Page 4
He shook himself of his thoughts, moving with caution through the halls, the soldiers hadn't reached his level yet and he was thankful. Another other worldly shrieking holler echoed, getting closer. He pinpointed the sound. Coming from the center room.
They trekked down the hall fast, now a roaring growl in the distance startled him. Luc continued to check behind him so far there is no sign of the one making it. He came across a corner and pressed his back to the wall to peek out. Several patients sauntered about. The security room lies ahead. He assessed the matter and concluded that he could make it inside without alerting the horde if they were lucky.
The first of the patients stood far enough away to allow quiet access yet close to attack and alert the others. This had to be done right. Luc progressed forward darting light and fast pressing his back against the adjacent wall. He slid on until he reached the knob and eased the door open.
The disoriented woman turned fast growling and charging. Elena backed him up with a high kick to knock her off and another lunged grabbing his arm biting down hard. Luc yelled in pain shooting the man in the head. Another jumped, Elena fired on them before slamming the door shut and they both tipped the heavy file cabinet in front for good measure.
The pain hit Luc hard, he checked the wound on his wrist. Several deep puncture wounds but no damage to a vein. Worry overtook him, he kept reminding himself that this was no zombie movie... but what if...? All those stories had to come from somewhere and any disease could exist in the bites! He ripped a piece of his shirt wrapping the cloth around.
"Looks like we're in the same boat now." Elena breathed.
"Do you feel sick?"
"No, at least not yet." She shrugged but the sharp pain made her regret that.
Luc stood resting on the terminals to regain his composure. No more horror movies, no more talk of diseases in bites, he needed to remained calm and think about one task, getting out alive. He sent a message to Number Six.
Luc: I'm in the security room!
Number Six: Hold on.
Number Six: Okay but you have to hurry back you only have a five-minute time window!
Luc: Thanks! I also need you to look into the vectors of disease transmission.
The creatures overcrowded the door, the snarling pale patients all banging to get in and another mysterious shrieking approached and he had a final confirmation it wasn't coming from these Jagged teethed creatures, this time the sound came from right outside the door. Luc scooted the file cabinet toward the upper vent wasting no time he fired his weapon on the ceiling vent to open it before climbing through. They hoped the soldiers were making their way up to handle these creatures while they make their escape.
They dropped to the floor into a sea of blood, Luc's skull smashing onto the floor, his head hurt like crazy but nothing serious; before gaining balance, he looked around in horror at the bodies of the doctors, nurses, former patients, and military. Elena gestured for him to hurry and he picked himself up running fast to the elevators, whatever killed them all didn't seem among them and he would not stick around to find it.
They reached the parking garage determined to reach the exit ahead. The retreating footsteps enticed the creatures. Their white veiny eyes, pale skin, and sharp teeth now dominated their appearance along with a black slick string creeping from out the eyes toward their temple.
The screams of the EMT lured Luc to the location, the sound of the horn blaring.
He tried to fire on the creatures to save the poor soul but he was out of ammo, the creatures overwhelmed the man ripping his arms from its sockets and pulling the wet dangling flesh. The running parade of feet toward them prompted them to keep moving. The light ahead---their salvation.
Luc kept up a steady pace, jumping over everything in his way. While Elena zigzag by the cars in her way.
The garage door lowered, they dropped to the ground rolling fast escaping the closing door.
"Stop!" Elena finally yelled at Luc. Her limp noodle legs couldn't run anymore.
"Hazel was taken out of that hospital and moved to U of M. I need to get there as fast as I can and I don't see any buses ready to take us there." Luc replied not missing a single stride.
Elena looked around at the mess, evacuated homes, dead bodies laying about, she covered her mouth unable to stop the stream of tears. Now Luc stopped and turned to her wrapping his arms around her careful not to put pressure on her injury. "It's okay. I'm still here."
"I know..." She sobbed. "This is all my fault."
"What do you mean it's all your fault? What is?" When she didn't answer he let her go. "Elena?"
"I..." She stepped away. "I may have information provided that you're willing to cut me a deal." She wiped her tear stained face and became more stoic as if steeling herself bracing for a storm.
Luc turned away from her, shocked and appalled. 'If she had anything...' he stopped himself from jumping to conclusions, he needed to remain calm. His visage changed from concerned friend to agent facing a source of information though to her he would keep the mask of friendship. He turned to face her once again. "Is this information you came across while helping me?"
"I'm not saying anything until you give me your word.""Yes. Elena, you have my word. I will do whatever it takes to help you, provided that you help me. Hazel is still out there and I need to find her, if you help me find her, I swear I will cut you that deal no matter what and hear you out."
She nodded. "Yeah. Let's go find your sister."
The streets were silent save for a few straggling Jaggers ahead.
"Let's go before they see us." Luc said pushing ahead.
Each house sat a replica of the other, the only signs of its doom was the scattered luggage and debris from escaping citizens. A dog yelped from its forgotten cage nearby. Luc approached and opened the latch allowing the animal to run free pasting a small cluster of Jaggers.
