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Untangle Me (Love at Last Book 1)

Page 5

by Chelle Bliss

  “Up we go,” he said as he scooped me into his arms and carried me to his truck.

  He propped me against the side of the truck, steadying me with one arm, while unlocking the door. He helped me inside and made sure I didn’t hit my head by using his hand as a barrier. My eyes closed at the comfort of being seated in a quiet, dark place. It was so tranquil, and my body was so relaxed. The darkness consumed me.

  “Sophia, we’re back,” he said as he touched my cheek to rouse me from my slumber.

  “No,” I said as I swatted his hand away.

  “Come on, baby doll.”

  He opened my door and hoisted me into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his strong, lean shoulders and nuzzled my face into his neck. I inhaled deeply and almost tasted his scent. I could get lost in his scent and touch.

  After he placed me on the bed, Kayden began to remove my sandals. I had been floating on a cloud until that moment. My mind snapped back into reality, and the brief sleep helped me regain my clarity. My eyes shot open, and all I could do was watch him undress me. The room was illuminated by candlelight, and the flickers danced on the walls.

  “Is it okay that I’m doing this, Sophia?” Kayden asked, momentarily stopping all movement.

  “It’s perfect. Don’t stop,” I said with a giggle.

  “Everything?” he asked, giving me a second chance to back out.

  “Everything,” I said firmly.

  Kayden began to remove his shirt, and I watched in wonderment. I hadn’t seen him without his clothes until that moment. His torso was long, lean, and covered in a smattering of dark hair. My eyes drifted from his chest to his taut abs and froze. He was unbuttoning his shorts, and I was riveted. He removed them slowly, and his cock sprang free as the shorts drifted to his feet.

  “You’re on the pill, right, baby?” he asked.

  I swallowed hard, “Yes, and my last checkup was clean.”

  “Mine too. I was tested last month and hadn’t been with anyone weeks before that,” he said, crawling into bed.

  A lump formed in my throat and my palms began to sweat. My heart was pounding so ferociously in my chest that it had to be audible. He threw my tank top off to the side, and it crumpled on the floor. I arched my back to give him access to unhook my bra, and it quickly followed the same path.

  His lips trailed a path down my center to my shorts, and he paused. He glanced at me, asking for permission. I granted it with a smile. He undid the button with his teeth but kept his eyes glued to mine. He sat up on his knees and slowly shimmied them down my legs. Once my shorts were removed, I placed my legs wide enough for his body to fit snugly between. He climbed up my body and began to kiss me passionately as our hands explored each other’s bodies. His skin was soft and warm, and I ran my fingertips over his back as he kissed me deeply, and we nibbled on each other’s lips. His lips were full and smooth—and I couldn’t get enough of them. I wanted to devour him.

  The night had been filled with teasing and foreplay, and my pussy wept for him. He slid his fingers over my opening to check my readiness.

  “I want to feel you, Sophia, skin against skin,” he said in my ear.

  “Yes,” I moaned.

  He stroked the head of his cock over my wetness. We had teased, kissed, and touched so much over the last seven hours that I was aching for him. I thought I was ready for him, but when he began to slide inside of me, I felt my body stretch painfully to adapt to the fullness. His cock impaled me, and I bit his shoulder to stop myself from crying out. His hips rocked slowly back and forth.

  “You feel so fucking good,” he said as he fully nestled his cock inside me.

  I moaned in his ear as he withdrew his cock and slammed it back into my body. My back arched, and I was sore from the intrusion. I wrapped my legs around his back and hooked my feet together. The thrusts turned relentless and never-ending. My body was humming from the sensation of his cock moving inside of me. My body tensed, and he began to pick up speed. He pumped faster and harder until my body came undone. Flashes of light filled my eyes as my breath left me. I held his shoulder, unable to form a sound. The ripples of pleasure filled my world, and everything else ceased to exist. My body grew limp under his, and he tensed, his rhythm growing erratic. His breathing changed, and his eyes closed. I watched his face in wonder as he savored the same ecstasy that had filled my very being moments earlier.

