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Secret Energy (Shifters Book 2)

Page 6

by Kat, Chris T.

“And since you’re my mate and obviously knowledgeable, I’ll just have to trust you, right?” Robin countered. “Okay, okay. Just let’s get this over with.”

  Had he really agreed to get fucked—and by someone he’d known for less than a couple of hours? How very romantic! Of course, he’d heard the strangest things about what happened when a wolf found his mate, but those stories had always seemed so… fantastic. He’d always wondered how people could ignore common sense and just go with the flow. Now he understood—partially at least. Despite his growing anxiety, something else thrived inside him: a bone-crushing desire to be claimed by Peter, to become one with his mate.

  Peter nipped at Robin’s jawline before he trailed another line of nibbles along his throat. In between he said, “We will take our time. This is nothing you want to just get over with. You want to relish it.”

  “Says the one who’s not getting something huge up his ass. Oh hey, wait! We need lube! Everyone knows that a virgin needs to be lubed up, and I don’t see a drugstore close by, so….”

  “I am prepared,” Peter replied. Pushing himself up on one elbow, he retrieved a bottle with lube from a dent in the cave wall.

  “Go figure that,” Robin muttered.

  Robin tried his best to force his body to stop shuddering, but nothing helped. Peter’s eyes glowed strangely, almost fondly, as Robin struggled to regain control. He blanketed Robin’s body with his. Could Peter feel his thundering heartbeat?

  “I will not hurt you. There might be a moment of discomfort, but that will pass quickly.”

  “Discomfort? I-I can do with a little discomfort. Are you… are you sure you can fit inside me?” Robin asked.

  Peter’s lips curved upward, the teeth in his bearded face gleaming in the moonlight. “Yes, I am certain. I will prove it to you.”

  “I thought you might say something along those lines. I’m still nervous.”

  “I know.”

  “That obvious, huh?”

  Peter chuckled before rolling them around so Robin rested on top of him. He slid his hands down Robin’s back and ass to midthigh before he moved them back up. He repeated this motion several times until Robin curled up on Peter, his head pillowed on Peter’s broad chest.

  A companionable silence stretched out between them without either of them making overtly sexual advances. Robin’s body stopped quaking while Peter kneaded his buttocks and stroked his broad hands along Robin’s back. Peter’s ministrations relaxed him.

  Robin smiled to himself as he ran his fingertips through the mat of chest hair, then circled his thumb around one nipple. With his eyes closed, he brought his lips to the nub, then flicked his tongue against it. Peter gasped, his grip on Robin’s buttocks tightening to a barely tolerable degree until Robin showed his displeasure by wriggling his ass. Peter loosened his grip to soothingly rub the abused flesh.

  “I apologize. The intensity surprised me.”

  “If that already surprises you, how will you feel about this?” Robin asked while scooting down Peter’s body.

  He knelt between Peter’s legs, taking his time to lick his lips and observe Peter’s cock. A large vein pulsed steadily, and the cockhead began to glisten. Peter’s unique scent was more intense here, and the muskiness only multiplied his fragrance, spiking Robin’s desire. Robin closed his eyes for a moment while he rubbed his nose into Peter’s pubic hair, inhaling his scent as much as possible. His wolf urged him on, shoving the anxiety aside, and his blood seemed to thrum inside him.

  When he opened his eyes again, Peter’s cock was fully engorged, inviting him to draw it into his mouth. He grasped the base of Peter’s cock in one hand and sucked the tip into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the slit to taste. A groan reverberated in his chest as a drop of precome oozed onto Robin’s tongue, sending his taste buds into a frenzy.

  Peter’s hips lifted, almost choking Robin in the process and pulling Robin out of his admiring haze. Robin coughed, and Peter sat up abruptly. He put his hands under Robin’s armpits and pulled him against his body. Robin allowed the manhandling and ended up sitting astride Peter’s legs.

  “I will now claim you, my angel.”

  Robin blinked, taken aback by the tenderness in Peter’s voice as much as the softness in his eyes and face. Peter cared for him as if Robin was the most precious thing in the world. He bowed his head to show Peter he’d understood, and Peter rewarded him with a smile. Robin knew he reciprocated with a face-splitting grin because Peter’s eyes widened with hunger.

