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Brotherhood 01 - When Love is Enough

Page 11

by Laura Landon

  “I want you to listen carefully. This is important. We have exactly one week to get to Rouen, find Austin, and return before noon the following Monday. Captain Faraday can safely wait two or three days without drawing suspicion, but if we haven’t returned by then, he’ll have no choice but to set sail without us.”

  Her heart raced steadily in her chest, but she wouldn’t allow herself to consider the worst. Gabriel had everything planned out to the last detail. She’d simply have to trust him. “Then what will we do?”

  “We’ll have to wait another week. The captain will pick up a new cargo and return the following Monday. He’ll wait for us again until Wednesday or Thursday noon, then leave again if we’re not there. He assured me he’ll repeat his schedule every week until we’ve boarded.”

  She nodded, trying to show him she wasn’t worried. She doubted it worked.

  “If all goes well, we’ll have three days to find Austin, free him, then return to Rouen by the following Monday.”

  “And if it doesn’t?”

  He lifted his hand from hers and rubbed his leg. “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”

  “Are you sure your friends won’t mind becoming involved in your plan?”

  He smiled and her heart stuttered. His smile still affected her like it used to.

  “They won’t mind. They’re loyal British subjects doing important jobs in France.”

  “They’re taking a huge risk for us.”

  “It’s a risk they’re glad to take.”

  He started to say something else, then paused while more footsteps echoed outside their cabin door.

  Traffic had lessened and she assumed the decreased activity meant most of the sailors had retired for the night. Which meant it wouldn’t be long before the major could go to his own room without being noticed.

  She clasped her hands tightly in her lap then asked the question weighing heaviest on her mind. “Do you think he’s all right?”

  For a long moment he didn’t answer, but rubbed his leg as if he could knead his doubts away with his pain. Finally, he took a deep breath and looked into her eyes. “I don’t know. I pray he is.”

  “So do I.” She fought to hold back the tears.

  Gabriel slid his chair back from the small table and turned toward her. “There’s one more thing.” He locked his gaze with hers. “And this is very important.”

  She waited.

  “If for some reason something goes wrong and Austin and I don’t return in time, I want your promise that you’ll return to Rouen to be on board when the Silver Star sails for England.”


  “Yes. I need your word, Liddy.”

  She placed a stalwart expression on her face. “I won’t leave you and Austin.”

  “You will, or you won’t leave this ship. I’ll lock you in this cabin and Captain Faraday will post an army of guards outside your door to keep you locked inside.”

  “You can’t do that. You need me to—”

  “I need to know that you’re safe.” He raked his fingers through his hair. “If something happens to me, Jean-Paul will make sure you get back to the Silver Star. Promise me you’ll do exactly as he asks. That you’ll be brave enough to leave us behind.”

  She fought the anger building inside her – the fear. “You don’t know what you’re asking.”

  “I do. More than you know. But I’ll not risk your safety.”

  His shoulders stiffened and he seemed more resolved than before. “Your promise, Liddy.”

  She clenched her teeth and glared at him, making it plain how much she disliked his demand. He gave no quarter, but kept his gaze level with hers.

  “Your promise, or you’ll not leave the ship.”

  She finally relented. “You have my promise. I’ll leave you behind when I’m certain you aren’t returning.”

  “Thank you.”

  His cane sounded with each step he took toward to the door that connected her room with his. “Rest well,” he said, then closed the door behind him.

  Oh, how she wanted to take back her promise. How she wanted to tell him she’d never leave him.

  She sat alone until the room turned dark. Hannah came in without being called and helped her get ready for bed.

  For hours she lay in the darkness, telling herself it wouldn’t come to that. That she wouldn’t have to leave them behind.

  Because if she did, it would mean that Austin was dead, and this time she’d lost Gabe forever.


  Lydia stood alone in the center of the small cabin and waited. They’d arrived in Rouen less than an hour ago, and it was time to play her role. For her, this was the most dangerous part of the plan, the only reason she’d been allowed to accompany Gabriel – to play the role of the newly married Baroness Talbot.

