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Untangle Me (Love at Last Book 1)

Page 17

by Chelle Bliss

  I wiggled my ass and struggled against his body. I enjoyed every minute of this. Whack. Whack. I felt it before I saw his hand move through the air. My ass stung a little, unable to prepare for the smack.

  “Did that feel good?” His hands caressed my cheeks, soothing the sting.

  “No, that kind of hurt.” I kept my face hidden from him. I had a grin on my face because the pain was minimal. I was on the verge of laughing. I had no idea why, but I couldn’t help myself.

  “I’m not done yet.” He landed another blow.

  I was able to cushion the blow when I felt his hand leave my cheek. This time, my laughter broke through.

  He smacked my ass again. I laughed harder, and he smacked harder. It was a vicious cycle that was worth the price. I tried to get off his lap, and he placed his arm against my back to pin me down.

  “Stop, Kayden,” I said, trying to sound hurt but loving every minute of it.

  “Not yet.” He began to stroke my ass. The tips of his fingers lightly brushed over my pussy. My body betrayed me.

  “You’re wet, Sophia. Are you turned on?” His stroke became more invasive.

  “No, Kayden,” I said, moving around on his legs.

  “I think you’re lying to me. I don’t like when you lie to me,” Kayden said as his hand moved away.

  I braced myself for the next impact, but nothing. “Are you done?” I asked with uncertainty in my voice. Smack—question answered. Smack. I bit his thigh. He smacked again, but I didn’t let go of his flesh.

  “Ouch. That hurts!” he said, spanking my ass quickly as he tried to get me to stop. The more he hit, the harder I bit. “Stop,” he yelped.

  I released my bite and licked the reddened spot to soothe the sting. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you,” I said with remorse in my voice, trying to climb off his lap.

  “I know, love, it’s just a tender spot,” he said, helping me off his lap.

  I stood between his open legs and leaned forward to kiss him. His hands worked to remove my top, throwing it to the floor. He used his feet to pull my bottoms off fully, leaving me nude. Kayden picked me up and tossed me on the bed. Using my feet, he flipped me over onto my stomach. I loved how easily he moved me around. I felt tiny next to him.

  “Ah-ah-ah. Don’t move.” He climbed on my back and straddled me. “We’re not finished. I told you the spanking was the least of your worries, Sophia.” He leaned over, saying my name in a slow, deep tone in my ear.

  A chill ran down my back. His weight shifted, and I took advantage and quickly flipped over. He grabbed my left wrist and moved it toward the headboard.

  “Kayden, what are you doing?”

  My hands were being bound. I hated the thought of it. I wanted to touch him.

  “I’m still teaching you a lesson. I didn’t deserve for you to be cranky and mean to me. Let’s not forget about lying to me too, Sophia,” Kayden said with a glint of humor in his eyes.

  He tied up my arms and legs, making sure they were secure. I yanked the ropes, hoping for one to be loose, but no luck. Damn. I looked down at my nakedness, and heat spread from head to toe. I watched as he walked into the closet, searching for something. At that moment, I didn’t care what he was getting, I loved staring at his ass. I could never get enough of it.

  As he turned, I noticed a silk scarf in his hand. “Don’t cover my eyes, Kayden, please. I want to see,” I said, pleading with him.

  “This isn’t about what you want. I told you—punishment. I know how much you like to watch,” he said as he placed the scarf over my eyes.

  No matter how hard I begged, he wouldn’t give in. He already had the whole thing planned in his head. I closed my eyes, waiting for him to touch me.

  I tried to listen to everything. I wanted to know where he was in the room and what he might be doing. I could hear him going back to the closet and moving the doors. Then I heard the drawer on the nightstand open. He gathered an arsenal of items to torture me. My heart pounded as I thought about all the possibilities. I felt the bed dip on the side of me where he sat, and my heart leapt in my chest.

  “This may hurt a little, but you’ll adjust to the sensation,” he said, tracing his fingertips lightly across my breasts.

