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Xanthe's Choice [Grey River 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 17

by Maia Dylan

  Xanthe felt tears falling down her cheek, and she longed to wrap her arms around her mates, but she was still locked down.

  “No, you won’t,” Melaina said breathlessly from the doorway. “Aristos is mine to deal with. Your job is to ensure he can’t use your mate against me, or kill her for the hell of it.” Melaina walked toward her, and Xanthe watched as her eyes became almost black. The feeling of her body not being her own lifted, and she slumped in relief. Dane and Hunter grabbed her between them, wrapping themselves around her. Xanthe sobbed in relief as she wrapped her arms tightly around them both.

  Xanthe stared at her sister over their shoulders. “Melaina, you—”

  Her sister shook her head. “No, Xanthe, this is something I have to do. For you, for Pepper, for Parris—and hell yeah, for me, too. I owe that prick a world of hurt for what he has done to us, and it is my mission and my goddamn right to be the one that gives it to him.”

  And she would. Melaina had always been a fighter, and it was obvious that she had spent the last sixteen years honing those skills. Xanthe nodded. Melaina would be the one to deal to Aristo’s, but Xanthe had a feeling she wouldn’t be doing it alone. Not now that she was part of Grey River. As Ty always said, strong alone, but stronger together.

  Melaina’s face lost some of its tension, and she returned Xanthe’s nod. Then, a wicked grin graced her face. “Damn, Hunter! I can’t remember the last time I saw an ass as tight as that on a man.”

  Xanthe burst out laughing as Hunter growled against her neck, before he turned and grinned in Melaina’s direction. “Just don’t shoot it with a tranq dart or a bullet, and I’ll call it a win.”

  “But I might shoot you”—Xanthe grumped and glared at her sister—“if you don’t quit staring at my mate’s ass.”

  Xanthe ran her hand down over the hard curve of Hunter’s butt, loving the feel of it under her hand. He purred low in his chest, and she felt his cock start to harden against her. She felt her body soften in reaction and lifted her gaze to her mates. She loved that both of them looked at her with the same heat.

  Melaina groaned. “Jesus, would the three of you just go home and work that lust I see blazing on your faces out of your systems?”

  Xanthe shivered with anticipation fifteen minutes later as Hunter, clad in a pair of running shorts, carried her over the threshold of their house. Looking over his massive shoulders, she watched as Dane followed closely behind, pausing only long enough to lock the door and set the alarm. It had been one hell of a day. Xanthe had felt like she was on an emotional roller coaster.

  Xanthe pressed her face into Hunter’s neck and inhaled his scent.

  “I was so scared,” she whispered and Hunter tightened his arms around her. “I thought he was there to take me away from you both.” Xanthe lifted her head to meet Dane’s eyes over Hunter’s shoulder as they stepped into her bedroom.

  “I know, my love, but you had to have known that we would have come for you.” Hunter said softly as he gently lowered her to stand, and Dane moved around the dark room to flick on the small lamp in the corner casting a soft light into the room. “Wherever he took you, wherever you ended up, we would have been right behind him.”

  “Yeah, I did. That’s what gave me the courage to stand up to him a little,” Xanthe admitted with a wince.

  “What the fuck do you mean you stood up to him?” Dane said incredulously from behind her. “As hot as the thought of you getting all riled and pissed off is—and it is pretty fucking hot when you get angry—the thought of you being anywhere near that jerkoff makes me want to kill someone. Next time, run for safety, not that there had better be a next time. I don’t think my heart can handle anyone else trying to take what’s mine. You and Hunter are mine, and I. Do. Not. Share.”

  Xanthe giggled as Dane began to quickly strip her clothes from her. She certainly couldn’t argue his logic, so she reached out and helped pull the shorts from Hunter’s hard body. When the hard length of him came into view, Xanthe’s breathing became faster and faster.

  She gave a little yelp as she was lifted into the air and placed on the center of the bed. She giggled as she bounced a little and both her mates growled. She pushed up onto her elbows to watch them as Hunter began to strip Dane’s clothes off him.

