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Her Designer Baby: (Loving Over 40 Book 1)

Page 2

by Washington, Shawna

  “Malaysia, I need you to pull yourself together or go home.”

  Those words snapped me out of my stupor really quick. I looked up at Michele from my desk and saw the face I didn’t like: her serious face. It was rare she brought it out of hiding but when she did she meant business.

  “I’m sorry, Michele,” I sighed. “So, who’s the client?”

  “A surgeon, Daniel Anderson. He’s looking for something in your area, another bigger home up in Hidden Hills.”

  With that said she sat herself down on the edge of my desk. “Did you sleep last night?” she asked. I lied.

  “Yeah. I slept alright just… still thinking about our talk from yesterday. All our talks really. I’m not completely out of it but after today I really need more time to consider what I’m doing, what I’m not doing, and then some.”

  Michele placed a hand gently over mine that was holding the sale paperwork.

  “If you’re ready to make that decision, whatever it is, you know I’m here, Malaysia.”

  The drive up to Hidden Hills that afternoon was almost as dreary as when I left the neighborhood the day before. My heart wasn’t fully on board that day, but I knew this home had been on the market awhile and I was far past my deadline of getting it sold. All I was asking was for fate to cut me a break and not put another Hallmark-card-looking family in my face that day. Instead, the Universe gave me something even more unexpected.

  Reaching the property, I found a black 2017 Audi A8 that looked like it had left the show floor of the dealership yesterday. Most real estate agents would have dreaded seeing what appeared to be a high-end prospective buyer, because they had the reputation of being overly demanding. I, however, was elated. The attractive man that stepped out the car was not what I was ready for.

  The driver side door opened and out stepped a man that was so good looking it was almost satirical. It was obvious he was in his forties but wearing it well. Blonde hair, over six foot and even through his suit it was obvious he lived in the gym when he wasn’t saving lives.

  Every stereotype I’ve ever seen of every doctor on television was stepping out of this luxury vehicle in a suit that was tailored and even as perfect as its wearer. I flashed an unintentional smile with an even more unintentional cheerful greeting.

  “Hi!” My own voice sounded unfamiliar to me and overly exuberant.

  What happened to the Malaysia that just moments ago wanted to turn the car around, go back to the office and tell my supervisor I need to take a sick day to sit on the couch and binge watch The Walking Dead?

  “Well good afternoon,” the sexy surgeon responded with a gorgeous grin.

  I thought to myself even his voice is sexy and quickly fixed my mouth to stifle a giggle.

  I walked around my car to shake his hand and the moment our palms met I was hooked. I wasn’t going to let him know that of course. It was business before pleasure.

  “So, let’s take a look inside at this beauty,” I said as I lead the way to the front French doors of the huge home.

  I unlocked the right door and stepping in, remembered the contrast between the outdoors and the massive foyer was striking. As many times as I had entered this home, I always marveled at the beautiful main entrance. The home had imported Italian tile throughout, and a stained glass skylight that was designed by the original owner who was a prominent Los Angeles artist.

  “Wow,” he said in awe. “This is beautiful.”

  “Yes, yes it is. The only reason it’s been on the market so long is because everything throughout the home is made of natural materials but also imported. Top quality is top dollar in this area.”

  We made our way to the left of the foyer that opened to a huge great room with exposed wood beams and a natural stone fireplace that went from floor to ceiling. The entire far wall was floor to ceiling windows with a sliding door that opened onto a terracotta tile patio and large swimming pool.

  I looked over my shoulder to see his reaction to the scenery and quickly realized he was taking in more than just the impressive décor and design of the house. A woman of my age is never surprised when they catch a man looking them over, but what surprised me was him being caught and smiling. I gave him a slight smile and quickly brought his attention back to the matter at hand.

  “The pool has a cover that retracts by remote. The whole home is integrated into a remote system,” I explained. I walked over to a panel on the far wall left of the sliding door that showed the many different controls for lighting and even audio throughout the home.

  He walked over to my side, glanced at the control panel and it’s many buttons then he looked at me. “It’s nice. A bit much, though, wouldn’t you say?”

  His tone was clear he was simply making small talk. As flattered as I was at his subtle flirting I was getting the feeling he was going to be a difficult sell. I didn’t want that, especially not with this house. I got straight to the point.

  “Six and a half million. That’s the price tag.”

  “Four and a half million,” he said. A shoddy attempt at bartering, I’m guessing.

  “Are you insane?! You haven’t even seen the upstairs or the home gym in the finished basement! This home is not just nice to look at. It has a top of the line system that you will not find in the area.”

  The sly smile on his face frustrated me rather than seduced me. I scowled at him, letting him know I was getting the gist of his attitude.