  Goose bumps broke out across my skin. My nipples formed into stiff peaks, begging for his touch. He pinched my right nipple lightly and gave it a slight twist. My core pulsated, wanting to be filled.

  “Kayden,” I said.


  The sound of metal chains filled my ears, but it was softer, more like a thick necklace moving on the bed. I knew the sound of the nipple clamps, even though we never used them. I bit my lip, scared of how they’d feel. I felt the cold metal against my skin, waiting for the pain. I felt the pinch of the metal as he adjusted the clamp. I didn’t feel pain, instead, a constant pressure that caused my pussy to clench.

  My back arched off of the bed from the sensation as he repeated it on the other side. He grabbed the chain, yanking it to test its hold. The sensation was different than anything else I’d felt. He placed his warm mouth over each hypersensitive nipple. My breath hitched before I moaned from his tongue sweeping across my stiff peak.

  I then heard the sound of my vibrator turning on. He touched the vibrator to my nipples, and I jumped. He dragged it down my stomach, finally reaching my clit. He held it in place for a moment, my body twitching, and then started moving it back and forth, causing shockwaves throughout my body. My skin began to dampen, and my heart felt like it would burst. I felt my body tightening, and my toes began to curl when he stopped. Fuck, not this again.

  “No. Don’t stop,” I yelled.

  “I’m in charge here, my love,” he said. I threw my head back down on the pillow in defeat.

  A moment later, I felt the tip of the vibrator at my opening. My body ached to be filled as he rubbed it lightly in a circular motion before slowly pushing it inside me.

  “I want you to stay just like this. Don’t move,” Kayden said in a gentle tone.

  Where the fuck am I going to go?

  The bedroom door opened, and I heard his footsteps on the carpet as he moved down the hallway. Kitchen cabinets opened and closed. I heard the sound of ice plopping into a glass. Oh, no, no, no. My breaths came shallow and quick. The bed dipped under his weight, the ice jiggling. The cold made me flinch. Shivering, I moaned from the chill near my belly button—my body was aware of every feeling. Everything was more intense. He used the ice to trace a line up my stomach to my breasts, slowly circling each breast in a figure eight pattern. The pattern became tighter and tighter until he ran the ice over my nipples. I cried out, the feeling almost painful. I needed release. The ice moved down to my stomach and then stopped for a moment. My breathing increased as the ice touched my clit.

  “Be a good girl, Sophia, and stay still. When I get back, the vibrator better be inside you, or your punishment will continue,” Kayden said to me as the bed moved and the door opened and closed. Did he just really leave me here?

  “Hello?” I said, but he didn’t reply.

  The shower turned on, and I sighed. Can he really be taking a shower? He left me here tied up, with nipples clamps, and a vibrator inside of me, ready to explode, and went to take a shower. Fucker. The sound of water splashing off of his body, hitting the shower walls, filled the air with the hum of the vibrator. I pulled at the restraints, trying to break free, but he’d tied them too tightly. I couldn’t get comfortable and tried to move without pushing the vibrator out. I pictured him naked and wet as the feeling almost made my body numb.

  I stopped moving when I heard the water shut off. I could hear him moving around in the bathroom, but I couldn’t make out what he was doing. All I could do was lie there and wait. A trickle of liquid slid down from my pussy and trickled onto my ass. My skin grew wet and hot.

  The bedroom door opened, and I felt his lips wrap around my right nipple.

  “Kayden, please,” I begged.


  “I want you inside me.”

  “Are we still cranky?” Kayden asked as he tongued my nipple.

  “No… Please.”

  “Have you learned your lesson?” he asked. His mouth closed around my left nipple, sucking hard.

  “I promise. I won’t get cranky anymore and take it out on you.” I knew I’d get my way eventually, but I held my breath waiting for his answer.

  He yanked the chain attached to each nipple. I inhaled deeply at the feeling. My body was on fire, and I thought I’d lose my mind if he didn’t fuck me soon. His hand trailed over my skin until it reached the vibrator, and I wanted it out of me. He slowly turned it and dragged it out of my pussy. My need intensified at the loss of sensation. He lifted my hips and placed a pillow underneath me. I licked my lips, knowing I’d feel his cock inside me. He moved me to get better access.