  This was the role that at one time she’d thought would be a lifelong role – that of Gabriel Talbot’s wife. This was the future she’d envisioned for herself - the only future she’d ever imagined she would have – would want. Until he so bluntly told her it wasn’t her heart he wanted, but the wealth he assumed would come with her when they married.

  He’d broken her heart that day and she couldn’t let herself forget how easily she’d fallen for his lies. She couldn’t fall for his charms again. She doubted she’d survive if she were foolish enough to give him the power to hurt her again.

  She intended to marry the Marquess of Culbertson. Her father had signed the papers agreeing to the match. She was going to be a future duchess – not because she’d chosen that role. But because that was the role assigned her. The role Gabriel Talbot had forced her into. Because he hadn’t wanted her. Except…

  I don’t regret kissing you.

  Well, she’d learned her lesson. She wouldn’t risk her heart like she’d done before. They might have to spend the next few days pretending to be husband and wife, but it wouldn’t be anything more. The intensity with which he’d kissed her was proof enough of how dangerous it was to be around him. She’d guard herself every step of the way or the outcome would be disastrous.

  She erased any softness she felt and listened to his footsteps, the uneven gate of his walk, the muffled drop of his cane hitting just before he took another step - all the sounds she associated with him.

  She turned and he was there.

  He consumed the space with such a commanding presence that she was always in awe. He held himself tall and erect, his broad shoulders back with a proud lift to his chin that was so typical. He might walk with a limp but there was nothing weak about this man.

  Her gaze moved to his handsome face and her blood warmed.

  “Are you ready?” he said, the concern evident in his voice.

  She nodded and he held out his arm. She placed her hand on the taut muscles beneath his sleeve.

  “Come, let us face the lions.” He wore the same smile she’d seen earlier, the one that only lifted the corners of his mouth.

  They walked together up the narrow stairs and onto the deck of the Silver Star. Her step faltered the minute she stepped into the bright sunshine and looked around. French soldiers were everywhere.

  “Relax, Liddy,” he said, tightening his grip around her waist. He pulled her closer then slid his hand up her spine and gently touched the nape of her neck. It was a very proprietary gesture she knew he hoped would reassure her. It did. It also sent thousands of fiery sparks rushing to every part of her body. She leaned closer to him, then lifted her chin and smiled. That was, after all, what any bride would do if she were lucky enough to have a husband as magnificent as the man at her side.

  “Baron Talbot,” Captain Faraday said as they neared where the captain stood by the gangplank. A French officer stood with him. “Allow me to introduce Captain LeBrouche.”

  Lydia kept a smile on her face while she and Gabriel walked the short distance to where Captain Faraday and the French captain stood. She felt uneasy the second LeBrouche looked at her. Gabriel must have felt it
too because he stepped closer to her as if he could act as a shield.

  The man was small in stature but carried himself with a confidence as bold and intimidating as if he was six feet tall. His facial features couldn’t be termed displeasing. He was in actuality a fairly handsome man. But there was a harsh look about him.

  The severe angle of his nose and narrow cut of his jaw gave him a dangerous look. But most unsettling about his appearance was the icy coldness in his eyes. She knew at a glance he was someone to fear.

  She wasn’t afraid for herself but for Gabriel. He was the person the captain scrutinized most intently.

  Gabriel held out his hand and shook the French captain’s hand. “It’s indeed a pleasure, Captain. May I present my wife, Lady Talbot.”

  LeBrouche slowly shifted his gaze from Gabriel to look at her.

  A shiver that she tried not to let show raced down her spine. “Captain LeBrouche.”

  “Lady Talbot. The pleasure is mine. Captain Faraday tells me you are on your way to Paris for your honeymoon. Allow me to extend my congratulations.”

  “Thank you, Captain.”

  “Have you decided what you want to see first, my lady?”

