Her Designer Baby: (Loving Over 40 Book 1)

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Her Designer Baby: (Loving Over 40 Book 1) Page 3

by Washington, Shawna

  It was obvious she knew she had me. I wasn’t sure how to respond except with blunt honesty. It was all my mind had left.

  “The house: maybe. The real estate agent: absolutely, it’s a ‘yes’.”

  “Yes to what, exactly?” She placed her hands on her hips.

  “Anything you ask me, besides whether I’m buying the house, of course.”

  “Oh,” she slowly sighed. She now had a soft grin across those red lips.

  I leaned on the white marble kitchen counter. “I’ve been a good boy, but I can be better.”

  She seductively walked around to my side of the counter and stopped just a few feet short of me. With one hand placed on the counter and the other on her hip she tilted her head to one side.

  “How much better.” Her voice was low and sensual. It was obvious neither one of us was considering the house around us in our conversation anymore.

  “Better than you’ve ever had,” I said confidently.

  “Hmm. I doubt that, but I’m game.”

  “What are you doing Friday night?”

  She stood up a bit straighter as if she’d accomplished some goal. I was now wondering if I was the one fishing for a date or the other way around.

  “I’m perfectly free Friday night,” she smiled.

  “Great. So, let’s meet at 6 p.m., Shibuya restaurant?”

  “Ok,” she nodded. “I’ve been there a time or two.”

  “Can’t wait.”

  My confidence was more than through the roof. All my concerns about meeting the first and only future “Mrs. Anderson” was out the window. Any thoughts of whether or not I was going to produce children before I kick the bucket was an afterthought. The practice of bringing a life into the world was definitely at the forefront of my thinking however, after this particular meeting with Malaysia.

  Her charisma lead me back out to my car like a puppy on a leash. I would literally follow her anywhere and I meant what I had said to her about if she asked me anything it’d be a definite yes.

  I made my way into my car but sat there with the door open. From my perspective in the car, it literally was like looking up at an angel. Her cell phone rang, and I watched as she gently tossed her long dark hair to one side to answer. She said a brief hello before putting the call on pause.

  Covering her hand over the phone she then leaned down slightly, and I had to resist the temptation to get a closer peek at her cleavage.

  “So, how about we meet at my office on Friday? I get off at five and we can just go to Shibuya from there.”

  “That’s perfect,” I agreed. I couldn’t help but steal a glance as she rose back up--right at her softly rounded chest and its welcoming space above her dress’s neckline.

  She waved goodbye as she returned her phone back to her ear and began walking toward her car.

  By the time I was up to the road in my own vehicle I was nearly sweating bullets. It’s rare anyone can get me that excited that easily but she definitely wanted to get a point across with me today. I knew I was guilty of enjoying the game, the love game.

  I was completely aware that I was pretty good looking for my age and when it came time to spill on the charm I was an expert. Not many women could take what I throw at them and not buckle at the knees. Malaysia, on the other hand, turned the tables around and had me hurrying back to the familiarity of my apartment.

  I needed to be in my own space and have some time to reign in my excitement. Friday was two days away which gave me more than enough time to get a better feel for what to expect from this real estate seductress.

  * * *

  The next day I was floating on cloud nine. It had been awhile since anyone had given me fantasies to fuel some much needed sweet dreams. On the way to work I even bothered to turn the radio up a little louder and let the windows down. Pulling into the multi-tier parking garage at the hospital I noticed Shepherd parked about three vehicles down. I sat in the car for a while until the song ended and the rock DJ began to babble through my car speakers.

  The vigor with which I hopped out of the car must have been surprising to anyone watching because the look on Shepherd’s face was priceless. I took a quick glance around after locking my car and then greeted him with five hundred times more enthusiasm as he had that day in the sterilization room.

  “Good morning, Shep,” I exclaimed. Before he could greet me in kind I had already turned to make my way toward the elevator that leads to the east wing of the hospital.

  “Uh, okay,” Shepherd stammered, following behind him quickly. “So, how was your day off? Great, it looks like.”

  “It was pretty satisfactory. I met with an agent and checked out a great house and I have a date on Friday,” I smirked. I’m sure at this point my chest must have been stuck out a mile in front of me as I waited for the elevator to ascend to the garage.

  Shepherd was obviously all the more confused. “Wait, you mean to see another house?”

  I let out a deep sigh of contentment. “No. No Shep, my friend. I have a date with probably one of the sexiest real estate agents in L.A. if not the whole state of California.”

  “Oh!” Shepherd finally got up to speed with why I was so chipper and upbeat that morning as he stood waiting for the elevator with me. “That’s great, boss man!”

  “Yep,” I said proudly as the doors opened and we stepped inside.

  “Wow! So, getting back in the saddle, huh,” he remarked.