Elena watched Luc for a long moment. "What’s wrong?"
"Nothing. Let’s get off the street."
"Yeah. Those things are getting mighty damn close."
Luc ran ahead toward several homes before stopping to peer inside one of them. No one else seemed to be inside and the only noise he heard was the static of the TV. He pushed the unlocked door allowing it to swing open until the whining slobbering animal ricochet between his legs as it burst out the door and off to who knows where. Luc pressed on with Elena following behind and this time she gripped her gun more firmly.
The stinging stench of sour meat wafted in the contemporary home and it didn't take long to see the source; a child rested, forgotten, forever. Elena rushed to the child, to shake him awake but the smelly slim coating her hands gave her pause and she recoiled and reached for her gun.
"I don't think he's one of those creatures." Luc looked away unable to stand the sight of the pitiable frail thing. "Note the bruising on the arms and legs and the contusions around the head. This child was neglected and beaten, most likely left to die."
"Whenever I see something like this.... well let’s say I won't be losing much sleep if this virus or whatever it is kills the assholes who did this to a child."
Luc picked up the remote and channel surfs static until he reached what seems to be the lone news station.
The reporter spoke of an announcement by North Korea to begin missile strikes on American soil along with possible terror attacks throughout the west coast by Jihadists.
"Looks like everyone is taking advantage of our weakness." Elena spat disgusted.
"Unfortunately, that's how it works." Luc said moving away from the TV toward the back door. "We can jump the fence to get to the next block, if we're lucky it'll look better on the other side than it does here." Luc said wanting to avoid the cluster of Jaggers forming in the neighborhood.
They reached an alley sandwiched between an old fish market and a grocery store that looked like it needed a call from the sanitation department. Luc checked the doors of the store ignoring the closed sign dangling i
n front of the foggy glass, he thought he noticed a few employees or perhaps the owners shuffling about inside.
"What are you doing?" Elena asked curious as to his motives.
"Look there." Luc pointed ahead down the street, this time it wasn't Jaggers nor the other strange mutations that gave him pause. But the crowd of men sporting a singular color and flashing their affiliated gang signs along with the many guns they carried hijacking vehicles on the road and terrorizing anyone nearby. Another group of protestors formed at the bus stop across the street gripping their signs, hatred brewing in the air. It was no time for an officer of any type to prowl in the open streets. "Hide your badge." Luc warned. "We need to take as many indoor detours as possible and stay off the streets. I have a bad feeling about this."
"They should be indoors protecting their families." Elena scoffed.
"Yeah well, try telling them that. These creatures are enough to spook anyone, not to mention the attacks."
"What the hell do they expect us to do about it?!"
"I don't know, find the people responsible."
"There's enough abandoned buildings around here to hide in, maybe come up with a plan before it blows up into a full-blown riot."
"Welp, this fish market is closed, anyway." Elena said blasting the glass front window to pieces.
"What the hell are you doing?!" Luc yelled watching all eyes turn to them. "All it takes is one fucking spark to set---"
"I don't plan to stick around long enough for that." She said climbing inside.
Luc followed retreating from the angry faces which converged on the scene.
The crowd shouted at the pair and it didn't take long before shots fired, both at Luc and Elena as they ran to the back of the shop but also at the nearby store. They reached the back exit and ran fast into an open building nearby.
"Find the next exit!" Luc shouted hearing the nearby screams outside, and the gargled mash of hateful voices pointing fingers at those they held responsible for the attack on the city.
A stream of black acid spewed forth burning the floor near their feet halting their retreat.
"What the hell is that?!" Luc frantically searched about.
Graying slick skin with dark thick stormy veins protruding, the bloated creature ran at them, its eyes bulging from its sockets and feet pattering and sloshing about, it closed the gap just enough to spew forth a projectile of dark liquid, they dodged, each rolling in opposite directions and splitting up. Luc ran fast around the confused beast while Elena took the other route.
"He can only spit three feet!" Luc shouted noting the distance.
Elena fired several rounds hitting nothing but air. Luc climbed the dusty conveyor belt grabbing a chain hanging above. Elena continued to dodge the deadly acid. Luc hooked the chain on the creature’s throat, and he used his body weight to pull creature up. It writhed and choked and the pieces of flesh tore like a water filled pouch spilling the dark acidic substance from within its belly burning the floor in a gush.
Yet the creature still lived. Elena noticed the pulsing sac behind the swinging strings of flesh and fired a round. The creature howled in a gurgle chorus before falling silent.
"What the hell?" Elena panted.
"Seems like we've got a new monster to deal with." Luc said kicking open the back door. The swarm of violent men and women grew larger than before, they marched through the streets blocking would be escapees. A tank rolled ahead prepared to meet the dissenting people with military might.
They responded with seething hate flinging bottles and shouting curses, waving guns, baseball bats and anything they could get their hands on. What they didn't notice was the crowd of Arab men, baring arms and exiting the nearby Mosque.
"Shit." Luc said heading in the opposite direction while dialing his handler. "How do we get out of here?" He asked the moment she answered the call.