  “You’re not buying the house, are you?”

  “I may if you’ll go on a date with me.”

  This was where I was now wishing any family with however many children in an outdated minivan would pull up. The sexy surgeon was starting to look like a pitiful pervert. Hot or not, I was pissed.

  “Hell no,” I said. “Look, I’m trying to sell the house, but I don’t come with the house. Okay? And I’m especially not selling it for 2 million under its sale price!”

  “Okay okay. Let’s start over,” he said.

  “Yeah, let's,” I frowned.

  “I’m Daniel.”

  “I’m Malaysia,” I shot back.

  “I’m looking for a house.”


  “Not this one.”

  I stood there for a moment just staring at him. I was frowning so hard at that point my forehead actually started aching. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and diffused the urge to tell him to kiss my ass. On my exhale I opened my eyes and got back to why we were both there.

  “Alright,” I muttered. “So, what are you in the market for.”

  He looked up to the ceiling, then to the floor as if giving it some real thought. He finally brought his eyes back to mine and I had to admit I found my anger slowly eroding the more I looked at him. I couldn’t help but wonder how many women he toyed with that way and made them like it.

  “Honestly, I’m just looking for something smaller. A lot smaller. I don’t have any kids and just because I have a new car doesn’t mean I’m looking to throw my money around on absolute luxury.”

  I could understand that. His matter-of-fact way of just letting me know what he was looking for made me wonder what all the flirting and banter was for.

  “Okay. I can do that. Are you still wanting something in this neighborhood or something not as high end?” I asked.

  “Oh, I love the area. It’s the reason I was scoping it out earlier this week and gave your agency a call.”

  Finally, we were getting somewhere. We started walking back toward the front entrance of the home and discussing what I knew was available through our agency that might be more like what he’s looking for.

  Once outside and standing by his car he gave me another handsome smile, but this time it was a bit more reserved.

  “I meant what I said, though,” he admitted.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I still would like a date with you. As much as I would like to see more houses I’d like to see just as much more of you.”

  I had to hand
it to sexy surgeon Daniel. He was blunt and had enough charisma to talk a person into voluntary amputation if need be. I grinned and rolled my eyes.

  “How about next time you behave yourself a little bit more to start and we’ll see if that can win you a date?”

  He chuckled and gave a slight nod. “Yes, ma’am.”

  I watched as he cranked up the car and drove off. I couldn’t wait to get back to the office and tell Michele how she’s going to wish she had sent me home and come to Hidden Hills herself. For the first time in my career, I met a potential buyer that I hoped I never actually sold a home to, just so I could meet with him again and again.

  I made sure the house was locked up one last time, then got back in my car when my cell phone rang. It was the office. I assumed it was Michele checking on me to ask how the sale was going or how I was doing.

  “Hello,” I answered.

  “So, what exactly did you do that has Dr. Anderson calling our office?”

  I couldn’t tell if Michele’s voice was disappointed or just curious. “What do you mean,” I asked, a little more than puzzled.

  “I just got a call from him saying he’s interested in looking and potentially buying a home through the agency but only if you’re the agent he meets with,” she explained.

  I bit my lower lip to hold back a laugh, then replied. “Oh.” That was all I could come up with at the moment.

  You sly devil I thought to myself. Sexy surgeon Daniel was going to ensure we met again and again and again, apparently. “I guess I was just really professional. He seemed… nice. And interested in buying.”

  “Hmm,” Michele mumbled. “Well, that’s fine. So, he wants to look again tomorrow. Do you know what he’s looking for since he wasn’t interested in that house?”

  Oh, I know what he’s looking for.

  “Absolutely. He gave me a good idea of what it is he’s interested in and I already have few places in mind.” My bed. My couch. My car I said in my own head.

  “Well, alright. He wants to meet around two p.m. again. I’m guessing that’s his regular lunch time or something. So, show him 1517, around the corner a few blocks down or whatever one similar you may have in mind.”

  “Sure thing,” I replied. I had a grin that had been on my face most of the ride down the familiar Hills.

  “And Malaysia,” Michele continued, “I’m letting you off the hook until tomorrow. I know you really wanted to throw in the towel this morning. So, take some time to get your thoughts together for tomorrow.”

  I could tell by her voice this wasn’t an angry request or suggestion. Michele was being Michele the Good, not Michele the Fed Up.

  “Roger that, Michele. I’ll see you first thing in the morning before heading back up here.”

  I hung up and took a detour to get back to my own apartment. My mind still swooned a little. It wasn’t just the fact that I was getting some more much-needed rest before pressing restart on tomorrow, but this particular open house made up for my mood.