  Peter lifted him from his legs and positioned Robin on his belly. Robin spread his legs apart when Peter settled between his thighs, waiting for Peter to do something, anything. Robin glanced over his shoulder. Peter had a fierce look of concentration on his face, and he also looked in charge and self-assured. Robin relaxed the muscles in his shoulders, back, buttocks, and thighs, trusting Peter to let him fly.

  “That’s it. Show me you trust me.”

  Peter smoothed his hands over Robin’s back, then bent forward to trail kisses along his spine, the same featherlight kisses he had peppered Robin’s face with earlier. While he kissed his way down Robin’s body, Peter flipped the lid of the lube bottle open. The bottle gave a squishing sound when Peter squeezed some lube on his hands, and Robin giggled.

  Peter bent forward and nipped at Robin’s earlobe. “I love that sound already.”

  “Thanks, I think.” When Peter neither replied nor did anything, Robin asked, “What are you doing?”

  “I’m warming up the lube,” Peter replied right before Peter’s hands spread Robin’s ass cheeks apart.

  When Peter breached Robin’s sphincter for the first time, Robin jerked in surprise. “Some kind of warning would have been nice,” Robin gasped as he unclenched his muscles around the intruding digit.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, Robin. I thought by telling you that I’d claim you now, it would be enough of a warning for you. I didn’t realize I needed to be more specific.”

  Robin breathed in deeply and concentrated on the feelings Peter elicited in him. It felt weird to have something stuck into his ass, weirder still when Peter moved his finger back and forth, sometimes rotating the digit in circles. Robin’s erect cock was trapped underneath his belly, demanding attention but not getting any.

  “You’re doing fine, my angel,” Peter whispered.

  He inserted another finger and pushed deeper inside Robin. His ass muscles seemed to clench and unclench on their own while he rocked his hips back and forth, rubbing his erection against the mattress.

  Robin cried out in pleasure when Peter tapped against something inside him.

  “There you go,” Peter said.

  Sweat broke out on Robin’s body while an all-encompassing heat whirled inside him, leaving him gasping for breath. He had heard about the so-called “sweet spot,” and he wanted to experience the same flash of fieriness again.

  “Do that again!” Robin demanded.

  “It’ll be my pleasure.”

  Actions followed Peter’s words. He tapped the wonderful point inside Robin several times in quick succession, almost leading Robin to shoot his load. The heat inside him became unbearable, and his whole body quivered. When Peter laid his free hand on Robin’s shoulder, he sobbed in relief. Finally, something to anchor himself to!

  “Leave your hand there, please,” Robin said.

  “Of course.”

  Robin’s wheezing returned to a resemblance of regular breathing when he was sure Peter wouldn’t pull his hand away. How could the weight of someone else’s hand be so important? Robin had no idea, just that it was. He concentrated on the rough skin of Peter’s palm, and the softer pad of his thumb, which stroked up and down in a soothing gesture.

  The heat within him built up even more, and Peter kept tapping rhythmically on Robin’s newly discovered sweet spot. Lifting his ass high in the air, Robin tried to push back against Peter’s finger, wanting more, deeper, faster, just everything.

  “Do you want to find
your release like this?” Peter asked.

  He stilled his hand, and Robin whimpered.

  Every muscle clenched in protest at Peter’s calm words, and then the quivering began anew, rocking Robin’s body back and forth, side to side, up and down, until all he could do was beg, “Please?”

  “It’ll be my pleasure to fulfill your wish. I still need to claim you afterward, do you understand?”


  Peter pressed his finger against the bulb of nerves inside Robin, ripping a wretched cry from Robin. He couldn’t bear it anymore, but he also found himself unable to jump over the edge. Something was missing, he just didn’t know what.


  Peter tapped inside him, and Robin threw his head back, the ache in his balls and cock fierce while the sweat already cooled on his skin.

  “Peter! I need… I need….”

  Peter’s voice sounded choked when he asked, “What? What do you need, my angel? I’ll give you anything.”

  “But I don’t know what I need!”

  “Maybe I know,” Peter said.