  “Oh, no. Paris is such a beautiful city I’m sure we’ll never see it all. Don’t you agree?”

  “I do.” He turned his attention back to Gabriel. “Have you been to France before?”

  “No. This is my first time. Perhaps you can be so kind as to suggest some of the wonderful sights where I should take my wife.”

  “I would be delighted. Do you have friends here?”

  A most mischievous look crossed Gabriel’s face. “No, Captain. But I didn’t bring my wife across the Channel to visit friends. I intend to spend as much time alone with her as possible, as I’m sure you can understand.”

  Lydia lowered her gaze to the ground. She felt her cheeks warm but knew it wasn’t because of the mid-day sun, or the role she played as the blushing bride, but fear. Some underlying tension passed between the two men. Something she didn’t understand, but instinctively knew to be wary of.

  She prayed the French captain’s interest in them would fade, but it didn’t. The questions continued, and every new inquiry increased the risk that they would be found out. Only Gabriel seemed at ease, as if he didn’t notice the danger LeBrouche posed.

  LeBrouche suggested museums they should be sure to visit, excellent places to eat, the latest entertainment. And with each comment, he threw in an inquiring question or two. With each answer Gabriel gave, the French captain’s curiosity in Gabriel seemed to intensify.

  Some of the questions he asked were so innocent she didn’t think Gabriel even noticed how intrigued he was with him. Some were so blatant she couldn’t believe Gabriel could answer them with such ease. But he did. The man posing as her husband stayed as composed as if he were among friends and family, while her knees trembled beneath her.

  “Forgive me, Lord Talbot, but is it possible we have met before?”

  Lydia’s heart flipped in her chest. She must have moved because Gabriel’s hand tightened around her waist. She forced herself to relax and take in one breath after another.

  “It could be, Captain,” he answered pleasantly. “Did you happen to attend our wedding? I don’t think there was anyone in all of England who wasn’t there. There were so many that I didn’t meet even half of them.”

  “No, I’m afraid I didn’t have the pleasure.” His gaze narrowed. “Were you perhaps in the Crimea? I feel as if we have met before but can’t place where it might have been.”

  Lydia sensed a charge in the air. Gabriel slowly lifted his cane. “I was there for a short while early in the war. But I’m afraid the injury to my leg forced me to leave my fellow countrymen to fight for me.”

  “You were injured in the war?”


  “It is possible that is where we met,” the captain said. “Perhaps it will come to me later.”

  “Yes. Perhaps it will.” Gabriel turned his gaze to the scores of soldiers searching the Silver Star. “Is it customary for each ship entering France to be given such unusual attention?”

  The look in LeBrouche’s eyes sharpened. “These are very unsettling times, Lord Talbot. We find it necessary to do everything humanly possible to make sure nothing happens that might be harmful to our government or our people.”

  “You have had problems?” Gabriel’s tone hinted at disbelief.

  “Minor problems always surface,” LeBrouche added, “but we take swift action to arrest those who brazenly disregard our laws and threaten our government.”

  “You have apprehended such criminals?”

  “Unfortunately, yes. Several men were rounded up on suspicion of inciting against our government. They have all undergone intense questioning and interrogation. It is our intention to make sure we arrest those who so brazenly infiltrate our country and cause such an uproar. I am happy to report that the first of the executions will begin on Monday. I hope to be able to go to Paris for the hanging.”

  “There has been a trial?”

  “Fortunately, firsthand accounts of the rabble-rousers’ activities were provided to our government by loyal French citizens. We hardly need to waste time with a trial when guilt is already established.”

  “You say these men will be executed?” Lydia asked. A heavy weight lodged in the pit of her stomach and she felt uncommonly weak. “How ghastly.”

  “Try not to think about it, my dear.” Gabriel kept his hold around her waist, then turned back to LeBrouche. “Where will the executions be held?” Gabriel asked, his voice sounding unnaturally calm.

  LeBrouche frowned. “Do they hold some interest for you, Lord Talbot?”