  “We need to get a stereo system going up in here,” Xanthe said and laughed as both men stopped to look at her.

  “You thinking about dancin’ for us, baby?” Hunter asked almost on a growl. Even though she had been thinking more about them stripping for her, the heat and pleasure that slammed into her down their link told her that both her men liked the idea of her dancing for them.

  “Yeah, would you like that?” Xanthe smiled coyly at them and ran the back of her hands up the side of her body and up under her hair. “I would let the music take over. I would let my body move, touching myself as my desire built and remove my clothes, item by item, until I stood before you wearing nothing but a smile. I would dance for you both until you had to touch me before you took your next breath.”

  There was no sound or movement for about three seconds, before both her men finished stripping quickly by using their claws to remove their jeans. Hunter crawled up onto the bed and over her, pushing her flat to the bed. “Fuck, Xanthe, the thought of you dancing for us, and touching yourself makes me so damn hard.” He slid his hand down her shoulder and arm to grip her hand and drew it to his dick. “Feel how hard you get me, baby.”

  Xanthe closed her hand around him and pumped him strongly from tip to root. Hunter threw his head back and groaned. Xanthe used her thumb to wipe the viscous drop of pre-cum from the bulbous head of his cock. She stilled her hand, waiting for Hunter to look at her, then as she held his eyes, she licked his essence from her thumb, groaning at his salty flavor burst across her tongue.

  “Mmmm, come up a little higher, baby. I wanna taste you properly,” Xanthe said in a throaty voice. Hunter growled as he crawled up higher onto the bed and leaned over her, bringing his cock right to her mouth. She flicked her tongue against the slit at the top to hear him groan, but she never heard it because Dane chose that moment to place his mouth on her. Right over her swollen clit.

  “Shit! Dane!” she screamed as he sucked her into his mouth, his tongue flicking rapidly against the sensitive flesh. Not wanting to get completely lost in the feel of Dane’s mouth on her, she sucked Hunter into her mouth and swallowed around him the way she knew he loved. Xanthe decided she wanted Hunter to come before she did so doubled her efforts, using her hands to cradle his balls and roll them around in her palm.

  She took guidance from the sounds Hunter made as she loved him with her mouth, and groaned her own pleasure at what Dane was doing to her. Just as she was sure she was about to succeed and Hunter was swelling within her mouth, Dane clamped his teeth over her clit and applied just a hint of pressure and she was lost.

  Xanthe screamed as she came hard, loving the fact that Dane never stopped licking her, taking every drop her body had to give him as her release washed over her. She collapsed against the bed as her entire body turned into the consistency of jelly.

  “God, Dane, baby. You are so good at that,” Xanthe purred as she stretched, feeling deliciously decadent in the afterglow of an amazing orgasm.

  “My pleasure, baby. I love the way you come hard for us, you fill my mouth with your cream and it is one of my favorite things in the world.” Dane pressed soft kisses to her body as he moved up the bed.

  “Hunter.” Xanthe rolled toward him, her eyes falling to his cock, which had turned an angry purple color. He must have been so close to coming. “Baby, that looks painful. Let me take care of that for you.”

  “Oh, you both will be taking care of me, Xanthe.” Hunter’s voice was filled with sexual promise and had Xanthe releasing another gush of fluid. “It was so fucking hot, watching you shatter for Dane. He must have really worked hard to get you to come like that, huh?”

  Xanthe turned her gaze to where Dane lay beside her
, his arm thrown over her hips. She could see the flush of arousal across his cheeks and feel the pounding of his heart against her lower back. “He did, and I think I should thank him properly.”

  “My thoughts exactly, love.”

  “Dane, sit on the edge of the bed for me, lover,” Xanthe said as she shuffled off the bed. As Dane moved swiftly to get into position, he stroked his dick from root to tip and had Xanthe’s mouth watering. She longed to get her mouth on him, but it was going to have to wait. In that moment, she wanted to feel him hot and hard within her more than that.

  She straddled Dane’s thighs and knelt up over him. “I love you, Dane,” Xanthe whispered against his lips before kissing him deeply, thrusting her tongue into his mouth as she settled over the top of him. With a little help from him, she was soon sliding down the full length of him until her hips were nestled against his.