  He pulled his hand from Robin’s shoulder, eliciting a high-pitched shriek from Robin. Peter gathered him in his arms so he could lean against Peter’s chest. The move caused Peter’s finger to tap his sweet spot at a different angle, and Robin moaned.

  “Let me kiss you,” Peter said.

  With great effort, Robin lifted his face and sought Peter’s mouth with his. This was it—the one thing he’d missed. One flick of Peter’s tongue against his, setting free his taste in Robin’s mouth, combined with the rubbing of his hidden spot, allowed Robin to come.

  His whole body vibrated as he rode out the waves of his climax—a climax like none he’d ever experienced. Brightly flashing dots sparkled in his vision even though he still had his eyes closed. Jets of semen spurted from his cock, the intensity of his release painful until the spurting stopped and relaxation set in.

  Strong arms lifted him up and turned him around. Peter arranged his limbs so that he straddled Peter’s lap. Peter tucked Robin’s head on his right shoulder, cupping the back of Robin’s head, steadying it. Peter’s other hand rested on the small of Robin’s back, sending bouts of warmth through Robin’s sensitized body.

  “That was amazing.” With a lightness in his chest, Robin breathed in and out in perfect synchronization with Peter. A bone-deep satisfaction settled inside him. Tucked close against his mate, the feeling of safety was absolute.

  “Yes, it was,” Peter replied, his voice sounding thin, foreign to Robin.

  With a great deal of effort, Robin lifted his head and pried his eyes open. His heart raced when he discovered tears rolling down Peter’s cheeks.


  Peter drew in a stuttering breath, then answered, “I’m fine. Right after your breathing is normal again, I will finally claim you.”

  “I’m looking forward to it,” Robin said.


  PETER OBVIOUSLY took Robin’s comment for an open invitation because he slanted his mouth over Robin’s, seeking entrance with his tongue. Robin opened with a sigh, content to let Peter do as he pleased and be guided to new peaks of desire.

  Peter seemed to possess Robin’s mouth as he kept him almost immobile with the lightest pressure on his head and back, but he didn’t go any further for a long time. Robin’s flaccid cock filled again under the onslaught of Peter’s tongue in his mouth, until it was completely engorged.

  “Your youth is a definite advantage in this situation,” Peter said after releasing Robin’s lips.

  “Because I can get it up again so quickly?”

  Peter chuckled as he withdrew enough to make it possible for them to look at each other. “Yes, your recovery time is most pleasing.”

  Robin threw his head back, laughing so hard his belly muscles cramped. As much as Peter’s phrasing was peculiar, Robin also found it somewhat endearing. When Robin spoke, he surprised himself by saying, “I like to please you.”

  “That is most welcome, as I like to be pleased by you.”

  “Um, okay,” Robin said. He wrinkled his nose, unsure if Peter’s comment required a snarky reply or not.

  Peter kissed the tip of Robin’s nose. “I also like to please you. I hope this has been obvious.”

  “It has. I just… like to hear it in words, you know?”

  After Peter’s nod of agreement, which he accompanied by a lopsided smile, Robin closed his eyes and sought Peter’s mouth for another of his toe-curling kisses. Peter complied, the tightening of his arms around Robin hardly leaving him enough space to breathe untroubled, but Robin couldn’t stop thinking about Peter’s words and his reaction to them.

  Pleasing Peter was important, but if he was honest with himself, he’d always been a people-pleaser, someone who wanted everyone to get along. He’d made sure to diffuse arguments—except with his sister Debra, but that was a different story altogether—and everyone liked to be around him, trusted him with small or big secrets.

  “I’m not doing a very good job of pleasing you if your thoughts wander off that far,” Peter said.


  “I will make sure your mind won’t drift anymore.” With that Peter slipped two fingers into Robin’s still well-lubed hole.

  “Ah!” Robin gasped, trembling at the sudden intrusion. All his oversensitive nerves flared back to life within seconds, causing him to clutch Peter’s upper arms in a bruising grip.

  Peter smiled at him while he thrust his fingers into Robin’s body—slowly at first, then he increased his tempo.

  “Lie down, my angel. It will be easier for you.”