  “Good gracious, no! Only that as my wife and I will be touring your magnificent city in the upcoming days, for my wife’s sake, I will want to avoid going anywhere close to such a horrendous sight.”

  “Of course. Do not worry then. The prisoners are all being kept at Mont-Valérien. It’s where the crown keeps all prisoners awaiting execution.”

  Lydia wanted to be gone from here. She knew if she thought about Austin chained in a prison one more minute she was going to lose her composure. Thankfully, Gabriel realized her desperation.

  “If you will excuse us, then, Captain. Unless you intend to detain us—”

  “No, no. Of course not. I can hardly suspect a woman as lovely as your wife of having any involvement in such activities.”

  “Thank you, Captain,” she answered, forcing a smile to her face.

  “You are most welcome, Lady Talbot.”

  “If there is nothing else then, I believe it’s time we left for Paris. It’s been a long trip and I’m anxious to get my wife to our lodgings.”

  “And where will you be staying, Lord Talbot?”

  “On the Rue de la Beaucaire. The Hotel de Marseilles.”

  “Excellent choice, Monsieur. It’s the most luxurious hotel in all of France. I’m sure you and your wife will be most happy there.”

  “I’m sure we will.” Gabriel turned from LeBrouche to Captain Faraday. “Thank you for bringing us safely to France, Captain. The trip was most enjoyable.”

  “Yes, most,” she added, trying to keep her knees from trembling beneath her. All she could think about was that they only had a few days to rescue Austin before he would be executed. And what was happening to him every minute he was in prison. A shiver raced up and down her spine and her flesh broke out in a cold sweat.

  “Are you ready, my dear?”

  She lifted her gaze. Gabriel gave her a look filled with confidence. She looped her arm through his and clung to him. She needed his strength to survive this. Powerful waves of assurance surged through her and she pasted a smile on her face. “Thank you, Captain Faraday.”

  “You’re most welcome.”

  “And Captain LeBrouche. It was a pleasure to meet you. You can’t imagine how reassuring it is to know men like you are keeping France a safe place to vi

  “The pleasure is mine, Lady Talbot. I hope you and your husband enjoy your stay in Paris. It is truly a most magnificent city.”

  “I can’t wait to see it. Good day.”

  On legs that trembled beneath her, she and Gabriel made their way down the gangway to where Hannah waited with their trunks.

  “Hold on a little longer,” he whispered. “We’re almost there.”

  She stiffened in his arms and he gathered her more securely against him. His limp was more noticeable now than it had been this morning, but she found if she matched her gait with his, stepping with the same foot as he, they could walk as one.

  It seemed to take forever to get far enough from the Silver Star that she felt safe. The minute they were out of LeBrouche’s sight, Gabriel draped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her in front of him. She rested her cheek against his chest and gasped for air.

  “Breathe, Liddy. Stay calm and take slow and steady breaths.”

  He rubbed his hand up and down her spine and she nodded her head because she couldn’t speak. Finally she whispered, “I’m all right.”

  “I know.” He lowered his head to kiss her forehead. “Our ride is here. Hold on a little longer.”

  She looked up as a carriage rambled closer, then stopped in front of them.

  “Do you require transportation, sir?” the man sitting atop the carriage asked.

  “Yes, to Paris, to the Hotel de Marseilles on the Rue de la Beaucaire.”

  The carriage driver’s face split into a wide grin before he jumped down from the seat. He waved to a man a short distance from them who rolled a wagon closer. “I will also provide transportation for your servants.” He pointed to a cart that followed him. “For you and the lady, I have brought my most elegant carriage.”

  “How considerate.” Gabriel helped her up the steps and into the conveyance. He waited until Morgan had the trunks loaded in the wagon before he climbed in beside Liddy.

  His movements were clumsy, and the minute he sank onto the seat, he clutched at his leg and rubbed his thigh.

  “It’s good to see you, my friend,” the driver said before he closed the door. “And you, mademoiselle.”


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