"The military are too damn efficient! They have the entire city blocked off." Six replied at a loss. "I won't be able to get you out without exposing you as an agent." She searched the area via satellite.
"Wait. What about me? I'm FBI." Elena chipped in.
"Let me see what I can do. Captain Summers is in charge of your section, I can try to petition for military protection..." Six sighed. "Okay there goes that plan."
"Why?" Elena asked fearful of the crowd coming their way.
"You've been fired and your rights revoked."
"What?!" She exclaimed. "Why?"
"There's no answer for that. Dunham, your boss, removed you from the payroll."
"That piece of shit!" Elena fumed.
"It's getting a little dark out here." Luc egged Six to hurry with a solution.
"There is a bar nearby! It has a back route on the roof that will take you over the east barricade. That's all I got at this moment."
"Thanks!" Luc smiled infectiously.
Luc and Elena trekked down the narrow section between the buildings and ran fast across the wide neglected street, the sun was waning and they were far from their destination. They came upon the mentioned barricade made of cargo shipping containers stacked high and the boarded-up bar next door, shutters pulled down and lights out, neon beaming in the dark.
"That's it." Luc exclaimed noticing the window and ledge that could take them right on top of the containers which would enable them to escape this section of the city.
"Oh God!" A young woman shrieked from across the street. Jaggers swarmed her and her two companions. Bullets pierced the body of the creatures, spraying black blood across the pavement. The gunfight drew more to their location they soon became pinned between the fence, the building, and the near overrun streets.
"We gotta help them!" Luc bolted toward the small group, kicking one away from girl then smashing its head against the brick wall.
"Please help me! I don't want to die!" The girl screamed, her straw like strands clinging to her flushed face.
"Shut up! If you wanna live fight!" Elena scoffed aiming her gun and sending blood and bone flying.
A wave of fire blazed toward them lighting the night sky. Luc, Elena, and the three strangers flew back from the blast landing haphazardly to the ground. The explosion ricochet to multiple tanks, fire latched onto nearby structures, including the bar itself!
"What the hell?!" The old man was about sixty years old and carried a sawed-off shot gun which he used to take the head of a Jagger clean off, his name was Jerry and he favored his right side from an old war injury.
Luc helped Elena to her feet and a short stocky Asian fella named Johan held the near unconscious straw-haired woman in his arms.
"We need to get to safety!" Johan yelled, his heart racing.
"Follow me!" Jerry waved them all toward the bar. "Hurry before the place burns down!"
"We're gonna let those people in?" A short blond curly haired man said almost blocking the door until Jerry pushed him hard out the way.
They closed the door and barred it with a wood plank. Diego, a short squirrely man with a buzz cut sauntered over, his empty shotgun in hand. "What?! Hell no!" He protested.
"They're helping us!" Jerry shot back.
"The fire is burning half the store!" Stacy struggled down the stairs gripping her protruding belly as if to protect the fragile being inside. Several Jaggers clamored for the windows while Jerry and Diego remove the board on the upstairs door.
The straw-haired woman pushed Johan away to stand on her own.
"Come on, Come on. Get up here!" Jerry led the distressed party to the second floor.
They came up for air, what little they had, as the fire spread fast below and a thick cloud of smoke rose between the boards.
"I'm sorry." The curly blond Davie apologized, guilt plastered on his delicate features.
"Don't be! We were planning to leave this place tonight, anyway." Jerry coughed.
"Let's get out of here!" Luc opened the window seeing just what he needed. The other side of the barrier. "Good. We can use that fire escape to jump
on top of the containers." He then spotted a van, lights on. 'Someone must have crashed the vehicle against the pole.' The damage didn't seem too great.
"That's mine!" Jerry pointed at the van as though he read Luc's mind. "I had to abandon it to get here but it should work."
Luc was the first to exit the window, climbing onto the weak metal structure, and moving fast not wanting to put too much static weight on it. He climbed over the rail and kicked the ladder down causing it to slam and bounce against the roof of the container. 'Hardly sturdy but hopefully it should hold.' He thought taking a chance and climbing down onto the container.
"Do what I did!" Luc encouraged the others to follow.
First was Diego, next Davie, then Jerry who stumbled on the way down but captured by the men below and shaking loose the ladder until it spilled to the ground with a loud clank drawing the straggler's attention. Luc muttered a curse. The ladder had fallen to the side they were trying to escape from.
"Stacey!" Diego waved for her to follow. "I'll catch you."
"I'm scared!" The woman cried clutching her belly.
"The fire don't care!" Jerry called to her.
"Just jump!" Diego said watching her struggle between the rail and the burning building.
Elena dropped from the railing unable to stand the fire licking at her back. Luc caught her with a tumble, Luc picked himself off the ground, both sported cuts and bruises but alive and that was all that mattered.
Johan held the pregnant woman, hoping to lessen the impact of her fall.
"Toss her first ya dingus!" Jerry yelled.
"You better catch her!" Johan yelled back. He positioned her and everyone below formed a bed, locking their arms together and catching her as she fell.