come on, it’ll be fun.”

  I watched the game grow bigger in size as we got closer to it. I didn’t know anything about craps, so that’s exactly what I told him. “I really don’t know anything about craps. I don’t even know the rules. I can’t play” I said in protest because I don’t like trying new things that are hard. Sounds weird, but I like the safety of doing things I am only familiar with – that have few risks.

  “I’ll coach you. Just watch because it’s fairly straightforward” he said as we finally reached the table.

  I looked over and saw the action that was going on. There were dice that were bouncing around that a gentleman had thrown in. Sometimes, there would be cheering, sometimes, there would not be. It felt like it was a game of high pressure that was intense.

  “Lemon drop martini and scotch, please” he said while he was waving and snapping his fingers at a man who was delivering drinks to the table. He was moving fast, and working hard. I didn’t know if it was polite or proper to tip him, but I didn’t ask because I didn’t want to feel like an idiot.

  To make a long story short, Tyler lied to me because he didn’t really coach me. He just had me sporadically jump in and help him with his game. There were some parts I was able to figure out on my own, though.

  For example, Tyler had $1,000 in chips. I could tell that, because it was just basic counting. The amount of chips around greatly varied. It was $1000 worth of chips, which I didn’t think was much for a multimillionaire like him. Hence, I didn’t see the need to protest or give advice.

  I just watched him get the chips, and then he suddenly asked me to do something I had never done before. “Here. Blow on these dice” he said to me as he held the dice up to my lips.

  Blow on them? What for? It didn’t really matter to me. He was only $1,000 in, and it wasn’t my money anyway. So, I puckered up my lips and blew onto them.

  He rolled the dice onto the board, and the dice bounced around and stopped rolling. He started cheering along with a few others in the group. “He won? Did he win?!” I asked excitedly with confusion.

  Within just a matter of minutes, he racked up $2,000 in winnings. Honest to God, it’s almost like money follows this guy around and begs to be put in his wallet. That’s how much money he seems to have.

  He raised me up into the air and gave me a big hug. Then, he kissed me on the cheek. I didn’t have a mirror looking right at me, but I’m sure I was blushing. I didn’t expect him to do that. Not at all.

  The funny thing is that I didn’t mind him doing that to me. Deep down in the depths of my heart, I have a crush on him and want his love and attention. In short, I’m attracted to him. I can’t even understand how I got to this level, but I really like him.

  They say that women often like the bad boys. That’s often true. Maybe it was true on my case. Tyler is by no means a saint, but he
’s not a demon either. I just wondered how hard it would be to get deep into his heart. Would it be tough? Could I do it?

  I thought he would keep playing, but he eventually stopped. He was on such a hot streak, that I figured that he couldn’t lose. I mean, money always finds him. “You’re quitting? Why are you stopping?” I asked him as he pulled away from the table.

  He shook his head and kept walking away, while he was holding my hand and pulling me along. “The winning will eventually stop. We’re far ahead, so we need to quit now.”

  Chapter 14 - Maya

  We pulled into the parking lot with his smooth, BMW 7 series, and put it into park. We talked a lot on the way home, about mostly random stuff. We talked about foods that we like, sports, business goals, and what our jobs were like.

  His sounded like it was highly stressful. He had to make very tough decisions all the time that would greatly affect a lot of people. Then, he would have to live with the consequences of any fallout that came with it. As the CEO, he always got a lot of credit and blame for everything that happened.

  I started to take a little sympathy on him. It’s usually hard for me to feel sympathy for a corporate guy that rakes in millions. What would such a person have to worry about? They could just buy their way out of trouble, so I thought.

  Know what I learned most? CEOs are basically just regular people. They have the same human bodies, health problems, family structures, and dynamics that many people do. Some of them have senses of humor, while others do not. It took me a long time to understand and appreciate that, but I finally got there.

  And that, not surprisingly, changed the view that I had about Tyler. I no longer saw him as corporate slime. I saw him as a fun-loving guy who really tried to enjoy life and take as many advantages as he could get. That made him remarkably down-to-Earth.

  As we walked into the penthouse, I no longer felt like I was a person who just happened to be staying there. I was starting to feel like it was home. I was coming home after having a romantic evening with my ‘boyfriend’ that was full of fun and passion. Then from there, we would shut our eyes and share the same bed together.

  It sounds corny, I know. I do want him a lot, now. This was no longer a casual crush for me. This was a full-fledged attraction. I wanted him – heart, mind, and soul. I didn’t just want his cock or his money. I didn’t just want to stay in a nice place that he would pay for. I wanted his heart.

  If he gave his heart to me, I could safeguard it and protect it from anyone who would want to hurt him. He comes across as a solider armored with iron, but I knew that deep down, there must have been a soft inside. From inside the ‘shell’ he would emit love, kindness, and grace. It was somewhere in his heart, and I wanted to find it.

  I thought about relationship possibilities with him as I was brushing my teeth and combing my hair. The Colgate toothpaste made my mouth and gums feel fresh. In a way, it reminded me that I felt fresh with Tyler. We had turned the page and were beginning to start a story together.

  After I got into my PJ’s and got all prepped up, I got into bed and looked over at Tyler. He was staring at me. I don’t like when people do that – especially men – because I don’t know if they are admiring me, or found something stupid on me.

  This time around, it was the latter. He saw something on me that looked laughable. “You’ve got a bit of toothpaste just above your upper lip. You’ve got a mustache like Hitler, but yours is white. Ha!” he quipped as he started laughing at me.

  I quickly wiped it off and brushed it on the side of the bed. He then started undressing and got himself all nude. Mr. Nude yawned and kept his eyes focused on me after I cleaned up my mustache.