  I waited with bated breath for his cock to fill me. He positioned himself between my thighs and rubbed his cock against my body. He placed his chest against mine and kissed me deeply, controlling me in every way. He commanded my body, filling my senses. He slowly pushed his cock inside as my core adjusted to the intrusion. Our bodies fit together perfectly.

  “Kayden, don’t stop. Fuck me,” I moaned.

  I heard the vibrator again, and I licked my lips with the thought of an orgasm. He placed the vibrator against my clit and began to move, picking up the pace. My entire body tightened, and my arms strained against the ropes as my toes curled. All of the muscles in my body ached, and my skin was covered in a fine sheen of sweat.

  Suddenly, my mind went blank. The orgasm was overwhelming. Holding my breath, I felt my head jerk off of the bed. The ecstasy rolled through me in waves. His body tightened between my legs, all of his weight on top of me. He stilled and started to move again as he found his release.

  He shifted his weight, kissing me on the lips, cheek, and forehead with tenderness. His body moved away from mine, and I felt his hands against my breast. I held my breath, waiting for the pain I thought would come with the release of the clamps. Removing the clamps, he placed his mouth around each nipple, soothing them as the blood rushed back to places that were deprived. He untied my arms, rubbing my aching muscles. I lay there for a moment, waiting for my body and muscles to adjust after he freed my legs. Kayden grabbed me like a rag doll as he rolled onto his back. I curled into him and swept my fingers across his chest.

  “I love you, Sophia,” he whispered against my hair. “Have you learned your lesson, love?”

  “Yes. I did,” I replied with a smile plastered across my face, thankful he couldn’t see me. I had learned that I wanted more, and I’d misbehave again for the fun of it. I loved that Kayden wanted to push my boundaries and make my fantasies a reality.



  Now, What?

  I stared at the screen, reading the message over and over again, unable to really believe the words. I had been invited to interview for a position with UPS. The background check would be ordered if I was selected as a candidate for hire.

  Could I pass it?

  The judge had said that my record would be wiped clean as soon as I finished paying restitution because I had no criminal history prior to that night.

  “Sophia, I got an interview.” I tried not to sound too excited, but for the first time in a long time, I thought I had a shot at landing this job.

  “Really, where?” She set down her book and turned toward me.

  “With UPS. Do you think I have any chance of being hired?” I asked her. “I don’t want to get my hopes up. They haven’t done a background check yet.”

  “Their requirements may be different, so it’s worth a shot. Worst that’ll happen is they tell you no,” she said to me. She was right, and I knew it. I had nothing to lose.

  “You’re right. It’s on Saturday. Can you drop me off?” I asked her.

  “Yes, baby. I’ll bring you to the interview. I’m so excited,” she said with a smile, bouncing up and down on the bed. “Maybe things are finally starting to turn around.”

  “It’s a nice thought. I’ll ask at the interview what their requirements are,” I said, trying to think how to broach the topic of my arrest at the interview.

  Sophia dropped me off at the door, but I felt like a slob. Some people wore suits, but others were more casual than me. I didn’t own a suit and didn’t have the money to buy one for interviews. I pieced together some clothes I salvaged from New Orleans, gray pants and a golf shirt. The line stretched out the door, and I took my place at the end.

  Me: Fuck, there are a lot of people here.

  Sophia: Don’t worry baby. They’re hiring for all locations in the Bay area. There’s plenty of work to go around. They’re going to love you.

  A man stepped outside, cupping his hands around his mouth. “The interview process today will take between two to three hours. If you can’t stay for that length of time, you can leave now.” Some men stepped out of line and walked to their cars. I felt sick waiting in line. My nerves were on edge. I didn’t want to talk about my arrest, but I needed to know my chances of landing this job.

  Me: A guy just announced I’ll be here around 3 hours. I’m sorry, beautiful.

  Sophia: That’s fine. I’ll go shopping. Stay there and knock their socks off, sexy.