  It was at these moments I was reminded of the age gap between Shepherd and myself. Back in the saddle. Who even uses that phrase anymore? And considering I’m his senior by ten years. He made himself sound like someone’s grandpa giving his grandson a pat on the shoulder after a tough divorce.

  Shepherd must have noticed the look on my face because his eyes looked down at the elevator floor and he made a slight step to the left away from me.

  As we reached our destination on the second floor of the east wing I had to admit I was even noticing the bit of extra pep in my step as I walked. Reaching the locker room, I made note of myself in the mirror and gave myself a wink.

  Back in the saddle. Back in the game. Friday couldn’t get here soon enough.


  Thursday came and went, and it was finally Friday. I don’t think I’ve rushed through so many house showings in my whole real estate career as I did that day. By the time I finally reached my last house I was more than ready to either seal the deal or tell them we’ll try again tomorrow.

  I wasn’t remotely phased when I pulled up in the middle-class suburb where our agency had a few homes up for sale and was greeted by a family of five. Their teen son was your typical disinterested know-it-all, and they had a set of twin girls who looked to be in their preteens.

  “Hi! I’m Malaysia,” I blustered, “how do you like the outside so far?”

  The father and mother seem a bit taken aback by how quickly I was headed toward the front door to unlock and let them inside. Light on their feet they quick stepped behind me and ushered the kids to follow.

  We sped through the home with me pointing out some of the highlighted features of the website and very little else. Typically, I go into the history of the home and what the neighborhood is best known for but not that day.

  Despite my rambling and cutting corners the middle-aged couple was more than interested in the home and were willing to pay the exact price. No bartering. No rewritten proposal to the owner. They fell in love with it on sight from the moment they pulled up from what I was told.

  They followed me back to the office to finalize the paper and close the sale. They left with huge smiles on their faces but not nearly as big as mine. That was my third sale of the day and in record time.

  After I walked them to the exit door and waved a friendly goodbye I turned to see Michele standing almost directly behind me.

  “Oh, crap! Michele!” I shouted. “Why are you behind me?! What is it? What’s wrong?”

  “Yeah, what’s wrong, indeed,” sh
e scowled. “What are you rushing for today? Don’t get me wrong I’m hella proud of you because I’ve never seen you get them in and out like that and that was the third sale you’ve made in one day, but…”

  She didn’t finish her statement before I made a quick dart around her to grab my purse and my keys.

  “Where are you going,” she said in surprise.

  I took a deep breath, then turned from my desk to face the inevitable.

  “I have a date,” I said with a sigh.

  What started off as a frown on her face slowly turned up into a cheerful, enthusiastic, toothy grin. Michele came over to me and gave me a hug.

  “Ooh ooh ooh,” she spouted off, “who is it with?”

  I cringed a little then decided to just come on out with it. “The surgeon, from the other day.”

  The confused look on Michele’s face was priceless. Then, she gave me a sly look. “Really,” she said as she looked at me with squinty eyes and her sly smirk spreading.

  “Yes,” I rolled my eyes. “Really.” Before I could brace myself for the barrage of questions I was certain she was about to throw at me the entrance door slowly opened.

  There Daniel stood dressed in a pair of nice jeans, casual dress shoes, white and dark blue blazer. It seemed like no matter what the man wore he made it look amazing. My heart began to beat faster than it had even on Wednesday and I could feel my whole face light up.

  Michele followed my gaze and turned to look at the door. We were both transfixed at the Adonis-like man that was now fully stepping in. He gave me one of his smiles I was coming to know and love, and then sauntered over as he spoke.

  “I’m not too early, am I?” he asked.

  “Oh no. You’re right on time actually,” I replied.

  Daniel was now standing by Michele who seemed miniature sized in comparison to him. She looked him up and down and then finally managed some words.

  “Hi,” she said, extending her right hand. “I’m Michele.” He took her hand and gave a light shake.

  “Daniel. We spoke on the phone a few times.”

  “Yeah.” Michele’s voice sounded distant and dreamlike as she stared up at my tall handsome suitor. I thought that was a better time than any to break the awkwardness.

  “So,” I interjected. “We better get going.”

  “Of course,” he replied as he loosened his hand from Michele’s grip.

  “Alright then. See you on Monday, Michele.”

  * * *

  Michele was still standing in the office wide-eyed when we left. I knew what was coming later, so when we reached Daniel’s car I promptly cut my cell phone off. She’d have to wait for all the juicy tidbits of how I ended up getting a date instead of selling a house, and also info on how the date went after the fact.

  We made it in time to Shibuya, before it got too busy. I wasn’t dressed as seductively as the day before, but I still was in a sensible cotton blouse and jeans and comfortable flats. I did opt to wear my hair in a loose updo, however.