  “So wet.” Dane threw his head back and gripped her hips tightly in his hands. “Damn, baby, you are so fucking wet!”

  “For you, baby. I’m wet for you and Hunter,” Xanthe whispered as she began to ride her mate. She began a steady rhythm, sliding up and down his hard length, twisting her hips at the bottom to give the most pleasure out of every move. Dane began to lift his hips in a desperate move, trying to get deeper and move faster and Xanthe couldn’t help buy comply. She pushed Dane until he was flat to the mattress and began to slam her hips up and down on him, moaning at the feel of him lifting to meet each and every downward thrust of her hips.

  “That’s what I wanted, baby.” Hunter’s harsh voice came from behind her and she felt him move in behind her. “The two of you look so beautiful together. Just a little cold, love.” Xanthe felt the cool feel of the lube on her back entrance as Hunter rubbed it in and around her. “Xanthe, baby, let me in honey, push out against me, that’s it.” Xanthe could hear the excitement and anticipation in his voice.

  Xanthe felt Hunter pressing the head of his hard cock against her back entrance and she pushed out against him. After a few thrusts of his hips, Hunter settled his hips against the globes of her ass, fully seated within her. She groaned at the full feeling of it.

  “Damn, Xanthe, your ass is so damn hot. You’re squeezing me baby, and I fucking love it.” Hunter pulled out of her slowly then pushed back in, finding a rhythm that had her shaking around him with each and every thrust.

  “Shit, Hunter! That feels so fucking good. I love the feel of you sliding up against my cock!” Dane spoke through gritted teeth and Xanthe had to agree. The feeling of both her mates buried balls deep within her, felt too fucking good.

  Xanthe lost all ability to make sounds above a sob, and Dane groaned as Hunter began to slam into her, which in turn had her taking all of Dane at the same time. In a very short period of time, the room was filled with their combined sounds of pleasure, and the scent of their lovemaking filled the room and made her heady. It could also have been the feeling of both her mates taking her at the same time, but either way, Xanthe felt herself hurtling toward an orgasm that threatened to engulf her completely.

  “Dane, take her over,” Hunter grunted from behind her, and Xanthe had a split second to try to decipher what that might have meant. Then Dane ran his hands down his own body, drawing Xanthe’s eyes as he went. When he reached the juncture where her body meshed tightly with his, he pressed his thumb against her clit and sent her screaming off the edge of the world.

  Xanthe felt like every cell in her body simply imploded. After what felt like hours of mindless pleasure, she managed to pull the shattered pieces of herself together. All three of them were still breathing heavily and Xanthe’s body ached in a delicious way that screamed to her that she had been thoroughly loved. Hunter ran a warm clothe between her legs, taking care of her as he and Dane would always do.

  “Come on, baby, let’s get you snuggled up on the bed,” Dane murmured as he basically carried her up the bed and lay down beside her. Hunter came back and lay on her other side, stretching his arm over her to wrap around her and Dane.

  After a couple of minutes spent sharing soft kisses and gentle words of love, Xanthe sighed deeply. It was amazing that Melaina was here in Grey River, but Xanthe had no clue how to deal with the fact that her fath—no! No, Aristos. That Aristos was alive.

  “You know he’ll never get close enough to hurt you again, right babe?” Dane said as he kissed her temple gently. Xanthe grinned at the irony of having someone who can read her mind.

  “Yeah, I know. It’s just knowing that he’s been alive all this time and using me to get Melaina to do God knows what just makes my skin crawl.” Xanthe shuddered.

  “I have a feeling that your sister can handle just about anything coming her way,” Hunter said with a funny grin on his face. It was one that Xanthe couldn’t quite read. “I really like your sister.”

  “Even though she kidnapped you and threw your hairy ass in the trunk of her car?” Xanthe giggled at Dane’s question.

  “Yes, despite all that,” Hunter answered dryly. “Knowing her story, I get that everything she has done in her life has been to protect our mate. I have to respect that. And I will protect and have her back for life for it.”