  One would think by my reaction I don’t get hit on often. That’s not the case. But it is rare I get hit on by someone I’m actually attracted to and very rare that he’s someone who has a stable career. There’s this misconception that as you get older the dating scene is easier because men your age have it together. I can attest that is still far from the case a lot of the time. At least in my experience.

  Sexy Surgeon Daniel. I was sure someday I would slip up and either call him by the first portion of the nickname or say it in front of Michele one day if I didn’t stop saying it to myself. I still had a smile permanently stuck on my face even as I entered my apartment.

  You would think I was some high school girl with a crush the way I floated down the hall to my master bedroom. I let my purse drop to the floor and I plopped down on my king-sized bed.

  “Hmmm,” I sighed. “Daniel. Sexy Surgeon Doctor Devilish Daniel.” I laughed a little, then buried my face in my comforter. I felt myself doze off and for the first time in a while was grateful that I was going to be alone in my apartment with my thoughts.


  Some things are worth waiting for. That was my thought on my second day of house hunting with Malaysia. I’m not necessarily a superstitious man but I can say safely that if holding off buying a home for so many years meant I was going to meet her it was well worth the wait.

  The day before, I realized I was maybe a bit forward so the next day I was going to keep it casual but cordial. I dressed down, deciding to wear a simple white short-sleeved front closure shirt and a pair of khakis.

  I also made a note from the day before that more comfortable shoes were needed. We didn’t walk much through that house, but I wanted to get as much time with Malaysia today as possible and was hoping my sneakers were going to be put to good use. Tying up my laces in the living room it dawned on me this was my first time putting forth this much effort just to meet someone, and not even for a date. I had to smile at that thought.

  One quick pull of my laces, grabbed my wallet off the kitchen counter and I was out the door.

  I had spoken with Malaysia earlier that morning. I was glad to know her manager at the agency had given her my number like I requested.

  We agreed to meet at another home that wasn’t too far from the one she showed me yesterday. Pulling up in front of the one level home it looked like it still had the impeccable landscaping you expect in this part of L.A., with a good bit of square footage.

  I had been saving up and investing to possibly move out of the country but Shepherd’s talks had had more of an effect on me than I was willing to admit. If I was going to someday meet “the one” what was I offering? My oversized apartment, my brand new Audi, a pension. What about a home? Space to even consider raising kids in? Home. I had been looking around for property for nearly a year but keeping it under wraps from colleagues and friends. Maybe it was my pride but there was still a part of me that felt sheepish about addressing my personal life goals with anyone.

  As I pulled into the driveway I glanced over at Malaysia's midsized Sedan. She wasn’t on the driver side from what I could see. She had apparently gotten to the house long before myself, perhaps to stage a few last-minute things for the viewing.

  As I reached the front door it opened slowly and there stood Malaysia. My heart nearly stopped. Here I was all dressed casually in contrast to our last meeting while she stood in the doorway looking like a goddess in dark blue. My career afforded me the opportunity to be more knowledgeable about some things. What women with good taste like is one of those things. I couldn’t tell you the brand of the dress, but I can definitely tell you it’s Cobalt fabric fit her like a glove. It had a deep V-neck and wrapped around her waist, a gold decorative clasp holding it snug above her right hip. Knee length and sultry, she couldn’t have picked a better color to compliment her skin or a better fit for that matter.

  I nervously cleared my throat. “Well, don’t we look top notch today.”

  “And don’t you look L.A. casual,” she giggled.

  I already had a grin on my lips but her wit made my smile spread a mile wide.

  She stepped aside so I could enter the bungalow style home and I caught a whiff of her perfume. She smelled like I pictured angels must smell. It was floral but deep and rich all at once. I don’t like jumping to conclusions but I it seemed she was wanting to leave a lasting impression this time around. Not that she hadn’t already but if this was just a taste of how well she could knock me off my feet on a date I was more than convinced.

  “I hope this house is going to be more to your taste and specifications Dr. Anderson.”

  “Daniel,” I said to her with a smile.

  She let loose a sexy chuckle. “Ok. Daniel. Let’s take a look around.”

  Saying I was disinterested in the house walkthrough the day before was an underestimate. But this day I could care less I was even inside of the house. My entire world was spinning and Malaysia was the blazing sun in the middle of it all.
I couldn’t focus long enough on anything she was saying to decide if I wanted this home or not.

  By the time we reached the wide open kitchen I wasn’t sure if I was coming or going. Every glance over her shoulder was like a lure from one room to the next. Her black heels clicked across the floor like a hypnotist metronome and her hips had their own pendulum-like sway.

  “So, Daniel, what do you think?”

  “About the house?” I asked.

  Malaysia fought the urge to bite her scarlet red lips. Looking away to hide a shy smile she then turned her eyes back to me. “Yes, the house.”


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