  I made my way through the various stations and paperwork checks. I sat in the small room, shaking my foot uncontrollably, and waited to be called by the head of Human Resources. I kept debating possible ways to ask about the background check without sounding like a lifelong criminal.

  “Mr. Michaels?” a woman called from the doorway. I blinked, taking a moment to realize she was calling my name, stood, and followed behind her. The interview started relatively well. She read over my application and questioned me about my work experience. While I spoke, she flipped through my paperwork, stopped at a spot, and began to tap her pen.

  “I see here, Mr. Michaels, that you’ve been arrested. Tell me about it,” she said.

  My palms began to sweat as I rubbed them together, thinking before I answered. “I was arrested and charged with criminal mischief.”

  “Is it a misdemeanor or a felony?” she asked. She chewed on her pen as she waited for my answer.

  “Misdemeanor, ma’am,” I answered as my heart pounded violently in my chest.

  “Were you found guilty?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “No, adjudication was withheld,” I responded.

  “It shouldn’t be an issue, then. Misdemeanors are often overlooked, but felonies are the kiss of death.” She quickly read over the rest of my application. “Look for an email in the next twenty-four hours. The candidates we’ve chosen to move forward will receive an email with instructions.” She stood up and extended her hand to me.

  “Thank you, ma’am. I look forward to that email,” I said with a wink. I could usually charm the panties off any woman, but today, my goal was a job. She blushed, and I shook her hand lightly and smiled. I felt confident I would get that email. I always interviewed well with women.

  I left the interview feeling upbeat and found Sophia waiting for me in the parking lot. She smiled as I entered the car. “How did it go, sweetheart?” she asked as she leaned over for a kiss.

  “Really well. I actually think I got the job, as long as I can pass the background check,” I said, rifling through the papers they handed me during the interview. “I’ll get an email tomorrow if I’m selected to move forward in the hiring process.”

  I became obsessed with my email. I wanted this job. I needed it. Every time my phone dinged, I jumped to check it. Just when I was about to give up hope, it arrived.

  “I got it, Sophia,” I said, still slightly in shock. “I have to fill out the background check agreement and take a drug test.”

  “Congratulations, baby. You’ll get it. I just know it.” She wrapped her arms around me and placed a kiss on my cheek.

  “I have ten days to submi
t the background check and get the drug test.” I read off the email confirmation. The possibility of being denied still weighed heavily on my mind.



  The Future

  “Open it,” I said, watching him tap the envelope from UPS on the countertop.

  “I’m scared, Sophia… I want it so badly.”

  I grabbed the envelope. “I’ll open it, then,” I said.

  “No,” he said, tearing open the envelope. He read the pages without speaking, and I couldn’t tell from his face what it said.


  “Wow,” he said with a look of disbelief, still staring at the papers.


  He was making me crazy.

  “It shows no criminal record of any kind. It doesn’t even show an arrest,” he said as he stared at the pages.

  “Does that mean you have the job? Did they search Florida?”

  “Yes, I’ll be hired. The FBI did the search, and they looked everywhere in the United States—driving record and criminal,” he said, a smile creeping across his face.

  Kayden dropped the papers, lifting me into his arms. I laughed as he turned in a circle, kissing my face. The excitement radiated off him and became infectious. “I can’t believe it, Sophia. I have a job—finally a job. I can feel like a man again,” Kayden said. Tears of joy formed in his beautiful green eyes.

  “You’ve always been a man, Kayden. My man. You’ve never changed in my eyes. When I need you, I’m sure you’ll be there to help and protect me. That’s what people do when they love each other. We’re a team, and you’ll never be alone again,” I said, holding his chin so he could look into my eyes.

  “I love you, Sophia. I don’t know what I did to deserve such a wonderful woman in my life,” he said as a tear slid down his cheek.

  My heart melted with his words. I kissed his lips and wrapped my arms tighter around his neck. Kayden had been lost for months—always there for me physically, but his mind was elsewhere. He needed a purpose in life.


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