  His eyes were looking at me and not flinching or blinking. I’m not a psychic, but I could tell they were eyes of attraction. He was staring right into my eyes. I only wished that I could read his mind.

  At this point, I had a little too much booze (and not enough self-control) to be reserved and cautious. That’s just what alcohol does. We lose the ability to think rationally, and behave prudently. That’s what happened here, because I blurted what had been on my mind for a few days. “Do you still want me?”

  He grinned over at me and squinted his eyes. “Yes. Of course I still want you. Your beauty and charm didn’t just go away.”

  I stared at him, and he stared back at me. That’s when the erotic ‘flirt game’ began. We were coy to each other. We started off by throwing out hypotheticals. “What if I kissed you deeply on the lips? What would you say about that?”

  “I would let you” I said as I smiled back at him. I didn’t tell him that I would try to slip him tongue, because that’s what I was thinking. I wanted to come across as ladylike.

  He kept talking and talking, and nothing was going anywhere. I was about to turn in and call it a night. When I did that, he reached over and kissed me on the lips and had me gently pinned down against the mattress.

  I’m glad he did that, because I really wanted him and was relieved that it finally happened. I also think he should be the one to make the move.

  I started kissing him softly and slowly, but then I pulled off and breathed deeply with a huge inhale. I needed to lay down the rules if we were going to be intimate. “Let’s get one think clear and straight, okay? I’m not going to sleep with you to get the contract. Do you understand that?”

  “Of course, I agreed to that. If you have sex with me, it will be at your own free will” he said with a deep exhale as he needed to catch his breath, too.

  What did we do next? Well, it was just amazing. I stretched out and pulled him on top of me. Within just a few minutes, we were kissing and heavily panting. It was the most romantic sex I have ever been had.

  The first thing I did, was just kiss him softly on the lips and rub my loving fingers all over him. I wanted to make him feel comfortable and loved. I kept my right hand loosely around his waist, while I kept the other just against his chin while he was kissing me.

  I loved how his stubbly face felt against my hand. He had just a little sweat that was coming off it as well. I liked how that felt. His skin was soft and smooth. He smelled really great.

  We kissed and just held each other for about ten to fifteen minutes. A lot of men don’t understand that women don’t want sex to go for five minutes, orgasm, and then be done. We want to be romanced and want the heat to build up. Then, we want it to last as long as possible.

  A real man can make out and have sex for a minimum of a half hour – if not longer. It takes a real man to romance his woman and do that for her. Sex is about what is best for both of them, and not just him. That’s a crucial thing.

  I think it was something that Tyler knew very well. While we were making out, he didn’t try to stick himself inside of me, or get too rough. It was smooth and gentle. He just kissed and rubbed. He did that softly with only his lips, his tongue, and everything in between.

  I was ready to move on and do more with him. So, naturally, I reached down and started rubbing his hard and thick cock. I played with it a little bit too, just to spice up the mood. I took my thumb and rotated it in quick circles over the head of his penis.

  He moaned while I was doing that. I loved how it felt on my hand, too. I stopped doing it because my mood was changing.

  He was giving my lip a playful nibble. Once he let go of gently nibbling my lip, I pushed him away, and scooped back my right arm. I re-positioned and held him tightly because I was really feeling just great. I didn’t want it to end, so I held him tightly in place and moaned with delight.

  He leaned right into me and kissed me while moaning loudly. I didn’t expect him to love it that much, but he did. Then he leaned into me and slowly slid his dick into my pussy. “Yeah, sweet princess. Does that feel good?”

  He started riding me very slowly at first. I felt his cock getting even harder. When he was sliding it in and out of me, my tight pussy was wrapped around his cock and I bet it made him feel good. I also took my hand and rubbed m
y clit while he was doing that.

  I egged him on, because I don’t think he was moving fast enough. “Come on, you sexy stud who I want really bad! Push harder. I want you!”

  He listened and started pushing in harder and faster. My tits were bouncing up and down and the bed was rocking around. I licked my lips at him and cheered him on some more. “Come on, baby. You know I want you. Ride me so hard that I won’t be able to walk.”

  That triggered him to keep going, so he kept thrusting and pounding me. He was humping me so hard that it was making a loud sound that sounded like someone was clapping.

  After a full ten minutes, his legs locked and his eyes closed. I knew what was coming. He was about to orgasm and I pushed up my hips right against him. I wiggled and twisted my hips against him. It was done. I felt him tremor deep inside of me. I smiled and hummed softly right after it happened.

  I wrapped my legs around him because I loved how he felt when he was on top of me. My legs are fairly strong, and I wouldn’t let him go until I wanted to. Then I came up with a great idea.

  He started squirming around and tried to break loose. I wouldn’t hear of it. If he wanted to pull away from me, he would have to earn it. “Let’s play a game.”

  “A game? What kind of game?” he said as he released himself onto me as I held him in place. He blew out a mild exhale and rubbed my feet lovingly. I almost didn’t say anything after that, because I love having my feet rubbed.

  I pulled his face off me a little bit, and kept my strong leg scissors on him while he was laying on top of me. “We’ll play a trivia game. The first one to get three questions right wins the game. The questions are about our workplaces. The losing person then has to get the other person to orgasm. In other words, the winner gets pleasured. Deal?”

  He laughed loudly and kissed me just quickly on my soft, and partly sweaty lips. “God, that’s crazy. Okay then. Sounds like fun. Who poses the first question?”

  I pulled my fingers from my right hand up to my chin as I was thinking for a question. “What is the name of my boss?”


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