  No one had ever made love to me in the way Kayden had. My world had been altered permanently, and I knew that every man before him was a mediocre lover. He had ruined me for all other men.

  He rested his forehead against mine and caught his breath. His lips swept across mine in a tender, loving gesture. His body fell to my side, and he put his arm above his head.

  “I want to hold you,” he said.

  I immediately moved my body into the crook of his arm and wrapped my legs around his. I rested my arm on his chest and splayed my fingers in his goatee. I played with the hair on his face until I drifted into a peaceful sleep.

  My stomach was doing flips, and my eyes popped open. The alcohol I consumed last night had made me queasy. I couldn’t get comfortable. It was early, and we’d only slept a couple of hours. He opened his eyes and looked at me. I prayed he didn’t regret anything and that he would still be the sweet man he had been the night before.

  “Are you okay?” Kayden asked.

  “I don’t feel well. I don’t usually drink so much. My stomach feels sick.”

  “What can I get you?” he asked me with a sympathetic look in his eyes.

  I wasn’t sure how to respond. I knew I needed something to help quell my stomach, but I was exhausted and wouldn’t be able to sleep feeling like this.

  “Maybe something to help my stomach feel better.”

  “Let me go see what we have. I know we have to have something around here,” he said, stroking my face.

  I watched as he crawled out of bed and headed for the door. His body was beautiful, and I still couldn’t believe that I had sex with such a beautiful man. His ass was amazing—perfectly shaped and smooth. I didn’t want to take my eyes off of him.

  “Here, Soph, I found some medicine and some aspirin, so you don’t end up with a headache,” he said as he sat next to me on the bed, holding a glass of water and the pills.

  I gulped it down, and he put the glass on the nightstand and crawled back under the covers with me. He grabbed me and pulled me close. I wrapped my body around him and curled up to drift back to sleep.

  “I don’t want to freak you out, but can I ask you something?”

  Panicked, I put my hand over his mouth and said, “No.”

  What the hell was he going to ask me? I didn’t know if I wanted to hear it.

  My eyes were glued to him, and my hand remained over his mouth. I remained frozen for a moment until he began to laugh against my palm. I spread my fingers just enough to allow sound to pass through.

  “Will you be my girlfriend, Sophia?”

  Was this a joke? My mind went blank. Words escaped me.

  “Your messages captured my heart, and I fell for you before I ever touched you. I didn’t want to open my heart to anyone, but you, you seeped into my veins, bringing new meaning to my life. Being with you in person only made my feelings deeper for you, sealing my fate,” he said. “I want you to be mine. I will not share you with anyone.”

  “Yes, Kayden,” I said. His words stole my breath and warmed my body.

  Contentment overcame me, and I drifted back to sleep tucked into his arms. I woke to the sound of rain thumping against the window panes. Kayden was sitting on the edge of the bed rubbing his eyes.

  “I’ll be right back,” Kayden said to me as he picked up his shorts off the floor.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” I said to him as I sprawled out on his bed.

  I heard the water turn on in the bathroom. I waited for him to return. I was too tired to do anything anyway. I heard noises coming from the kitchen as he moved around the apartment.

  “Come on, baby doll. I ran a bath for us,” he said to me as he pulled back the covers to reveal my flesh, his hands outstretched toward me.

  I grabbed his hands and let him pull me out of bed. I followed behind him as he guided us to the bathroom. When I entered the bathroom, he had not only made a bubble bath but had candles flickering everywhere. It was romantic. No one had ever done anything like that for me before. I stopped in the doorway.

  “What’s wrong?” Kayden asked.

  “You did this for me?” I asked, still in shock.

  “Yes, for us. You don’t like it?” he asked, concerned.

  “Oh, I love it. No one has ever made a bath for me. It’s sweet,” I told him. I could feel my eyes filling with water.

  “Well, get used to it. I want to take care of you. You deserve this, Sophia,” he said to me as he pulled me toward the bathtub.

  He stepped into the bathtub first, and I followed behind him. He sat down and helped me situate myself to be comfortable. I leaned against his body and felt totally and utterly happy.

  “I know you don’t feel well today, so no sex. This isn’t just about sex for me,” he said to me.