  I loved the sushi from this place, and I was excited when Daniel suggested it. And the other bonus was, although it was a thirty-minute drive from home if traffic was heavy, I could make an easy getaway. If things didn’t go as dreamily as I was hoping for on this date I could get in the car and hit the road a.s.a.p.

  It was worth the sushi, just hoped the drive was going to be worth the man I was eating across from.

  Once we both parked our vehicles not too far from one another we made our way inside. People have this misconception that people who are making nearly six figures or more always eat in the places that cost an arm and a leg. I was glad to see that at least Daniel and I had sensibility in common when it comes to expenses.

  I definitely made note the first day we met that despite his probably astronomical salary he really wasn’t into spending beyond his means. Neither was I. A large price tag doesn’t always mean quality, and a place as inexpensive as this sushi bar was just casual enough for us to kick back and get a feel for each other.

  We grabbed a seat and made our drink orders. I didn’t even need to look at the menu to know I wanted the King Crab roll.

  “I’ve always gone with the eel roll from this place,” Daniel smiled.

  “How often do you come here,” I asked. I was trying to think of time I had maybe seen him here and just didn’t realize it.

  “Actually, we tend to send someone out this way for everyone’s lunch to grab orders.”

  “Oh. Ok. I’ve never tried the eel roll.”

  “Maybe I’ll give you a bite or two,” he said playfully.

  Before we knew it, we had our orders. We were lucky we made it there when we did as it started getting really packed over time. The night crowd anywhere in this area can build quickly starting on Friday and into the weekend.

  As he promised I asked for a bite of his eel roll and he happily grabbed a bite with his chopsticks and lifted it to my lips. I took the whole thing in one bite but kept my eyes on him as I did so. My sexy stare went a bit awry when sushi roll began falling apart just as I shut my mouth.

  I put a hand up to my face to catch it and also hold back a laugh. Daniel did hold back and then proceeded to jokingly state I had something “right there” as he reached over with his hand. I laughed and smacked his hand away as I finished down my bite.

  “Ok. It’s only fair I get a bite of yours now. Remember?”

  “Yeah yeah,” I said. I grabbed a bite of my roll and lifted it up to his mouth. He had seemingly learned from my mistake and focused on getting the full bite in; no joking or sexing it up. He nodded and let out a pleased foodie moan in approval.

  “Not bad.”

  “Yep. I actually come here at least once a month seeing how it’s a bit of drive depending on traffic.”

  “Do you live far from here?” he asked after taking a sip of his drink.

  “That’s a bit personal don’t you think,” I replied.

  “We just got through feeding each other in public. Can’t get too much more personal than that beyond sleeping together.” He then gave me a flirty wink from across the table.

  Dammit, he has some charms up his sleeve. I had to giggle and then finally relent.

  “I live closer to Comado Canyon and Oak Park.” I took another bite of my sushi and waited for to see was he going to give up where he currently called home.

  He finished another roll from his plate and then chuckled. “So, if I buy a home from you, it means we’ll be just that much closer to each other.”

  Was that an invitation for me to ask more about his personal life or a way to deflect from the topic? Either way, I changed the topic.

  “What’s the reason for you wanting to buy a home in the first place?”

  He took a long pause and looked as if he was searching his mind for the best way to answer.

  “Well, I’m considering starting a family, finally.” With that, he took a big sip of beer.

  I wasn’t quite sure what to say or ask next. My mind was asking all the questions, but my lips were saying absolutely nothing. Not yet. I figured I’d leave the ball his court to fill in the blanks.

  “I’ve always just worked; built a career. I wouldn’t mind starting a family but…”

  I finished what he was trying to say as it was a topic I was more than familiar with.

  “You just never really stopped to do so. Kept going.”

  Daniel looked at me with soft eyes. Then, his gaze went to his beer. “Yeah. Pretty much.”

  It was my turn to take a long sip of my own drink. That topic turned the atmosphere into a somber one really quick. Unsure of what to say next I decided maybe it was time to just be less flirty and more sincere. Not just on this date but probably from here on out.

  “I can relate. Michele, who you met at the office; she and I have had similar conversations over the past few years.” I cleared my throat and tucked some loose strands of my hair nervously behind my ear.

  “Yeah. One of my colleagues
just recently became a father. And he has been on my case throughout his and his wife’s entire pregnancy,” Daniel chuckled.

  “I know right!” I rolled my eyes and laughed. “Michele doesn’t even have kids, but she often has her niece and nephew over and goes on and on about how it’s made her want her own.”

  We both laughed a little heartier. After a moment, we just kind of looked at one another then looked away. I looked at anything but the man across from me and his eyes kind of darted about for a while too. The awkward silence returned, but only briefly. It was his turn to end it and he definitely did.


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