  Shaking his head, Robin said, “I’m fine where I am.”

  “I will not take you in this position. Not for the first time. Let go and lie down on your stomach. That position will be the one easiest for your body to adjust to me,” Peter said in a stern voice.

  “But I—”

  “Robin. I would be very pleased if you’d do as I’ve told you.”

  “Fuck! You’re unfair!” Robin slid backward from Peter’s lap. He eyed Peter’s thick erection one more time before he positioned himself the way Peter wanted him.

  Peter ran his hands along Robin’s flanks, his touch too light for Robin to be satisfied. He tried leaning into Peter’s left hand, but that action lost him contact with his right.

  “It’s okay, Robin,” Peter murmured before he fastened his hands on Robin’s hips and pulled them upward.

  Robin rested his head on his folded forearms, the warmth of his skin a stark contrast to the cool air surrounding him. He wiggled his ass to entice Peter to get going. Moaning, Peter guided his cock to Robin’s entrance and pushed past the first ring of muscle.

  Robin squeaked in surprise, unprepared for the intense burning sting. He squeezed his eyes shut and held his breath, waiting for the burn to subside to a manageable level. He had known about the burning but wasn’t prepared for the real and incredible flare of pain.


  Robin shook his head. Breathing didn’t seem possible. Neither did it seem possible to unclench his ass muscles. “Oh God! I can’t—”

  “Yes, you can. Breathe in and out deeply, not those shallow gulps.”

  “I can’t—”

  Peter cut Robin’s complaint off with a single nip at his left earlobe. The sharp bite forced Robin to gulp for air and another whimper tumbled over his lips.

  “Breathe with me,” Peter said in a soft, soothing voice.

  Despite the scorching sensation in his ass, Robin concentrated on Peter’s breathing pattern. When Peter’s chest expanded, Robin hastened to follow his example, and after only two tries, they breathed in perfect unison. During those few seconds, the burn became tolerable.

  “Better?” Peter asked.


  “Good.” Peter pushed deeper into Robin’s body.

  Anticipating another intense burn, Robin tensed up.

  “Relax, my angel

  “I’m trying!”

  “I know, and you’re doing great. Keep breathing with me and concentrate on my flesh inside you, marking you as mine,” Peter said. He loosened his grip on Robin’s hips to stroke over Robin’s back.

  Robin relaxed under the gentle ministrations of Peter’s hands. The burning faded but now he marveled at the thick length inside him, the heat it emanated, as well as the smoothness of it.

  Peter rubbed soothing circles on his belly with one hand. “You’re doing fine. Keep breathing with me. Does it still burn?”

  “No. Just full.”

  “You will adjust to me filling you.”

  By the time Peter’s balls rested against Robin’s widely stretched hole, Robin was gulping in air in a desperate attempt to stop himself from hyperventilating. His body had turned into a quivering mass over which he had no control at all. Peter held himself still; only his cock twitched from time to time inside Robin, each time sending a spark of heat through Robin’s body.

  Peter kept stroking Robin’s back gently, helping Robin to relax even further. After kissing Robin’s neck, Peter said, “Tell me when it starts to feel good.”

  “Feel good? It’s too much, you’re too big!” Robin complained.

  “Am I really?” Peter asked, his voice full of concern and sympathy.

  “No. It’s just… I don’t know what it is.”

  Peter massaged Robin’s neck with one hand. “Trust me, Robin. Trust me to keep you safe.”

  Robin sighed and his muscles yielded, which resulted in a strangled cry from Peter.

  Robin sagged deeper into the mattress while Peter fastened his hands on Robin’s hips, anchoring him. When Peter started rocking back and forth in small movements, Robin held his breath, expecting some discomfort. Instead, the friction warmed his insides.

  Peter thrust with more power and then… then Peter hit that wonderful spot inside him.

  Robin yelled something—he didn’t know what—and pushed back against Peter. Somehow he managed to utter one word. “Again.”

  “Of course.”

  Peter thrust into Robin in a steady rhythm, stretching Robin’s channel in a way Robin didn’t think possible and sometimes hitting Robin’s prostate. A sheen of sweat spread over Robin’s skin as he tried hard to cope with the sensations.


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