  “Well, not now, at least. I just want to lie here and enjoy being with you. Just relax.” He ran his fingertips up and down my arms.

  I relished and craved his touch. I leaned back, rested my head on his shoulder, and closed my eyes.

  “I needed this. It’s so relaxing,” I said to him in a hushed tone.

  “I am going to pamper you today and always, Sophia,” he whispered next to my ear.

  I was so relaxed I could barely speak. He continued to touch my skin softly and trickle water all over my body.

  “I haven’t been this happy in forever,” Kayden said to me.

  “You make me feel special—different—Kayden.”

  “You are. I’ve never known anyone like you. You make me look forward to each day, and I want you to feel the same,” he said to me.

  “I thought you didn’t want another relationship?”

  “I thought I was through with love, but that was before I met you. I can’t imagine you not being in my life. I want you to be only mine,” he told me while stroking my cheek.

  “I’m glad I could open your heart again,” I said to him as I stroked his legs.

  I rested my head against his body and let the tranquility overcome me. He caressed and washed my entire body with a peach-scented soap. My senses were overwhelmed.

  “Are you hungry?”

  “A little bit. My stomach feels almost normal again,” I replied while rubbing a hand over my belly.

  “I’m going to make us something to eat. I want you to rest in bed while I cook,” he said to me before kissing the back of my head.

  Kayden helped me out of the bath and grabbed a towel. He slowly and methodically dried off my body, and my heart melted. He was so kind and gentle. After he was done, I walked back into the bedroom and crawled into bed. Kayden entered the room right after me and tucked me in like my father used to do when I was a kid.

  “Rest a while. I’ll be back in a bit to check on you.” He kissed me on the lips. I watched as he disappeared into the hallway, and I closed my eyes and thought about Kayden.

  “Sophia. Wake up, sleepyhead.” I heard Kayden whispering while touching my face.

  “I’m awake. Now.”

  “I’m making chicken soup, and it’s simmering on the stove. I thought I would come pamper you a little more,” he said to me as I sat up in the bed. “Can I brush your hair for you?”

  “Really? You want to brush my hair?” I replied with wide eyes and a dopey grin.

  “Yes, I love your hair,” he stated matter-of-factly, walking toward my brush on the dresser.

  “Knock yourself out,” I said.

  “Come here and sit in front of me,” he said as he crawled onto the bed and patted a spot in front of him.

  I did as I was told and sat in front of him. My hair was long and thick, and I hated brushing the tangled mess. He worked through each section of hair methodically and took his time. He made sure not to pull too hard or snag my hair. I sat there and reveled in the feeling of being pampered by him.

  “All done,” he said all too soon as he handed me the brush.

  “Thank you. That was so relaxing. I’ve never had anyone, besides my mother, brush my hair,” I said as I turned to face him.

  “I’ll do it for you, always,” he said as he kissed me on the lips. I wanted to believe what he said was true. “I have to go check on the soup.”

  “I’m sure it’s warm by now,” I said, not wanting him to leave.

  “Silly girl. I’m not reheating something from a can. I made it from scratch while you were sleeping,” he said, shaking his head in disbelief.

  “You made me homemade chicken noodle soup?” I asked, still not believing he took the time and care in feeding me.

  “I never eat soup from a can, gross. Stay here while I go check on it, and if it’s ready, I’ll bring you a bowl,” he told me as he stood up.

  I didn’t want this dream to end. Was I still asleep? Did this man really draw me a bath, brush my hair, and make me homemade soup?

  He walked back into the room with two mugs brimming with steaming liquid. The smell wafted from the doorway and reminded me of home. We stayed barricaded inside his room all day watching movies, snuggling, and enjoying his homemade soup.

  Light filtered through my eyelids and woke me from my sleep. Hot. My body felt like I was sleeping next to a fire, but it was Kayden’s naked body. I scooted away slowly just far enough to escape his heat. He was still fast asleep, and from my new position, I could watch him sleep. He slept peacefully, barely making a sound. He had a shadow on his face from his beard growing in, and his hand was tucked under his cheek. He looked almost childlike, unlike the wild sexual animal I knew was brewing under his cool façade.