  Xanthe suddenly remembered the look on Grant’s face the night Hunter had been kidnapped, as he stared at Melaina. “I have a feeling that she might have a couple of protectors of her own before too long.” Grant had left the store before the others, but had stood outside the shop windows talking animatedly on his phone for a while, never taking his eyes from her sister. She had a feeling that he was talking to his brother, Kyle.

  “I think you are right on the money with that one,” Hunter agreed as he began to rub his hand in slow circles low on her tummy, triggering the flight of a thousand butterflies from within her. “Let’s hope she makes the same choice as you did.”

  “What do mean? What choice?” Xanthe asked breathlessly. Dane had started to press kisses against his claiming bite on the side of her neck making her shiver.

  “You made the choice to stay,” Dane murmured against her neck. He pulled back to look her in the eye, and Xanthe’s breath caught at the love shining bright in his eyes. “To fight for us and make this our home. The choice was yours, baby, and you made the right one. Now, all we have to do is protect Mel when Aristos finally puts in an appearance and live our lives.”

  “And have a whole shitload of sex,” Hunter added with a grin.

  All three of them laughed and Xanthe felt herself completely relax. As she looked into Hunter’s eyes, an image started to form in her mind. She was sitting in—no, wait, she was tied to the wing-backed chair with her silk scarves that were currently hanging in her closet. The chair was placed at the end of the bed, and she watched Hunter fuck Dane, who was also tied to the bed. Xanthe’s lust spiraled out of control alongside her surprise.

  “Hunter!” There was excitement in her voice and Hunter sat back in surprise. “Were you imaging a little bondage scene right now?” Hunter blinked in surprise and Dane froze behind her. When Hunter nodded, Xanthe exhaled sharply. “I saw it.”

  They hugged her as she let herself feel hopeful that her ability might return. It may never be the same, but that was okay. She had thought her sister lost to her, but that would never happen again.

  “So tell me.” Dane stared hungrily at Hunter. “What was the scene you had in your head? From the way our Xanthe got all excited, I’m thinking it was you and I putting a show on for her as she sits taking pride of place in the wing-back chair. Am I right? Are you going to tie me up?”

  Xanthe giggled at the excitement in Dane’s tone. Apparently her mate was more submissive than she knew.

  “Oh, hell yeah, D, I am,” Hunter promised and Dane whooped with joy. “I’m also gonna tie our mate to that chair so she can’t take matters into her own hands, as it were.” Xanthe pouted. “You know it will be more explosive for you if you wait and let us give you what you need. But it’s your choice, my love. With us, you will always have a choice. So what
will it be?”

  Xanthe pretended to think it over for all of five seconds, because really, it was a no-brainer. If it was Xanthe’s choice, then she knew exactly what to say. “I’ll get the scarves!”




  Maia Dylan lives, loves and works in beautiful New Zealand. She married her best friend, and they have two adorable, but stubborn children who obviously take after their father.

  Maia’s career has featured a lot of travel, and she has filled her time at airports and in the air with books, books, and more books. Her love of erotic paranormal romance has seen her amass a huge library. She has been an avid reader and lover of ménage romances since she read her first book in this genre about three years ago.

  In January of 2015, Maia submitted her first ever manuscript to Siren Publishing. She wasn’t at all confident that it would be accepted, and in fact she was expecting a nicely worded email with a resounding no! Much to her surprise less than two weeks later she had an acceptance and a signed contract in hand, and since then she hasn’t looked back.

  Outside of writing, Maia loves to eat, so she loves to cook! Her herb garden is legendary, but she still has issues getting tomatoes to grow. She’s been a performer for years, and has even sung on international stages, she would love to own a classic Ford Mustang one day and of course have the opportunity to race it on a race track without fear of a speeding ticket.

  Although ultimately her dream is to be able to write full-time on a sandy beach with a Mai Tai in hand, she is quite happy to fit her writing in when she can. As long as someone reads her books, gets a laugh, and maybe comes to love her characters as much as she does, then she feels that she is living her dream no matter what!


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