  His eyes fluttered open, and I quickly shut my eyes. I didn’t want him to know I had been staring.

  “Good morning, beautiful. I saw you looking at me,” he said.

  Busted. “I didn’t want you to think I was a weirdo,” I said as I opened my eyes and smiled at him.

  “I already know you’re a freak in the sheets. Why not add creepy sleep watcher to your resume,” he laughed.

  “I’m not creepy,” I said as I smacked him playfully on his shoulder.

  “What do you want to do today?” he asked while reaching out to move the hair away from my face.

  “Can we go to the cemetery near the streetcar line and walk around?” I asked.

  “That’s different. I don’t think I’ve ever been there with anyone before,” he responded.

  We left the apartment and headed to the cemetery. It was a hot day, and the air was thick with humidity. The sky was lined with puffy white clouds, and it looked like it might rain. The cemetery was empty—we had it all to ourselves. Kayden held my hand as we walked to the gravesites.

  The gravesites weren’t the typical headstones I was accustomed to. Small markers packed together row upon row, but they were unique buildings made of various types of stone. They were decorated with statues, stained glass, and iron gates. Multiple generations were buried inside the crypt-like structures. We peered through windows and entered the buildings that were open. While we were talking, the rain began to fall, but the sun continued to shine.

  “Let’s sit down for a bit and get out of the rain,” I said to him while pulling on his hand toward a building under a tree.

  It was a beautiful building that was white with a green tinge around the edges. It was under a massive oak tree, and we found shelter from the rain. We sat on the steps with our knees touching, and he placed an arm around my shoulder.

  “This place is beautiful,” I said, noticing him watching me out of the corner of my eye.

  “So are you, Sophia,” he said as he brushed a piece of damp hair off my neck.

  Goose bumps form
ed on my skin despite the steam rising from the concrete. He traced a line from the little strands of hair to my knee in one fluid move. My insides liquefied under his fingertips as I closed my eyes and exhaled slowly, trying to maintain my sanity.

  The tranquility and beauty were awe-inspiring as the rain bounced off the leaves and formed puddles on the ground.

  “It’s strange that there’s so much beauty in a place that is filled with sadness,” he said to me as he stroked the back of my hand with his fingertips.

  “It’s so unlike anything we have back home,” I said, trying to avert my eyes from him. The man still made me nervous in the most delightful way.

  When the rain slowed, it became steamy outside—the rain never seemed to help cool down the air in the South. It only made it unbearable to breathe. Sweat began to trickle down my temples. The staleness of the air made it impossible to enjoy the serenity and beauty.

  “Want to go back and cool off? I know I could use a shower before we go out tonight,” he asked with a smile promising sin.

  I gulped loud enough that I knew he had to hear, but he didn’t let on if he did. Kayden climbed off the step slowly and held out his hand to me. I stood slowly while holding his hand and stared into his eyes. I tripped as I began to walk, and my heart plummeted as my face landed against his chest. Kayden reached out and caught me in his arms. I opened an eye and tried to catch a glimpse of his face as he pulled me away. I smiled as my cheeks began to heat, and I could feel the embarrassment spread throughout my body. Kayden smiled at me and grabbed my face lightly.

  “We all fall sometimes in life, Sophia. It’s more important how we recover,” he said as he lips touched mine.

  His thumbs stroked my cheeks while his fingers gripped the back of my neck. His kiss delved deeper as his tongue searched for mine. He possessed me. My mouth had grown dry from the heat, and his mouth refreshed me like an oasis in the desert. My body began to tremble with need. Emptiness filled me when his lips broke from mine.

  “Let’s go. I have plans for you, baby doll,” he said with a wink.

  My body hummed. Bourbon Street had led to another evening of excess. My legs wobbled as I walked down the streetcar steps. Kayden grabbed me by the waist as soon as my feet touched the street. I giggled as I tried to walk upright without swerving. My body didn’t want to listen to my mind. Kayden placed my arm around his neck and kept a firm hold on me until we approached my SUV. Kayden opened the back door, and I stood there confused for a moment.


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